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Update Stock ROM with LG flasher (.kdz files)-NoWipe Prerequisites: LG Drivers Installed. LGMobile Update Tool installed.

Latest Version of LG Mobile Update prevents updating firmware from kdz

files, if the phone is not in the firmware level LG expects. LG Is watching everything when you run firmware update with KDZ Method, logging everything, your mobile No, SN No, OLD Firmware, New Firmware etc. To bypass this first we make our PC to serve LG update tool locally (offline). More Info here. Then we follow the steps below as before. To make things easier, run the Automatic Offline Procedure.vbs script, it adds entry (temporarily) in hosts file, sets a small HTTP Server on the PC listening to port 9002 which serves the requests of the LG flash utility, installs MSXML, runs all the utilities automatically and finally reverts back your hosts file removing the above entry. This script must be run as administrator so Start --All Programs Accessories right-click on Command Prompt select Run as administrator. Then drag-drop the script in and press enter.

If you are running the Automatic Offline Procedure.vbs continue from step 5.

1. Install MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (msxml.msi) if not already installed. 2. Run windows enabler.exe and switch to the "ON" position (left click on icon)

3. Enable the phones USB debugging mode (menusettingsapplicationsdevelopmentUSB debugging), connect the phone to PC and wait for drivers to be loaded. 4. Run "UpTestEX_mod2_marwin.exe".

5. Set EMERGENCY, 3gQCT as pictured and press "Normal web upgrade test" and select your KDZ file

6. To the next window click <Upgrade Start>

7. Clear Phone Software update registry, Select "Different Country" and select your Language. Click <OK>

8. If running the Automatic Offline Procedure.vbs the following message will be displayed in taskbar, ignore it or just click <Cancel>.

9. The utility starts the official LG Flasher

10.Wait until it finishes. If it gives any message that the phone is not connected or something like that, disconnect it, turn it off, remove battery and plug it back holding "Volume Down" key. (Automatically goes to Upgrade mode). 11.You do this on your own risk! Good Luck... 12.When flashing ends, disconnect the phone; close the LG update tool and the R&D Test Tool utility.

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