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Tissue Respiration

By Jodi-Ann Fletcher

The conversion of carbohydrates into a hexose sugar, usually glucose which is the oxidised to produce energy in the form of ATP, carbon dioxide and water.

Catabolic process- product have less energy than reactant Produces phosphorylated nucleotide- ATP Exergonic reaction

Why ATP?
Releases small, manageable doses of energy ATP is small Soluble Easily transported within cell Making ATP reversible- when broken energy released Single step reaction; one enzyme needed; easily controlled Each cell makes its own ATp

ADP phosphorylation is a condensation reaction Both involve ATPase 30.6KJmol-1 energy involved

How ATP Made?

1. 2. 3. Uses electrical potential energy In phosphorylation of photosynthesis In oxidative phosphorylation of respiration
Occurs by obtaining phosphate group from an intermediate. Energy released by reorganising chemical bonds allows for the transfer of Pi from phosphorylated compound to ADP.

Substrate-level phosphorylation
1. 2.

Mitochondrion inner membrane


Chemiosmosis refers to the diffusion of ions across a partially permeable membrane usually referring to H+ gradient so that when it dissipates the energy released is used to drive the phosphorylation of ADP.

Glucose and Respiration

Too much energy expelled at one time (volatile) Unreactive Needs to be active Glucose phosphorylated.

1.All respiration does not require oxygen (think anaerobic) 2.Respiration is not one reaction (think glycolysis, link rxn, krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation) 3.Glucose is not the only respiratory substrate (think starvation: fats, protein)

Glucose activated (phosphorylated)- 1 ATPglucose-6-phoshate forms Isomerisation to fructose-6-phosphate Phosphorylation to fructose bisphosphate, 1 ATP Lysis to two triose phosphates Oxidation to two glycerate-3-phosphate, 2NADH, 2 ATP per triose Phosphorylation to two pyruvate, 2ATP

Occurs in cytoplasm No oxygen needed Glucose activated, no longer can leave cell Lysis to form 2 triose phosphates ATP formed from oxidation via substrate level phosphorylation




Respiratory substrate (6C) (glucose)

2 pyruvate (3C)





Linked reaction
In matrix Energy cost to go into mitochondrion Pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidised to give an acetyl group. The acetyl group is carried to the next stage by the coenzyme A as acetyl CoA. 2 carbon dioxide produced per glucose 2 NADH produced per glucose

Linked Reaction



2 Pyruvate (3C)

2 carbon dioxide

Coenzyme A

Acetyl CoA (2C)



Krebs Cycle

Krebs Cycle
Matrix of mitochondrion Acetyl group (2C) combines with (4C) oxaloacetate (6C) citrate formed 2 decarboxylation reactions occur 4 dehydrogenation reactions occur use NAD and uses FAD per cycle 1 ATP formed per cycle Oxaloacetate reformed 2 cycles `






2Acetyl CoA

4 Carbon dioxide





2ADP + 2Pi


Thus far:
C6H12O6 + 6H2O 6CO2+ 12H2+ 4 ATP (Water used is decarboxylation and gives off oxygen with the carbon to form carbon dioxide)

Significance of Krebs Cycle

Degrades macromolecules- 3C pyruvateCO2 Provides reducing power for electron transport chain Its an interconversion centre- valuable source of intermediate compounds used in the manufacture of other substances.

OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION (electron transport chain)

Occurs on the cristae of mitochondrion Means by which reducng power (H2) converted to ATP. H2 atoms passed down chain of other carriers of progressively lower energy levels from NADH and FADH. During transport, energy lost. Energy released used to make ATP(chemiosmosis)

Intially H2 atoms passed down chain H2 dissociates into H+(protons) and electons Electrons pass from carrier to carrier still At end of chain, protons and electrons recombine H2 atoms react with oxygen to form water The formation of ATP through oxidation of hydrogen atoms called oxidative phosphorylation.

Oxygen is the final hydrogen acceptor The transfer of hydrogen atoms to oxygen is catalysed by the enzyme cytochrome oxidase The ETC is a series of redox reactions.

NB cytochrome oxidase made of copper which can easily combine with cyanide rather than oxygen

Oxidative Phosphorylation

12H2+6O212H20+ 34 ATP
2H2+ O2 2H2O + energy Some energy used to make ATP Energy released in a series of reactions called the respiratory chain (ETC) For each NADH 3 ATP made For each FADH( enters lower in chain) 2ATP made.

LETS SUM THIS UP!!!!!(man i need to go to physics )

C6H12O6+ 6H2O 6CO2+ 12H2+ 4ATP 12H2+ 6O2 12H2O+ 34 ATP SUBTRACT Mitochondrion shuttle for pyruvate 2ATP (theory) ADP need to go into cytoplasm too Therefore:

Tissue Respiration (Aerobic)

C6H12O6+ 6O2 6CO2+ 12H2+ 6H2O+ 36ATP 1NADH- 2.5 ATP 1FADH-1.5 ATP

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