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Ricardo Pacheco Berrones UP-100-235

Ing. Marco Antonio Flores Fras

Aguascalientes Due date: February 8th 2013

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................. 4 Practice 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Practice 2 ................................................................................................................................... 11 Practice 3 ................................................................................................................................... 13 Practice 4 ................................................................................................................................... 18 Practice 5 ................................................................................................................................... 22 Practice 6 ................................................................................................................................... 26 Practice 7 ................................................................................................................................... 27 Practice 8 ................................................................................................................................... 33 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................. 36 Practice 5 ................................................................................................................................... 36 Practice 6 ................................................................................................................................... 36 Practice 7 ................................................................................................................................... 36 Practice 8 ................................................................................................................................... 37 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 37

The report is about the development of 8 practices during the first unit of this subject that is called CAE which means Computer-aided engineering, for the practices we are going to use SolidWorks that is a well-known software that is used for many applications on the industries and other areas that need engineering for developing a piece, a system, any solid that is submitted to physical aspects as stress, loads, or any other application that consumes the solid, and as it was told in the beginning of this class, we need first to develop a prototype in a computer to analyze what is going to happen in this solid. In some of the practices we are going to use new tools that will help us to make easier the sketches and also the pieces, some of the operations that we can make in SolidWorks are very useful in order to create a perfect figure, as there are a lot of tools to develop a function and create a shape, there are a lot of ways to develop the same piece. The report also is going to show how to develop a study for the pieces in order to analyze the solid and know how is going to behave with the conditions, this also apply on the material, the material also determines the results of the study, the stress, displacement and also the factor of safety of the piece, in the report we also are going to present how to develop those procedures of the pieces in order to create the studies.

Practice 1 For the practice we start the program known as SolidWorks, in the program we chose new and select a new part.

We choose a plane to develop the practice and start with the sketch in order to make a new piece.

We select the option center rectangle that will start a triangle from the center

With the smart dimension option we can decide the size of the figure in order to make the image fully defined, the size would be 200x200mm.

After we get out of the sketch once we finished the image it automatically goes to the extruded base option, which is going to be 15mm.

After that we make a new sketch in the middle of the square that we made selecting the face of the front and the dimensions are 50x50mm.

And we select the option of extruded cut option and we select only 10mm of the width of the piece to cut, so we will have a hole.

After that we make a hole in one of the corners separated 20mm from the edges for the corner to the center, also we make 2 centerlines that will go across the square.

With the lines we are going to use the option mirror entities, so we can have four holes with the same properties as the original circle.

After that we select once again the option of extruded cut to make the holes but now to go through the entire piece.

Now we are going to use the filet to make the corners round with the help of the tool called filet:

And we select the corners we want to apply the filet, also it is going to be applied in the square inside.

After that I applied the chamfer property for the piece.

10 We also apply this property inside of the piece.

Now we also add some equations to the square in order to work with only a measure and once we modify the measure, it changes everything so this makes it faster for making changes for the whole piece without making change for every part.


Practice 2
For the practice we start to extrude a piece of 100x50 with an extruded base of 10mm.

After making the piece we use the filet to change the corners for round parts.

After making the piece with round corners, now we use the tool mirror entities for making the circles in the piece, this tool help us to copy any figure using a reference of a line.

I used some center lines to create a circle in the side of the original one on the middle of 10mm of diameter. So every line will make the circles in both sides.


After that it was used the chamfer for the entire piece.

For this practice it was also used the idea of using the equations for having all the measures related to only one measure.


All the measures were related in this case to the width of the piece which is for 1.

We know that we have an equation related to the measure when we have this kind of symbol next to the measure of any of the smart measure.

Practice 3 This practice is about making a screw with a cosmetic thread; this means that our design is going to show just an image of the thread without making any operations or


modifications in our screw. So first we start making a circle of 0.096 with an extruded base of 0.06.

After that we need to make another circle with 0.06in of diameter, after that we need to make another extruded base for the screw.

Now we go ahead and go to insert/annotations/cosmetic thread, after that we select the option of cosmetic thread is going to tell us that we need to make a circle in the front of the screw in order for the screw to have the 75% of the screw covered with the cosmetic thread.

If we take a look to the simulation, we dont have any thread so we need to go and make right click over the image to select the option document properties.


Then it would open a window where we have to select the option that says detailing.

In the window theres an option that allow us to show the thread, if we do not pick this option to show the thread, then we will not be able to see the thread.

The thread has to be of 0.375in in order to represent the 75% of the screw with a thread, we also need to select when we are modifying the thread that we want to determine the measure of the thread, so with the blind option, we can decide the measure of the thread.

After we have the next circle then we select the option extruded cut that will make the cut of the other 25% of the screw that doesnt have thread, so we also select to flip the side to cut, otherwise the cut would be inside the screw.


The cut that we make is not that easy to view from a far view, we need to get closer to the piece to check the real change of the cut.

Once we have finished the front part, we go to the head of the thread; we are going to select the option to make a hexagon with a size of 0.05in with an extruded cut of 0.025in.


Once we have finished the screw, now we need to create a table in order to have other designs in the same simulation, so we go to insert, tables, and select the option of design tables.

We also use the filet in the screw to have a more realistic screw.

After we choose the table, we can get all the values to the table, so they are saved and also we can create our own parameters.

So with the help of the table we can have a lot of screws in the same file of the simulation, so it is easier to develop the practice with this kind of information.


Practice 4 This practice is also about the development of another screw but now this screw will have a geometric thread instead of a cosmetic thread. So we start with the last screw that we have.

Now we are going to make the thread, so first we make a circle in the edge of the screw so we can have a guide for the spiral.


After that we select the option helix or spiral found in the curves option.

After that we need to determine the measurements of the spiral with the information that we get from the tables.

After we determined the spiral of the screw, now we need to make the shape of the figure that will make the cut through the spiral, for this case we are going to make a triangle in a different plane, in this case is going to be applied in the floor.


After that we choose the option swept cut that will take the triangle as the profile cutter and the spiral as the path to make the cut.

And the result of making the triangle and the spiral together gives the next result, also with adding filets to the screw in some parts.


After that step we need to also apply a table for measures that were assigned in class in order to apply UNC and UNF standards for the screw, this determines if the screw only have coarse or also a fine pitch.

Also we need to consider the operation for the fine thread.

So for this kind of reason it is necessary to identify the kind of screw that we have available and also to know how to make the design.


Practice 5 In the practice we are going to use two kind of simulators SolidWorks Simulation and SimulationXpress to analyze the piece in two ways. So we make a rectangle of 60x40mm with an extruded base of 400mm, so we get this bar.

So first we go ahead and select the option to develop the practice with SimulationXpress.

In this kind of simulation we just need to follow some directions in order to apply, fixtures, loads and then the mesh of the piece, so we select the fixture of the piece.


After that we select the load, in SimulationXpress is going to be the whole face of the piece.

The material for the practice is going to be AISI 1020, and the force is going to be 2500N. For the material we make right click over the name of the solid and select to edit material, with this a window will open to show all the materials available.

After selecting the material the simulation can start and it will show us all the results that we are looking for.


For Nylon 101 is the same thing and kind of study, but the results are going to change because of the material.

Now for the SolidWorks Simulation, we need to create a new study that will lead us to a different way of results.


After that we choose static, and also we select the same fixture, now the load is going to be applied just in the edge of the piece, so we select the edge and select the direction of the load against the body.

After selecting the direction we notice that we have some arrows that show the direction of the load.

Then we select to modify the mesh using the advisor for the properties of the mesh, and the simulation will run.

For this practice, is the first time we make a report so we select the option to make the report and also choose the path of the report.


Practice 6 In this practice we are going to apply almost the same procedure as before, but now it is going to be in a bar with the measures of 50x10mm with an extruded base of 1000mm, so we got this piece.

For this practice we are going to apply a study with the help of SW Simulation tool, so we select the fixture which is also one of the sides of the bar, in this situation the material is going to be AISI 316L, because this material has a modulus of elasticity of 200GPa or bigger. In this situation we are going to apply gravity in the piece, not a load, so we choose in the loads option the gravity.

We just need to apply it over the bar and check all the results like the stress.


For this practice we also need to develop a report as before, so we just choose the option to create the report and we have a report about all the results of the study for this bar.

Practice 7 For this practice first we star to make a circle that will have a diameter of 1.5in and another inside that one of 1in, after that we make an extruded base of 1.125in.

Once we finish that we need to create a plane, so we go to reference geometry and select the option plane.


After that it will allow us to select the place of the plane, so in this case the plane has to be 0.5in from the frontal face.

After the plane we make the same procedure of circle but with a diameter of 1in and the inside circle of 0.6in it has to be separated 3in from the center of the big circle, so we also use a smart dimension to change the distance.

After that we make an extraction in inverse way of 0.5in.


Once we have the part extruded, we select the back part of the arm to make a new plane with no separation.

In this second plane we are going to make a circle with the same dimensions of 1in and 0.6in of diameter, and next we make an extrude base of 0.5in.

We make the same thing on the opposite side but the extruded base is going to be of 0.125in but with the help of the first plane we made.


So we make some filets, with a size of 0.375in in the sides and 0.125 on the upper and lowe part of the arm.


Now we need to make an axis in order to use a tool called circular pattern that will repeat the arm with all its properties and features, so we select in the option reference geometry the option axis.

We need to apply it in the center of the big circle, so we select the outer face of the piece in order to have the axis in the middle.

After having the axis now we select the option called circular pattern, this will take as reference the axis in order to have the parts around the axis.

Once we select it we need to now select the faces we want to repeat in the option faces to pattern.


What we need to do now is to add a table with the values of the arms and also with the circular pattern in order to have more arms and also to have the arms more separated from the center.

Once we finished modifying the table, the result now is this one, and we can change between the arms and also between the distances. The studies that we need to make are for Brass and AISI 1020 with 3 arms and 4 arms, those separated by 3in and 4in respectively. So we start a new study:


The fixtures are applied inside the small circles and the force over the face of the circle in the center.

So we are going to apply a study for every example and situation that was given in class with both of the materials. Also for the practices we need to create a report for every practice.

Practice 8 For this practice we are going to start from the figure we made on practice 7, so we start with this figure.


We apply the property of the circular pattern once again. For this property to be applied we select the option faces to pattern and that will give us one solid for the entire piece.

After having the piece we make a new study with a material of BRASS, and we are going to apply the load of 2500N on the faces of the big circles and the fixtures inside the small circles.


Now we need to apply another study to the practice in order to know the factor of safety of the piece, so we make right click over the results option and select the option define the factor of safety.

Once we choose it, now we just need to follow the arrows without moving anything of the configuration and the study provide us of the factor of safety.

With modifying the width and the filets I have found that we can make the security factor even bigger for this practice.


Practice 5
Practica AISI-1020\Practica3-Estudio 1-1.docx Practica AISI-1020\Practica3-Estudio_de_SimulationXpress-1.docx Practica Nylon 101\practica 3-Estudio 1-1.docx Practica Nylon 101\practica 3-Estudio_de_SimulationXpress-1.docx

Practice 6
Prctica AISI-36L\Pieza2-Estudio 1-1.docx

Practice 7 MATERIA FEATURE L S 3arms/3i AISI 1020 n 3arms/4i n 4arms/3i n 4arms/4i n

DISPLACEMEN STRESS T 4.61588e+00 0.01521 mm 7 N/m^2 7.28776e+00 7 N/m^2 0.0538 mm 3.21763e+00 0.012019 mm 7 N/m^2 5.36149e+00 0.0369 mm 7 N/m^2

F.S 7.655

GLOBAL TOLERANC SIZE E 0.1522in 0.0076in 0.0078in 0.0081in 0.008in

4.841 3 0.1537in 10.96 4 0.1672in 6.553 4 0.1618in



3arms/3i n 3arms/4i n 4arms/3i n 4arms/4i n

4.5779e+007 0.032881 mm N/m^2 7.24163e+00 0.1622 mm 7 N/m^2 3.19738e+00 0.02379 mm 7 N/m^2 5.33461e+00 0.07942 mm 7 N/m^2

5.237 8 0.1566in 3.388 7.441 4.409 0.1597in 0.1632in 0.1675in

0.0076in 0.00786in 0.00811in 0.00844in

Practica 7\Practica 7-3 arms 3in.docx Practica 7\Practica 7-3 arms 3in b-2.docx Practica 7\Practica 7-3 arms 4in b-2.docx Practica 7\Practica 7-3 arms 4in-3.docx

Practica 7\Practica 7-4 arms 3in b-2.docx Practica 7\Practica 7-4 arms 3in-2.docx Practica 7\Practica 7-4 arms 4in b-2.docx Practica 7\Practica 7-4 arms 4in-2.docx

Practice 8 practica 8-force-1.docx

What I have learned from the practices is that SolidWorks is a very useful tool that can help us to develop a project the way we want, first what the program showed me is that we can make any figure that we want in a draft and then we can make the draft into a solid, also with some other operations, we can make the solid to look like a real piece. The development of the practices helped me to remember some of the tools I used before in other practices, this class is helping me to understand how to use the tools that SolidWorks is giving us. For many of us some of the tools were new and allow us to develop all the pieces. I think that SolidWorks is a tool that can be applied in many places and areas of the industry and also in development of projects in real life, this is not a software to practice in the university it also allow many people around the world to develop whatever they want. I think that is necessary for engineers to understand and know how to use software for simulating situations of real life, as we know SolidWorks allows us to apply many kind of studies to a piece or also to a system that we develop from many pieces. It is important to know how to use the software correctly otherwise we are always going to have problems developing our projects and also when we get a job in the industry, if we do not know how to use this kind of software, and then we would not be competitive against the others that are looking for our job.

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