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188314 January 10, 2011

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. KHADDAF JANJALANI, GA!AL ". "AHARAN a.#.a. Ta$ay, ANGELO TRINIDAD a.#.a. A%u K&a'(', GAPPAL "ANNAH ASALI a.#.a. !a()an or N*+ro, JAINAL SALI a.#.a. A%u So'a(,an, ROH!AT A"D-RROHI! a.#.a. Ja.#(* or /a#y, an) o0&*r JOHN an) JANE DOES, Accused, GA!AL ". "AHARAN a.#.a. Ta$ay, ANGELO TRINIDAD a.#.a. A%u K&a'(', an) ROH!AT A"D-RROHI! a.#.a. A%u Ja.#(* or /a#y, Accused-Appellants. DECISION SERENO, J.: Bef !e t"e C u!t is an appeal f! # t"e Decisi n f t"e C u!t f Appeals $CA% dated &' (une )''*, +"ic" affi!#ed t"e Decisi n f t"e Re,i nal T!ial C u!t f -a.ati Cit/ in C!i#inal Case N s. '0-123 and '0-1222 dated 4* Oct 5e! )''0. T"e latte! Decisi n c nvicted t"e t"!ee accused-appellants 6 na#el/, 7a#al B. Ba"a!an a...a. Tapa/, An,el T!inidad a...a. A5u 8"alil, and R "#at A5du!! "i# a...a. A5u ( ! 9a./ 6 f t"e c #ple: c!i#e f #ultiple #u!de! and #ultiple f!ust!ated #u!de!, and sentenced t"e# t suffe! t"e penalt/ f deat" 5/ let"al in;ecti n. T"e CA # dified t"e sentence t !eclusi n pe!petua as !e<ui!ed 5/ Repu5lic Act N . =&13 $Act A5 lis"in, t"e I#p siti n f Deat" Penalt/%. State#ent f >acts T"e pe!tinent facts, as dete!#ined 5/ t"e t!ial c u!t, a!e as f ll +s? On 41 >e5!ua!/ )''0, an RRC7 5us +as pl/in, its usual s ut"5 und ! ute, f! # its Nav tas 5us te!#inal t +a!ds its Ala5an, 5us te!#inal via Epifani de l s Sant s Avenue $EDSA%. A! und 3?&' t 2?&' in t"e evenin,, +"ile t"e/ +e!e a5 ut t # ve ut f t"e 7uadalupe-EDSA s ut"5 und 5us st p, t"e 5us c nduct ! n ticed t+ #en !unnin, afte! t"e 5us. T"e t+ insisted n ,ettin, n t"e 5us, s t"e c nduct ! 5li,ed and let t"e# in. Acc !din, t El#e! Andales, t"e 5us c nduct !, "e i##ediatel/ 5eca#e +a!/ f t"e t+ #en, 5ecause, even if t"e/ , t n t"e 5us t ,et"e!, t"e t+ sat a+a/ f! # eac" t"e! 6 ne sat t+ seats 5e"ind t"e d!ive!, +"ile t"e t"e! sat at t"e 5ac. f t"e 5us. At t"e ti#e, t"e!e +e!e nl/ 40 passen,e!s inside t"e 5us. He als n ticed t"at t"e e/es f ne f t"e #en +e!e !eddis". @"en "e app! ac"ed t"e pe!s n nea! t"e d!ive! and as.ed "i# +"et"e! "e +as pa/in, f ! t+ passen,e!s, t"e latte! l .ed du#5 st!uc. 5/ t"e <uesti n. He t"en stutte!ed and said "e +as pa/in, f ! t+ and ,ave P"P)'. Andales ,!e+ # !e c nce!ned +"en t"e t"e! #an seated at t"e 5ac. als paid f !

5 t" passen,e!s. At t"is p int, Andales said "e 5eca#e # !e ce!tain t"at t"e t+ +e!e up t n , d, and t"at t"e!e #i,"t 5e a " ldup. Afte!+a!ds, Andales said "e 5eca#e # !e suspici us 5ecause 5 t" #en .ept n, "i# if t"e 5us +as , in, t st p at A/ala Avenue. T"e +itness als n ticed t"at t"e #an at t"e 5ac. appea!ed t 5e sl uc"in,, +it" "is le,s st!etc"ed ut in f! nt f "i# and "is a!#s "an,in, ut and "idden f! # vie+ as if "e +as tin.e!in, +it" s #et"in,. @"en Andales + uld ,et nea! t"e #an, t"e latte! + uld ,la!e at "i#. Andales ad#itted, " +eve!, t"at "e did n t !ep !t t"e suspici us c"a!acte!s t t"e p lice. As s n as t"e 5us !eac"ed t"e st pli,"t at t"e c !ne! f A/ala Avenue and EDSA, t"e t+ #en insisted n ,ettin, ff t"e 5us. Acc !din, t Andales, t"e 5us d!ive! initiall/ did n t +ant t let t"e# ff t"e 5us, 5ecause a -a.ati !dinance p! "i5ited unl adin, an/+"e!e e:cept at desi,nated 5us st ps. Eventuall/, t"e 5us d!ive! ,ave in and all +ed t"e t+ passen,e!s t ali,"t. T"e t+ i##ediatel/ , t ff t"e 5us and !an t +a!ds A/ala Avenue. - #ents afte!, Andales felt an e:pl si n. He t"en sa+ fi!e <uic.l/ en,ulfin, t"e 5us. He !an ut f t"e 5us t +a!ds a nea!5/ #all. Afte! a +"ile, "e +ent 5ac. t +"e!e t"e 5us +as. He sa+ t"ei! 5us passen,e!s eit"e! l/in, n t"e ,! und ! l .in, t!au#atiAed. A fe+ " u!s afte!, "e #ade a state#ent 5ef !e t"e -a.ati P lice Stati n na!!atin, t"e +" le incident. T"e p! secuti n p!esented d cu#ents fu!nis"ed 5/ t"e Depa!t#ent f (ustice, c nfi!#in, t"at s" !tl/ 5ef !e t"e e:pl si n, t"e sp .espe!s n f t"e A5u Sa//af 7! up 6 A5u S lai#an 6 ann unced ve! !adi stati n D9BB t"at t"e ,! up "ad a ValentineBs Da/ C,iftC f ! f !#e! P!esident 7l !ia -acapa,al-A!! / . Afte! t"e 5 #5in,, "e a,ain +ent n !adi and +a!ned f # !e 5 #5 attac.s. As stipulated du!in, p!et!ial, accused T!inidad ,ave ABS-CBN Ne+s Net+ !. an e:clusive inte!vie+ s #e ti#e afte! t"e incident, c nfessin, "is pa!ticipati n in t"e ValentineBs Da/ 5 #5in, incident. In an t"e! e:clusive inte!vie+ n t"e net+ !., accused Ba"a!an li.e+ise ad#itted "is ! le in t"e 5 #5in, incident. >inall/, accused Asali ,ave a televisi n inte!vie+, c nfessin, t"at "e "ad supplied t"e e:pl sive devices f ! t"e 41 >e5!ua!/ )''0 5 #5in,. T"e 5us c nduct ! identified t"e accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad, and c nfi!#ed t"at t"e/ +e!e t"e t+ #en +" "ad ente!ed t"e RRC7 5us n t"e evenin, f 41 >e5!ua!/. -e#5e!s f t"e A5u Sa//af 7! up 6 na#el/ 8"addaf/ (an;alani, 7a#al B. Ba"a!an, An,el T!inidad, 7appal Banna" Asali, (ainal Asali, R "#at A5du!! "i# a...a. A5u ( ! 9a./, and t"e! C( "nC and C(ane D esC 6 +e!e t"en c"a!,ed +it" #ultiple #u!de! and #ultiple f!ust!ated #u!de!. Onl/ Ba"a!an, T!inidad, Asali, and R "#at +e!e a!!ested, +"ile t"e t"e! accused !e#ain at-la!,e. On t"ei! a!!ai,n#ent f ! t"e #ultiple #u!de! c"a!,e $C!i#. Case N . '0-123%, Ba"a!an, T!inidad, and Asali all ente!ed a plea f ,uilt/. On t"e t"e! "and, up n a!!ai,n#ent f ! t"e #ultiple f!ust!ated #u!de! c"a!,e $C!i#. Case N . '0-122%, accused Asali pled

,uilt/. Accused T!inidad and Ba"a!an pled n t ,uilt/. R "#at pled n t ,uilt/ t 5 t" c"a!,es. Du!in, t"e p!et!ial "ea!in,, t"e pa!ties stipulated t"e f ll +in,? 4.% T"e ;u!isdicti n f t"is c u!t ve! t"e ffenses c"a!,ed. ).% T"at all t"!ee accused na#el/ alias Ba"a!an, T!inidad, and Asali ad#itted .n +in, ne an t"e! 5ef !e >e5!ua!/ 41, )''0. &.% All t"e sa#e t"!ee accused li.e+ise ad#itted t"at a 5 #5 e:pl ded in t"e RRC7 5us +"ile t"e 5us +as pl/in, t"e EDSA ! ute f! ntin, t"e -RT te!#inal +"ic" is in f! nt f t"e -a.ati C ##e!cial Cente!. 1.% Accused Asali ad#itted .n +in, t"e t"e! accused alias R "#at +" # "e clai#s tau,"t "i# " + t #a.e e:pl sive devices. 0.% T"e accused T!inidad als ad#itted .n +in, R "#at 5ef !e t"e >e5!ua!/ 41 5 #5in, incident. 3.% T"e accused Ba"a!an, T!inidad, and Asali all ad#itted t causin, t"e 5 #5 e:pl si n inside t"e RRC7 5us +"ic" left f u! pe ple dead and # !e ! less f !t/ pe!s ns in;u!ed. 2.% B t" Ba"a!an and T!inidad a,!eed t stipulate t"at +it"in t"e pe!i d -a!c" )'-)1 eac" ,ave sepa!ate inte!vie+s t t"e ABS-CBN ne+s net+ !. ad#ittin, t"ei! pa!ticipati n in t"e c ##issi n f t"e said c!i#es, su5;ect f t"ese cases. *.% Accused T!inidad and Ba"a!an als ad#itted t pleadin, ,uilt/ t t"ese c!i#es, 5ecause t"e/ +e!e ,uilt-st!ic.en afte! seein, a #an ca!!/in, a c"ild in t"e fi!st 5us t"at t"e/ "ad ente!ed. =.% Accused Asali li.e+ise ad#itted t"at in t"e #iddle f -a!c" )''0 "e ,ave a televisi n ne+s inte!vie+ in +"ic" "e ad#itted t"at "e supplied t"e e:pl sive devices +"ic" !esulted in t"is e:pl si n inside t"e RRC7 5us and +"ic" !esulted in t"e filin, f t"ese c"a!,es. 4'.% >inall/, accused Ba"a!an, T!inidad, and Asali ad#itted t"at t"e/ a!e #e#5e!s f t"e A5u Sa//af. 4 In t"e li,"t f t"e p!et!ial stipulati ns, t"e t!ial c u!t as.ed +"et"e! accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad +e!e a#ena5le t c"an,in, t"ei! Cn t ,uilt/C pleas t t"e c"a!,e f #ultiple f!ust!ated #u!de!, c nside!in, t"at t"e/ pled C,uilt/C t t"e "eavie! c"a!,e f #ultiple #u!de!, c!eatin, an appa!ent inc nsistenc/ in t"ei! pleas. Defense c unsel c nfe!!ed +it" accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad and e:plained t t"e# t"e c nse<uences f t"e pleas. T"e t+ accused ac.n +led,ed t"e inc nsistencies and #anifested t"ei! !eadiness f ! !e-a!!ai,n#ent. Afte! t"e Inf !#ati n +as !ead t t"e#, Ba"a!an and T!inidad pled ,uilt/ t t"e c"a!,e f #ultiple f!ust!ated #u!de!. )

Afte! 5ein, disc"a!,ed as state +itness, accused Asali testified t"at +"ile unde! t!ainin, +it" t"e A5u Sa//af in )''1, R "#at, a...a A5u ( ! 9a./, and t+ t"e! pe!s ns tau,"t "i# " + t #a.e 5 #5s and e:pl sives. T"e t!ainees +e!e t ld t"at t"e/ +e!e t +a,e 5attles a,ainst t"e , ve!n#ent in t"e cit/, and t"at t"ei! fi!st #issi n +as t plant 5 #5s in #alls, t"e Di,"t Rail+a/ T!ansit $DRT%, and t"e! pa!ts f -et! -anila. As f und 5/ t"e t!ial c u!t, Asali, afte! "is t!ainin,, +as !e<ui!ed 5/ t"e A5u Sa//af leade!s"ip, specificall/ A5u S lai#an and R "#at, t secu!e ei,"t .il s f TNT, a s lde!in, ,un, alu#inu# p +de!, a teste!, and C"!ist#as li,"ts, all f +"ic" "e .ne+ + uld 5e used t #a.e a 5 #5. He t"en !ecalled t"at s #eti#e in N ve#5e! t Dece#5e! )''1, T!inidad as.ed "i# f ! a t tal f 1 .il s f TNT 6 t"at is, ) .il s n t+ sepa!ate ccasi ns. R "#at alle,edl/ called Asali t c nfi!# t"at T!inidad + uld ,et TNT f! # Asali and use it f ! t"ei! fi!st #issi n. T"e TNT +as alle,edl/ placed in t+ 5uses s #eti#e in Dece#5e! )''1, 5ut neit"e! ne f t"e# e:pl ded. Asali t"en testified t"at t"e ni,"t 5ef !e t"e ValentineBs Da/ 5 #5in,, T!inidad and Ba"a!an , t an t"e! t+ .il s f TNT f! # "i#. Date in t"e evenin, f 41 >e5!ua!/, "e !eceived a call f! # A5u S lai#an. T"e latte! t ld Asali n t t leave " #e ! , t c! +ded a!eas, since t"e TNT ta.en 5/ Ba"a!an and T!inidad "ad al!ead/ 5een e:pl ded in -a.ati. T"i!t/ #inutes late!, T!inidad called Asali, !epeatin, t"e +a!nin, f A5u S lai#an. T"e ne:t da/, Asali alle,edl/ !eceived a call f! # accused R "#at, c n,!atulatin, t"e f !#e! n t"e success f t"e #issi n. & Acc !din, t Asali, A5u 9a./ specificall/ said, CSa na, success din /un, tinu! . sa/ .C Assi,n#ent f E!! !s Accused-appellants !aise t"e f ll +in, assi,n#ent f e!! !s? I. T"e t!ial c u!t ,!avel/ e!!ed in acceptin, accused-appellantsB plea f ,uilt despite insufficienc/ f sea!c"in, in<ui!/ int t"e v lunta!iness and full c #p!e"ensi n f t"e c nse<uences f t"e said plea. II. T"e t!ial c u!t ,!avel/ e!!ed in findin, t"at t"e ,uilt f accused-appellants f ! t"e c!i#es c"a!,ed "ad 5een p! ven 5e/ nd !eas na5le d u5t. 1 >i!st Assi,n#ent f E!! ! Accused-appellants Ba"a!an and T!inidad a!,ue t"at t"e t!ial c u!t did n t c nduct a sea!c"in, in<ui!/ afte! t"e/ "ad c"an,ed t"ei! plea f! # Cn t ,uilt/C t C,uilt/.C T"e t!ansc!ipt f sten ,!ap"ic n tes du!in, t"e 4* Ap!il )''0 !e-a!!ai,n#ent 5ef !e t"e -a.ati Re,i nal T!ial C u!t is !ep! duced 5el +? C u!t ? An/+a/, I t"in. +"at +e s" uld "ave t d , c nside!in, t"e stipulati ns t"at +e!e a,!eed up n du!in, t"e last "ea!in,, is t add!ess t"is #atte! f pleas f n t ,uilt/ ente!ed f ! t"e f!ust!ated #u!de! c"a!,es 5/ t"e t+ accused, -!. T!inidad and -!. Ba"a!an, 5ecause if / u +ill !ecall t"e/ ente!ed pleas f ,uilt/ t t"e #ultiple #u!de!

c"a!,es, 5ut t"en ea!lie! pleas f n t ,uilt/ f ! t"e f!ust!ated #ultiple #u!de! c"a!,es !e#ainE FIGs t"at n t inc nsistent c nside!in, t"e stipulati ns t"at +e!e ente!ed int du!in, t"e initial p!et!ial f t"is caseH FIfG / u +ill !ecall, t"e/ ad#itted t "ave caused t"e 5 #5 e:pl si n t"at led t t"e deat" f at least f u! pe ple and in;u!/ f a5 ut f !t/ t"e! pe!s ns and s unde! t"e ci!cu#stances, Att/ PeIa, "ave / u discussed t"is #atte! +it" / u! clientsH EEE Att/. PeIa ? T"en +e s" uld 5e ,iven en u," ti#e t tal. +it" t"e#. I "avenBt c nfe!!ed +it" t"e# a5 ut t"is +it" !e,a!d t t"e #ultiple #u!de! case. EEE C u!t ? O.a/. S let us p! ceed n +. Att/. PeIa, can / u assist t"e t+ accused 5ecause if t"e/ a!e inte!ested in +it"d!a+in, t"ei! FpleasG, I +ant t "ea! it f! # / u! lips. Att/. PeIa ? Jes, / u! H n !. $At t"is ;unctu!e, Att/. PeIa c nfe!s +it" t"e t+ Ba"a!an% accused, na#el/ T!inidad and

I "ave tal.ed t t"e#, / u! H n !, and I "ave e:plained t t"e# t"e c nse<uence f t"ei! pleas, / u! H n !, and t"at t"e plea f ,uilt t t"e #u!de! case and plea f n t ,uilt/ t t"e f!ust!ated #ultiple #u!de! actuall/ a!e inc nsistent +it" t"ei! pleas. C u!t ? @it" #atte!s t"at t"e/ stipulated up nH Att/. PeIa ? Jes, / u! H n !. S , t"e/ a!e n +, since t"e/ al!ead/ plead ,uilt t t"e #u!de! case, t"en t"e/ a!e n + c"an,in, t"ei! pleas, / u! H n !, f! # n t ,uilt/ t t"e ne f ,uilt. T"e/ a!e n + !ead/, / u! H n !, f ! !e-a!!ai,n#ent. EEE INTERPRETER? $Read a,ain t"at p !ti n F f t"e inf !#ati nG and t!anslated it in >ilipin in a clea!e! +a/ and as.ed 5 t" accused +"at t"ei! pleas a!e%. J u! H n !, 5 t" accused a!e ente!in, sepa!ate pleas f ,uilt t t"e c!i#e c"a!,ed. COKRT ? All !i,"t. S afte! t"e inf !#ati n +as !e-!ead t t"e accused, t"e/ "ave +it"d!a+n t"ei! pleas f n t ,uilt/ and c"an,ed it t t"e pleas f ,uilt/ t t"e c"a!,e f f!ust!ated #u!de!. T"an. / u. A!e t"e!e an/ #atte!s / u need t add!ess at p!et!ial n +H If t"e!e a!e n ne, t"en I +ill te!#inate p!et!ial and acc ## dateE 0

As ea!l/ as in Pe ple v. Apdu"an, t"e Sup!e#e C u!t "as !uled t"at Call t!ial ;ud,es E #ust !ef!ain f! # acceptin, +it" alac!it/ an accusedLs plea f ,uilt/, f ! +"ile ;ustice de#ands a speed/ ad#inist!ati n, ;ud,es a!e dut/ 5 und t 5e e:t!a s licit us in seein, t it t"at +"en an accused pleads ,uilt/, "e unde!stands full/ t"e #eanin, f "is plea and t"e i#p !t f an inevita5le c nvicti n.C 3 T"us, t!ial c u!t ;ud,es a!e !e<ui!ed t 5se!ve t"e f ll +in, p! cedu!e unde! Secti n &, Rule 443 f t"e Rules f C u!t? SEC. &. Plea f ,uilt/ t capital ffenseM !ecepti n f evidence. N @"en t"e accused pleads ,uilt/ t a capital ffense, t"e c u!t s"all c nduct a sea!c"in, in<ui!/ int t"e v lunta!iness and full c #p!e"ensi n f t"e c nse<uences f "is plea and s"all !e<ui!e t"e p! secuti n t p! ve "is ,uilt and t"e p!ecise de,!ee f culpa5ilit/. T"e accused #a/ als p!esent evidence in "is 5e"alf. $E#p"asis supplied% T"e !e<ui!e#ent t c nduct a sea!c"in, in<ui!/ applies # !e s in cases f !ea!!ai,n#ent. In Pe ple v. 7alveA, t"e C u!t n ted t"at since accused-appellantLs !i,inal plea +as Cn t ,uilt/,C t"e t!ial c u!t s" uld "ave e:e!ted ca!eful eff !t in in<ui!in, int +"/ "e c"an,ed "is plea t C,uilt/.C 2 Acc !din, t t"e C u!t? T"e st!in,ent p! cedu!e , ve!nin, t"e !ecepti n f a plea f ,uilt, especiall/ in a case inv lvin, t"e deat" penalt/, is i#p sed up n t"e t!ial ;ud,e in !de! t leave n ! # f ! d u5t n t"e p ssi5ilit/ t"at t"e accused #i,"t "ave #isunde!st d t"e natu!e f t"e c"a!,e and t"e c nse<uences f t"e plea. * Di.e+ise, t"e !e<ui!e#ent t c nduct a sea!c"in, in<ui!/ s" uld n t 5e dee#ed satisfied in cases in +"ic" it +as t"e defense c unsel +" e:plained t"e c nse<uences f a C,uilt/C plea t t"e accused, as it appea!s in t"is case. In Pe ple v. Al5 !ida, t"is C u!t f und t"at t"e!e +as still an i#p! vident plea f ,uilt/, even if t"e accused "ad al!ead/ si,nified in pen c u!t t"at "is c unsel "ad e:plained t"e c nse<uences f t"e ,uilt/ pleaM t"at "e unde!st d t"e e:planati n f "is c unselM t"at t"e accused unde!st d t"at t"e penalt/ f deat" + uld still 5e #eted ut t "i#M and t"at "e "ad n t 5een inti#idated, 5!i5ed, ! t"!eatened.= @e "ave !eite!ated in a l n, line f cases t"at t"e c nduct f a sea!c"in, in<ui!/ !e#ains t"e dut/ f ;ud,es, as t"e/ a!e #andated 5/ t"e !ules t satisf/ t"e#selves t"at t"e accused "ad n t 5een unde! c e!ci n ! du!essM #ista.en i#p!essi nsM ! a #isunde!standin, f t"e si,nificance, effects, and c nse<uences f t"ei! ,uilt/ plea. 4' T"is !e<ui!e#ent is st!in,ent and #andat !/. 44 Neve!t"eless, +e a!e n t un#indful f t"e c nte:t unde! +"ic" t"e !e-a!!ai,n#ent +as c nducted ! f t"e factual #ilieu su!! undin, t"e findin, f ,uilt a,ainst t"e accused. T"e C u!t 5se!ves t"at accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad p!evi usl/ pled ,uilt/ t an t"e! c"a!,e 6 #ultiple #u!de! 6 5ased n t"e sa#e act !elied up n in t"e #ultiple f!ust!ated #u!de! c"a!,e. T"e C u!t fu!t"e! n tes t"at p!i ! t t"e c"an,e f plea t ne f ,uilt, accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad #ade t+ t"e! c nfessi ns f ,uilt 6 ne t"! u," an e:t!a;udicial c nfessi n $e:clusive televisi n inte!vie+s, as stipulated 5/ 5 t" accused du!in, p!et!ial%, and t"e t"e! via ;udicial ad#issi n $p!et!ial stipulati n%. C nside!in, t"e

f !e, in, ci!cu#stances, +e dee# it unnecessa!/ t !ule n t"e sufficienc/ f t"e Csea!c"in, in<ui!/C in t"is instance. Re#andin, t"e case f ! !e-a!!ai,n#ent is n t +a!!anted, as t"e accusedBs plea f ,uilt +as n t t"e s le 5asis f t"e c nde#nat !/ ;ud,#ent unde! c nside!ati n.4) Sec nd Assi,n#ent f E!! ! In Pe ple v. Oden, t"e C u!t decla!ed t"at even if t"e !e<ui!e#ent f c nductin, a sea!c"in, in<ui!/ +as n t c #plied +it", CFtG"e #anne! 5/ +"ic" t"e plea f ,uilt is #ade E l ses #uc" f ,!eat si,nificance +"e!e t"e c nvicti n can 5e 5ased n independent evidence p! vin, t"e c ##issi n 5/ t"e pe!s n accused f t"e ffense c"a!,ed.C4& T"us, in Pe ple v. Nade!a, t"e C u!t stated? C nvicti ns 5ased n an i#p! vident plea f ,uilt a!e set aside nl/ if suc" plea is t"e s le 5asis f t"e ;ud,#ent. If t"e t!ial c u!t !elied n sufficient and c!edi5le evidence t c nvict t"e accused, t"e c nvicti n #ust 5e sustained, 5ecause t"en it is p!edicated n t #e!el/ n t"e ,uilt/ plea f t"e accused 5ut n evidence p! vin, "is c ##issi n f t"e ffense c"a!,ed.41 $E#p"asis supplied.% In t"ei! sec nd assi,n#ent f e!! !, accused-appellants asse!t t"at ,uilt +as n t p! ven 5e/ nd !eas na5le d u5t. T"e/ p inted ut t"at t"e testi# n/ f t"e c nduct ! +as #e!el/ ci!cu#stantial, +"ile t"at f Asali as t t"e c nspi!ac/ +as insufficient. Ins fa! as accused-appellants Ba"a!an and T!inidad a!e c nce!ned, t"e evidence f ! t"e p! secuti n, in additi n t t"at +"ic" can 5e d!a+n f! # t"e stipulati n f facts, p!i#a!il/ c nsisted f t"e testi# nies f t"e 5us c nduct !, El#e! Andales, and f t"e accused-tu!ned-state-+itness, Asali. Andales p sitivel/ identified accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad as t"e t+ #en +" "ad acted suspici usl/ +"ile inside t"e 5usM +" "ad insisted n ,ettin, ff t"e 5us in vi lati n f a -a.ati !dinanceM and +" "ad sca#pe!ed a+a/ f! # t"e 5us # #ents 5ef !e t"e 5 #5 e:pl ded. On t"e t"e! "and, Asali testified t"at "e "ad ,iven accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad t"e TNT used in t"e 5 #5in, incident in -a.ati Cit/. T"e ,uilt f t"e accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad +as sufficientl/ esta5lis"ed 5/ t"ese c !! 5 !atin, testi# nies, c upled +it" t"ei! !espective ;udicial ad#issi ns $p!et!ial stipulati ns% and e:t!a;udicial c nfessi ns $e:clusive televisi n inte!vie+s, as t"e/ 5 t" stipulated du!in, p!et!ial% t"at t"e/ +e!e indeed t"e pe!pet!at !s f t"e ValentineBs Da/ 5 #5in,. 40 Acc !din,l/, t"e C u!t up" lds t"e findin,s f ,uilt #ade 5/ t"e t!ial c u!t as affi!#ed 5/ t"e C u!t f Appeals. Anent accused R "#at, t"e evidence f ! t"e p! secuti n c nsisted f t"e testi# n/ f accused-tu!ned-state-+itness Asali. Bel + is a !ep! ducti n f t"e t!ansc!ipt f sten ,!ap"ic n tes n t"e state p! secut !Bs di!ect e:a#inati n f state-+itness Asali du!in, t"e )3 -a/ )''0 t!ial? O ? J u stated t"at 9a./ t!ained / u and T!inidad. Knde! +"at ci!cu#stances did "e t!ain / u, -!. @itness, t asse#5le t" se e:pl sives, / u and T!inidadH

A ? A5u 9a./, A5u S lai#an, 8"adaff/ (an;alani, t"e t"!ee f t"e#, t"at An,el T!inidad and #/self 5e t"e ne t 5e t!ained t #a.e an e:pl sive, si!. O ? -!. +itness, " + l n, t"at t!ainin,, ! " + l n, did it ta.e t"at t!ainin,H A ? If I a# n t #ista.en, +e +e!e t" u,"t t #a.e 5 #5 a5 ut ne # nt" and t+ +ee.s. EEE O ? N +,, f t"at #issi n, -!. +itness, +"ile / u +e!e still in t!ainin, at -!. Ca!a!a , is t"e!e an/ #issi n t"at / u unde!t ., if an/, +it" !espect t t"at #issi nH EEE A ? Ou! fi!st #issi n +as t plant a 5 #5 in t"e #alls, DRT, and t"e! pa!ts f -et! -anila, si!.43 T"e +itness t"en testified t"at "e .ept ei,"t .il s f TNT f ! accused Ba"a!an and T!inidad. O ? N +, , in, 5ac. t t"e 5 #5. -!. +itness, did / u .n + +"at "appened t t"e ) .il s f 5 #5 t"at T!inidad and Tapa/ t . f! # / u s #eti#e in N ve#5e! )''1H A ? T"at +as t"e e:pl sive t"at "e planted in t"e 7-line!, +"ic" did n t e:pl de. O ? H + did / u .n +, -!. +itnessH A ? He +as t"e ne +" t ld #e, -!. An,el T!inidad, si!. EEE O ? @"at "appened ne:t, -!. +itness, +"en t"e 5 #5 did n t e:pl de, as t ld t / u 5/ T!inidadH A ? On Dece#5e! )=, An,el T!inidad , t ) # !e .il s f TNT 5 #5s. EEE O ? Did T!inidad tell / u +"/ "e needed an t"e! a# unt f e:pl sive date, Dece#5e! )=, )''1H @ill / u .indl/ tell us t"e !eas n +"/H EEE n t"at

A ? He t ld #e t"at A5u S lai#an inst!ucted #e t ,et t"e TNT s t"at "e c uld det nate a 5 #5 EEE O ? @e!e t"e!e an/ t"e! pe!s n, 5esides A5u S lai#an, +" called / u up, +it" !espect t t"e, f t"e e:pl sives f! # / uH A ? T"e!e is, si!E A5u 9a./, si!, called up als . O ? @"at did A5u 9a./ tell / u +"en "e called / u upH A ? He t ld #e t"at Ct"is is / u! fi!st #issi n.C O ? Please enli,"ten t"e H n !a5le C u!t. @"at is t"at #issi n / u a!e !efe!!in, t H A ? T"at is t"e fi!st #issi n +"e!e +e can s" + u! an,e! t +a!ds t"e C"!istians. EEE O ? T"e sec nd ti#e t"at "e , t a 5 #5 f! # / u, -!. +itness, d / u .n + if t"e 5 #5 e:pl deH A ? I did n t .n + +"at "appened t t"e ne:t ) .il s ta.en 5/ An,el T!inidad f! # #e until afte! I +as cau,"t, 5ecause I +as t ld 5/ t"e p lice#an t"at inte!vie+ed #e afte! I +as a!!ested t"at t"e ) .il s +e!e planted in a 5us, +"ic" als did n t e:pl de. O ? S 5esides t"ese t+ incidents, +e!e t"e!e an/ t"e! incidents t"at An,el T!inidad and Tapa/ ,et an e:pl sive f ! / u, -!. +itnessH EEE A ? If I a# n t #ista.en, si!, n >e5!ua!/ 4&, )''0 at 3?&' p.#. O ? @" , t f! # / u t"e e:pl sive -!. +itnessH A ? ItBs An,el T!inidad and Tapa/, si!. EEE O ? H + #an/ e:pl sives did t"e/ ,et f! # / u, -!. +itness, at t"at ti#eH A ? T"e/ , t ) .il s TNT 5 #5, si!.

O ? Did t"e/ tell / u, -!. +itness, +"e!e a!e t"e/ , in, t use t"at e:pl siveH A ? N , si!. O ? D / u .n +, -!. +itness, +"at "appened t t"e t"i!d 5atc" f e:pl sives, +"ic" +e!e ta.en f! # / u 5/ T!inidad and Tapa/H EEE A ? T"at is t"e 5 #5 t"at e:pl ded in -a.ati, si!. O ? @"/ did / u .n +, -!. +itnessH A ? Because I +as called in t"e evenin, f >e5!ua!/ 41 5/ A5u S lai#an. He t ld #e n t t leave t"e " use 5ecause t"e e:pl sive t"at +e!e ta.en 5/ Tapa/ and An,el T!inidad e:pl ded. EEE O ? @as t"e!e an/ t"e! call du!in, t"at ti#e, -!. @itnessH EEE A ? I +as t ld 5/ An,el T!inidad n t t leave t"e " use 5ecause t"e e:pl sive t"at "e t . e:pl ded al!ead/, si!. O ? H + su!e +e!e / u, -!. +itness, at t"at ti#e, t"at indeed, t"e 5 #5 e:pl ded at -a.ati, 5eside t"e call f A5u S lai#an and T!inidadH A ? It +as t ld 5/ A5u S lai#an t"at t"e 5 #5in, in -a.ati s" uld c incide +it" t"e 5 #5in, in 7ene!al Sant s. EEE A ? He t ld it t #e, si!E I cann t !e#e#5e! t"e date an/# !e, 5ut I .n + it +as s #eti#e in >e5!ua!/ )''0. O ? An/ t"e! call, -!. +itness, f! # A5u S lai#an and T!inidad afte! t"e 5 #5in, e:pl ded in -a.ati, an/ t"e! callH EEE A ? T"e!e is, si!E T"e call ca#e f! # A5u 9a./. O ? @"at did A5u 9a./ tell / u, -!. +itnessH

A ? He ;ust ,!eeted us c n,!atulati ns, 5ecause +e "ave a successful #issi n. EEE A ? He t ld #e t"at Csa, na, success din /un, tinu! . sa/ .C EEE O ? B/ t"e +a/, -!. +itness, I + uld ;ust li.e t cla!if/ t"is. J u stated t"at A5u 9a./ called / u up t"e f ll +in, da/, t"at +as >e5!ua!/ 40, and c n,!atulatin, / u f ! t"e success f t"e #issi n. -/ <uesti n t / u, -!. +itness, if / u .n + +"at is t"e !elati n f t"at #issi n, +"e!ein / u +e!e c n,!atulated 5/ A5u 9a./, t t"e #issi n, +"ic" "ave 5een ind ct!inated t / u, +"ile / u +e!e in -t. Ca!a!a , -!. +itnessH A ? T"e/ a!e c nnected, si!. O ? C nnected in +"at sense, -!. +itnessH A ? Because +"en +e +e!e unde!, in, t!ainin,, +e +e!e t ld t"at t"e A5u Sa//af s" uld n t +a,e +a! t t"e f !est, 5ut als +a,e u! 5attles in t"e cit/. O ? @a,e t"e 5attle a,ainst +" , -!. +itnessH A ? T"e , ve!n#ent, si!.42 @"at can 5e culled f! # t"e testi# n/ f Asali is t"at t"e A5u Sa//af 7! up +as dete!#ined t s + te!! ! in -et! -anila, s t"at t"e/ c uld s" + t"ei! Can,e! t +a!ds t"e C"!istians.C4* It can als 5e seen t"at R "#at, t ,et"e! +it" (an;alani and A5u S lai#an, "ad ca!efull/ planned t"e ValentineBs Da/ 5 #5in, incident, # nt"s 5ef !e it "appened. R "#at "ad t!ained Asali and T!inidad t #a.e 5 #5s and e:pl sives. @"ile in t!ainin,, Asali and t"e!s +e!e t ld t"at t"ei! #issi n +as t plant 5 #5s in #alls, t"e DRT, and t"e! pa!ts f -et! -anila. Acc !din, t Asali, R "#at called "i# n )= Dece#5e! )''1 t c nfi!# t"at T!inidad + uld ,et t+ .il s f TNT f! # Asali, as t"e/ +e!e Ca5 ut t c ##enceC t"ei! Cfi!st #issi n.C 4= T"e/ #ade t+ sepa!ate atte#pts t 5 #5 a 5us in -et! -anila, 5ut t n avail. T"e da/ 5ef !e t"e ValentineBs Da/ 5 #5in,, T!inidad , t an t"e! t+ .il s f TNT f! # Asali. On ValentineBs Da/, t"e A5u Sa//af 7! up ann unced t"at t"e/ "ad a ,ift f ! t"e f !#e! P!esident, 7l !ia -acapa,al-A!! / . On t"ei! t"i!d t!/, t"ei! plan finall/ succeeded. Ri,"t afte! t"e 5 #5 e:pl ded, t"e A5u Sa//af 7! up decla!ed t"at t"e!e + uld 5e # !e 5 #5in,s in t"e futu!e. Asali t"en !eceived a call f! # R "#at, p!aisin, t"e f !#e!? CSa na, success din /un, tinu! . sa/ .C )' In t"e li,"t f t"e f !e, in, evidence, t"e C u!t up" lds t"e findin, R "#at. A!ticle 42 f t"e Revised Penal C de !eads? f ,uilt a,ainst

A!t. 42. P!incipals. N T"e f ll +in, a!e c nside!ed p!incipals? 4. T" se +" ta.e a di!ect pa!t in t"e e:ecuti n f t"e act ). T" se +" di!ectl/ f !ce ! induce t"e!s t c ##it it &. T" se +" c pe!ate in t"e c ##issi n f t"e ffense 5/ an t"e! act +it" ut +"ic" it + uld n t "ave 5een acc #plis"ed Accused R "#at is c!i#inall/ !esp nsi5le unde! t"e sec nd pa!a,!ap", ! t"e p! visi n n Cp!incipal 5/ induce#ent.C T"e inst!ucti ns and t!ainin, "e "ad ,iven Asali n " + t #a.e 5 #5s 6 c upled +it" t"ei! ca!eful plannin, and pe!sistent atte#pts t 5 #5 diffe!ent a!eas in -et! -anila and R "#atBs c nfi!#ati n t"at T!inidad + uld 5e ,ettin, TNT f! # Asali as pa!t f t"ei! #issi n 6 p! ve t"e findin, t"at R "#atBs c induce#ent +as t"e dete!#inin, cause f t"e c ##issi n f t"e c!i#e. )4 Suc" Cc ##and ! advice F+asG f suc" natu!e t"at, +it" ut it, t"e c!i#e + uld n t "ave #ate!ialiAed.C))lawphi1 >u!t"e!, t"e induce#ent +as Cs influential in p! ducin, t"e c!i#inal act t"at +it" ut it, t"e act + uld n t "ave 5een pe!f !#ed.C )& In Pe ple v. Sanc"eA, et al., t"e C u!t !uled t"at, n t+it"standin, t"e fact t"at -a/ ! Sanc"eA +as n t at t"e c!i#e scene, evidence p! ved t"at "e +as t"e #aste!#ind f t"e c!i#inal act ! t"e p!incipal 5/ induce#ent. T"us, 5ecause -a/ ! Sanc"eA +as a c -p!incipal and c -c nspi!at !, and 5ecause t"e act f ne c nspi!at ! is t"e act f all, t"e #a/ ! +as !ende!ed lia5le f ! all t"e !esultin, c!i#es.)1 T"e sa#e findin, #ust 5e applied t t"e case at 5a!. T"e C u!t als affi!#s t"e findin, f t"e e:istence f c nspi!ac/ inv lvin, accused Ba"a!an, T!inidad, and R "#at. C nspi!ac/ +as clea!l/ esta5lis"ed f! # t"e Cc llective acts f t"e accused-appellants 5ef !e, du!in, and afte! t"e c ##issi n f t"e c!i#e.C As c !!ectl/ decla!ed 5/ t"e t!ial c u!t in its O#ni5us Decisi n? AsaliBs clea! and cate, !ical testi# n/, +"ic" !e#ains un!e5utted n its #a; ! p ints, c upled +it" t"e ;udicial ad#issi ns f!eel/ and v lunta!il/ ,iven 5/ t"e t+ t"e! accused, a!e sufficient t p! ve t"e e:istence f a c nspi!ac/ "atc"ed 5et+een and a# n, t"e f u! accused, all #e#5e!s f t"e te!! !ist ,! up A5u Sa//af, t +!ea. c"a s and #a/"e# in t"e #et! p lis 5/ indisc!i#inatel/ .illin, and in;u!in, civilian victi#s 5/ utiliAin, 5 #5s and t"e! si#ila! dest!uctive e:pl sive devices. @"ile said c nspi!ac/ inv lvin, t"e f u! #alefact !s "as n t 5een e:p!essl/ ad#itted 5/ accused Ba"a!an, An,el T!inidad, and R "#at, # !e specificall/ +it" !espect t t"e latte!Bs pa!ticipati n in t"e c ##issi n f t"e c!i#es, n net"eless it "as 5een esta5lis"ed 5/ vi!tue f t"e af !e#enti ned evidence, +"ic" esta5lis"ed t"e e:istence f t"e c nspi!ac/ itself and t"e indispensa5le pa!ticipati n f accused R "#at in seein, t it t"at t"e c nspi!at !sB c!i#inal desi,n + uld 5e !ealiAed.

It is +ell-esta5lis"ed t"at c nspi!ac/ #a/ 5e infe!!ed f! # t"e acts f t"e accused, +"ic" clea!l/ #anifests a c ncu!!ence f +ills, a c ## n intent ! desi,n t c ##it a c!i#e $Pe ple v. Denantud, &0) SCRA 011%. Hence, +"e!e acts f t"e accused c llectivel/ and individuall/ de# nst!ate t"e e:istence f a c ## n desi,n t +a!ds t"e acc #plis"#ent f t"e sa#e unla+ful pu!p se, c nspi!ac/ is evident and all t"e pe!pet!at !s +ill 5e "eld lia5le as p!incipals $Pe ple v. Ellad , &0& SCRA 31&%. )0 In Pe ple v. 7e! ni# , t"e C u!t p! n unced t"at it + uld 5e ;ustified in c ncludin, t"at t"e defendants t"e!ein +e!e en,a,ed in a c nspi!ac/ C+"en t"e defendants 5/ t"ei! acts ai#ed at t"e sa#e 5;ect, ne pe!f !#in, ne pa!t and t"e t"e! pe!f !#in, an t"e! pa!t s as t c #plete it, +it" a vie+ t t"e attain#ent f t"e sa#e 5;ectM and t"ei! acts, t" u," appa!entl/ independent, +e!e in fact c nce!ted and c pe!ative, indicatin, cl seness f pe!s nal ass ciati n, c nce!ted acti n and c ncu!!ence f senti#ents.C)3 Accused c ntend t"at t"e testi# n/ f Asali is inad#issi5le pu!suant t Sec. &', Rule 4&' f t"e Rules f C u!t. It is t!ue t"at unde! t"e !ule, state#ents #ade 5/ a c nspi!at ! a,ainst a c -c nspi!at ! a!e ad#issi5le nl/ +"en #ade du!in, t"e e:istence f t"e c nspi!ac/. H +eve!, as t"e C u!t !uled in Pe ple v. Bunta,, if t"e decla!ant !epeats t"e state#ent in c u!t, "is e:t!a;udicial c nfessi n 5ec #es a ;udicial ad#issi n,, t"e testi# n/ ad#issi5le as t 5 t" c nspi!at !s. )2 T"us, in Pe ple v. Pali; n, t"e C u!t "eld t"e f ll +in,? E F@Ge #ust #a.e a distincti n 5et+een e:t!a;udicial and ;udicial c nfessi ns. An e:t!a;udicial c nfessi n #a/ 5e ,iven in evidence a,ainst t"e c nfessant 5ut n t a,ainst "is c -accused as t"e/ a!e dep!ived f t"e pp !tunit/ t c! ss-e:a#ine "i#. A ;udicial c nfessi n is ad#issi5le a,ainst t"e decla!antBs c -accused since t"e latte! a!e aff !ded pp !tunit/ t c! ss-e:a#ine t"e f !#e!. Secti n &', Rule 4&' f t"e Rules f C u!t applies nl/ t e:t!a;udicial acts ! ad#issi ns and n t t testi# n/ at t!ial +"e!e t"e pa!t/ adve!sel/ affected "as t"e pp !tunit/ t c! ss-e:a#ine t"e decla!ant. -e!ceneBs ad#issi n i#plicatin, "is c -accused +as ,iven n t"e +itness stand. It is ad#issi5le in evidence a,ainst appellant Pali; n. - !e ve!, +"e!e seve!al accused a!e t!ied t ,et"e! f ! t"e sa#e ffense, t"e testi# n/ f a c -accused i#plicatin, "is c accused is c #petent evidence a,ainst t"e latte!. )* @HERE>ORE, t"e Petiti n is DENIED. T"e Decisi n f t"e Re,i nal T!ial C u!t -a.ati, as affi!#ed +it" # dificati n 5/ t"e C u!t f Appeals, is "e!e5/ A>>IR-ED. SO ORDERED. f

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