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Approaches to classroom behavioural management- the way to ensuring a positive classroom climate I believe it is essential to model expectations along

with the discussion of consequences. This should be combined with the reinforcement of whole school policies and approaches along with: Reinforcements Instructional Strategies Self management Children centred principles Self organisation and responsibilities Decisive teacher leadership

The use of observational records will promote the continual growth in student achievement whilst continuing my personal teacher development. Through this, communication will be paramount when aligning common core directives and goals. Emphasising general human relations skills: A positive attitude Ability to listen Ability to compliment genuinely Friendliness

Human relation skills with students: Regular attention Reinforcement Continual willingness to help Modelling courtesy and good manners Establish routines

Human relations with parents: Communicate regularly and clearly Describe expectations clearly Emphasise student progress rather than dwelling on shortcomings

The use of non-verbal communication: The importance of eye contact Bodily gestures and stance when speaking to students i.e. direction of bodily stance

Strategies to use when children are displaying inattentive, hyperactive- impulsive behaviour: The use of reinforcement when it comes to appropriate behaviour Implement more break times within academic learning blocks Use visual aids to ensure children are kept on task Redirect the student rather than ordering them to stop what they are doing.

The use of preventive discipline: By using the following steps will aim to effectively prevent misbehaviour from occurring

Diversity: ensure each lesson is worthwhile and enjoyable have set learning outcomes and achieve those goals efficiently. Cater for a variety of learning abilities each striving to achieve the same end result. Ideally used through learning centres. Variety: This again refers to learning centres combining key elements throughout each learning centre so that each centre is a stepping stone that builds up to the main learning outcome. This would include activities that utilise the skills of discussing, listening, writing, reading, solving problems and illustrating. Versatility: Consider back up plans if the initial lesson does not go to plan- I am to be persistent with a topic but understand when the lesson needs to be stopped an revisited when new approaches can be presented. Marzanos instructional strategies for effective teaching and learning

The importance of breaking down a concept similarities and differences, comparing and classifying Summarising and note taking analyse, expose, questioning and prediction. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition the importance of attitudes and beliefs, effort and achievement leading to personal recognition and reflection. Homework and practice Policies, practice and preparation, feedback. Non-linguistic representation the use of images, words, symbols to represent relationships. Cooperative learning Set clear objectives and refer to feedback as a necessity Set core goals, ensure students personalise these goals. Encourage goal setting and expectations enable students to grasp the understanding that they are working towards a common ground. Generating and testing prediction, drawing conclusions from minimal background information. Cues, questions, advance organisers ask questions encourage student opinions, verbalise process of thinking.

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