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English Language DIAGNOSTIC TEST YEAR 6 Paper 1

Da e! NAME : CLASS :

This question paper consists of "# questions. Answer all questions. Each question in this paper is followed by hree or $%ur possible answer. Choose the &es answer from the answer marked A' (' C and D. Se) i%n A *ues i%n 1 + " Choose the &es word to fill in the blanks. 1. Karim is sweeping the room with a __________ . A loth ( broom C feather d!ster D "a !!m leaner $he% talk __________ as the so!nd of the m!si was "er% nois%. A lo!dl% ( slowl% C happil% D silentl% Sheila went for an __________ to be sele ted as a newsreader. A re ital C performan e ( a!dition D presentation



'. (er __________ is sitting in the li"ing room. A a!nt ( !n le C mother D grandmother *ues i%ns , + St!d% the pi t!re aref!ll% and hoose the &es phrase to omplete the paragraph.

Mrs K!mar is going to work. She __________ .,/

e"er% da%. She stops the

ar when the __________ .6/

. After the traffi lights) she __________ .-/

Nan % *+SK$*#,1'

. Mrs K!mar is a aref!l dri"er. -. A rides to work ( dri"es to work C walks to work A traffi light is green ( traffi light t!rns red C traffi light is not working A t!rns left ( stops the ar C goes straight



*ues i%ns 0 + 1# St!d% the pi t!re aref!ll%. $hen hoose the &es answer. 0.

A ( C D 2.

$he patient is sitting on the bed. $he do tor is talking to the n!rse. $here are man% patients in the ward. $he n!rse is taking the girl1s temperat!re.

A $he bo% is pa%ing for his shoes. ( $he woman is hoosing her son1s shoes. C $he ashier is wrapping the bo%1s shoes.

D $he hildren are in a large bookshop. 1,.

A ( C D

$he bo% is p!lling the rope. $he p!pils are arr%ing the rope. $he p!pils are pla%ing t!g3of3war. $he bo% is r!nning aro!nd in the park.

Se) i%n ( *ues i%ns 11 + 1, Look at the pi t!re below aref!ll%. Choose the &es senten e to fit the sit!ation shown in the pi t!res. 11.

A ( C D 1#.

4o straight and t!rn right. $here is a lot of books there. 5f o!rse 6 know where it is. 6t will be open !ntil 0.,, p.m.

A 7es) it is "er% thi k. ( 7es) 6 gift wrapped it. C 7es) 6 did. 6t was "er% e8 iting.



A ( C D 1'.

6 am "er% %o!ng. 6 am 1# %ears old. 7o! are 0 %ears old. 6 was born on 1#th Ma%.

A ( C D 1-.

7es) 6 do. $he% li"e all o"er the o!ntr%. 7es) m% o!sins are "er% friendl%. 7es) 6 like to meet them. 7es) the% bring me gifts.

A ( C D

9hen does the ontest end: 9ho took part in the ontest: Are %o! taking part in the ontest: (ow man% people entered the ontest:


Se) i%n C *ues i%ns 16 + 1# Choose the &es answer for ea h of the following senten es. 1..

$here are two spiders ________ the eiling. A on C at ( in D b% 1/. __________ were the robbers hiding: A 9hat C 9hat ( 9hen D 9here 10. __________ and olo!r a pi t!re of a parrot. A ;raw C ;rew ( ;raws D ;rawing 12. *!ne and Sheila __________ making a kite. A is C was ( are D were #,. $he bo%s __________ amping b% the bea h. A is C are ( am D was *ues i%n 11 #1. 6 !s!all% lea"e for s hool earl% b!t m% lassmate) Leela) lea"es for s hool _______. A late ( <!i kl% C h!rriedl% *ues i%ns 11 + 12 Choose the answer with the orre t spelling. ##.

She !sed a pair of __________ to !t the paper. A si sors C s issors ( s isors D si ssors


A __________ an help !s find o!r wa% in the =!ngle. A ompas C ompess ( ompass D ommpas *ues i%ns 1" + 1, Choose the senten e with the orre t p!n t!ation. #'. A ( C D #-. A ( C D siti adibah is m% lassmate. Siti adibah is m% lassmate. Siti Adibah) is m% lassmate> Siti Adibah is m% lassmate. 9here are m% 9here are m% 9here are m% 9here) are m% olo!red pen ils> olo!red pen ils: olo!red pen ils. olo!red pen ils: Se) i%n D *ues i%ns 16 + 2# Look at the pi t!re abd read the passage aref!ll%. ?ased on the pi t!re and the passage) hoose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

;e"i is a m!si tea her. She __________ .16/ the traditional 6ndian m!si al instr!ments. She tea hes hildren aged si8 to eighteen %ears old. $here __________ .1-/ eight p!pils in ea h lass. __________ .10/ ond! ts two lasses. 5ne lass is on Sat!rda% __________ .13/ the other on S!nda%. 5n Sat!rda%) she tea hes p!pils simple t!nes. Most of the p!pils are "er% %o!ng. 5n S!nda%) she tea hes p!pils more t!nes. __________ .2#/ songs are more diffi !lt too. #.. A tea h ( tea hes #/. A is ( am #0. A (e ( She #2. A b!t ( and C be a!se &,. A A ( An C $he Se) i%n E *ues i%ns 21 + 2, @ead the re ipe below and answer the <!estions that follow. STRA4(ERY JELLIES Ingre5ien s 1 sa het gelatine '-,ml strawberr% or apple =!i e 1-310 "er% ripe strawberries whipped ream ) for de oration 1. Ask a grown3!p to p!t . tablespoon of boiling water into a =!g. Sprinkle on the gelatine) then whisk aref!ll% !ntil it dissol"es. #. Ao!r in the =!i e and whisk) making s!re itBs all mi8ed in. &. A!ll the green h!lls o!t of the strawberries. Cse a knife to !t them into sli es or small h!nks. '. A!t some pie es of strawberr% into . glasses lea"ing a few to de orate at the end. $he% sho!ld be f!ll b!t with plent% of room aro!nd them. -. Ao!r the =!i e into . glasses) filling them almost to the top. A!t them on a plate or tra% in the fridge to set. $he% will take abo!t ' ho!rs to set. .. 9hen the =ellies are set) de orate with whipped ream C ta!ght D tea hing C are D was C 9e D $he%

and e8tra strawberries. &1. 9h% do we need grown!ps help with the boiling water: A ?e a!se it is hea"% ( ?e a!se we are laD% C ?e a!se it is not safe D ?e a!se the% want to help &#. $he =ellies are best ons!med as a A starter ( dessert C appetiDer D main o!rse &&. (ow long does the =ell% take to set: A 1 ho!r ( # ho!rs C & ho!rs D ' ho!rs &'. ?esides strawberr% =!i e) what other fr!it =!i e an we !se: A Apple =!i e ( Mango =!i e C 5range =!i e D Aineapple =!i e &-. $he word sa)he in the te8t an best be repla ed with A bo8 ( bottle C pa ket D spoonf!l *ues i%ns 26 + "#

&.. 9hat is the passage mainl% abo!t: A $he life % le of beetles ( ;ifferent t%pes of beetles C (ow beetles keep their enemies awa% &/. 9hat do beetles ha"e that enable them to kill their enemies: A Shooting arrows ( Aoisono!s spra%s C ?rightl%3 olo!red bodies &0. 9hi h beetle an be fo!nd li"ing in either ponds) ri"ers or lakes: A $o8i 5il ( ;arkling C ?ombardier &2. $he word s6uir in paragraph three an be best repla ed with the word A r!n ( r!sh C flow D shoot ',. 9e know that ;arkling beetles1 poisono!s spra%s are not effe ti"e be a!se A mi e are still able to eat them ( their spra% rea hes far distan es C the% a identall% spra% into the soil

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