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Chapter II


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a. Rationale:

The Reason behind selecting the topic is to acknowledge the process of General Banking & Foreign Exchange & providing custo er service as their needs & wants & also to i prove the custo er service in order to help custo ers to access their accounts related infor ation easil! b! ac"uiring ore knowledge & the process of banking s!ste #

b. Background Of BCBL:
Banking sector is indispensable in a odern age and odern societ!# It alwa!s pla!s a vital

role to the econo ic develop ent of a countr!# In

odern age of science and technolog! the

banking sector all over the world has been undergoing a lot of changes due to deregulation$ technological innovation and globali%ation# But Bangladeshi banking sector is lagging to keep pace with the other countries to adapt the changes# Basicall! bank take deposits fro the custo ers against so e interest pa! ents and lend the various t!pes of credit facilit!# &lso bank the clients# Bangladesh Co erce Bank has launched ultipurpose service points branded as 'Touch one! to the borrowers with a eet the dail! needs of different interest rate and ti e period# To ensure safet! of the depositors fund there are ust hold ade"uate fund to

(oints)# The first 'Touch (oints) has been installed beside *ttara Branch# Graduall! the Bank will install several 'Touch (oints) around the pri e locations of +haka cit! and countr!wide# ,ere custo ers can get following services

Cash withdrawal Cash +eposit Re ittance .arious infor ation about Banking ore

Currentl! we have /0 branches around the countr!# B! 123/$ we have a target to open 0 branches at the pri e locations of the countr!#

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Bangladesh Co

erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 was established b! the act no# I1 of 3778$ e ber

passed b! the (arlia ent of the (eople)s Republic of Bangladesh# 9ubse"uentl! on Februar! 0$ 3770 as per clause 8586 of act 31 of 3778$ the Govern ent constituted an 33 with the &ct# Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4i ited was incorporated on :une 3$ 3770 as a public li ited 9epte ber 3<$ 3777 with Board of +irectors to organi%e BCB4 and ad inister the affairs of the Bank in accordance

co pan! under the co pan! act 377;$ Banking Co panies act 3773 and in accordance with the act no# 31 of 3778# The Bank for all! started operation fro the slogan of A Peoples Bank with a Mission.

The &uthori%ed and the (aid=up capital of the Bank is Tk#1222 respectivel!# >ut of Tk#712 Tk#322 depositors of for er BCI contributed Tk#?12 illion and Tk#712 illion

illion$ the Govern ent contributed Tk#/22

illion and the

illion as their e"uit! share# The balance

illion is subscribed b! / nationali%ed Bank#

Commencement of Business:
,aving been registered with the Registrar of :oint 9tock Co panies 5R:9C6 and Fir s with the prior approval of 9ecurities and Exchange Co Bank 4i ited co Ra@uk &venue$ Aoti@heel Co Chittagong$ Bhulna$ 9!lhet ission 59EC6 Bangladesh Co erce enced banking operation with the opening of its (rincipal Branch at 37$ ercial &rea$ the financial hub of the capital cit! +haka on etropolitan area and Bogra$ Caogaon$ Cara!angon@ started

9epte ber 3<$ 3777# B! the end of the accounting !ear3777$ the other 1/ branches in +haka$ functioning# &t present BCB4 is successfull! running operation in 1? branches with its last branch opened in Co illa# ExportDI portDForeign Exchange business is being done through our &D+ Branches# Ee are also e ber of 9EIFT# I port=Export$ Foreign exchange$ re ittance related activities are perfor ed with 9EIFT#

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Board/EC/Audit Committee Meeting:

The Board of +irectors is constituted with 33 Govern ent & other ; once in a regularl!# e bers fro e bers$ 8 of the no inated b! the e orandu and eets at least

private e"uit! holders as per the

article of association & as a public=private partnership# The Board of +irectors onth to consider and review various i portant polic! anage ent# Besides$ EC & Board &udit co ittee operation and

atters relating to its eetings are also held

,>+& .&9I C,>E+,*RF & Co# conducted audit of the Bank)s accounts for the !ears 1228 & 1220# ,>E4&+&R F*C*9 & Co# is appointed as external auditor of the Bank for the !ear 1227#

Mission & Vision of the Bank:

Mission Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4i ited is co itted to fulfill its custo er)s needs and

beco e their first choice in banking so that a sustainable growth$ reasonable return and contribution to the socio=econo ic develop ent of the countr! can be ensured with a otivated and professional work=force# Vision Beco e a bank of first choice b! the custo ers with societ!# eaningful contributions to the

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Corporate Strategy:
The overview of the Corporate 9trateg! of Bangladesh Co described below# Chair an 4egal 9tatus +ate of Co encing Business +ate of >pening of First Branch Registered >ffice 4ine of Business - Mr. Md. Yousuf Ali Ho lader - (ublic 4i ited Co pan! - 3<th 9ep$ 3777 - 3<th 9ep$ 3777 - 37$ Ra@uk &venue$ Aoti@heel CD&$ +haka= 3222 - Banking erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 is

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Organi!ational Hierarc"y:

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SL &'. &,. &.. &3. &). &2. &*. &+. &(. '&. ''. ',. '.. '3. '). '2. '*. '+. '(. ,&. ,'. ,,. ,.. ,3. ,). ,2. ,*. ,+. ,(. .&. .'. .,.

#a$e Abu Sadek Md. So"el %r. Mu"a$$ad Asadu!!a$an Mr. M /badat Hussain Mr. S.M. 6a"angir Ak"ter Mr. Sagir A"$ed Mr. Md. S"a$suddin A"$ed Mr. Sali$ Hasan Mr. 7.M. As"raf Hossain Mr. Md. Abul Hossain Mr. Md. Abdur Ra"i$ Mia" Mr. Md. Af!alur Ra"$an Mr. Md. Muk"lesur Ra"$an Mr. Md. Ma$ta! 8ddin Mais"an Mr. Md. #a!$ul 7ari$ Siddi:ue Mr. S.M. ;aliulla" Mr. Md. S"afi:ul <sla$ Mr. Af!al Hossain 7"an Mr. Sudatta Sebak Barua Mr. S.M. Rea!ur Ra"$an Mr. H. M. Abul 7ala$ A!ad Mr. Md. 7a$ru!!a$an Akand Mr. /"san A"$ed Rouf Mr. Seli$ A"$ed Mr. Md. Abdul Hali$ Mr. %e an Md. Moniru!!a$an Mr. Md. S"a"adat Hossain Mr. Ali A!a$ C"o d"ury Mr. Sar ar Md. S"a"idulla" Mr. Md.Mi!anur Ra"$an C"o d"ury Mr. Md. Mo=ibor Ra"$an 7"an Mr. Md.Abdul 7ari$ Mr. 5anu Ran=on %as

%esignation M% %M% /45 /45 /45 /45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 S45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Contact ()*')+,- ())(+.' /0t.1''2 ())2.+(- ())(+.' /0t.1'&3 *'2&)+(- ())(+.' /0t.1'&* *'2*&3,- *'2*32& e0t.1'&+ *'2&)*(- ())(+.' /0t.1'&2 *23&.,' *','+*+- *',,,,* *''.,22- ())(+.' /0t.1''' *.'3'*&- *.''&)' ()2'))'- *'',&2( /0t.1',, *'222)3- ()22'3& *'''&.2- ())(+.' /0t.1'&( &.'9*'*(*3- ,),,*+' /0t.1'&' ()'.*.2- ())(+.' /0t.1'', *'*',2.- ()*'.*) *'').22- ())(+.' /0t.1''. +++'&33-+++'&3)-(+)3&'( &.'1*,+'3)-,)'.2,, &.'1*'*(*.- &.'1*'*(*3 *'2*+*'- *'2*32& e0t.1'&( *''+22)- *'2)(', /0t.1'3. ())(&2(- ())(+.' /0t.1''& ())(+.'- /0t1',& +&)'*,,- +&,&,*3 +.,'&*, &.'12.32',- ,+2*)*) +(,'))) &.'12))(+,-2)2')3 *''&()*-())(+.'- /0t1'3, +')3223 ()'.*.2-())(+.'- /0t1'', *'*2.&.-())(+.'- /0t1'3.

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c. Ob=ecti>e Of t"is report:

Broad Ob=ecti>e:
The Broad ob@ective of this report is to represent the GGeneral Banking s!ste Co parts of the General Banking s!ste of Bangladesh Co of Bangladesh erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46H and to have a clear conception about all of the essential erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46#

Specific Ob=ecti>e:
The ain ob@ective of the stud! is to gather knowledge about banking s!ste and its overall operation# 9o e ob@ectives of the stud! are given below To understand the concept of general banking# To understand the ob@ective and need of general banking# To learn about the general banking s!ste of the bank#

To know the policies of the general banking service# To observe the environ ent of the general banking services of the bank# To review the techni"ues used b! the bank to ake General Banking lucrative#

To check the custo er views about the general banking services#

Scope of t"e Study:

This report will provide overall organi%ational view of Bangladesh Co the organi%ation# erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46# This report will also cover the credit division and credit rating of

Li$itation of t"e Study:

&s the Internship period onl! contains three collected infor ation# In this due ti e I have tried to collect the related data to prepare this report# But with the short ti e span it)s "uite hard to gather ade"uate knowledge and data on general banking s!ste and overall credit rating s!ste # &lso it was difficult go get the actual onths$ and in this due ti e we need to ake report based on gather infor ation about our respective organi%ation and

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data and sufficient records$ publication were not available# 9o this constrains narrowed the scope of the stud!#

Chapter III
AC?<4<?</S 8#%/R?A7/#

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a. ;ork1Related


! internship I have done works under general banking# *nder general banking i !

have learned about account$ account opening & closing$ how to open a F+R$ & &ccounts +epart ent of the Bank# In a word I have learned the general banking activities during general banking fro Bangladesh Co internship# *nder the work related pints I have discussed about what I have learned at erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46# General banking ostl! exposed to the axi u nu ber of bank depart ent usuall! perfor s a lot of i portant banking activities# General banking depart ent is the depart ent which is custo ers# It is the introductor! depart ent of the bank to its custo ers# &ll business concerns earn a profit through selling either product or a service# & bank does not produce an! tangible product to sell but does offer a variet! of financial services to its custo ers# The Gulshan branch of Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 has all the re"uired anpower with high "ualit! banking sections of general banking and this section are run b! have worked in General Banking sector so

knowledge# ,ence a touch of rich custo er service is prevailing in the branch# &s a Intern I ! works consists of following activities-

/#3 &ccount >pening

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Current &ccount IC+ &DCJ 9aving &ccount I9B &DCJ 9hort Ter +eposit &DC

Fixed +eposits &ccount IF+R &DCJ Aonthl! 9aving 9che e IAA99J +ouble Benefit 9che e IA+B9J Aonthl! (rofit 9che e IAA(9J

/#1 Che"ue Book /#/ &ccount Closing /#; 4ocal Re ittance /#? Clearing +epart ent /#< Cash 9ection /#8 9A9 Banking /#0 4ocker 9ervices /#7 Brishi & (alli 4oan

..' Account Opening

There are various t!pes of accounts is Bangladesh Co are listed and described below#

erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46# These

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Current &ccount IC+ &DCJ 9aving &ccount I9B &DCJ 9hort Ter +eposit &DC or 9pecial Cotice +eposit &DC

Fixed +eposits &ccount IF+R &DCJ Aonthl! 9aving 9che e IAA99J +ouble Benefit 9che e IA+B9J Aonthl! (rofit 9che e IAA(9J

Current Account @C% A9CA

Basicall! this t!pe of account opened b! the business organi%ation or b! an! organi%ation or b! a partnership business for the purpose of business# Co extra profit is given on the deposited a ount# To open this account various t!pes of docu ents are re"uired# These are listed below# i# ii# iii# iv# v# vi# vii# &DC opening fro Introducer of Current &ccount holder in the Bank Trade 4icense Cational I+ Card (hotocop! of TIC paper if applicable &n application to open the &ccount Certificate of Incorporation and Resolution

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viii# there are @oint of each to the for # ix#

/ cop! passport si%e photo of the account holder# If e bers then the! need to also include / cop! passport si%e photo

If it is a partnership business then (artnership deed$ partnership letter$ @ointl! operated signature infor the Bank# Ae orandu +ocu ents# and &rticles of the &ssociation# .alid ust be enclosed with the &ccount ust opening for # &n! ti e if arise an! "uestion of change in partnerK the fir


Rules and regulation regarding Current Account $aintained by t"e Bank:

a# Current accounts are opened with su of one! not less than Tk# 3222 in the na e

of the parties known to the bank or properl! introduced b! another account holder# b# 9ervice charge for Current &ccount is !earl! Tk# 122DL c# The account holder the respected account# d# >nl! the for of Che"ue Books supplied b! the bank should be used# ade b! the che"ue re"uisition paper given in ust aintain at ini u balance of Tk# 3222DL all the ti e in

e# &pplication of che"ue book should be the che"ue book fro

the inserted near the end of each book# Custo ers are alwa!s

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re"uested to keep che"ue book under lock and ke!s# The bank will not be responsible in an! wa! for unauthori%ed pa! ent resulting f# In drawing che"ue the a ount ishandling of che"ue books#

ust be written in words and figure distinctl! and the

che"ue should be drawn in such wa! to prevent the insertion of an! words# g# Constituents are re"uested to observe the sa e st!le of signature as the speci en left at the bank# h# Co receipt will be recogni%ed unless it bears the initial or signature of an officer of the bank# i# Che"ue book$ passbook$ pa!=in=slip charges Tk# ?2D= if it has been replaced b! the bank due to lost or da age# @# The bank reserves the right to close the account of an! client for suspicious transaction or if the client provides isleading infor ation about the client)s business profession$ source of the transaction to the bank# k# The bank basicall! does not recogni%e trusts#

Sa>ing Account @SB A9CA

The bank nor all! offers profit on the deposited a ount the savings account# & ini u balance of Tk# ?22DL ust be onthl! to

aintained all the ti e in the

account# Basicall! 9avings accounts are used as non=business account or in other words it is a personal account# B! the instruction of the Bangladesh Bank now a da!s each Bank is providing 8M profit or interest on the deposited a ount in the savings accounts# The service charge a! differ one Bank to another# But in case of Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46# the service charge is onl! Tk# 122D= per !ear# Two 5/6 cop! passport si%e photo of the account holder and one passport si%e photo of the decedents of the account holder#

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S"ort ?er$ %eposit A9C

It is also a ti e deposit account# The for alities for opening this account are sa e as current account# The onl! difference is that$ fre"uentl! withdrawal is discouraged and 8M interest is paid#

Bi0ed %eposits Account @B%R A9CA

Fixed deposit is the one$ which is repa!able after the expir! of a predeter ined period fixed b! the client# The period varies fro period notice# Cor all! the the fixed period# >ne Aonth to 31 onths# These deposits are not repa!able on de and but the! can be withdrawing able sub@ect to a one! on a fixed deposit is not repa!able before the expir! of

In case of fixed deposit account the bank needs to high profit rate in Fixed +eposit &ccounts# For 3 Three onth and above but less than / onths and above N 7#?M onths N 0M

aintain a cash reserve# 9o BCB4 offers a

Aonthl! 9aving 9che e 5AA996 The pri e ob@ectives of this sche e are to encourage all class of people for building an i portant habit of saving# In this sche e$ one can save a fixed a ount of one! ever!

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onth and get a lucrative lu p su !ears#

a ount of

one! after five !ears$ eight !ears and ten

?er$s and Condition for MMSS Account: 3# To open a AA99 &ccount the client has to use its specified for # Co introducer is re"uired to open this account# 1# The +epositors can select an! t!pes of install ent s!ste will not be able to change the s!ste fro the chart# But heDshe

install ent after opening the account#

/# The Ainor can also open the account under the guardian)s supervision in this pro@ect# ;# >ne person can open one or install ent a ount ti e period ?# &fter the ust be different# aturit! the total a ount will be paid after one week of the aturit! period# ore accounts# The ti e period a! be sa e but the a! be sa e but the

ust be different or the install ent a ount

<# 32M source tax will be deducted fro Bangladesh Bank#

the profit portion according to the rules of

8# If the client changes hisDher residual address then heDshe

ust notif! it to the bank#

0# The client can transfer hisDher account to another branch of the sa e bank# 322 Tk will be charged as transfer cost# 7# If the client want to ter inate the account before the be get the profit at the rate of saving accounts# 32# The no inee na e and photo ust be given in the for # aturit! period then heDshe will

%ouble Benefit Sc"e$e CM%BSD *nder this sche e depositor)s one! will be kept for a period of seven !ears and the total

a ount will be double in the following period# This sche e is one of highest !ielding deposit sche e in Bangladesh Banking 9!ste # This offer is ver! attractive for the person who has additional one! in hand# B! this account people can use their ideal period# one! b! which he can)t earn or can)t able or don)t feel secure to invest on business# *nder this pro@ect hisDher one! can be full! secured with so e benefit after the ter

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A Sa$ple C"art is gi>en belo :

Deposit Products
Savings Bank Account

5RO%8C? Eeneral Sa>ings #ondita COnly for House ifeD Sri!oni Conly for orker o$enD

<nterest Rate ).)&F +.)&F +.)&F

StudentGs Sa>ings


Fixed Deposit Scheme

Banglades" Co$$erce Bank Li$ited offers fi0ed ter$ sa>ings t"at ill scale up your sa>ings a$ount ti" t"e ti$e.

& ter

deposit account$ guarantees interest on deposit#

&ttractive interest rate#

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Flexible tenor# The custo er a! avail loan facilities against F+R &ccount as securit! *p to 02M # aturit!# aturit!# &uto atic renewal facilit! at Interest is applicable on

Monthly Saving Scheme

SL.#o Mont"ly <nstall$ents C?akaD 23 21 2/ 2; 2? ?22D= 3$222D= ?$222D= 32$222D= 12$222D= A$ount to be paid on co$pletion of ?er$
.C?"reeD years )CBi>eD years *CSe>enD years '&C?enD years

13$?22D= ;/$222D= 1$3?$222D= ;$/2$222D=

;3$222D= 01$222D= ;$32$222D= 0$12$222D=

<?$?22D= 3$/3$?22D= <$??$222D=

3$3?$222D= 1$/2$222D= 33$?2$222D=

3/$32$222D= 1/$22$222D=

0$<2$222D= 3<$;2$222D= 1<$12$?22D= ;<$22$222D=

HH ?k. )&& or any a$ount Multiplied by )&& belo )&-&&& can be opened.

Monthly Profit schme

SL.#o %iposite A$ount of Money Tk#3$22$222 >R an! a ount Aultiplied b! 3$22$222 Tk#3$22$222 >R an! a ount 5eriod / 5Three6 Fears ? 5Five6 Mont"ly 5rofit 78?D= 3$222D= Iuarterly 5rofit 1$71?D= /$222D=

23 21

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Aultiplied b! 3$22$222


Lakhpati Deposit Scheme

SL.#o &' &, ?enure )CBi>eD Years '&C?enD Years Mont"ly <nstall$ent '.,&91 )')91 A$ount 5ayable at Maturity '-&&-&&&Cone LacD '-&&-&&&Cone LacD

Millionaire Deposit Scheme

SL.#o &' ?enure '&C?enD Years Mont"ly <nstall$ent )&+)91 A$ount 5ayable at Maturity '&-&&-&&&C?en LacD

otipoti Deposit Scheme

SL.#o &' ?enure ')CBifteenD Years Mont"ly <nstall$ent ,)-(2&91 A$ount 5ayable at Maturity '-&&-&&-&&&COne CoreD

Marriage Deposit Scheme

SL.#o &' ?enure ',C? el>eD Years Mont"ly <nstall$ent '&&&91 A$ount 5ayable at Maturity ,-2&-3'&91

!ducation Savings Scheme

SL.#o &' ?enure +C/ig"tDYears Mont"ly <nstall$ent )&&91 A$ount 5ayable at Maturity 2(-2,&91

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Dou"le Benefit Scheme

SL.#o ?enure One1off 5ay$ent ?k.'&-&&& OR any a$ount Multiplied by '&-&&& A$ount 5ayable at Maturity %ouble of diposite



#riple Benefit Scheme

SL.#o ?enure One1off 5ay$ent ?k.'&-&&& OR any a$ount Multiplied by '&-&&& A$ount 5ayable at Maturity ?riple of diposite



Note:Govt. Tax rules Applicable or all !ipositor.

.., C"e:ue Book House >n the sub ission of the re"uisition slip attached with the che"ue book given during the account opening$ the assigned person or the person authori%ed b! the account holder will be given a che"ue book#

... Account Closing It is a general right for each account holder to close his or her account at an! ti e if he Dshe is inconvenient to continue# But it re"uires also so e for alities# The person needs to appl! an application to the charge# anager of the specified branch entioning the reason for account closing also the date when heDshe would like to close the account b! pa!ing Tk 1?2# as a closing

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..3 Local Re$ittance Bank re ittances are safe$ si ple$ swift and inexpensive# The of funds in case of Bangladesh Co ain instru ents for transfer

erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 are given below-

(a! ent >rder or (D>The banker)s pa! ent order or (D> sense the pa! ent order is used for are in the for eans aking pa! ent of the banker)s own or of

the custo er)s dues locall! and not for affecting an! re ittance to an outstation# In a aking re ittance to the local creditor# The (D>s of receipt$ which value against pa! ent in cash or through an account#

The pa! ent order is not negotiable instru ent and can)t be endorsed# Cash &DC Bills pa!able 5(D>6 &DC Inco e &DC Co ission +r Cr Cr Cr

Inco e &DC (ostage

Issue of a Bank +raftThe person intending to re it the fund through a bank draft has to deposit the to be re itted together with the co >n receipt of the re"uired a ount long with dul! filled on prescribed for issues a draft and hand over it to the purchaser# Cash &DC ,> &DC Co ission +r Cr Cr one!

ission depends on the a ount to be re itted# the banker

b. Organi!ation1 ide

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..) Clearing %epart$ent Each Bank has its own clearing depart ent# This depart ent has two ain @obs# These are-

aD <n ard c"e:ue clearing: Ehenever the branch of BCB4 receives a che"ue fro collect other Bank to

one!$ then the branch send the che"ue to the ,ead >ffice# The ,ead

>ffice arranges the che"ue separatel! b! the na e of different Banks and then it send to the respective bank for its clearing# Bangladesh Bank has given condition for this @ob of clearing house na e ,>*9E# This is done twice in a da!# First house and return house# First house is to deliver the che"ue and the collect che"ues fro different banks# &nd return house is to return the honored che"ues# &s soon as the principal branch gets the clearance it sends an Inter Branch Transaction &dvice 5IBT&6 to the respective branch$ who has send the che"ue for collection#

bD Out ard C"e:ue Clearing: This is the opposite flow of the Inward Che"ue clearance# Ehen F9IB4 send che"ue to another person of another bank$ that bank does the sa e things to clai the one! fro the Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 with the sa e procedure# The clearing depart ent will charge 122 Tk for this service# cD 5arties of a C"e:ue: Bour parties can be found for a c"e:ue. ?"ese are listed belo :1 +rawn b! a person who orders the bank to pa! account# & person who pa!s the a ount of the che"ue one! fro his

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(a!ee & person who receive the a ount of the che"ue

dD 5ay$ent 5rocedure of a C"e:ue:1 The che"ue for # The che"ue should be sub itted with a specified date# The a ount in words and figure The account holder ust be sa e# ust be written in the bank)s supplied printed che"ue

ust sign in the che"ue# eet the che"ue#

There should be sufficient balance to

eD Refuse Condition of a C"e:ue:1 If the date on the che"ue date does not If the che"ue is out of date# Ehether the fund is not sufficient# Ehether the bearer does not sign in the che"ue Ehether the account holder does not sign# >n receipt of custo er)s stop pa! ent instruction# >n receipt of the notice of a client)s death# atch#

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fD Ans ers to be gi>en in case of %is"onored c"e:ue:1 Refer to drawer Cot arranged for Exceeds the a ount Effects not cleared If figure and words a ount differs (a! ent stopped b! the account holder If &ccount holders signature does not Che"ues are ultilateral# atch#

gD 5unis"$ent for Bouncing C"e:ue:1 If the drawer is found guilt! of a cri inal offense under section 3/0 he would be punished with a i prison ent of one !ear of a fine to the extent of the twice a ount entioned in the che"ue#

..2 Cas" Section Cash section is the ver! i portant and ost bus! section for all Banks# 9o it has such oving ca eras in cash to identif! the

i portance in BCB4 too# This branch uses several

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ove ent of authori%ed person# Ti e factor is also vital for this section# >peration of this section begins at the start of the banking hour# Cash officer begins the transaction with taking one! fro the vault$ it)s known as opening cash balance# .ault is kept in a uch incu bent# The a ount of opening balance is entered in the dail! register# &fter the whole da!)s transaction the surplus a ount of vault and it is known as closing balance# one! receipts in the cash counter is put back in the

ReceiptReceiving officer should draw his attention to avoid these t!pes of notice when heDshe takes one! fro the custo er#

o & Ais atched Cote o & +iscolor Cote o & 9oiled Cote o & Burn Cote o &n *n=current Cote o & Forged Cote

(a! entsThe officer should draw extra care while i portant points are given below & ount of in the che"ue Eho is the bearer of the che"ue .erif!ing the signature Total a ount in the &ccount aking pa! ent of a che"ue so e of the

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(osted or cash paid sta p of the che"ue Ca e of the branch Is it a fraud che"ue

..* Online Banking: Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 has offered a broad arra! of innovative atch the specific re"uire ents of unication

financial service to the custo ers speciall! designed to

the clients# BCB4 has alread! launched the >nline Banking services# BCB4 has also set up Eide &rea Cetwork 5E&C6 through radio$ fiber optics and other available co edia s!ste to provide an! branch banking to its valuable clients# *nder the sche es$ the ake ++ or

clients of one branch will be able to do banking transaction at an! other branch of the Bank# &s all branches are included through the E&C so there will be no need to carr!ing cash#

..+ SMS Banking Bangladesh Co s!ste fro erce Bank 4i ited 5BCB46 has officiall! launched the 9A9 banking a client the bank

+ece ber$ 1222# Through this service client can s s his account nu bers the

banks no# for balance in"uir!# &fter getting a balance in"uir! re"uest fro will s s hisDher back with a respective answer#

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Loan li$it is ?k. )&.&& t"ousand to ?k. ..&& lac. #o collateral security is re:uired for loan up to ?k. ..&& lac. ?enor is ' $ont" to 2 $ont"s. Annual <nterest rate '+F. Loan processing fee &.'&F. Loan is rene able and can be ad=usted at once. Age li$it of t"e client is ,& to )) years. Must "a>e a link account like Sa>ings 9 Current account. cD Ot"er Rele>ant Acti>ities: i# ii# iii# iv# I did filling IA( for Eritten in all t!pes of register book# +id how to dispatch the i port file# +id how to forwarding the i port & export letter#

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<ntroduction to Banking 5rocedure

Basicall! we know that the deposits and lending bank can earn when given loan at high percentage fro one! is the process of bank and the the deposit which parentage banks the &ccount opening

need to gives clients# The difference between the percentage of deposits and lending is called spread# 9o there are different sector related with each other# 9tart fro and finished with the &ccount division and in advances# If the bank wants to take proper branch then it should start fro There are so aintenance and iddle it includes Clearing$ 4oans and ore effective banking fro

the front desk or &ccount opening# 9a! for exa ple one one! laundering there# &fter

client co es to open a bank account and our officer start the procedure to open the account# an! infor ation and signatures need to fill up with infor ation# 9o if so eone does not provide proper and efficient infor ation or Cational I+ card cop! or passport cop! or no inee)s picture then the lacking starts fro &ccount opening if the bank needs infor ation regarding the &ccount holder then the bank have to face proble # The bank needs to call the client to co e to bank once again and provide the sufficient infor ation# The ain task is directl! related with the cash counter of the bank# >pen and closing of an &ccount is related with the front desk operation# 4oans and advances is related with another depart ent where F+R issuing giving loan etc and clearing is other depart ent where clients gives che"ues for clearing fro different bills$ salar! posting$ voucher nu ber etc# Mode of ?ransaction Basicall! there are three t!pes of scroll# Banking activities is done or reali%ed under these three scrolls# Before the end of the da! it is follows Cash andator! to have e"ual a ount under debit and credit# 9o that there will be no difference# The na es of these scrolls are as other bank and posting different thing like refund order and dividend order etc# &ccount depart ent deals with the

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Clearing and Transfer ain picture will

Each of these scroll carr! two sides one is +ebit and one is Credit# 9o the co e like the following# Cash +r Clearing +r Transfer +r




Cas" Cash is the deposits and ost li"uid asset for an! organi%ation# Cash is the ost i portant depart ent for the Banking 9ector where cash officers are working and their responsibilit! is receive ake pa! ents of taka or other de and of the clients# In cash counter one the client and another person akes the pa! ents to one! client ode one! the client needs deposit slip and for withdrawing person collects the deposit a ount for the clients# For deposit in the cash counter# Exa ple- Ar# O co es to deposit Taka 3?222DL# It cash officer entr! the transaction in cash transaction will be like this# Expense &ccount b! Cash Expense account is the account which is used against the dail! expenses for the banks such as stationar!$ refresh ent ite s and other conve!ance# B! using cash following# Expenditure &DC ode directl! it is posted ode like the and this is not contra so that all particular under this will be counted as debit eans the bank receive one! so the

needs che"ue issued b! the bank# These works are done in the

ode of debit and credit

ode and reali%ed it as credit# &nother person Ar#

F co es to the bank with a che"ue to withdraw an a ount of Taka 12222DL# 9o the

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Refresh ent ========== +r# /22DL 9tationar! Clearing Clearing is the Bangladesh Co fro ode where client gives different or other bank)s che"ue for the collection erce Bank 4td# ,is &DC no is 9BP 31122223?/=/# Cow he has a che"ue and deposit to the own account# For exa ple- Ar# &rif is a 9aving &ccount holder in the the ,9BC Bank for an a ount of Taka 38$222DL 9o Ar# &rif will give the che"ue in the ========== +r# 122DL Conve!ance =========== +r# 312DL

clearing depart ent for transferring the a ount into his own account# Cow the clearing depart ent will send the che"ue to the ,ead office for the clearing and the ,ead office will again send it to the Bangladesh Bank for Clearing# &fter cleared b! the Bank Representative in the Bangladesh Bank the ,ead office will send the che"ue to the respective Branch with a Credit &dvice# The total process will be like this# ?ransfer The transfer is a contra and to work in the transfer can transfer cash fro ode there is no re"uired cash# >ne client ode# Bank officer one account to another account through transfer

do this t!pe of transaction on behalf of the client# For exa ple- Ar# *%%al has one C+ &ccount in BCB4# The &DC no is C+ P 3332222223=1 and he also a loan account in BCB4# The 4oan &DC no is 9>+ P ??122222?<=7# Cow Ar# *%%al wants to transfer an a ount of 312$222 Tk fro the a ount for the Current &ccount to the 4oan &ccount# 9o the cash officer will collect the C+ &ccount and transfer it to the 4oan &ccount#

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Chapter I.
CO#S?RA<#?S9CHALL/#E/S A#% 5RO5OS/% CO8RS/ OB AC?<O# BOR <M5RO4/M/#?

The first and and constraint# 9econdl!$

a@or constraint that I felt is as I had done

a@or on ,u an resource a@or

anage ent but I didn)t find

! internship on that field which is a

! background is on hu an resources and I don)t know an!thing about

banking process$ which is co pletel! a different experience though I had a course on finance but that was not sufficient for doing internship in general banking# I ca e to know about banking s!ste but not in a huge wa!#

Page | 31

For the ti e li itation I was not able to learn

ore about the general banking s!ste #

I had no idea about Bangladesh online banking s!ste # But now it is well known to e# +ue to ti e li itation an! of the aspects could not be discussed in the present

report# 4earning all the functions within @ust 32 weeks 5/ Aonths6 is reall! tough# In an! cases$ up to date infor ation was not published# eticulous exploration on

4ack of experiences has acted as constraints in the wa! of the topic#

,owever$ o itting the li itations$ the report will help to understand the general banking s!ste of BCB4#

Acade$ic 5reparation:
There is a huge difference between theor! and real life experience# +uring our educational life we learned what is corporate life is all about$ how things works a general idea about the ter s etc# but when it co es to work practicall! it)s all about being attentive in learning new

Page | 32

things regardless our

a@or# Aost of the ti e we don)t have to put all those theories into

works but all those theories are @ust to give us knowledge or a base upon which we work inside office# &s I)ve assigned in training section the constraints that I face are all involved in ! da! to da! tasks# Aainl! there are two t!pes of proble s First of all with the training steps of training#Ee all know there are 8 steps of training #the part is shown below

Being a newl! separated depart ent at B(4$ it has a great need to develop all of their ,R activities like collecting e plo!ee infor ation$ training progra s$ recruit ent process etc# what I have learnt in recruit ent etc# ! universit! life$ is so advanced fro the realit!# I a tr!ing to develop the e plo!ee infor ation$ @ob description$ interview procedure$ sources of

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+uring have to

! internship I have found it less si ilarit! with

! acade ic preparation# But I ust because si ilar e the the sa e or fro

ention that$ in depth learning in our acade ic life about courses is in unicate with others fro e forward#

without all these we won)t be able to co

ground# A! learning in &I*B along with the internship in a service co pan! gives confidence to overco e the future obstacles and push

Missing kno ledge and skills t"at need to be learned in t"e uni>ersity "ic" is rele>ant to t"e co$pany or to one self as future professional:
&ccording to e$ student of &I*B we should have a course about Aicrosoft >ffice which ! universit! that the! should anage so e will enrich our skills# I would suggest to Excel is used learning and student#

workshops which will increase our knowledge and build confidence# Because Aicrosoft ostl! to do al ost ever! task given b! the organi%ation# Besides$ innovative ore e phasi%e should be given on public speaking too# &I*B should arrange

so ething so that we could learn the corporate behavior which is ver! i portant for business

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Chapter .

Page | 35

>n 32th 9epte ber$ 123/ I have started

! internship in Bangladesh Co

erce Bank 4td# I

and it ended on /2th Cove ber $ 123/# +uring these three was assigned at Gulshan Branch of Bangladesh Co challenges but eventuall! I got to learn the activities of a co there$ I got the essence of practical world which will help

onths of internship progra

erce Bank 4td# Though I faced lot of ercial bank# Ehile working ! e to beco e professional in

future life# The things that I actuall! learned in BCB4 are given belowi# ii# iii# iv# v# Taking responsibilit! I portance of co it ent 9incerit!# (unctualit! and dedication Enriching the interpersonal skills ,ow treat a custo er# erce Bank 4td the internship progra ! 3st onth at Bangladesh Co an! things like= ! sincerit! banks 1nd sir send is done on the basis of rotation# e to the &ccounts depart ent# In

In Bangladesh Co 4ike few da!s of

erce Bank 4td# I worked at general

banking and after seeing General banking s!ste

I learned

>pening Cew account$ Eriting (a! >rder#

an! kinds of +eposit account and also about F+R etc#

4earned ,ow to give a re"uisition for new Che"ue Book# +ifferent t!pes of Transaction in BCB4 &lso did so e data anage ent activities

Involved in recording foreign bill collection data

Page | 36

<$plications Bro$ t"e Bank

Aost things that I have done in the bank during ! internship is general banking#

This relates to the accounting & finance depart ent$ inter ediate accounting$ anagerial accounting etc$ which I have learned in the BB& core courses not related to the ,RA course# These are the i plications for the bank#

<$plications fro$ t"e 8ni>ersity

&s I) a ,RA a@or student I have done ! internship in Bangladesh Co erce

Bank 4td = Gulshan Branch where I have done all kinds of banking activities there I was nothing related to the ,RA sub@ects# 9o *niversit! should start a Banking course under ,RA +epart ent#

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Chapter .I


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Bank is a service=oriented organi%ation# Its business profit depends on its service "ualit!# That is wh! the authorit! alwa!s should be aware about their service "ualit! and perfor ance as service "ualit! can lead to increased custo er satisfaction$ and thus can contribute significantl! to perfor ance# Aoreover$ the custo er service "ualit! is conse"uentl! indispensable in this aspect# To aintain a good accounting s!ste $ Bank should have ercial bank# istake on ore focus on

co puteri%ed s!ste other private co In case of

which can create the bank)s efficienc! with co pare to the

aking of voucher$ officer has found that so eti es the! for aking voucher which is less ti e consu ing#

proper voucher writing and the proper a ount# To solve this proble use co puteri%ed s!ste

officer should

In general banking depart ent it is necessar! to i ple ent instead of traditional s!ste # It should be done b! auto ated process rather than

odern banking process

ore co puteri%ed# +ifferent processes for anual process# >n the other hand$ ost of

(a! >rder issue$ +e and +raft$ Che"ue Book issue$ Fixed +eposit etc should be the banks auto ate whole activities$ which best "ualit! service provider# If BCB4 use on=line service in ever! branch there would be less chance of fraudulent# 9uppose a (#># holder has loss his (#># block$ now he wants to issue a duplicate (#># In this situation banker will check whether that (#># is alread! paid or not# The! have to do a length! procedure for this searching# If the! have on=line service it will take a couple of inute for searching# ake their work easier and faster# &nd to erce Bank 4td should focus on

co pete with other local (rivate$ Bangladesh Co

Page | 39

The cash officer has to ver! efficient in case of entr! in the co puter# ,e has to be ver! careful while entr! in the co puter# Cause$ so eti es officer put the wrong entr!# &s a result one custo er a ount goes to another custo er account# &s Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4td is the financial institution and one depends to ini i%ed

another to co plete a process co pletel!# 4ack of cooperation should be

to provide pro pt service# +ifferent depart ents of the bank should work like a tea to provide pro pt and efficient services to the custo ers# Internal conflict a ong and within the depart ents should be re oved in this aspect#

The accounts officer has to ver! careful while checking the voucher# it is ver! i portant task# .oucher checking is done to found out the proper entr! is account nu ber etc# The nu ber of hu an resources in the Co puter section is reall! insufficient to give services to huge nu ber of custo ers# 9o$ nu ber of staff should be increased in this section# Finall!$ in the custo er service depart ent there should be ade"uate workforce to provide the services to the custo ers effectivel! and efficientl!# Fre"uentl! transfer of the e plo!ees fro the custo er service depart ent and fre"uentl! leave of ini i%ed to ensure consistent service# absence of the e plo!ees should be ade b! the cash officer or not# &nd he has to carefull! check the a ount $custo er na e$

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Chapter .II
Page | 41

There are so e

atters that I have found during the internship period which can be treated as

proble s of BCB4# These are given below Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4td$ Gulshan Branch electricit! s!ste is not good#

9o e ti e electricit! service would be dela!# Ehere co puter leads ever! sphere of lives including banking activities$ First Bangladesh Co Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4td# does not have erce Bank 4td an! experts in co puter#

aintains all records in registr! book# 4ike ore ti e#

traditional banking s!ste # If an! one co es to Bank a pa! order in that ti e the! take Aost of the clients face proble

to fill up the &DC opening for #

To write .oucher for ever! transaction is so difficult$ and it consu es ti e# &nd b! posting this voucher to IT depart ent$ it takes ore ti e

Conclusion Fro the learning period and experience point of view I can sa! that I have reall! erce Bank 4td# 5BCB46# Fro the

en@o!ed the Internship period at Bangladesh Co

Page | 42

3st da! I was sure that this progra banking s!ste

period will help

e a lot to learn about the ! career in the present @ob

and will i prove the possibilit! of

arket# Though during this short period of ti e is not enough to go through all the section of banking and gather ade"uate knowledge# But the funda ental infor ation will help e in ! future career# and the ore# This report describes the +ifference between Conventional Banking 9!ste Governance and corporate social responsibilit! of banking histor! and 9o

General Banking &ctivates of the BCB4$ Financial product of BCB4$ Corporate There are several li itations to use the Financial 9tate ent infor ation directl!# But b! the end of the report I wish BCB4 should alwa!s tr! to i prove their service level in ever! ter # References

3# http:""$" 1# Gui#eline ro$ Bank %n M& Branch. /# Annual 'eport o Ban(la#esh )o$$erce Bank. ;# *eb Pa(e o General Bankin( or(. + #i erent Banks. ?# Ban(la#esh Bank *e# ,ite : www#bangladesh=bank#org <# www#scribd#co

Page | 43

/1$ail: ra"in+.)+Kya"$ Cell: &'2+(1**),3,
Career Ob=ecti>e: The best invest ent one can ake is in his future goals setting and planning are not enough# Good intensions ust be put into action without an! hesitation# I a interested to work in an environ ent where there is an opportunit! of self=assess ent and self=i prove ent in both individual and group base work that will ulti atel! lead to the further develop ent of the co on people within the @ob# 5ersonal <nfor$ation: Ca e +ate of birth Rahhat 9a%%ad 32th Aarch 3771

Aarital status
Religion Cationalit!


*n arred


Ba$ily <nfor$ation: Father)s na e R I 9a%%ad

Page | 44

Aother)s na e
Religion Cationalit! Telephone E= ail

9an@ida Isla Isla Bangladeshi 23833=<70077$ 23718=;/;317 risa%%adQg ail#co

Address: (resent &ddress (er anent &ddress

/1D1 Bank Town$ 9avar $ +haka#

/1D1 Bank Town$ 9avar $ +haka#

/ducation Iualification: #a$e Of %egree BB& ,9C 99C Ot"er skills: Board9 8ni>ersity & erican International *niversit!=Bangladesh +haka Aodel +egree College$ +haka B C College$ +haka Result ,.+. ;#32 ;#/3 & & Erade 5assing Year 123/ 1227 1228

I can speak and write both English and Bangla well# &lso can speak ,indi
fluentl!# Co puter literac! in A9=Eord$ A9=Excel$ A9=(ower(oint# I can operate co puter ver! well both ,ardware & 9oftware# <nterest:

9inging$ traveling$ Reading$ (la!ing guitar books etc#

Page | 45


&f%al,ossain Bhan
.ice (resident &Aanager$ Bangladesh Co erce Bank 4td 5Gulshan branch6

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