Post Pregnancy Exercises

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The most important exercise after pregnancy

Think of the pelvic floor as the bottom of the core, and visualize a sling from front to back. The pelvic floor is the foundation to your core. Your abs cannot function without the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is important for a number of reasons and you need to do pelvic floor exercises to keep its integrity and health. It helps with incontinence, postpartum issues and training the pelvic floor can also help create the flat stomach you're looking for. The transverse abdominal muscle wraps around the torso from front to back and the muscle fibers of the T run horizontally, similar to a corset or a weight belt. These muscles are your true core muscles and strengthening them will give you power and tone your entire body. !ee below for exercises. Together the four muscle groups of the abdominal wall, especially the Transverse bdominis, and the muscles of the pelvic floor act as a sling supporting your baby. The stronger you can get these muscles the more comfortable you will be post delivery. If you want to be able to wiggle into your skinny "eans or wear that bikini without your pooch folding over your swimsuit's bottom, then working your pelvic floor and transverse abdominis both during and after pregnancy is essential. fter you are able to perform the exercises below it's time to add more exercises to build your core strength and create a flat stomach. You can continue the T and #$ training with exercises on %indsay's &'&s.

Exercise for weeks 0-6 post delivery

Pelvic Floor & Transverse A dominis Training - !eeks 0-" postpart#m
$% Pelvic Floor &ovements %ie on your back with your feet close to your butt. #ull your hip bones down and in and flatten your stomach while contracting your anus. If you felt your legs or your buttocks tense you were not using your pelvic floor, but your lower body muscles. Try it again. This time with your feet up on a chair. If you don't engage your butt or your leg muscles and you're able to pull your hip bones down and flatten your belly, you've done it( You've hit bottom and used the muscles of your pelvic floor. 'epeat (-$0x daily) The )egel is a simple exercise you can do while sitting, standing or getting ready for bed. nd nobody will even notice you're *exercising* the pelvic floor. ct as though you are stopping the flow of urine, hold for +, seconds and release. -epeat as often as you like.reach for at least $0x daily) *% Transverse A dominis &ovements #lace one hand on your lower abdomen below your belly button. s you inhale try to pull your abs away from your hand and towards your spine, keeping your hand motionless. If you can keep your abs pulled in and breathe normally you "ust activated the T ( 'epeat $0x daily) /ote0 pulling your belly button toward your spine is /1T the same thing as sucking in your gut. 2hat do you when you suck in your gut3 You hold your breath. You don't want to do that. 2hen you suck in your gut you hold your breath and what else happens3 Try it and find out.

That's right. Your chest rises. That's not what you're trying to do. You want the chest to be still when you pull 4not suck in5 your abdominal muscles toward your spine. Try the exercise lying on your back, and think about someone putting their foot on your belly and compressing it down toward the floor. You can still breathe normally 4and that's when your chest can rise and fall5 but you aren't holding your expanded chest still. In order to fully engage your abdominals, and in particular your transverse abdominis 4T 5, you have to pull your belly button in toward your spine. This engages the T , and also works on the other muscles that run along your spine as well as your abdominals. In fact, you've probably engaged these muscles without even knowing it when pulling on your skinny "eans(

Pelvic Floor & Transverse A dominis Training - !eeks "-6 postpart#m

These movements can be done a 6.7 weeks after delivery of your baby. 1f course you need to pay attention to how you feel, and if you had a c.section you need to read here before starting these movements. gain, listen to your body and your doctor. You should feel good while doing these movements, but if any pain arises stop immediately. These are movements created to retrain your inner core after baby arrives...core exercise should not begin until you have your doctor's permission, usually around 7.8 weeks. Then you should proceed gradually with the 9$! :ethod &'& or ;oot 9amp < &'&. +5 Pelvic Tilts, place the crook of your knees on a couch and pull your hip bones towards your rib cage slightly. ;e carefull not to s=ueeze your butt 4which is why it's important to start on the couch5. >ventually work up to doing these with your feet on the ground and knees bent. 8.+< reps. <5 Pelvic +hr#gs, get in the position of a crunch and pull your right hip bone toward your right rib cage, trying to only use the #$ and not lifting your back or s=ueezing your butt. &o the same thing on the left. 8.+< reps each side. ?a5 Pelvic +coots, get in the position of a crunch. !lide one heel out while keeping your core activated 4back doesn't lift off the floor and stomach doesn't pooch5. 1nly go as far as you can eventualy trying to get the leg straight. ?b5 dd an arm lift0 as you scoot the leg swing your opposite arm above your head, maintaining core activation. +, reps each side. 65 +#pported +eal, lie on your stomach and lift your torso. Your hands should be on the floor for support 4but try to "ust use back strength(5 -emember your back is part of yoru strengthening it helps bring in the tummy( @ x ?, seconds @5 Post#re, make an upside down hershey kiss with your hands 4index and thumbs touch5and place on your lower abdomen. Inhale and as you exhale pull your skin 4using the #$5 away from your hands. You should see a little bit of light. )eep the #$ activated as you continue to breathe, eventually making this a habit so your #$ is pulled in all day long( You should be able to master these within several weeks and eventually integrate them into all the core exercises you do. If you need help intergrating you may want to look into my 9$! :ethod &'&

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