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Supermarket Management System

The project is on Supermarket Billing. Supermarket is the place where customers come to purchase their daily using products and pay for that. So there is a need to calculate how many products are sold and to generate the bill for the customer. In our project we have 3 users. First is the data entry operator who will enter the products in database. Second one is the administrator who will decide the ta es and commissions on the products and can see the report of any product. Third one is the bill calculating operator who will calculate the bill and print.

To make software fast in processing, with good user interface so that user can change it and it should be used for a long time without error and maintenance.

Work Flow

!ork in the Supermarket will be done in the following way" #. The product will come in the store. $. %ata entry operator will enter the information of the product in database. 3. The &dministrator will enter the ta es and commissions for each product. '. The customer will come and take the basket with him(her and choose the product and took it to the counter. ). The bill calculating operator will check the products with the bar code detecting machine then it will match with product*id then it will show its information and price and the bill will be calculated and total payment will shown. +. ,ustomer will pay for the products. -. &ll the products will be packed and delivered to the customer.

!e will use ) modules in this project. These are as follows" Module 1: LoginId This module is made for the login of users. !e know that we have 3 users so login*id is for" #. &dministrator $. %ata .ntry /perator 3. Bill ,alculating /perator Module 2: Apply taxes and commissions This module is for administrator who will #. Set the ta es for the products. $. Set the commissions for the products. Module 3: C eck t e !eport This module is also for the administrator who can generate or check the report of the product and how many products are sold on particular date or in a period of time. Module ": #nter t e in$ormation a%out products This module is for data entry operator who will

#. .nter which products come in the store. $. 0rices and e piry date of the product. Module&': Calculate t e %ill This module is for bill calculating operator who will #. ,alculate the bill. $. 0rint it.

/ur project has a big scope to do. !e can" #. ,alculate the bill. $. 1ive the bill to the customer. 3. Store how many products are sold. '. Store products and their prices and with other information. ). Set the rates of ta es and commission on the products. +. ,an see the report of the product in a fi period of time. -. ,hange the 1raphical 2ser Interface of the system. !e can3t" #. ,alculate of the salaries of the employees. $. ,alculate the e panses on the product.

%atabase is used to store data on the computer and fast retrieval of the data so we use /racle 4i. !e will make database by entering values in different tables like tables for the login*id5 products in the store5 etc.

Programming Languages
!e will use following languages for the coding" Front .nd" 6isual Basic + Back .nd" 7icrosoft &ccess

S()*+A!# !#,-I!#M#.*S S/#CI)ICA*I(.

Description of t e !"isting S#stem

7any Supermarkets use this type of billing system for a decade. It is also improved many times according to re8uirements of sellers and customers. It does the same work that is calculating the bill5 gives it to the customer and maintain proper database. They are accurate in calculation and printing5 they also generate records.

& new concept is also added in the billing system is that they also maintain relationships with the customers who purchase more products from the store regularly. System also concerns their re8uirements and gives them more commission. It also shows the overall profit and profit on a particular product and give repots which items are re8uired and which have cross their e piry date.

$ottlenecks of t e !"isting S#stem

.very system has pros and cons so e isting system also have many advantages and disadvantages. So the bottlenecks of the e isting system are as follows" 1. -ser Inter$ace: 2ser Interface is not so much good that operators feel some problems in working. 2. 0rap ical -ser Inter$ace: 12I is not good so the operators get bored by watching screen. 3. /rocessing speed: 0rocessing speed of the software is not so much good to operate fast. ". )lexi%le: . isting system is not so much fle ible that can be changed according to the operators and customers. '. Automatic generation o$ t e !eports: 9ot able to automatically generate the reports and documents. 1. +orkload: Sometimes the system hangs when workload is more. 2. #rror )ree: Sometimes the system gives error in the calculation in making the bill and in the information of the products due to workload. 3. Man /o4er: . isting system uses so many people to operate the system. 5. !esources: System does not use the resources properly.

%dvantages of t e Proposed S#stem

To reduce the bottlenecks of the e isting system there is a need to develop a new system. The new system should concern the re8uirements of the customer and the sellers. It has the following 8ualities" #. :eduction in processing cost. $. .rror reduction. 3. &utomatic posting. '. Improve reporting. ). &utomatic production of the documents and :eports. +. Faster response time. -. &bility to meet user re8uirements.

4. Fle ibility. ;. :educed dependency. #<.Improves resource uses. ##.:eduction in use of the paper. #$.:eduction in 7an 0ower. 0roposed system has these 8ualities including the 8ualities of the e isting system.

Feasibilit# Stud#
Feasibility Study is a test of the system according to its workability5 impact of the organi=ation5 ability to meet user needs and effective use of the resources. !e can test our system by different type of the feasibilities. There are ) types of the feasibilities which are discussed here. These are as follows"

&' (ec nical Feasibilit#)

& study of resources availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not. This system can be made in any language that support good user interface and easy database handling. Technical needs may include"

Front*!nd Selection: Front*.nd means a language that is used

for user interface designing and coding. Front*.nd should have following 8ualities" > It must have a graphical user interface that assist employees that are not from some IT background. > Scalability and . tensibility > :obustness > &ccording to the organi=ation re8uirements and culture. > 7ust provide e cellent reporting features with good printing support. > 0latform independent. > .asy to deploy and maintain. > .vent driven programming. > Front*.nd must support some popular Back*.nd like 7S &ccess5 S?@ Server and /racle.

&ccording to the above stated features we selected 6isual ,A.9et as Front B.nd for developing our project. 6isual ,A.9et is used in 7icrosoft 6isual Studio.9et $<<3.

$ack*!nd Selection) Back*.nd means a language that is used

for database management. Back*.nd should have following 8ualities" > 7ultiple user support. > 0rovide inherent feature for security. > .fficient data retrieval and maintenance. > Stored procedures. > 0opularity. > /perating System compatible. > .asy to install. > 6arious drivers must be available. > .fficient data handling. > .asy to implement with Front*.nd. &ccording to the above stated features we selected /racle as BackB.nd for developing our project. !e will use /racle 4i specifically because it has more feature features then other later versions and it is easy to make and maintain database. It is also easy to implement /racle 4i with 6isual ,A.9et in 7icrosoft 6isual Studio.9et $<<3.

+' !conomical Feasibilit#)

In this we consider following costs" #. The cost to conduct a full system investigation. $. The cost of hardware and software for class of application being considered. 3. The benefit in the form of the reduced cost. /ur system has a lot of features at a minimum cost so it is feasible to implement and it will be very much beneficial to the sellers in the reduced cost. It3s software and hardware cost is also low then the e isting system.

,' Operational Feasibilit#)

In this feasibility we consider following points" #. !hat changes will be brought with the system. $. !hat new skills will be re8uiredC %o the e isting staff members have

these skillsC If not5 can they be trained in due course of timeC In the new system we made some major changes for the staff members so that they have to be trained to use the newly added facilities. These major changes are possible and give a new era in the Supermarket in production and sales management.

-' Sc edule Feasibilit#)

Time evaluation is most important consideration in development of the project. So the project is concerned should be completed with fi ed in scheduled time as far as company is concerned. 9ew system is not so much big so it is easy to make in few days.

.' $e avioral Feasibilit#)

0eople are inherently resisted to change and a computer means Dchange is the only certaintyE. &n estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the user staff in going to have towards development of new system. Thus special efforts can be made to educate and train the staff.


Project on Supermarket Billing System

0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Image#F,lickGH .nd Sub 0rivate Sub @abel3F,lickGH .nd Sub

Change Password

%im db &s %atabase %im rs &s :ecordset %im style &s 6b7sgBo Style %im result &s 6b7sgBo :esult 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH If Te t#.Te t I rsJ0assword Then rs..dit rsJ0assword I Te t$.Te t rs.2pdate Beep result I 7sgBo GK0assword Suuccessfully ,hanged.K5 style5 KSupermarket

Billing #.<KH 2nload 7e .lse result I 7sgBo GKIncorrect 0assword.K5 style5 KSupermarket Billing #.<KH Te t#.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK Te t#.SetFocus .nd If .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMpassword.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH .nd Sub

Employee Pay slip

%im a &s String %im rs &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs$ &s :ecordset %im db &s %atabase %im db# &s %atabase 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect N from Table#KH rs.7oveFirst Te t#.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK Te t3.Te t I KK Te t'.Te t I KK Te t).Te t I KK !hile 9ot rs../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rsJ9ame Then

Te t#.Te t I rsJdesignation Te t$.Te t I rsJsalary .nd If rs.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH 7%IForm#..nabled I True 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH rs#.&dd9ew rs#J9ame I ,ombo#.Te t rs#Jdesignation I Te t#.Te t rs#Jsalary I Te t$.Te t rs#J leaves I Te t3.Te t rs#Jot I Te t'.Te t rs#Jdeductions I Te t).Te t rs#Jnetsalary I Te t+.Te t rs#J%ate I @abel;.,aption rs#JTime I @abel4.,aption rs#.2pdate Beep Beep rs$.&dd9ew rs$J9ame I ,ombo#.Te t rs$Jdesignation I Te t#.Te t rs$Jsalary I Te t$.Te t rs$J leaves I Te t3.Te t rs$Jot I Te t'.Te t rs$Jdeductions I Te t).Te t rs$Jnetsalary I Te t+.Te t rs$J%ate I @abel;.,aption rs$JTime I @abel4.,aption rs$.2pdate ,rystal:eport#.&ction I False .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH %im a &s Integer %im b &s Integer

%im ot &s Integer %im net &s Integer %im ded &s Integer a I 6alGTe t3.Te tH b I 6alGTe t'.Te tH ded I a N #< Te t).Te t I ded ot I b N ) Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect N from Table#KH rs.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rsJ9ame Then net I 6alGrsJsalaryH L ot B ded

.nd If rs.7ove9e t !end Te t+.Te t I net ,ommand$..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH ,ommand$..nabled I False ,ommand3..nabled I False Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMemp.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect name from Table#KH rs.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rsJ9ame rs.7ove9e t !end @abel;.,aption I %ate Set db# I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMpayslip.mdbKH Set rs# I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH Set rs$ I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable$KH db#.. ecute GKdelete N from Table#KH .nd Sub 0rivate Sub @abel;F,lickGH .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t'F,lickGH

,ommand3..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Timer#FTimerGH @abel4.,aption I Time .nd Sub

6ie4 #mployee7s 8etail

0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH Te t3.SetFocus Te t#.Te t I KK Te t3.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK Te t).Te t I KK Te t'.Te t I KK rs.7oveFirst .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH !hile 9ot rs../F If rsJcode I Te t3.Te t Then Te t3.Te t I rsJcode Te t#.Te t I rsJ9ame Te t$.Te t I rsJaddress Te t).Te t I rsJdesignation

Te t'.Te t I rsJsalary .nd If rs.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMemp.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH OTe t#.SetFocus .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t3F,hangeGH .nd Sub

Sa9e #mployee7s 8etails

%im i &s Integer 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH ,ommand#..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH rsJcode I Te t#.Te t rsJ9ame I Te t3.Te t rsJaddress I Te t$.Te t rsJdesignation I ,ombo#.Te t rsJsalary I Te t'.Te t rs.2pdate ,ommand#..nabled I False

Te t#.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK Te t3.Te t I KK Te t'.Te t I KK O,ombo#.Te t I KK .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH iIiL# Te t#.Te t I i rs.&dd9ew Te t#..nabled I False Te t$..nabled I True Te t3..nabled I True Te t'..nabled I True ,ombo#..nabled I True .nd Sub

0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Te t#..nabled I False Te t$..nabled I False Te t3..nabled I False Te t'..nabled I False ,ombo#..nabled I False ,ommand#..nabled I False ,ombo#.&ddItem GK7anager KH ,ombo#.&ddItem GK,ashier KH ,ombo#.&ddItem GK&ccountant KH ,ombo#.&ddItem GKSales KH ,ombo#.&ddItem GKSecurity KH ,ombo#.&ddItem GKSweeper KH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMemp.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH rs.7ove@ast Te t#.Te t I rsJcode i I rsJcode

.nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t#FPey0ressGPey&scii &s IntegerH If Pey&scii I #3 Then Te t$.SetFocus .nd If .nd Sub

Total Stock

%im db &s %atabase %im rs &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs# I db./pen:ecordsetGKselect N from Table# KH Te t#.Te t I KK rs#.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs#../F

If ,ombo#.Te t I rs#Jitemname Then Te t#.Te t I 6alGrs#J8uantityH L 6alGTe t#.Te tH .nd If rs#.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMsave.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect distinct itemname from Table# KH rs.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rsJ itemname rs.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub

Purchase Product

%im style &s 6b7sgBo Style %im result &s 6b7sgBo :esult %im db &s %atabase %im rs &s :ecordset %im db# &s %atabase %im db' &s %atabase %im db$ &s %atabase %im rs$ &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs3 &s :ecordset %im rs' &s :ecordset %im rs+ &s :ecordset 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs3 I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH rs3.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs3../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs3Jdealer Then ,ombo$.&ddItem rs3Jproduct O,ombo3.&ddItem rs3Jprice O,ombo'.&ddItem rs3J!eight .nd If rs3.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ombo$F,lickGH Set rs3 I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH rs3.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs3../F If ,ombo$.Te t I rs3Jproduct Then ,ombo3.&ddItem rs3Jprice ,ombo'.&ddItem rs3J!eight .nd If

rs3.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH /n .rror :esume 9e t rs.&dd9ew rsJdealername I ,ombo#.Te t rsJitemname I ,ombo$.Te t rsJprice I ,ombo3.Te t rsJ 8uantity I Te t3.Te t rsJ amount I Te t$.Te t rsJ date# I Te t#.Te t rsJtime# I Te t'.Te t rsJ!eight I ,ombo'.Te t rs.2pdate result I 7sgBo GKSaved Successfully.K5 style5 KSupermarket Billing #.<KH 2nload 7e @oad FormForm-.Show Form-.7ove <5 < .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH 2nload 7e @oad FormForm-.Show Form-.7ove <5 < .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand)F,lickGH .nd Sub

0rivate Sub ,ommand+F,lickGH rs.%elete

.nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH ,ommand#..nabled I False Te t#.Te t I %ate Set db# I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMdeal#.mdbKH Set rs# I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH Set rs$ I db#./pen:ecordsetGKSelect distinct dealer from Table# KH Set rs' I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH OSet db' IapppathL /pen%atabaseGKc"MemployeeMtransaction.mdbKH Oopens record from transaction database Set db$ I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMsave.mdbKH Set rs I db$./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH Osaves the purchased data to updated data rs$.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs$../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rs$Jdealer rs$.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t#F,hangeGH .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t$F,hangeGH ,ommand#..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t3F,hangeGH Te t$.Te t I 6alG,ombo3.Te tH N 6alGTe t3.Te tH .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Timer#FTimerGH Te t'.Te t I Time .nd Sub

dd New Product

%im db# &s %atabase %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs$ &s :ecordset %im i &s Integer 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH rs#Jcode I Te t#.Te t rs#J dealer I ,ombo#.Te t rs#J product I Te t).Te t rs#J price I Te t+.Te t rs#J !eight I Te t$.Te t rs#.2pdate ,ommand#..nabled I False ,ommand3..nabled I True Te t#.Te t I KK Te t).Te t I KK Te t+.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK ,ombo#.,lear .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub

0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH iIiL# Te t#.Te t I i rs#.&dd9ew Te t#..nabled I False ,ombo#..nabled I True Te t)..nabled I True Te t+..nabled I True Te t$..nabled I True ,ommand#..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH ,ommand3..nabled I True ,ommand#..nabled I False Te t#..nabled I False Osaving the current records Set db# I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMdeal#.mdbKH Set rs# I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH Ocalling the dealer name field from other database Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMdeal.mdbKH Set rs$ I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect name from Table#KH rs$.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs$../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rs$J9ame rs$.7ove9e t !end rs#.7ove@ast Te t#.Te t I rs#Jcode i I rs#Jcode .nd Sub

dd a !ealer

%im db# &s %atabase %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs$ &s :ecordset %im i &s Integer 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH rs#Jcode I Te t#.Te t rs#J dealer I ,ombo#.Te t rs#J product I Te t).Te t rs#J price I Te t+.Te t rs#J !eight I Te t$.Te t

rs#.2pdate ,ommand#..nabled I False ,ommand3..nabled I True Te t#.Te t I KK Te t).Te t I KK Te t+.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK ,ombo#.,lear .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH iIiL# Te t#.Te t I i rs#.&dd9ew Te t#..nabled I False ,ombo#..nabled I True Te t)..nabled I True Te t+..nabled I True Te t$..nabled I True ,ommand#..nabled I True .nd Sub

"iew Sold Stock

%im db &s %atabase %im db# &s %atabase %im db$ &s %atabase %im rs &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs$ &s :ecordset %im rs3 &s :ecordset %im rs' &s :ecordset %im style &s 6b7sgBo Style %im result &s 6b7sgBo :esult 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs# I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect N from Table# KH Te t$.Te t I KK rs#.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs#../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs#Jproduct Then Te t$.Te t I 6alGrs#J8uantityH L 6alGTe t$.Te tH .nd If rs#.7ove9e t !end Set rs$ I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH Set rs$ I db#./pen:ecordsetGKSelect N from Table# KH Te t#.Te t I KK rs$.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs$../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs$Jitemname Then Te t#.Te t I 6alGrs$J8uantityH L 6alGTe t#.Te tH .nd If rs$.7ove9e t !end Te t3.Te t I 6alGTe t#.Te tH * 6alGTe t$.Te tH If 6alGTe t3.Te tH QI ' Then

result I 7sgBo GK!&:9I91 ST/,P @/! JJJ.K5 style5 KSupermarket Billing #.<KH .nd If .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH ,rystal:eport#.&ction I False .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMbill.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect distinct product from Table# KH rs.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rsJ product rs.7ove9e t !end Set db# I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMsave.mdbKH .nd Sub

#pdate Selling Price

%im style &s 6b7sgBo Style %im result &s 6b7sgBo :esult %im db &s %atabase %im db# &s %atabase %im rs &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs$ &s :ecordset 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs# I db./pen:ecordsetGKselect N from Table# KH Te t3.Te t I KK rs#.7oveFirst

!hile 9ot rs#../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs#Jitemname Then Te t3.Te t I 6alGrs#J8uantityH L 6alGTe t3.Te tH Te t-.Te t I rs#Jitemname Te t#.Te t I rs#Jdealername Te t$.Te t I rs#Jprice Te t'.Te t I rs#J!eight OTe t).Te t I KK Te t+.Te t I KK rs$.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs$../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs$Jproduct Then OTe t).Te t I rs$Jcode Te t+.Te t I rs$Jsellingprice .lse OTe t).Te t I KK OTe t+.Te t I KK OTe t).SetFocus .nd If rs$.7ove9e t !end .nd If rs#.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH rs$.&dd9ew rs$Jproduct I Te t-.Te t rs$Jdealer I Te t#.Te t rs$J dealerprice I Te t$.Te t rs$J 8uantity I Te t3.Te t rs$J !eight I Te t'.Te t rs$J sellingprice I Te t+.Te t rs$.2pdate result I 7sgBo GKSaved Successfully.K5 style5 KSupermarket Billing #.<KH 2nload 7e @oad Form#< Form#<.Show Form#<.7ove <5 < .nd Sub

0rivate Sub ,ommand3F,lickGH 2nload 7e 7%IForm#..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH ,ommand$..nabled I False Set db# I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMstock.mdbKH Set rs$ I db#./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMsave.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect distinct itemname from Table#KH rs.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rsJ itemname rs.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t+F1otFocusGH ,ommand$..nabled I True .nd Sub 0rivate Sub Te t-F,hangeGH .nd Sub

"iew Old Bill

%im rs &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset %im db &s %atabase 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs# I db./pen:ecordsetGKselect N from Table# KH @ist#.,lear @ist$.,lear @ist'.,lear

@ist).,lear @ist+.,lear @ist-.,lear Te t#.Te t I KK Te t$.Te t I KK Te t3.Te t I KK rs#.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs#../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs#Jcustomername Then Te t#.Te t I rs#Jcustomernumber Te t$.Te t I rs#J%ate Te t3.Te t I rs#JTime @ist#.&ddItem rs#Jitemnumber @ist$.&ddItem rs#Jproduct @ist'.&ddItem rs#J!eight @ist).&ddItem rs#Jprice @ist+.&ddItem rs#J8uantity @ist-.&ddItem rs#Jtotalprice .nd If rs#.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH 2nload 7e .nd Sub

0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMbill.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect distinct customername from Table#KH rs.7oveFirst !hile 9ot rs../F ,ombo#.&ddItem rsJcustomername rs.7ove9e t !end .nd

Create New Bill

%im a &s Integer %im b &s Integer %im rs &s :ecordset %im rs# &s :ecordset %im rs$ &s :ecordset %im rs3 &s :ecordset %im rs' &s :ecordset %im rs) &s :ecordset %im rs+ &s :ecordset %im db &s %atabase %im db# &s %atabase %im db$ &s %atabase %im i &s Integer %im j &s Integer 0rivate Sub ,ombo#F,lickGH Set rs# I db./pen:ecordsetGKSelect N from Table#KH rs#.7oveFirst Te t'.Te t I KK Te t).Te t I KK !hile 9ot rs#../F If ,ombo#.Te t I rs#Jproduct Then Te t3.Te t I rs#Jsellingprice Te t$.Te t I rs#J!eight .nd If rs#.7ove9e t !end .nd Sub

0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH /n .rror :esume 9e t rs$.&dd9ew rs$Jcustomernumber I Te t-.Te t rs$Jcustomername I Te t#<.Te t rs$Jitemnumber I Te t+.Te t rs$J product I ,ombo#.Te t Ors$Jcode I Te t#.Te t rs$J !eight I Te t$.Te t rs$J price I Te t3.Te t rs$J 8uantity I Te t'.Te t rs$J totalprice I Te t).Te t rs$J%ate I Te t4.Te t rs$J Time I Te t;.Te t rs$.2pdate Beep Beep rs'.&dd9ew rs'Jcustomernumber I Te t-.Te t rs'Jcustomername I Te t#<.Te t rs'Jitemnumber I Te t+.Te t rs'J product I ,ombo#.Te t Ors'Jcode I Te t#.Te t rs'J !eight I Te t$.Te t rs'J price I Te t3.Te t rs'J 8uantity I Te t'.Te t rs'J totalprice I Te t).Te t rs'J%ate I Te t4.Te t rs'J Time I Te t;.Te t rs'.2pdate @ist#.&ddItem Te t+.Te t @ist$.&ddItem ,ombo#.Te t O@ist3.&ddItem Te t#.Te t @ist'.&ddItem Te t$.Te t @ist).&ddItem Te t3.Te t @ist+.&ddItem Te t'.Te t @ist-.&ddItem Te t).Te t bI< For a I < To @ist-.@ist,ount * # b I b L 6alG@ist-.@istGaHH @abel#;.,aption I b

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%im db &s %atabase %im rs &s :ecordset %im style &s 6b7sgBo Style %im result &s 6b7sgBo :esult 0rivate Sub ,ommand#F,lickGH If Te t#.Te t I rsJ0assword Then style I vb/P/nly L vbInformation result I 7sgBo GK,orrect 0assword.K5 style5 KSupermarket Billing #.<KH 2nload 7e @oad 7%IForm# 7%IForm#.Show .lse result I 7sgBo GKIncorrect 0assword.K5 style5 KSupermarket Billing #.<KH Te t#.Te t I KK Te t#.SetFocus .nd If .nd Sub 0rivate Sub ,ommand$F,lickGH .nd .nd Sub 0rivate Sub FormF@oadGH Set db I /pen%atabaseG&pp.0ath L KMpassword.mdbKH Set rs I db./pen:ecordsetGKTable#KH .nd Sub

8ata )lo4 8iagram )or Supermarket :illing System

#ntity !elations ip 8iagram

Conclusion o$ /ro;ect
/ur project is on supermarket Billing System. !e have successfully completed it. !e take this opportunity to e press our sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those people who helped us in

completing this project. !e are immensely grateful to our esteemed faculty guide &ssistant 0rof. 7r 6ijay Singh :athore and other faculties for their supervision and guidance without which this work would not have been possible.This project has contributed a lot to my knowledge that has proved to be a value addition for me.

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