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Umbra The umbra (Latin: shadow) is the darkest part of a shadow.

From within the umbra, the source of light is completely concealed by the occulting body. In astronomy, an observer in the umbra is said to be experiencing a total eclipse. [edit] Penumbra The penumbra (Latin: paenes "almost, nearly" + umbra "shadow") the region in which only a portion of the occulting body is obscuring the light source. An observer in the penumbra experiences a partial eclipse. [edit] Antumbra The antumbra is the region from which the occulting body appears entirely contained within the disc of the light source. If an observer in the antumbra moves closer to the light source, the apparent size of the occulting body increases until it causes a full umbra. An observer in this region experiences an annular eclipse.

The area of the shadow where the light is only partly blocked is the penumbra. A limited region of the shadow is shaded entirely from the light source: this is the umbra. The specific effect of enlarging a light source is to make the penumbra bigger and the umbra smaller. More areas will receive less than 100% of the light, but a smaller area will be 100% shadow - hence the blurring effect. Light and shadow are more evenly distributed. Overall, the area in some degree of shadow will increase. The blurring will also be exacerbated by moving your finger away from the surface onto which its shadow falls

u = object distance v = image distance f = focal length .. [f is +ve (real) for converging lens] 1/u + 1/v = 1/f .. 1/v = 1/f - 1/u a) 1/v = 1/200 - 1/500 = 0.003 .. .. v = 333.30 mm (real, on opposite side of lens to object) b) 1/v = 1/200 - 1/200 = 0 .. .. v = infinity c) 1/v = 1/200 - 1/150 = - 0.00167 .. .. v = - 600 mm ..(image is virtual, at 600mm on same side as object) The virtual image is what you see through the lens. A concave lens always shows a smaller upright virtual image. If you're looking at a virtual image from a convex lens, it will be larger and upright if located less than the focal length f from the lens and inverted if located beyond f. A real image is always inverted. This is easy to understand. The real image is on the opposite side of the lens from the object. Visualize what happens to any ray that comes from a point on the object that is not on the optical axis and passes through the center of the lens. It continues in the same direction and so ends up on the other side of the optical axis; thus it's inverted. Virtual images are produced when the eye encounters diverging rays from the lens and constructs an image at the hypothetical convergence points of these rays. Since the rays from a point on the object to the lens are already diverging, they will diverge more when they pass through the concave lens, so you'll always see a virtual image and there is no real image. magnified

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