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Prof. Candelaria Luque C.

Prof. Melina Marn

Febrero, 2006
A. Read the following sets of sentences and identify the part of speech of the words in
1. He was in his car.
2. They shook hands and went in.
3. A few years ago jogging was the in thing.
4. These are the ins and outs of the situation.
5. Each individual flower is tiny.
6. Several trees will flower this years for the first time.
7. I love this flower pot.
8. She has moved to a smaller house.
9. We had to drink the restaurants house wine.
10.Local authorities will house homeless people.
11.She told me that you were here.
12.What is that?
13.That shirt is too expensive.
14.The show is not that bad.
15.I have a different view on the subject.
16.He is not subject to the normal police discipline code.
17.He subjected her to four years of beatings and abuse.


B. Identify the part of speech of each word in the following sentences.

1. The garden industry is booming.
2. We advise everyone to ring before they leave.
3. It was dark when I reached East London.
4. We believed we were fighting for a good cause.
5. Advances have continued, though actual productivity has fallen.
6. Howard has been working hard over the recess.
7. My receptionist will help you choose the frames.
8. Prices have been rising faster than incomes.
9. The old people work the hardest.

10.Football has become international.
C. Read the text and fill in the chart by grouping the same parts of speech.
Charlie Tait and Willie Tait are identical twin brothers. Charlie is married to Lisa, and
Willie is married to Dawn. Lisa and Dawn are sisters. Both couples have got three children.
Charlie and Lisa have got one son and two daughters. Kevin is 16, Kylie is 13, and Claire is 6.
Willie and Dawn have got two sons and one daughter. Michael is 16, Scott is 12, and Becky
is 5. The two families live in Newcastle. Both have a large house next to a park.






Pronouns Conjunctions

D. Read the text below and look for an example of:

countable noun
proper noun
auxiliary verb
finite verb
non-finite verb
transitive verb
intransitive verb
linking verb




Humphrey Bogart was born on Christmas Day in 1899. He grew up in New York City and
started studying to be a doctor; but in 1918 he left college and joined the US Navy. He fought in
the First World War and when he returned to the US he decided to become an actor. He got a
job in the theatre in New York. But in the 1930s he moved to Hollywood and started working in
some films. There he met and fell in love with Lauren Bacall. They got married very soon after
they met. She was his fourth wife. Although he won an Oscar for best actor for his role in The

African Queen in 1951, his most famous role was as Rick in Casablanca, which is probably the
greatest love story ever on film.

E. Read the text and fill in the chart by grouping the same parts of speech.
Buckingham Palace is the Queens official residence. There are 609 rooms, and 700 staff
work at the Palace. Tourists can visit the Palace in August and September and see paintings
by Rembrandt, Rubens and Vermeer. Visitors can also enjoy a walk in the garden with its
beautiful 19th century lake. The largest room in Buckingham Palace is the ballroom. Its 37
metres long, 18 metres wide and over 13 metres high. The Queen uses the throne room for
special occasions and royal ceremonies.






Pronouns Conjunctions

F. Read the text below and look for an example of:

countable noun
uncountable noun
collective noun
auxiliary verb
finite verb
non-finite verb
transitive verb
intransitive verb


linking verb


The school is quite small and friendly and I dont have to wear a uniform. I
can wear my own clothes but I cant wear jeans and a T-shirt. I cant take

food or drink at my desk, but theres a snack bar and I can take a break
every two hours. I cant make any phone calls to my family or friends from
reception. However, I can use the internet if I want.
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Discuss the
meaning and/or use of the verb tense(s) in each case.
1. I ______________ (watch) television everyday.
2. Water ______________(consist) of hydrogen and oxygen.
3. I ______________(study ) for two hours every night.
4. I need an umbrella because it ______________ (rain).
5. The sun ______________ (raise) in the East, and ______________ (set) in the West.
6. He ______________ (sleep) when I ______________(arrive).
7. Most animals ______________(kill) only for food.
8. You can make the tea because the water ______________ (boil).
9. Mary ______________ (always leave) her dirty socks on the floor for me to pick up!
10.The examination ______________(begin) at 9 AM tomorrow morning.
11.Dont you think you ______________ (be) rather foolish?
12.John ______________ (sleep) right now.
13.I ______________ (ask) them to be quiet. I ______________ (try) to hear what the
man _____________(say).
14.I thought she looked thinner. Apparently, she ______________ (slim).
15.He ______________(live) in Paris for ten years but now he ______________(live) in
16.The climate in this area ______________(get) drier and drier.
17.Sabina ______________(perform) in Cordoba on February 23rd.
1. Choose the right option in each line of dialogue.
Jason: Whos winning?/ wins?
Lisa: No one. We dont play / arent playing a match. Were practising/ We practise
our shots.
Jason: Can I join in?
Lisa: Sure! Im Sam. This is my twin sister, Lisa. And thats Bella, our friend.
Jason: Im Jason.
Bella: Hi, Jason. And hello ... er ....
Jason: Oh, this is my brother.
Luke: My names Luke.
Jason: He always follows/ is always following me around.
Luke: No, Im not!
Lisa: Are you living/ do you live in this town?

Jason: Yes, but we only moved here last weekend. We are living/ live near the station.
Luke: Were having/ have a look around this morning.
Bella: Is it / is it being strange moving to a new town?
Jason: A bit. But I get/ m getting used to it.
2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present simple or
present continuous. Discuss the meaning of the verb tense in each case
Luke: Who are the Cobras?
Bella: We are. Its the name of our basketball team.
Jason: Are you any good?
Sam: We ___________________ (get) better. We ___________________ (practise) most
evenings. And normally we ___________________ (play) one match a week.
Lisa: Theres a league for all the local under 15 teams.
Jason: Really? I ___________________ (love) basketball.
Bella: Well, we ___________________ (look) for an extra player. How old are you?
Jason: Im 14.
Lisa: Welcome to the Cobras, Jason!
Jason: I ___________________ (believe) it! This is fantastic!
Luke: Hey! What about me?
Jason: Luke, you ___________________ (be) too young. Youre only 12.
Luke: You ___________________ (always/say) Im too young. Its not fair!
Jason: Too bad!

C. Write the meaning of the tense used in each sentence. Choose from the list in the
*Habitual action
*Future action that is very certain to happen
*Permanent situation or state
*Fixed arrangement

*Repeated action showing annoyance

*Developing situation
*Eternal truth
*Temporary action over a limited
period of time

1. Im going to school by bus this week.

2. Peter lives in a big house on the outskirts of Paris.

3. Youre always smoking in the room.

4. Lentils are rich in iron. ___________________________________________________
5. A woman is waiting for you in the office.
6. She rarely uses public transport. ____________________________________________
7. The exam is at 8 next Monday.
8. Summers are getting hotter and hotter. _______________________________________
1. Complete the following text with the correct form of the Simple Past tense
Mr and Mrs Paik are from South
No, _______________ (explain) the
Korea. They _______________ (get)
guard, thats Venedig. This is Vnns
married last year. They
_______________ (decide) to have
The train_______________ (be) in a
their honeymoon in Europe, and they
small village in the north of Sweden.
_______________ (choose) to visit
The Paiks _______________ (tell)
Stockholm and Venice. They
the guard their story. We
_______________ (enjoy) their visit
_______________ (want) to go to
to Stockholm, and they
Venice in the north of Italy. We
_______________ (be) excited about
_______________ (not/know) the
Venice. They _______________
Swedish name _______________
(leave) the Swedish capital on an
(be) Venedig. When we
overnight train.
_______________ (buy) our tickets in
The next morning, the Paiks
the railway station in Stockholm, the
_______________ (look out) of the
clerk _______________ (think) we
train window. They _______________
said Vnns in Sweden.
(realise) there _______________ (be)
The guard _______________ (repay)
a problem. Instead of the gondolas of
the Paiks their ticket money, and
Venice, they _______________ (see)
_______________ (put) them on the
fields full of snow.
next train to Stockholm. He
Mr Paik _______________ (ask) the
_______________ (write) Can I have
guard, Are we in Venice?
two tickets to Venice? in Swedish on
The guard _______________ (reply),
a piece of paper and
Were in Vnns.
_______________ (give) it to them.
Venice in the north of Italy?,
_______________ (repeat) Mr Paik.

2. Complete the table below with the past tense form in the article.


3. Add 10 verbs to each column.

E. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Simple Past or the Past
While Sue Barnes, a reporter for the New Musical Express, ________________ (travel)
round the USA last year, she ________________ (have) an unpleasant experience. She
had interviewed a jazz singer and had recorded the interview on a cassette which
________________ (be) on the front seat of her car together with other personal
She ________________ (drive) back to her motel after a party in Hollywood on her last
night when she realised she ________________ (run out) of petrol.
She________________ (stop) at an all-night garage just off the highway. She
________________ (fill) the petrol tank, ________________ (take) 20 dollars from her
wallet and ________________ (go) to the kiosk to pay. While she ________________
(pay), a boy suddenly ________________(appear) from the shadows, ________________
(open) her car and ________________ (take) her wallet, passport and return air ticket
and her cassette!
F. Complete the following text with the correct form of the Simple Past or Past
Lorna Bright is a long-distance walker. This is a part of her diary describing a mornings
walk along the coast.
It ________________ (be) a fine day when I ________________ (start) out on the last
part of my walk around the coast of Britain. The sun ________________ (shine), and a
light wind ________________ (blow) from the south-west. I ________________ (be)
pleased that it ________________ (not/rain). I ________________ (know) by then that I
________________ (not/like) rain. In fact I ________________ (hate) it.
I ________________ (walk) along the cliff top and then down into the lovely fishing
village of Wellburn, past a caf where people ________________ (have) morning coffee.

Three miles past Wellburn I ________________ (sit) down for five minutes and
________________ (have) a drink. Now it ________________ (get) warmer, so I
________________ (take) off my sweaters. I ________________ (not/stop) for long
because I ________________ (have) to reach Seabury by lunch-time. When I finally
________________ (get) there, it ________________ (be) just after half past twelve.
G. Read the situations below. Complete the questions using the Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous.
1. Your friend is wearing glasses. Youve never seen him with glasses on before.
How long
2- Nick is playing computer games.
How many _______________________________________________________________.
3- You meet a group of people walking across country.
How many
4- Some workmen are digging up the road outside Sarahs house.
How long
5- Laura is taking lots of photographs of you and your friends.
How many _______________________________________________________________.
6- You have just woken up from an afternoon sleep and seen that its raining.
How long
H. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the
Simple Past tense.

I ____________________ (have) those shoes since my eighteenth birthday.

I ____________________ (tidy) my desk, but now its in a mess again.
The last time I ____________________ (go) to Brighton was in August.
Id like to meet a ghost, but I ____________________ (never/see) one.
I ____________________ (finish)my homework. I ____________________ (do) it
before tea.
6. And the race is over! Mick Simpson ____________________ (win) in a record time!
7. I ____________________ (work) in a computer company for a year. That
____________________ (be) after college.
8. What time ____________________ (you/get) to work this morning?
9. Martin ____________________ (be) to Greece five times. He loves the place.
10.The President ____________________ (come)out the building and is going to give a
11.You wont believe this, but Ive got some tickets for the concert oh, well done. How
____________________(you/get) them?
12.Of course I can ride a bike. The problem is I ____________________ (not/ride) one for
13. Marilyn Monroe ____________________ (be) in about thirty films.
14.____________________ (you/ever/bake) your own bread?

15.Janet ____________________ (be) very ill three years ago.

16.Rupert has left a message for you. He ____________________ (ring) last night.
17.____________________ (you/see) the news today?
18.We ____________________ (move) here in 1993. we ____________________ (be)
here for a long time now.
I. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Present
Perfect Simple or Continuous.
1. I ________________ (write) the letter. Would you post it for me?
2. For the last two years he ________________ (write) a history of the Civil War.
3. What ________________ (you/do) for the last half hour? I ________________
(sit)here working at this problem.
4. We ________________ (always/live) in a bungalow, so it will seem strange when we
move into a house.
5. You look very upset. What ________________ (happen)?
6. He shouldnt drive this evening. He ________________ (drink).
7. Id better not drive. I ________________ (drink) quite a lot.
8. The meat must be nearly ready. It ________________ (cook) for nearly an hour.
9. You ________________ (not/finish) that book yet? You ________________ (read) it
for more than a week.
10.I wonder if John ________________ (forget) my number. I ________________ (wait)
for his phone call for the past two hours.
J. Choose the correct alternative.

Id like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it __________

Ben writes very quickly. Hes __________ finished his essay.
What are you going to do? I dont know. I havent decided __________.
Ive __________ to London. I went there in June.
Have you __________ done any skiing?
My boyfriend hasnt rung __________ week.
I havent seen that coat before. How __________ have you had it?
The girls have __________ to the cinema. They wont be back until ten oclock.
K. Read the conversation below. Choose the most appropriate option.

Nancy is engaged to be married. She and her fianc, Tim, are trying to make their wedding
plans, but Nancys mother doesnt agree with them.
Nancys mother: Now, I have it all planned, honey. We are will / going to go shopping for
your wedding dress this weekend. Oh, youll / youre going to look so beautiful in a long,
white dress!
Nancy: Mom, Im not spending / going to spend hundreds of dollars on a dress that Ill
not / Im not going to wear again.
Nancys mother: Dont worry about that. Your father and I pay / will pay for it!
Nancy: No, Mother. Im not going to / Im not wearing wear an expensive dress. In fact,
Ive already bought a plain one and Ill pick / Im picking it up tomorrow afternoon.
Nancys mother: OK. Were going to / Well see Now, what about the reception?
Were going to have / Were having a big party with music and dancing, arent we?
Nancy: No, Mom. The plane to Hawaii leaves / will leave at 9. We wont have enough
time. Will you and daddy / Are you and daddy going to have a small reception at
Nancys mother: Well, its a tradition that the brides parents give the reception Im
sure its going to / itll be OK with your father. Ill ask / Im asking him tonight.
Nancy: Thanks, mom.
L. What is the difference in meaning between these sentences?

_ Were going to visit Rome next summer holidays.

_ Were visiting Rome next summer holidays.
_ She will have many babies.
_ She is going to have a baby.
_ Im helping him at the party.
_ Im going to help him at the party.
_ Ill take a taxi.
_ Im going to take a taxi.
_ Paul is leaving at 6 tomorrow.
_ Paul leaves at 6 tomorrow.

M. Underline the verb phrases in the following sentences. Identify the verb tense
used in each case and refer to its meaning and/or use.
1. Oh! Hes always asking the same silly things.

2. Have you ever read Charles Dickens?

3. Im sure youll get over.
4. Hes living with a friend this week.
5. Shes getting thinner and thinner.
6. Look out! That tree is going to fall!
7. Ice melts in the sun.
8. Who has drunk my milkshake?
9. Who has been drinking my milkshake?
10.Im travelling to Spain next July.
11.Mozart died very young.
12.I havent seen Julia this week.
13.Classes start in April.
14.Ive just prepared some coffee. Would you like some?
15.While I was talking to him he was reading the paper.
N. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the verbs in
brackets to indicate future time. There may be more than one possibility.

You want to meet a friend for lunch. You phone her and say: What
____________________ (do) on Wednesday at one oclock?
You look at the dark clouds in the sky. It ________________________.
You have decided to go to Italy for your holidays next year. We
____________________ (go) to Italy next summer.
Your friend has a two-month-old baby and is going out to a party. You ask,
Who _____________________ (look after) the baby?
You want to find out about trains to Manchester. At the enquiries desk you
ask, When __________the train____________? (leave)
Your friend is driving very fast. Suddenly a lorry appears on your side of the
road. Be careful! We _____________________! (crash)
You pack your bags and go angrily to the door. Its all over. You say, Thats
it! I __________________________! (leave)


You see someone carrying a lot of parcels trying to get into the lift. Wait a
minute, I _______________________ (open) the door for you.
O. Write sentences of your own that could possibly appear in these contexts.
1. A weather forecast
2. A school timetable
3. A sportsmans diary
4. A politicians campaign speech
5. A dialogue with a fortune teller
6. New Years Resolution
7. A conversation among friends organizing a farewell party.
8. A trip schedule
P. Match the sentences with the meaning of the tense used in each of them.

1. Its getting cold. Lets go inside.

____ Habitual action.

2. What were you doing when the car crashed? ____ Future action part of a timetable.
3. Patricia has never been to the beach.

____ Action taking place at the moment of

4. She has sold three insurance policies this



____ Repeated action showing annoyance.

5. Im meeting Susan tomorrow morning.

____ Fixed Arrangement.

6. The Earth revolves around the Sun.

____ Two consecutive past actions.

7. Theres football on TV tonight. Lets watch

____ Past action in progress interrupted by


another past action.


8. Ill take a mango juice, please.

____ Action that started in the past and

9. Im on a diet. Im having tea without sugar

continues up to the present.

this week.

____ Finished past action with present results.

10. He often visits grandma.

____ Past action that finished in the recent past.

11. He worked in a bank all his life before

____ On-the-spot decision.


____ Scheduled future event.

12. Its nearly nine now. Were going to be late. ____ Permanent state.
13. Youre always losing your pencils.

____ Law of nature.

14. She picked up the phone and answered it.

____ Temporary situation.

15. No, thanks. Ive already had lunch.

____ Developing situation.

16. While my husband was preparing dinner, I

____ Finished past action having no connection

was telephoning Martha.

with the present.

17. I prefer European to American films.

____ Past action in progress when another past

18. The Rolling Stones are performing on July

action took place.

20th at 10 pm.

____ Two simultaneous past actions.

19. They have been working all morning.

____ Indefinite happening in the past.

20. Exams are in April.

____ Finished past action denoting irritation on

21. Ive lived in Dublin for ten years now.

the part of the speaker.

22. While I was having a shower, the hot water

____ An action completed during an incomplete


period of time.

23. The planes just landed.

____ Prediction based on present evidence.

24. Ann cant come to the phone now because

____ Future arrangement.

shes feeding the baby.

Q. Write sentences of your own using an appropriate verb tense and the words in
brackets. Do not change the given words.
1. twice a week___________________________________________________
2. ever__________________________________________________________
3. better and better_________________________________________________
4. contains_______________________________________________________

5. while__________________________________________________________
6. these days______________________________________________________
7. recently________________________________________________________
8. continuously____________________________________________________
9. two weeks
ago___________________________________________________ this moment__________________________________________________
R. Write meaningful grammatical sentences of about eight words each using the
following verbs as indicated.
1. sing (expressing a permanent ability)
2. leave (expressing a scheduled future event)
3. see (expressing a fixed arrangement)
4. study (expressing a completed past action with no connection to the present)
5. have (expressing an action that was in progress at a at a stated time in the past)
6. wear (expressing an action that started in the past and continues up to the present)
7. expressing an action that started in the past and continues up to the moment of
speaking; there is emphasis on duration)
8. read (expressing an action completed during an incomplete period of time)
9. tell (expressing a promise about the speakers future behaviour)
10.quit (expressing a future intention or plan)
A. Underline the nouns in the following sentences. State whether they are countable,
uncountable, proper, collective or compound.
1. There was a car behind us.

2. I had to wait ten minutes.

3. Good luck in your new job.
4. The crowd are all enjoying the game.
5. Im reading an Agatha Christie at the moment.
6. The train to Paris leaves from Waterloo Station.
7. The government has said it is the best alternative.
8. The public were deceived by the newspaper.
9. I never eat meat.
10.Just tell me one thing.
11.Power stations produce energy.
12.I listened to the news bulletin.
13.In those days anyone could buy a Picasso.
14.Please, turn on the air conditioning.
15.The BBC are planning to use a new satellite next month.
16.Do you play golf?
17.Love makes everybody go round.
18.Im taking a photo.
19.She came in and sat down at the tea table.
20.Would you like an apple?
21.We live in North London.
22.He was a fresh man when I first met him.
23.Our little group is complete again.
24.Sicily is a part of Italy.

B. Complete the sentences using the nouns in brackets as countable or uncountable.

State the case (C / U) next to each sentence. Make any change if necessary.

Im peeling a _______________ . (potato) ___

Would you like some _______________? (potato) ___
Is there _______________ in this salad? (apple) ___
Vicky was eating an _______________.(apple) ___
The house is made of _______________. (stone) ___
Someone threw a _______________ at the shop. (stone) ___

7. Rugby is a _______________. (sport) ___

8. Do you like _______________? (sport) ___
9. Constant _______________ can make you ill. (noise) ___
10.I heard a sudden _______________ outside. (noise) ___
11.I bought the _______________ (paper) ___
12.I need some _______________ to write on. (paper) ___
13.The bridge is made of _______________. (iron) ___
14.Have you got an _______________? (iron) ___
15.Ive been to France many _______________. (times) ___
16.Come on! We havent got much _______________. (time) ___
17.I enjoy doing _______________. (business) ___
18.She runs a small _______________. (business) ___
19._______________ is more expensive that tea. (coffee) ___
20.Two _______________, please. (coffee) ___
C. Turn the following sentences into the plural form.
1. A baby demands a lot from a woman.
2. The Eskimo took a knife and cut a loaf of bread.
3. she went to the zoo and took a photo to a giraffe.
4. When I was a child, I saw a mouse playing with a calf.
5. A man should never lie to his wife.

D. Circle the best option.

1. All the water look / looks dirty.
2. Each of the students is / are taking notes.
3. Linguistics is / are the most interesting subject.
4. Mumps are / is not so dangerous nowadays.
5. Several teachers are / is ill
6. Some of the machines are / is not working.

7. Somebody have / has to help me.

8. The acoustics in this room are / is really bad.
9. The cattle are / is leaving the farm.
10.The clergy have / has a different view on the subject.
11.The luggage you are bringing are / is quite heavy.
12.The show of the two comedians was / were great.
13.The staff is / are ready to start.
14.There is / are a few chairs in this room.
A. Complete the blanks with a n appropriate quantifier from the box. Use each once.

a little

a lot of

a few



2. Check if you are in ____________ doubt.

3. He spoke ____________ different languages.
4. Im sorry to see youve made ____________ progress.
5. Come and sit down. There are ____________ chairs.
6. ____________ tourists visited Iraq last year because of the terrorism there.
7. He has made ____________ of money. In fact, hes a millionaire.
8. We need ____________ potatoes to cook the meal.
9. I can write the article now. Ive got ____________ information.
10.We dont get ____________ rain here. The plants are dying.
A. Write meaningful grammatical sentences using the following determiners.

A great deal of _________________________________________________

Lots of
Plenty of

1. Use the following adjectives attributively and predicatively.









Significant ____________________________________________________________






2. Arrange the modifiers in the correct order.

1. high/ a/ old/ wall/ brick/ derelict.
2. rus/ wool/ a / few/ square.
3. black/ several/ floors/ tile.
4. low/ windows/ glass/ many.
5. Japanese/ a / set/ porcelain.
6. cheap/ beds/ four/ metal.
7. old/ rubber/ a lot of/ tyres.
8. table/ strong/ a wooden.
9. delicious/ chocolate/ a great deal of/ cookies.
10.yellow/ tower/ new/ paper.
11.some/ young/ students/ Italian.
12.stone/ funny/ a(n)/ old/ house.

__________________________________________________________________ many/ big/ apples/ Argentinian.
14.Chinese/ lovely/ airhostess/ a.
15.noisy/ a city/ grey/ enormous.
16.cosy/ well- ordered/ a / household.
__________________________________________________________________ China/ cup of tea/ delicious.
18.old/ Tudor/ farm/ a(n)/ house/ farm.
19.fine/ lady/ old/ a(n).
__________________________________________________________________ depressing/ the/ recent.
__________________________________________________________________ French/ small/ a/ magnificent.
__________________________________________________________________ a(n)/ unusual/ ring.
23.leather/ several/ of/ gloves/ black/ pairs.
24.European/ sad/ old/ film/ a(n).
25.lovely/ hot/ a/ day/ summer.
__________________________________________________________________ a/ relaxing/ bath.
27.beautiful/ long/ hair/ black.
28.peaceful/ little/ village/ old/ a .
29.long/ noisy/ wide/ avenue/ a.
__________________________________________________________________ a/ velvet/ ugly/ dress.
31.attractive/ modern/ house/ a.
32.old/ little/ red/ cars.
33.French/ interesting/ an/ old.


3- Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in
1. He was _________________________ (bad) referee weve ever had.
2. I think swimming is _________________________ (relaxing) jogging.
3. The new sports centre is much _________________________ (good) the old one.
4. It was _________________________ (big) crowd of the season.
5. Im much _________________________ (fit) I used to be.
6. One of _________________________ (easy) sports to do is cycling.
7. Cross- country skiing is _________________________ (tiring) normal skiing.
8. It was _________________________ (exciting) match weve ever seen.
9. Im not _________________________ (tall) as Kerry.
10.This is one of _________________________ (old) universities in the world.
11.The film was definitely ________________________ (exciting) I thought it would
12.You look terrible and your cough sounds _________________________ (bad)
13.Tinas test was _________________________ (good) her sisters.
14.My schooldays were certainly not _________________________ (happy) days of my
15.This new armchair is a lot _________________________ (comfortable) our old one.
16.The book certainly isnt _________________________ (good) as the film.
17.Is Paul _________________________ (thin) he was before the holidays?
18.Theres nothing _________________________ (boring) doing homework on a sunny

4- Write meaningful grammatical sentences using the adjectives given below as


1. funny ( comparative degree: superiority)

2. interesting (superlative degree)
3. old (comparative degree: superiority)
4. lively (comparative degree: equality)
5. hopeless (superlative degree)
6. narrow (comparative degree: inferiority)
7. humble ( superlative degree)
8. scruffy (comparative degree: inferiority)
9. famous (superlative degree)
10.simple (comparative degree: inferiority)
11.clever ( comparative degree: superiority)
_____________________________________________________________________ (comparative degree: equality)
13.childish (comparative degree: inferiority)
14.good (comparative degree: equality)
15.quiet (comparative degree: superiority)
16.intelligent (superlative degree)
17.appealing (comparative degree: inferiority)
18.foggy (comparative degree: superiority)
19.annoyed (comparative degree: inferiority)
20.bad ( superlative degree)


1- Complete the sentences by placing the words in brackets in a suitable word order.
1. Kathy answered the question (yesterday/ in the test/ correctly)
2. She enjoys (very much/ with her friends/ dancing)
3. I believe they will come (firmly/ on time)
4. He was born (in Santa Fe/ in the morning/ at two/ last Monday)
5. They walked (last night/ quickly/ to the theatre)
6. I go (to the bank/ in the morning/ usually)
7. They have arrived (never/ late)
8. He won the game (at the party/ easily)
9. Ken plays football (every weekend/ enthusiastically/ in the mornings)
10.Why did you come (yesterday/ home/ so late)?
11.Ive been walking (all the morning/ round the park)
12.Im going (for a few days/ next week/ to London)
13.I will be leaving (probably/ from the airport/ tomorrow/ at 10 AM)
14.Ill meet you (outside the town-hall/ at 7 PM/ tomorrow afternoon/ on the steps)
15.Put it (at 6 oclock/ in the dining room/ silently)
16.We see her (at church/ sometimes/ at weekends)
17.They drove (quickly/ home/ last night)
18.The ship was sailing (without problems/ North/ on June 24th)
19.Hand it tome (with your right hand/ carefully)
20.She sat down (calmly/ late that night/ in the gallery)

2- Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative form of the adverbs in
1. Could you come ________________________ (late)?
2. He arrived ________________________ (late) than his boss.
3. Instead of slowing down, he drove ________________________ (fast).
4. He did his test ________________________ (easily) the one before.
5. She drives ________________________ (badly) I on the motorway.
6. Try and come ________________________ (early) tomorrow.
7. He ran ________________________ (quickly) all the others.
8. Peter works ________________________ (hard) of all his colleagues.
9. ________________________ (early) I can come is 10 oclock.
10.He did ________________________ (badly) in the examination.
11.Some animals need ________________________ (highly) developed sense cells
than human beings to survive.
12. Lucy runs ________________________ (fast) in the team.
13.We travelled ________________________ (comfortably) by plane as we did by
14.Susan dances ________________________ (well) of all the girls in the ballet.
3- Write meaning full grammatical sentences using the adverbs as indicated.
1. often (comparative degree: superiority)
2. clearly (superlative degree)
3. well (superlative degree)
4. respectfully (comparative degree: equality)
5. fluently (comparative degree: inferiority)
6. hard (comparative degree: superiority)
7. quickly (comparative degree: superiority)
8. enthusiastically (superlative degree)
9. early (superlative degree)
10.efficiently (comparative degree: inferiority)


A.Identify the pattern of the underlined verbs and analyse the clause elements that
follow them.
1. Can I ask you a question?
2. I dont need to say anything unless you ask.
3. May I ask whos calling?
4. Then well bring our friends.
5. Later, after dark, a boy brought him a plate of food.
6. Mr. Greens government has begun its controversial plan to compensate the
three airlines.
7. Martin Woods course begins on 1 November.
8. I cant promise you that.
9. Ive already promised Carey.
10.Last week Mr. Smith promised further amnesties for political prisoners.
11. Yes, I do. I promise.
12.If you dont ask, you dont get.
13.Your dogs got brown teeth.
14.Why dont you go and get us both a pie?
15.The mug of coffee is getting hotter.
16.He grew restless and ordered the band to play.
17.Why have you grown a beard?
18..Hell probably stay warm in the winter time then.
19.How much longer did he stay?
20.The whole colour scheme looked nice.
21.If you look out the window, you can see lots of trees.
22.Your dog smells.
23.Its not nice to smell the food.

24.I went to Everett High School in Lansing, Michigan.

25.The audience went wild.

i. Write sentences of your own using each verb as

26.Pay (ditransitive verb. Completed past action with no connection with the
27.Make ( monotransitive verb. Future arrangement))
28.Live (linking verb. Past action with present results))
29.Lend (ditransitive verb. Repeated action showing annoyance on the part of
the speaker)
30.Order (ditransitive verb. Action that started in the past and finished in the
immediate past)
31.Sing (intransitive verb. Past action that lasted a period of time. There is
emphasis on duration)
32.Prepare (ditransitive verb. Decision taken at the moment of speaking)
33.Get (linking verb. Developing situation)
B.Write sentences using the following verbs in as many patterns as possible.







D.Some of the following sentences have a mistake in the verb pattern. Spot it and
write the correct version/s where necessary.
1. Peter sent Mary some flowers for their wedding anniversary.
2. Can you give this book for Susan?
3. She used to write his boyfriend a letter every single day.
4. I wished him good luck.
5. The History teacher asked several questions to the new students.
6. The doctor prescribed Mike some medicines.
7. My parents couldnt find me an apartment.
8. You have to show your tickets to the guard at the entrance door.
9. Luis sold his granddads old guitar to one of his school classmates.
10. Annette owes a lot of money to the bank.
11.The Biology book you lent me is saving me a lot of trouble.
12.The old lady booked a luxurious room for the just married couple.
13.Tom cooked a delicious dessert to his girlfriend.
14.Can you choose a pair of jeans for me?
15.The lawyer charged $3,000 to us.
16.Armany designed Martina Klein many party dresses.
17.The little boy pronounced the word out loud for his French friend.
18.Susan has already suggested that trip to Milan to us.

19.The newly appointed president announced the break down of relations to the
attentive audience.
20.The Maths teacher repeated you the solution to the problem a thousand times.
21.Can you please bring me the paper when you go to the newsagents ?
22.I heard Katie will introduce Mike to her parents at the Christmas dinner.
23.Will you finally say what you really saw to the prosecutor?
24.The tourist guide described the churchs dome to the bored students.
25.Paul asked Susan if she could explain him the poem.
26.The doctor confessed to the lawyer his guilt.
27. The joke practically cast his post to him.
28.I know the woman offered the kidnappers her house to pay for her sons
29.We will buy a mattress for the couple.
30.Can you please hand Susan this letter?



Azar, B (1992) Fundamentals of English Grammar. Second Edition. New Jersey:

Prentice Hall Regents.
Azar, B (1999). Understanding and Using English Grammar. Third Ed. New
Jersey: Longman.
Benz, C. and A. Roemer.(1997) Grammar Dimensions. Workbook 2. Boston: Heinle &
Heinle Publishers.
Close, R.A. A Reference Grammar for Students of English. Longman, 1975.

Collins Cobuild English Grammar (1990). London: Collins.

Graver, B.D. (1972) Advanced English Practice. Second Edition. London:
Oxford University Press.
Davies, P.A., and S. Greenall (2001) All Stars . Intermediate Students Book.
New York: Oxford University Press.


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