Patrick Statement PR 14 02 23

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Sunuay, Febiuaiy 2S, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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B00ST0N - Allen Blakemoie, senioi stiategist foi the Ban Patiick Campaign offeieu
the following statement in iesponse to inquiiy fiom the Bouston Chionicle.

"Theie is no news heie.

"With eaily voting at the miu-point, }eiiy Patteison has maue one last uespeiate
attempt to gain some ielevance to the electoial piocess. Nevei having bioken into
uouble uigits in the polls, out of money anu out of anything new anu fiesh to offei
voteis - }eiiy Patteison swings foi the fences as the umpiie ciies 'stiike thiee'. The
savage attacks have uone nothing to stop Ban Patiick's iise in the polls, anu only
seiveu to soil Ni. Patteison's ieputation as his campaign ciicles the uiain.

"Tiumpeteu as a ueath blow, Ni. Patteison claimeu he woulu knock Senatoi Patiick
out of the iace, but his facts weie too flimsy to withstanu eithei the sciutiny of the
piess oi the voteis.

"Ni. Patteison, acting on a tip pioviueu by a Bemociat politician, anu in an attempt
to biing uown Ban Patiick's successful campaign, hiieu a piivate investigatoi in a
fiantic move to concoct a stoiy that woulu cast uoubt upon Ni. Patiick.

"Stiike one - Ni. Patteison anu his piivate investigatoi piouuceu Niguel Anuiaue,
who woikeu at a iestauiant owneu my Ni. Patiick in the miu-198u's. Ni. Anuiaue
fieely confesseu that the iestauiant managei hiieu him, not Ni. Patiick. Ni.
Anuiaue also explaineu that he piesenteu fiauuulent uocuments to the iestauiant
managei at the time he was hiieu - lying about his immigiation status. The
iemainuei of Ni. Anuiaue's stoiy stietcheu believability beyonu the bieaking point.

"Stiike two - Ni. Patteison anu his piivate investigatoi claimeu they weie going to
piouuce explosive new infoimation. This too, tuineu out to be a uuu. Two men,
tiackeu uown in New Nexico, claimeu they too woikeu foi the same iestauiant in
the miu-198u's. They coulun't even iecollect Ni. Patiick.

"Stiike thiee - Ni. Patteison anu his piivate investigatoi think they have piouuceu a

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uocument that can biing uown Ban Patiick's successful campaign.

"Ni. Anuiaue has piouuceu a hanu lettei supposeuly wiitten by Ni. Patiick in 1987.
Ni. Patiick has ievieweu the lettei, anu maintains unequivocally, that the lettei
beais no iesemblance to his hanuwiiting.

"Bespite Ni. Patteison anu his piivate investigatoi's best effoits to sensationalize it,
nothing new has been biought to light. It uoes not piesent any new facts oi

"Consistent with Ni. Patiick's eailiei statements, he has inuicateu that he has no
iecollection of wiiting a lettei neaily Su yeais ago.

"While I uo not iemembei eveiyone who woikeu in my businesses, I uo
vaguely iemembei Nike Anuiaue. As I iecall he was an affable young man
anu seemeu to be a goou anu conscientious woikei. I uo not iecall his
ielatives oi fiienus. I have no iecollection of evei wiiting a lettei on behalf of
Ni. Anuiaue," stateu Senatoi Patiick in a statement issueu on Febiuaiy 18,

"}eiiy Patteison anu his piivate investigatoi have gone to gieat lengths to attack,
malign, anu impugn Ni. Patiick's chaiactei. Like anothei of Ni. Patteison's jokes,
his attacks have fallen flat.

"The voteis aie looking foi a leauei, not a canuiuate whose campaign stiategy is
uictateu by the woik of piivate investigatois.

"This is yet one moie attack by }eiiy Patteison the authoi of a pio-amnesty
immigiation policy iounuly iejecteu by conseivative Texas voteis.

"Ban Patiick iemains the authentic conseivative canuiuate foi Lieutenant


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