Business Development Manager, Co - Export China: Responsibilities Include

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Co.LxporL Chlna Co. LLd. seeks a quallfled professlonal for a 8uslness uevelopmenL Manager poslLlon
ln lLs Shanghal (Chlna) offlce. 1hls ls an exclLlng opporLunlLy Lo help wlLh Lhe esLabllshmenL of a new
company and Lo work on some of Lhe mosL advanced Slno-Luropean pro[ecLs for Lhe Chlnese
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon rogram.
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon has been consldered by Lhe acLual Chlnese CovernmenL as one of Lhe Lop
prlorlLy for Chlna Lo work on. Co.LxporL Chlna ls dlrecLly lnvolved ln developlng and managlng key-
relaLed pro[ecLs, [olnLly wlLh lLallan and Chlnese sLraLeglc parLners.
Co.LxporL Chlna was founded ln Shanghal ln 2008 by a Leam of professlonals Lo provlde sLraLeglc and
lnvesLmenL advlces and problem-solvlng supporL Lo lLallan SMLs, assoclaLlons, and governmenL
agencles. Co.LxporL Chlna brlngs 30 years on-Lhe-ground experlence and knowledge Lo each of our
9&#,+%#$:$*$.$&# $%;*"<&=
8ulldlng, malnLalnlng and managlng cllenL relaLlonshlps
Leadlng ongolng cllenL programs and cllenL developmenL acLlvlLles
reparlng reporLs and oLher maLerlals for cllenLs
rovldlng ln-counLry, on-Lhe-ground supporL for cllenLs
ueveloplng comprehenslve buslness sLraLegles
ldenLlfylng new opporLunlLles for lnvesLmenLs, acqulslLlons, markeLs and LalenLs
Worklng on speclal pro[ecLs as needed and asslgned
(&#$2&< >"0*$?$;0.$+%#=
MasLer's uegree ln buslness, economlcs, lnLernaLlonal relaLlons, LasL Asla, communlcaLlons
or relaLed fleld.
lluenL ln lLallan, Lngllsh and Chlnese Mandarln (wrlLLen/spoken).
Less Lhan 3 years relevanL experlence, governmenL relaLlons, corporaLe affalrs, managemenL
consulLlng, sLraLeglc communlcaLlons.
uemonsLraLed famlllarlLy wlLh and experlence ln Chlna and LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon fleld.
Lxperlence deallng wlLh organlzaLlonal and performance managemenL lssues.
Plgh-level lnLerpersonal, negoLlaLlon and communlcaLlon skllls, lncludlng experlence ln cross-
culLural envlronmenL and lnLernaLlonal seLLlngs.
AblllLy Lo develop and malnLaln sound worklng relaLlonshlps wlLh governmenL
represenLaLlves, publlc and prlvaLe secLor organlzaLlons, non-governmenL organlzaLlons and
oLher sLakeholders.
SLrong wrlLlng and research skllls.
roflclency ln MlcrosofL Cfflce.
Wllllng Lo Lravel around Malnland Chlna.
Salary Lo be negoLlaLed based on experlence and quallflcaLlons.
!ob AppllcaLlon sLarLlng daLe: lebruary 24
lnLeresLed appllcanLs should send Lhelr cover leLLer and resume Lo hr[

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Co.LxporL Chlna Co. LLd. seeks a quallfled young professlonal for a ro[ecL Manager poslLlon ln lLs
Shanghal (Chlna) offlce. 1hls ls an exclLlng opporLunlLy Lo help wlLh Lhe esLabllshmenL of a new
company and Lo work on some of Lhe mosL advanced Slno-Luropean pro[ecLs for Lhe Chlnese
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon rogram.
LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon has been consldered by Lhe acLual Chlnese CovernmenL as one of Lhe Lop
prlorlLy for Chlna Lo work on. Co.LxporL Chlna ls dlrecLly lnvolved ln developlng and managlng key-
relaLed pro[ecLs, [olnLly wlLh lLallan and Chlnese sLraLeglc parLners.
Co.LxporL Chlna was founded ln Shanghal ln 2008 by a Leam of professlonals Lo provlde sLraLeglc and
lnvesLmenL advlces and problem-solvlng supporL Lo lLallan SMLs, assoclaLlons, and governmenL
agencles. Co.LxporL Chlna brlngs 30 years on-Lhe-ground experlence and knowledge Lo each of our
9&#,+%#$:$*$.$&# $%;*"<&=
8ulldlng, malnLalnlng and managlng cllenL relaLlonshlps.
reparlng reporLs and oLher maLerlals for cllenLs.
rovldlng ln-counLry, on-Lhe-ground supporL for cllenLs.
SupporLlng Lhe 8uslness uevelopmenL Manager ln deflnlng sLraLegles.
ldenLlfylng new opporLunlLles for lnvesLmenLs, acqulslLlons, markeLs and LalenLs.
Worklng on speclal pro[ecLs as needed and asslgned.
(&#$2&< >"0*$?$;0.$+%#=
MasLer's uegree ln buslness, economlcs, lnLernaLlonal relaLlons, LasL Asla, communlcaLlons
or relaLed fleld.
lluenL ln lLallan, Lngllsh and Chlnese Mandarln (wrlLLen/spoken).
CraduaLlng/!usL graduaLed.
8esldenL ln Chlna.
Plgh-level lnLerpersonal, negoLlaLlon and communlcaLlon skllls, lncludlng experlence ln cross-
culLural envlronmenL and lnLernaLlonal seLLlngs.
SLrong wrlLlng and research skllls.
roflclency ln MlcrosofL Cfflce.
Salary Lo be negoLlaLed based on experlence and quallflcaLlons.
!ob AppllcaLlon sLarLlng daLe: lebruary 24
lnLeresLed appllcanLs should send Lhelr cover leLLer and resume Lo hr[

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