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HSE Standard

Hirarki Pengendalian

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Hirarki Pengendalian Risiko K3

Eliminasi Menghilangkan suatu bahan/tahapan proses berbahaya Substitusi Mengganti bahan bentuk serbuk dengan bentuk pasta Proses menyapu diganti dengan vakum Bahan solvent diganti dengan bahan deterjen Proses pengecatan spray diganti dengan pencelupan

Hirarki Pengendalian Risiko K3

Rekayasa Teknik Menghilangkan atau mengurangi tingkat keparahan bahaya melalui design awal, redesign, menutup, relokasi atau perubahan teknik lainnya.

Kelebihan : menghilangkan potensi bahaya itu sendiri; tidak tergantung pada perubahan behavior. Kelemahan : mungkin tidak dapat dilakukan karena memerlukan waktu yang panjang dan biaya tinggi.

Hirarki Pengendalian Risiko K3

Pengendalian Administratif Mengurangi durasi, frequency, dan severity paparan melalui (1) perubahan prosedur dan cara kerja (2) scheduling, job rotasi, waktu istirahat. Kelemahan : keberhasilan sangat tergantung pada (1) sistem pengawasan pelaksanaan pengendalian (2) tingkah laku pekerja.

Teknik Identifikasi Bahaya

Banyak alat bantu yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya di tempat kerja. Beberapa metode/teknik tersebut;
Inspeksi Pemantauan/survey Observasi/JSO/JSA Kuesioner Audit Data-data statistik

Job Safety Analysis

Langkah-Langkah : Uraikan tahapan pekerjaan Identifikasi potensi bahaya yang mungkin ada Tetapkan tindakan untuk mengendalikan bahaya atau menghilangkannya sama sekali

Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety Observation

Job Safety observation (JSO) adalah suatu metoda pengamatan suatu pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelaksanaan keselamatan kerja. Kegiatan ini biasanya dilakukan sewaktu-waktu oleh para pengawas tanpa sepengetahuan operator yang diobservasi.

Job Safety Observation

Pengamatan anak buah dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan aspek K3

Meliputi : penilaian Risiko bahaya penilaian cara kerja yang tidak aman penilaian cara kerja yang aman, melakuan koreksi memberi penghargaan cara kerja yang aman

Job Safety Observation


1. Pelaksanaan kerja (job Proctices) yang unsafe : 2. Pelaksanaan kerja (Job Practices) yang perlu dilakukan perubahan atau penyempurnaan :

3. Pelaksanaan kerja (Job Practices) yang patut dihargai/sudah benar :

4. Catatan-catatan atas hasil review (pembahasan) dan diskusi :

Hirarki Pengendalian Risiko K3

Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) APD digunakan hanya sebagai penghalang antara pekerja dan hazard. Kelemahan : keberhasilan sangat tergantung (1) sistem pengawasan pelaksanaan pengendalian (2) tingkah laku pekerja.

HSE Standard
1. Leadership and Accountability * Policy & Approval * Review the standard * Managers accountability * Employees and contractors accountability * Promotion prerequisite * Consequences understanding * Recognize, reinforce, & reward * Stop work right & responsibility

HSE Standard
2. Commitments and Document Control * Documents review & keep up-to-date * External sources document are controlled * Documents are recorded and maintained

HSE Standard
3. Risk and Change Management * Applied to all activities * Employees, contractors are involved * Recorded, maintained and reviewed * Evaluated * Changes in Plan and unplan, personnel, process, etc

HSE Standard
4. Planning, Goals and Targets * Business plan based on HSEC * Sets goals, targets and indicators * HSEC Programs

HSE Standard
5. Awareness, Competence and Behavior * Induction * HSEC competencies * Recruitment criteria * Systems to identify, document and monitor * Training * Behavioural observation * Result of the observation * Cross-cultural training

HSE Standard
6. Health and Hygiene * Conducted by competent people * Results recorded and reviewed * Adequate medical and first aid services * Fitness, drug and alcohol assessed * System for rehabilitation * Assistance program to safe and healthy lifestyle

HSE Standard
7. Communication, Consultation, and Participation * Consultation to stakeholders concerns * Communication to stakeholders * Employees and contractors participation * HSEC is shared to external stakeholders * Concerns, complaints are recorded and investigated * Reports on HSEC performance * The effectiveness is regularly reviewed

HSE Standard
8. Design, Construction, and Commissioning * Innovative design to improve HSEC performance * The selection of new plant, equipment and processes * Design and commissioning comply to codes and standard * Modified plant and equipment comply to codes and standard

HSE Standard
9. Operations and Maintenance * SOP are maintained and implemented * Systems, procedures are reviewed * Design data is documented * Modification to operations * Equipment maintenance * New installed and out of service equipment * To test and maintain the protective system

HSE Standard
10. Suppliers, Contractors and Partners * HSEC evaluation * Contract management * System consistent with these standards * Reporting and communication relationships * Equipment used

HSE Standard
11. Stewardship * Raw material and natural resources usage * Programs to reduce environmental impact * Land & water management plan, energy conservation, greenhouse gas management * The impact of products and services * Advice of HSEC impact

HSE Standard
13. Incident Reporting and Investigation * System to investigate, report, and communicate * Documentation * Preventive and corrective action

HSE Standard
14. Crisis and Emergency Management * Systems to identify emergency situations and their impacts * Responsibilities * Resources * Training

HSE Standard
15. Monitoring, Audit and Review * Performance reviewed * Site inspections and audits * Annual assessment * Management review to the systems * Independent Audit * The policy and standards are reviewed every 3 years

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