Cambridge Speaking Answers-Key by Lena

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1. What kinds of organization want to find out about peoples opinion? - Economic ones: to survey people in hope of figuring the most popular taste among people to improve their products to meet the demand of the majority - Social ones: carry out the demographic questionnaire, for instance, population, education background to suggest the solution to the issue of giving birth and birth control - International ones: to make sure whether they can vactap in Vietnamese market or not Purposes: 2. Understand Suggest solutions Do you think questionnaires or surveys are good ways of finding out peoples opinions? Yes + have direct access to individuals + gain a detailed analysis of peoples thinking of a situation or product they are using + save money, instead of carrying out the interview on television which costs a huge amount of money + a way to popularize their products No + personal ( a minority of people) + inaccurate ( people are afraid of voicing their thinking directly) What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions? + not having deep knowledge about the issue and being afraid of making a mistake in judgment + their psychology ( not direct) + questions are too personal Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their views about lessons? Yes + fair for students to raise their voice + good for teachers to understand their strengths and weaknesses + good for schools to select the best teachers of the year and distribute salaries according their ability + enhance students critical thinking No + lacking knowledge and experience and make a mistake in judgment



+ affect the psychology of teachers if receiving negative feedbacks + unfair if students hold grudge against teachers for personal reason, not knowledge + to find out the method to design professionally and fairly is far from easy 5. What would the advantages for schools be if they asked students their opinions ( already mentioned in question 4) 6. Would there be any disadvantages in asking students opinion ( already mentioned in question 4)

Cam 8 test 2
1. Why do think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something? - Enjoy the atmosphere of restaurant which is exciting, romantic - Show their status ( rich people and feel proud of that) - Save time ( instead of organizing and preparing at home which takes a lot of time) - Enjoy more delicious dishes from different nations 2. Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional ones? - Fast food + time-saving + varied dishes + suitable with workaholics But: contain a high amount of cholesterol obesity, not delicious, worry about the safety of the food ( not well-cooked, not fresh enough), expensive ( food+ services) - Traditional ones + cement the relationship + customized to individual taste ( serving only some and knowing their taste well) + happy atmosphere between family members + save money Depend on each persons type: during the week, eat food in restaurant, but in weekends, selfcooking 3. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant in always better than food in cheap restaurant? - Not really: + depend on location (fee will escalate if the restaurant is situated in the middle of city, near beautiful view) + depend on the quality of food (not the price, but ingredients, expertise and love for cooking) 4. Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future or will there be less choice? + Yes - Technology increase yields and therefore provide more output of food - Cultural exchange- varied kinds of dishes

5. -

6. -

More need due to peoples hurry sickness ( people tend to grab fast food instead of laboring themselves to cook) What effects of the modern technology had on the way food is produced? Positive + quicken the process of cooking food (use micro oven to cook faster) + varied dishes + more output ( genetically modified food replaces the normal food) + well preserved ( fridges to keep food frozen) Negative + lead to obesity (fast-food) + safety ( genetically modified food is not yet proved to be totally safe) How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without importing any from other countries? Yes + to serve their citizens + save money instead of importing high-priced food + suitable with the taste of local people + avoid crisis ( Rome in the past lost its power due to its reliance on the food supply) No + not varied + save time + focus on their other key industries and develop them to the fullest extent ( increase specialization)

Cam 8 test 3
1. What are some different types of meeting that people often go to? - Companys meeting: to deal with problems, to share experience, to be reminded of the glorious past of companies, feel proud to work more effectively - Family gathering: to be reunited with family members - Old friends meeting: to have fun, to tell what they have done over years, what changes we can see, to network with friends, to help each other if they encounter new problems - National meetings: to settle down a conflict between nations, to solve global issues, to promote our culture 2. Some people say that no one likes to go to meetings- what do you think? - Yes + waste of time + not target-oriented ( just gossiping, and the content is theoretical) - No + meetings to network with people + meetings to suggest solutions to their organizations problems + receive financial support ( in Vietnam, by attending meetings, you can be given money) 3. Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings ( already answered in question number 2)

4. Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together? - Solve problems + Environmental ones: faced with an increasing amount of pollution, governments of countries are supposed to discuss together the ways to reduce this phenomenon (Kyoto treaty is an example showing how effective global conference between leaders) + Political issues: conflicts between nations can annoy neighboring countries, and 5. What possible difficulties might be involved? - Security: guarantee the safety of world leaders is not easy ( terrorism might happen) - Funding: sponsored money comes from where? ( organization? All countries? Only host countries?) - Location: to find out a location that benefits all people involved is far from easy - Issue: choose the issue that concerns all parties and make sure the discussion have its own practicality, instead of presentation without specific solutions 6. Do you think that meetings between international leaders become more frequent? Yes - More global issues need being addressed seriously, such as environment, terrorism - Cultural exchange is encouraged, which requires people to meet each other more often - Immigration of citizens demands more attention No - Internet is an effective tool to solve the problem - Economic situation of the world is worsened, which means little funding for the worlds meetings - Issues should be solved between several nations, since the more countries are involved, the more serious the problems grow

Cam 8 test 4
1. 2. What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family? Be unselfish ( put other peoples priorities over their desire) Communicative ( talk with all people to keep in touch, understand others people better) Long-time relationship ( through time, the relation could be trusted) Honest ( to gain trust, be sincere and honest, instead of telling lies) Attend most of your family gatherings and remember their birthdays Do you think we meet different kinds of people at different stages of our lives? Yes + the early years of life: parents, friends during childhood: protection, love + enter universities: people from different provinces: better understanding, grow our sympathy + graduate: colleagues, people of varied age groups: teach us the way of working, communicating with a larger social environment + partners: do business and expand our vision + spouses: inspire us through ups and downs during adult years 3. How easy it is to make friends with people from a different age group?


Be friendly, helpful and comfortable Not discriminate about age, background Foster good communication skills Spend more time developing the relationship Ready to learn and share knowledge Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person? Yes. Positive sides - Internet flattens the world, and constantly keep in touch through chatting, talks - Interesting experience: mysterious, curious and trust ( sure your stories can be hardly known by people) Can be real relationship - Honesty - Trust - See as real friends, openness 5. What kind of influence can friends have on our lives? - Positive + source of encouragement + help you in difficulties + sacrifice for your achievement + balance your life, after being so stressed with work - Negative + become reliant + pain you if that relationship goes wrong + give wrong advice (from their own shoes, instead of putting themselves in your shoes) + abuse you economically 6. How important would you say it is to have friends from different cultures Yes + enrich our cultural knowledge + more friends, more happiness + improve our linguistic abilities + have more travelling opportunities (visiting friends overseas) No + different in culture, lifestyles + not reliable

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