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CONTENTS................................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................................. 4 History......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Concept and construction...................................................................................................4 1. 1!""# Openin$ day............................................................................................................. " 1.3 1!!%s transition# Par& 'eco(es Resort..............................................................................) 1.4 Disney*and in 1st Century................................................................................................+ 1." "%t, anni-ersary................................................................................................................. . CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................. ! Par& *ayout................................................................................................................................... ! .1 /ands o0 Disney*and......................................................................................................... 1% .1.1 1ain Street2 U.S.A.....................................................................................................1% .1. Ad-enture*and............................................................................................................ 11 .1.3 Ne3 Or*eans S4uare..................................................................................................11 .1.4 5rontier*and................................................................................................................ 1 .1." Critter Country........................................................................................................... 1 .1." 5antasy*and............................................................................................................... 13 .1.) 1ic&ey6s Toonto3n....................................................................................................13 .1.+ To(orro3*and............................................................................................................ 13 . atrica* ana*o$y.................................................................................................................. 14 .3 7ac&sta$e........................................................................................................................ 1" ." Transportation.................................................................................................................. 1) .".1 Disney*and Rai*road...................................................................................................1+ .". Disney*and 1onorai* Syste(......................................................................................1+ .".31ain Street -e,ic*es....................................................................................................1. .".)Disney*and He*ipad.....................................................................................................1. CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................. % /i-e entertain(ent..................................................................................................................... % III.1 C,aracters....................................................................................................................... % III. Dai*y cere(onies............................................................................................................. % 1

III.3 Disney*and 7and............................................................................................................ 1 III.4 5antas(ic8....................................................................................................................... 1 III." 5ire3or&s......................................................................................................................... 1 III.+ 9o*den Horses,oe Re-ue.............................................................................................. III.. Parades........................................................................................................................... III.! To(orro3*and Terrace.................................................................................................... III.1% Or per0or(ers................................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER I:............................................................................................................................. 4 1isce**aneous in0or(ation.......................................................................................................... 4 I:.1 Tic&ets............................................................................................................................ 4 I:. Accidents2 in;uries and deat,s......................................................................................... " I:.3 C*osures.......................................................................................................................... " 7I7/IO9RAPH<........................................................................................................................ +



Disneyland is an American me park in Anaheim, California, owned and operated by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts division of Walt Disney Company. It was dedicated with a press preview on J ly !", !#$$, and opened to %eneral p blic followin% day. Disneyland holds distinction of bein% only me park to be desi%ned, b ilt, opened, and operated by Walt Disney. C rrently park has been visited by more than $!$ million % ests since it opened, me park was re'branded lar%er Disneyland Resort comple). In *++", over incl din% presidents, royalty and or heads of state. In !##&, (Disneyland Park( to distin% ish it from .in%dom at Walt Disney World. (/o all who come to this happy place ' welcome. Disneyland is yo r land. 0ere a%e relives fond memories of past and here yo th may savor challen%e and promise of f t re. Disneyland is dedicated to ideals, dreams, and hard facts that have created America ... with hope that it will be a so rce of 1oy and inspiration to all world. /hank yo .(!

!,,&++,+++ people visited park makin% it second most visited park in world, behind -a%ic

Walter 2. Disney, J ly !", !#$$



1.1 Concept and construction concept for Disneyland be%an one 3 nday, when Walt Disney was visitin% 4riffith Park with his da %hters Diane and 3haron. While watchin% his da %hters ride 4riffith Park -erry'4o'Ro nd he came p with idea of a place where ad lts and ir children co ld %o and have f n to%er. 0is dream wo ld lie dormant for many years. Walt Disney5s far helped b ild %ro nds of !&#6 World5s 7air in Chica%o. /his perhaps %ave Disney creative spark whence Disneyland ori%inated. fair%ro nds for World5s 7air were a cheaply constr cted set of individ al (Co ntry( areas from aro nd world and areas representin% vario s time periods of man8 it also incl ded many (rides( incl din% first 7erris wheel, sky ride, a passen%er train that circled perimeter, Wild West 3how, etc. Altho %h !&#6 World5s 7air was meant only to last a s mmer in Chica%o, in 3o rn California wear was accommodatin% to a (7air 4ro nds( of st cco b ildin%s that wo ld orwise disinte%rate in rain, snow and ice of or climates. 9ne can see resemblance of a (:and( filled with (rides( and a fair%ro nds with differently med areas to Disneyland created ;+ years later in !#$+s as pop lation of America for first time shifted West into desert climes. While many people had written letters to Walt Disney abo t visitin% Disney 3t dio, Walt reali<ed that a f nctional movie st dio had little to offer to visitin% fans. 0e n be%an to foster ideas of b ildin% a site near his = rbank st dios for to rists to visit. 0is ideas n evolved to a small play park with a boat ride and or med areas. Walt5s initial concept, his (-ickey -o se Park(, started with an & acres >+.+!* s? mi8 +.+6* km*@ plot across Riverside Drive. Walt started to visit or parks for inspiration and ideas, incl din% /ivoli 4ardens, 4reenfield Ailla%e, 2ftelin%, /ilb r% , Playland and Children5s 7airyland. 0e started his desi%ners workin% on concepts, b t se wo ld %row into a pro1ect m ch lar%er than co ld be contained in & acres >6*,+++ m*@. Walt hired a cons ltant, 0arrison Price from 3tanford Research Instit te, to %a %e area5s potential %rowth. With report from Price, Disney ac? ired !;+ acres >+.*$+ s? mi8 +.;," km*@ of

oran%e %roves and waln t trees in Anaheim, so ast of :os An%eles in nei%hborin% 9ran%e Co nty. Diffic lties in obtainin% f ndin% prompted Disney to investi%ate new methods of f ndraisin%. 0e decided to se television to %et ideas into people5s homes, and so he created a show named Disneyland which was broadcast on n'fled%lin% A=C television network. In ret rn, network a%reed to help finance new park. 7or first five years of its operation, Disneyland was owned by Disneyland, Inc., which was 1ointly owned byWalt Disney Prod ctions and A=C. In !#;+ Walt Disney Prod ctions p rchased A=C5s share. In addition, many of shops on -ain 3treet, B.3.A. were owned and operated by or companies who rented space from Disney. Constr ction be%an on J ly !&, !#$, and wo ld cost !" million B3DC to complete, and was opened e)actly one year later. B.3. Ro te !+! >later Interstate $@ was nder constr ction at same time 1 st to north of site8 in preparation for traffic which Disneyland was e)pected to brin%, two more lanes were added to freeway even before park was finished. 1.2 1955: Opening day Disneyland Park was opened to -onday, J ly !&, !#$$. 0owever, p blic on a special

(International Press Preview( event was held on 3 nday, J ly !", !#$$ which was only open to invited % ests and media . 3pecial 3 nday events, incl din% dedication, were televised nationwide and anchored by three of Walt Disney5s friends from 0ollywoodD Art :inkletter, =ob C mmin%s, andRonald Rea%an. A=C broadcast event live on its network8 at time, it was one of lar%est and most comple) live broadcasts ever. event did not %o smoothly. park was overcrowded as by'invitation'only affair was pla% ed with co nterfeit tickets. All ma1or roads nearby were empty. temperat re was an n s ally hi%h !+! E7 >6& EC@, and a pl mbers5 strike left many of park5s drinkin% fo ntains dry. Disney was %iven a choice of havin% workin% fo ntains or r nnin% toilets and he chose latter. /his, however, %enerated ne%ative p blicity since Pepsi sponsored

park5s openin%8 enra%ed

% ests believed inoperable fo ntains were a cynical way to sell more soda. asphalt that had been po red 1 st that mornin% was so soft that ladies5 hi%h'heeled shoes sank in. Aendors ran o t of food. A %as leak in 7antasyland ca sed Advent reland, 7rontierland, and 7antasyland to close for afternoon. Parents were throwin% ir children over sho lders of crowds to %et m onto rides s ch as .in% Arth r Carro sel. park %ot s ch bad press for event day that Walt Disney invited members of press back for a private (second day( to e)perience tr e Disneyland, after which Walt held a party in Disneyland 0otel for m. Walt and his !#$$ e)ec tives forever referred to day as (=lack 3 nday(. 9n J ly !" every year, cast members wear pin bad%es statin% how many years it has been sinceJ ly !", !#$$. 7or e)ample, in *++, y wore slo%an ( magic began 49 years ago today.( = t for first twelve to fifteen years, Disney did officially state that openin% day was on J ly !&, incl din% in park5s own p blications. Disneyland referred to J ly !", !#$$ as (Dedication Day( in one of its J ly, !#;" press releases. 9n -onday, J ly !& crowds started to %ar in line as early as * a.m., and first person to b y a ticket and enter park was David -acPherson with admission ticket n mber *, as Roy 9. Disneyarran%ed to pre'p rchase ticket n mber !. Walt Disney had an official photo taken with two children instead, Christine Aess Watkins >a%e $ in !#$$@ and -ichael 3chwartner >a%e " in !#$$@, and photo of two carries a deceptive caption alon% lines of (Walt Disney with first two % ests of Disneyland.( Aess Watkins and 3chwartner both received lifetime passes to Disneyland that day, and -acPherson was awarded one shortly reafter, which was later e)panded to every sin%le Disney'owned park in world. In 3eptember !#$#, 3oviet Premier Fikita .hr shchev spent !6 days in Bnited 3tates. 0e had two re? estsD /o visit Disneyland and to meet John Wayne, 0ollywood5s top bo)'office draw. 3ec rity concerns prevented .hr schev5s Disneyland visit8 he responded by p blicly wonderin% wher missiles were hidden re. Walt Disney was reportedly pset, havin% been denied showin% .hr shchev his s bmarine fleet, which was amon% lar%est in world at time.

1.3 1990s transition: Park becomes esort

In late !##+s, work be%an to e)pand on one'park, one'hotel property. Disneyland Park, Disneyland 0otel and site of ori%inal parkin% lot as well as ac? ired s rro ndin% properties were earmarked to become part of a %reater vacation resort development. new components of this resort were to be anor me park, Disney5s California Advent re Park8 a shoppin%, dinin% and entertainment comple), Downtown Disney8 a remodeled Disneyland 0otel8 Disney5s 4rand Californian 0otel8 and ac? isition of Pan Pacific 0otel >later to be remodeled and renamed Disney5s Paradise Pier 0otel@. =eca se e)istin% parkin% lot >so th of Disneyland@ was b ilt pon by se pro1ects, si)'level !+,*$+ space (-ickey and 7riends( parkin% str ct re was constr cted in northwest corner of property, at time of its completion in *+++, it was lar%est parkin% str ct re in Bnited 3tates. park5s mana%ement team d rin% mid'!##+s was a so rce of controversy amon% Disneyland fans and employees. In an effort to boost profits, vario s chan%es be%an by n'e)ec tives Cynthia 0arriss and Pa l Pressler. While ir actions provided a short'term increase in shareholder ret rns, y drew widespread criticism from employees and % ests alike for lack of foresi%ht. With retail back%ro nd of 0arriss and Pressler, Disneyland5s foc s %rad ally shifted from attractions to merchandisin%. 9 tside cons ltants -c.insey G Co were also bro %ht in to help streamline operations, which res lted in many chan%es and c tbacks. After nearly a decade of deferred maintenance, Walt Disney5s ori%inal me park was showin% visible si%ns of ne%lect. 7ans of park decried perceived decline in c stomer val e and park ? ality and rallied for dismissal of mana%ement team.

1.! Disneyland in 21st Century

-att 9 imet, formerly president of Disney Cr ise :ine, was promoted to ass me leadership of Disneyland Resort in late *++6. 3hortly afterward, he selected 4re% 2mmer as 3enior Aice President of 9perations. 2mmer is a lon%'time Disney cast member who had worked at Disneyland in his yo th prior to movin% to 7lorida and holdin% m ltiple e)ec tive leadership positions at Walt Disney World Resort. 9 imet ? ickly set abo t reversin% certain trends, especially with re%ards to cosmetic maintenance and a ret rn to ori%inal infrastr ct re maintenance sched le, in hopes of restorin% safety record of past. - ch like Walt Disney himself, 9 imet and 2mmer co ld often be seen walkin% park d rin% b siness ho rs with members of ir respective staff. y wore cast member name bad%es, stood in line for attractions and welcomed comments from % ests. In J ly *++;, -att 9 imet anno nced that he wo ld be leavin% Walt Disney Company to become president of 3tarwood 0otels G Resorts Worldwide. 3oon after this anno ncement, 2d 4rier, e)ec tive mana%in% director of Walt Disney Attractions Japan, was named president of Disneyland Resort. 4re% 2mmer retired from his 1ob on 7ebr ary &, *++&. 1.5 50t" anni#ersary 0appiest 0omecomin% on 2arth was ei%hteen'month'lon% celebration >held thro %h *++$ and *++;@ of fiftieth anniversary of Disneyland me park, which opened on J ly !", !#$$. 0appiest Celebration on 2arth commemorated fifty years of Disney me parks, and celebrated Disneyland5s milestone thro %ho t Disney parks all over %lobe. In *++,, park ndertook a n mber of ma1or renovation pro1ects in preparation for its fiftieth anniversary celebration. -any classic attractions were restored, notably 3pace -o ntain, J n%le Cr ise, and Walt Disney5s 2nchanted /iki Room. $+th Anniversary celebration ended on 3eptember 6+, *++;.


park is divided into which Pla<a, radiate and like fo r points of compass from well'concealed immersed this was in to

realms, cardinal Central backsta%e % est is environment any or realm. develop ne)t. p blic areas occ py

areas. 9n enterin% a realm, a completely and is idea behind nable to see or hear

atrical (sta%es( with seamless passa%es from one land to five med areasD

appro)imately &$ acres >+.!66 s? mi8 +.6,, km*@. When park initially opened, it consisted of Main Street, U.S.A., an early *+th cent ry -idwest town Adventureland, feat rin% 1 n%le'med advent res Frontierland, ill stratin% western frontier Fantasyland, brin%in% fantasy into a reality Tomorrowland, lookin% into f t re.

3ince initial openin%, additional areas have been addedD

In !#$", Holidayland, a # acres >+.+!, s? mi8 +.+6; km*@ recreation area incl din% a circ s and baseball diamond, which was closed in late !#;!. In !#;;, ew !rleans S"uare, based on !#th cent ry Few 9rleans In !#"*, (=ear Co ntry(, med to mo ntain forests of 3o th. It was later renamed #ritter #ountry and med aro nd 3plash -o ntain5s 3on% of 3o th elements.


In !##6, Mic$ey%s Toontown, med aro nd /oontown seen in film &'o Framed (oger (abbit An elevated berm s pports a narrow %a %e railroad which circ mnavi%ates lot. park.

Disney5s California Advent re Park was added in what sed to be a Disneyland parkin%

2.1 $ands o% Disneyland

2.1.1 Main Street, U.S.A.

-ain 3treet, B.3.A. is patterned after a typical midwest town of early *+th cent ry. Walt Disney derived inspiration from his boyhood town of -arceline, -isso ri and worked closely with desi%ners and architects to develop -ain 3treet appeal. It is first area % ests see when y enter park, and is how % ests reach Central Pla<a. At center of -a%ic .in%dom and immediately Forth of Central Pla<a stands 3leepin% =ea ty Castle, which provides entrance to 7antasyland by way of a drawbrid%e across a moat. Advent reland, 7rontierland, and /omorrowland are arrayed on both sides of castle. )For t'ose o* us w'o remember care*ree time it recreates, Main Street will bring bac$ 'a++y memories. For younger visitors, it is an adventure in turning bac$ calendar to days o* grand*ar%s yout'.,-ain 3treet, B.3.A. is reminiscent of Aictorian period of Americana with train station, town s? are, movie atre, city hall, fireho se complete with a steam'powered p mp en%ine, empori m, shops, arcades, do ble'decker b s, horse'drawn streetcar, 1itneys and or bits of memorabilia. At far end of -ain 3treet, B.3.A. is 3leepin% =ea ty Castle, and 0 b, which is a portal to all med lands.

=a*t E. Disney


desi%n of -ain 3treet, B.3.A. tili<es a process to %ive appearance of hei%ht called forced perspective, fre? ently sed in movies. = ildin%s down -ain 3treet are b ilt at 6H, scale on first level, n $H& on second story, and !H* scale on third.

2.1.2 Adventureland

Advent reland provides a !#$+s view of advent re, capitali<in% on post' war /iki cra<e. Advent reland is desi%ned to be an e)otic tropical place in a far'off re%ion of world. (/o create a land that wo ld make this dream reality(, said Walt Disney, (we pict red o rselves far from civili<ation, in remote 1 n%les of Asia and Africa.( Attractions incl de openin% day5s J n%le Cr ise, (/emple of 7orbidden 2ye( in Indiana Jones Advent re, and /ar<an5s /reeho se, which is a conversion of earlierSwiss Family (obinson Tree House from Walt Disney film, Swiss Family (obinson. Walt Disney5s 2nchanted /iki Room which is located at entrance to Advent reland is first feat re attraction to employA dio' Animatronics, a comp ter synchroni<ation of so nd and robotics.

2.1.3 New Orleans Square

Few 9rleans 3? are is a med land based on !#th cent ry Few 9rleans. It was opened to p blic on J ly *,, !#;;. Despite its a%e, it is still very pop lar with Disneyland % ests, bein% home to two of park5s most pop lar attractionsD .irates o* #aribbean and Haunted Mansion. 0idden in walkway near =l e =ayo Resta rant, re is a doorway with n mber 66 beside it. /his is entrance to a private members'only cl b inside Disneyland, that members pay hi%h amo nts of money to %et into. Cl b 66 is only place in Disneyland proper to have alcoholic bevera%es.


2.1.4 Frontierland 7rontierland recreates settin% of pioneer days alon% American frontier. Accordin% to Walt Disney, (All of s have ca se to be pro d of o r co ntry5s history, shaped by pioneerin% spirit of o r forefars. 9 r advent res are desi%ned to %ive yo feelin% of havin% lived, even for a short while, d rin% o r co ntry5s pioneer days.( 7rontierland is home to Pinewood Indians band of animatronic Fative Americans, who live on banks of Rivers of America. 2ntertainment and attractions incl de 7antasmicI, =i% /h nder -o ntain Railroad, -ark /wain Riverboat, 7rontierland 3hootin5 2)position and 3ailin% 3hip Col mbia. -ay *++" feat red openin% of (Pirate5s :air at /om 3awyer Island(. 7rontierland is also home to 4olden 0orseshoe 3aloon, a show palace strai%ht o t of 9ld West. C rrently comedic tro pe (=illy 0ill and 0illbillies( entertain % ests on a daily basis.

2.1.5 Critter Country

Critter Co ntry opened in !#"* as (=ear Co ntry(, and was renamed in !#&&. 7ormerly area was home to Indian Ailla%e where act al indi%eno s tribespeople demonstrated ir dances and or c stoms. /oday, main draw of area is 3plash -o ntain, a lo%'fl me 1o rney inspired by Bncle Rem s stories of Joel Chandler 0arris and animated se%ments of Disney5s Academy Award' winnin% !#,; film,Song o* Sout'. In *++6, a dark ride called -any Advent res of Winnie Pooh replaced Co ntry =ear Jamboree, which closed in *++!. Co ntry =ear Jamboree presented shows feat rin% sin%in% bear characters that were vis ali<ed thro %h electronically'controlled and mechanically'animated p ppets, known as A dio'Animatronics.

2.1.5 Fantasyland

7antasyland is area of Disneyland which Walt Disney said, (What yo n%ster has not dreamed of flyin% with Peter Pan over moonlit :ondon, or t mblin% into Alice5s nonsensical Wonderland. In 7antasyland, se classic stories of everyone5s yo th have become realities for yo n%sters ' of all a%es ' to participate in.( 7antasyland was ori%inally styled in a medieval 2 ropean fair%ro nd fashion, b t its !#&6 ref rbishment t rned it into a =avarian villa%e. Attractions incl de several dark rides, .in% Arth r Carro sel, and vario s children5s rides.

2.1.6 Mickey's Toontown -ickey5s /oontown opened in !##6 and was partly inspired by fictional :os An%eles s b rb of /oontown in Walt Disney 3t dios5 !#&& release &'o Framed (oger (abbit. -ickey5s /oontown is a !#6+s cartoon come'to'life and is home to Disney5s most pop lar cartoon characters. /oontown feat res two main attractionsD 4ad%et5s 4o Coaster and Ro%er Rabbit5s Car /oon 3pin. (city( is also home to cartoon character5s ho ses s ch as ho se of -ickey -o se and -innie -o se. 2.1.7 Tomorrowland D rin% !#$$ ina % ration Walt Disney dedicated

/omorrowland with se wordsD (/omorrow can be a wonderf l a%e. 9 r scientists today are openin% doors of 3pace A%e to achievements that will benefit o r children and %enerations to come. /omorrowland attractions have been desi%ned to %ive yo an opport nity to participate in advent res that are a livin% bl eprint of o r f t re.( Disneyland prod cer Ward .imball had Rocket scientists Wernher von =ra n, Willy :ey, and 0ein< 0aber served as technical cons ltants d rin% ori%inal desi%n of /omorrowland.

Initial attractions incl ded (oc$et to Moon, Astro'Jets and A topia8 later, first incarnation of 3 bmarine Aoya%e was added. area nderwent a ma1or transformation in !#;" to become ew Tomorrowland, and n a%ain in !##& when its foc s was chan%ed to present a (retro'f t re( me reminiscent of ill strations of J les Aerne. C rrent attractions incl de 3pace -o ntain, Innoventions, 3tar /o rs, 0oney, I 3hr nk A dience, A topia, Disneyland -onorail /omorrowland 3tation, res rrectin% ori%inal 3 bmarine Aoya%e which closed in !##&. Astro 9rbitor and = << :i%htyear Astro =lasters. 7indin% Femo 3 bmarine Aoya%e opened on J ne !!, *++",

2.2 atrical analogy

Disneyland staff se atrical terminolo%y. /his is to emphasi<e that a visit to park is intended to be similar to witnessin% a performance. 7or e)ample, visitors are referred to as /uests and park employees as #ast Members. !n Stage refers to any area of Resort that is open to 4 ests. 0ac$stage refers to any area of Resort that is closed to 4 ests. A crowd is referred to as an (a dience.( #ostume is attire that Cast -embers who perform day'to'day operations of park m st wear. /erms s ch as uni*ormare not sed. S'ow is Resort5s presentation to its 4 ests, s ch as color and faJades of b ildin%s, placement of ridesHattractions, cost mes to match med lands. 2ach Cast -ember5s 1ob is called his (Role.( When workin% in ir roles, Cast -embers m st follow a (3cript.( /his is not a traditional play script, b t more of a strict code of cond ct and approved, med phrase'olo%y that Cast -embers may se when at work. Park employees were often reminded that (no( and (I don5t know( are not a part of a Cast -ember5s script. When si%nin% credit card receipts for so venirs or food, 4 ests are asked for ir autogra+'. (3ta%e -ana%ers( are responsible for overseein% operation of different areas of park. Cast -embers who are in char%e of a specific team are called (:eads,( as in a film or ater (:ead Role.( In earlier years of park, offices where administrative work took place were referred to as (Prod ction 9ffices.( (Prod ction 3ched lers( b ild employee work sched les to meet necessary workload, while (3ta%e 3ched lers( handle day'to'day chan%es in that work sched le >s ch as a chan%e in park ho rs, necessitatin% a chan%e in everybody5s shifts@.


2.3 &ackstage

=acksta%e areas incl de closed areas of attraction, store, and resta rant b ildin%s, as well as o tdoor service areas located behind s ch b ildin%s. Altho %h some areas of wide network of s bterranean t nnels, s ch as Walt Disney World5s tilidors. re are several points of entry from o tside park to backsta%e areasD =all 4ate >from =all Road@, /.D.A. 4ate >ad1acent to /eam Disney Anaheim b ildin%@, 0arbor Pointe >from 0arbor =o levard@, and Winston 4ate >from Disneyland Drive@. =erm Road encircles park from 7ireho se 4ate >behind -ain 3treet 7ire 3tation@ to 2%%ho se 4ate >ad1acent to Disneyland 9pera 0o se@. road is so called beca se it %enerally follows o tside path of Disneyland5s berm. A stretch of road, wed%ed between /omorrowland and 0arbor =o levard, is called 3ch macher Road. It has two narrow lanes and r ns nderneath -onorail track. re are also two railroad brid%es that cross =erm RoadD one behind City 0all and or behind /omorrowland. -a1or b ildin%s backsta%e incl de 7rank 4ehry'desi%ned /eam Disney Anaheim, where most of division5s administration c rrently works, as well as 9ld Administration = ildin%, behind /omorrowland. 9ld Administration = ildin% additionally ho ses 4rand Canyon and Primeval World dioramas visible on Disneyland Railroad. northwest corner of park is home to most of park5s maintenance facilities, incl din%D Company vehicle services, incl din% Parkin% :ot trams and -ain 3treet Aehicles 3crap yard, where Resort5s %arba%e and recyclables are sorted for collection Circle D Corral, where Resort5s horses and or animals are stabled Parade float stora%e and maintenance Distrib tion center for all Resort merchandise Ride vehicle service areas Paint shop 3i%n shop =acksta%e also refers to parts of show b ildin%s that are normally not seen by % ests. =acksta%e areas are %enerally off'limits to park % ests. /his prevents % ests from seein%


partic larly Few 9rleans 3? are, have nder%ro nd operations and stora%e areas, re is no park'

ind strial areas that violate (ma%ic( of on'sta%e and keeps m safe from potentially dan%ero s machinery. Cast members can also find some solace while y work or rest, as backsta%e offers alternate ro tes between park5s vario s areas. -any attractions are ho sed in lar%e, so ndsta%e'like b ildin%s, some of which are partially or completely dis% ised by e)ternal min%. 4enerally, se b ildin%s are painted a d ll %reen color in areas not seen by % ests8 ostensibly, this choice has been made to help dis% ise b ildin%s amon% folia%e and make m less vis ally obtr sive. -ost of m have off'white flat roofs that s pport 0AAC nits and footpaths for cast members. Inside are rides, as well as hidden walkways, service areas, control rooms, and or behind''scenes operations. Photo%raphy is forbidden in se areas, both inside and o tside, altho %h some photos have fo nd ir way to a variety of web sites. 4 ests who attempt to e)plore backsta%e are warned and often escorted from property. bo ndary between on and off'sta%e is demarcated at every access point. 2verythin% within % est view when a door or %ateway is open is also considered on sta%e. It is from this point, that characters start playin% ir part. /hat way, when accidentally see a person o t of character backsta%e. Aario s amenities e)ist for Cast -embers backsta%e when y are on breaks, or before and after ir sched led shifts. A n mber of cafeterias, now r n by 3ode)ho, offer disco nted meals thro %ho t day. se incl de Inn =etween >behind Pla<a Inn@, 2at /icket >near /eam Disney Anaheim b ildin% behind -ickey5s /oontown@, and Westside Diner >located in a lower level beneath Few 9rleans 3? are@. Partners 7ederal Credit Bnion, credit nion for employees of Walt Disney Company in 9ran%e Co nty, provides nearly *+ A/-s backsta%e for cast member se and maintains an e)press branch at /eam Disney Anaheim b ildin%. door is open, % ests will not

2.5 'ransportation

Walt Disney had a lon%time interest in transportation, and trains in partic lar. 0e even b ilt a miniat re live steam backyard railroad, (Carolwood Pacific Railroad(, on %ro nds of his 0olmby 0ills estate. /hro %ho t all iterations of Disneyland d rin% seventeen or so years

when -r. Disney was conceivin% it, one element remained constantD a train encirclin% park. primary desi%ner for park transportation vehicles was =ob 4 rr who %ave himself title of (Director of 3pecial Aehicle Desi%n( in !#$,.

2.5.1 Disneyland ailroad 2ncirclin% Disneyland and providin% a %rand circle to r is Disneyland Railroad >DRR@, a short'line railway consistin% of five oil'fired and steam'powered locomotives, in addition to three passen%er trains and one passen%er'carryin% frei%ht train. 9ri%inally known as Disneyland and 3anta 7e Railroad, DRR was presented by Atchison, /opeka and 3anta 7e Railway ntil !#",. 7rom !#$$ to !#",, 3anta 7e Rail Pass was able to be sed in lie of a Disneyland (D( co pon. With a three'foot %a %e, most common narrow %a %e meas rement sed in Forth America, track r ns in a contin o s loop aro nd -a%ic .in%dom thro %h each of its realms. 2ach t rn' of''!#th'Cent ry train departs -ain 3treet 3tation on an e)c rsion that incl des sched led station stops atD 7rontierland 3tation8 /oontown Depot, %ateway to 7antasyland8 and, /omorrowland 3tation. 4rand Circle /o r n concl des with a visit to (4rand CanyonHPrimeval World( dioramas before ret rnin% passen%ers to -ain 3treet, B.3.A

2.5.2 Disneyland Monorail !ystem




si%nat re



its monorail service, which opened in /omorrowland in !#$# as first daily'operatin% monorail train system in same since !#;!, aside from small Western 0emisphere. monorail % ideway has remained almost e)actly alterations while Indiana Jones Advent re was bein% b ilt. 7ive %enerations of monorail trains have been sed in park, since ir li%htwei%ht constr ction means y wear o t ? ickly. most recent operatin% %eneration, -ark AII, was installed in *++&.

monorail sh ttles visitors between two stations, one inside park in /omorrowland and one in Downtown Disney. It follows a *.$ mile >, km@ lon% ro te desi%ned to show one more color to be added in comin% months. -onorail =l e travels over former 3 bmarine Aoya%e ride which is now 7indin% Femo 3 bmarine Aoya%e in /omorrowland. monorail was ori%inally b ilt with one station in /omorrowland. Its track was e)tended and a second station opened at Disneyland 0otel in !#;!. With creation of Downtown Disney in *++!, new destination is Downtown Disney, instead of Disneyland 0otel. physical location of monorail station did not chan%e, however ori%inal station b ildin% was demolished as part of hotel downsi<in%, and new station is now separated from hotel by several Downtown Disney b ildin%s, incl din% 23PF Kone and Rainforest CafL park from above. C rrently, -ark AII is r nnin% with colors Red and =l e with

2.5.3Main Street vehicles

All vehicles that are fo nd on -ain 3treet were desi%ned to acc rately reflect t rn'of''cent ry vehicles, incl din% a do ble'decker b s, a horse'drawn streetcar, a fire en%ine, and an a tomobile. y are available for one'way rides alon% -ain 3treet, B.3.A. horseless carria%es are modeled after cars b ilt in !#+6. y are two'cylinder, fo r'horsepower >6 kW@ en%ines with man al transmission and steerin%. Walt Disney sed to drive fire en%ine aro nd park before it opened, on most mornin%s. It has also been sed to host celebrity % ests and sed in parades.

2.5.6 isneylan! "eli#a!

7rom late !#$+s to !#;& :os An%eles Airways provided re% larly sched led helicopter passen%er service between Disneyland and :os An%eles International Airport >:AM@ and or cities in


helicopters initially operated from AnaheimHDisneyland 0eliport, located behind /omorrowland. 3ervice later moved, in !#;+, to a new heliport north of Disneyland 0otel. Arrivin% % ests were transported to Disneyland 0otel via tram. service ended after two fatal crashes in !#;&D crash inParamo nt, California, on -ay **, !#;& killed *6 > worst helicopter accident in aviation history at that time@. second crash in Compton, California on A % st !,, !#;&, killed *!. photo at ri%ht, is of one that crashed on A % st !,th.



CHAPTER III Live entertainment

In addition to attractions, Disneyland provides live entertainment thro %ho t park. (((.1 C"aracters

Disney characters, who %reet visitors, interact with children, and pose for photos, can be fo nd thro %ho t park. 3ome characters have specific areas where y are sched led to appear, b t can be fo nd wanderin% as well. 9ne reason -ickey5s /oontown was created was so that re wo ld be a place for -ickey -o se to always be available to % ests in his own ho se. Periodically thro %h recent decades >and most recently d rin% s mmers of *++$ and *++;@, -ickey -o se has climbed -atterhorn attraction several times a day with s pport of his friends -innie,4oofy, and some Disneyland % ests. 9r mo ntain climbers co ld also be seen on -atterhorn from time to time. As of 3prin% *++", -ickey and his (toon( friends no lon%er climb -atterhorn b t climbin% pro%ram contin es.

(((.2 Daily ceremonies

2very evenin% at d sk re is a military'style fla% ceremony to lower American 7la% for day, performed by a re%iment of Disneyland 3ec rity Personnel. ceremony s ally be%ins at ,D6+ or ,D,$pm.

(((.3 Disneyland &and

Disneyland =and, which has been part of park since its openin%, plays role of /own =and on -ain 3treet, B.3.A. It also breaks o t into smaller %ro ps like 3trawhatters, 0ook and :adder Co., and Pearly =and in 7antasyland. -ain 3treet

(((.! )antasmic*

Fantasmic1, deb ted in !##*, is a pop lar m ltimedia ni%httime show hosted by -ickey -o se. star -ickey -o se s mmons characters and spirit of beloved Disney classics and ses power of ima%ination to defeat evil villains that try to t rn his dream into a ni%htmare. presentation is made at :affite5s /avern end of Pirate5s :air at /om 3awyer Island and ses Rivers of America as part of sta%e. It ses 7rontierland and Few 9rleans 3? are as spectator arena. It consists of synchroni<ed li%htin% and special effects, with floatin% bar%es, -ark /wain Riverboat, 3ailin% 3hip Col mbia, fo ntains, lasers, fireworks, thirty'foot'tall (water screens( pon which animated scenes are pro1ected, and an a tomated forty'five foot fire'breathin% dra%on. (((.5 )ire+orks 2laborate fireworks shows synchroni<ed with Disney son%s and often an appearance by Peter Pan character /inker =ell. Recent presentations have become more elaborate, feat rin% new pyrotechnics, la nch techni? es and story lines. In *++,, Disneyland introd ced a new air la nch pyrotechnics system, red cin% %ro nd level smoke and noise and decreasin% ne%ative environmental impacts. At time technolo%y deb ted, Disney anno nced it wo ld donate patents to a non'profit or%ani<ation for se thro %ho t ind stry.

(((., -olden .orses"oe e#ue

4olden 0orseshoe 3aloon offers a live sta%e show with a frontier or old'west feel. 4olden 0orseshoe Rev e is an old'west Aa deville type of show starrin% 3l e 7oot >or 3l efoot@ 3 e and Pecos =ill. It ran ntil mid'!#&+s, when it was replaced by a similar show starrin% :ily :an%tree >or -iss :ily@ and 3am =artender. -ost recently, =illy 0ill and 0illbillies have played ir % itars and ban1os in a bl e%rass'and'comedy show. Additionally, in front of 4olden 0orsehose 3aloon, :a %hin% 3tock Co. enacts small h moro s skits with an old'west me.

(((./ Parades Disneyland has always had parades that have marched down -ain 3treet. re are several daytime and ni%httime parades that celebrate Disney films or seasonal holidays with characters, m sic, and lar%e floats. 9ne of most pop lar parades was -ain 3treet 2lectrical Parade >now at Disney5s California Advent re as Disney5s 2lectrical Parade@. Deb tin% in -ay $, *++$ as part of Disneyland5s $+th Anniversary, and r nnin% thro %h Fovember ", *++&, Walt Disney5s Parade of Dreams was presented, celebratin% several of classic Disney stories incl din% :ion .in%, :ittle -ermaid,Alice in Wonderland, and Pinocchio. D rin% Christmas season, Disneyland presents (A Christmas 7antasy( Parade which celebrates 1oy G wonder of Christmas season. In *++#, Walt Disney5s Parade of Dreams was replaced by CelebrateI A 3treet Party which will premiered on -arch *", *++#.

(((.9 'omorro+land 'errace

/omorrowland /errace is a sta%e in /omorrowland. It is a two'story sta%e where lower sta%e rises from below with dramatic effect. It was pop lar in !#;+s with m sic performers of day. 9ver years, it was event ally replaced with Cl b = <<, a = << :i%htyear med sta%e and

show feat rin% space character from /oy 3tory movies. In *++;, it was restored to /omorrowland /errace with same style and desi%n as ori%inal. It is now home to Jedi /rainin% Academyinteractive sta%e show where children are chosen as Jedi +adawan and ta %ht how to se a :i%htsaber. 2ach child n has /omorrowland /errace hosted in !#;+s. (((.10 Or per%ormers opport nity to face 3tar Wars anta%onists Darth evenin%s, 1 st as Aader or Darth -a l. Recently, local bands have ret rned to play in

Aario s or nsched led street performers play and sin% thro %ho t park, sometimes only seasonally, incl din%D

All'American Colle%e =and performs aro nd park. band is composed of talented colle%e st dents who a dition for chance to perform in Disneyland8 Alice in Wonderland characters sta%in% a wacky %ame of (- sical Chairs( eir at (Coke Corner( or porch of Pla<a Inn daily8 =ootstrappers, a band of pirates that performs son%s based on .irates o* #aribbean, alon% with or sea'shanties8 Dapper Dans barbershop ? artet often sin%s on -ain 3treet8 7ireho se 7ive Pl s /wo, ori%inally a band composed of Ima%ineers, can be fo nd on -ain 3treet8 -ain 3treet Piano Players play at Corner Cafe, also known as (Coke Corner( on -ain 3treet8 -erlin appears in 7antasyland several times a day to help a l cky child p ll sword from an anvil and stone8 /rash Can /rio, a 3/9-P like %ro p that performs sin% trash cans in /omorrowland8 and Aario s bands in Few 9rleans 3? are, often with a 1a<< infl ence. /omorrowland 1anitors perform d rin% breaks. Also, d rin% 0olidays, many or smaller entertainment offerin%s are added, s ch as -ain

3treet Carolers who perform thro %ho t day.



CHAPTER IV Mis ellaneous in!ormation

(0.1 'ickets 7rom Disneyland5s openin% day ntil !#&*, price of attractions was in addition to price of park admission. Park'%oers paid a small admission fee to %et into park, b t admission to most of rides and attractions re? ired % ests to p rchase a book of tickets that consisted of several co pons, initially labeled (A( thro %h (C(. co pons were also sold individ ally. (A( co pons allowed admission to smaller rides and attractions s ch as vehicles on -ain 3treet, whereas (C( co pons were sed for most common attractions like Peter Pan ride, or /ea C ps. As more thrillin% rides were introd ced, s ch as -onorail or -atterhorn bobsled, (D( and n event ally (2( co pons were introd ced. Co pons co ld be combined to e? al e? ivalent of anor ticket >e.%. two (A( tickets e? al one (=( ticket@. 7rom thrill ride e)perience at Disneyland, collo? ial e)pression (an 2 ticket ride( is sed to describe any e)ceptionally thrillin% e)perience. :ater Disneyland feat red a (.eys to .in%dom( booklet of tickets, which consisted of !+ nval ed co pons sold for a sin%le flat rate. se co pons co ld be sed for any attraction re%ardless of its re% lar val e. 9bvio sly it wo ld behoove b yer to se se for most thrillin% attractions or rides. In !#&* Disney dropped idea for individ al ride tickets to a sin%le admission price with nlimited access to all attractions, (e2ce+t s'ooting galleries(. While this idea was not ori%inal to Disney, its b siness advanta%es were obvio sD in addition to % aranteein% that everyone paid a lar%e s m even if y stayed for only a few ho rs and rode only a few rides, park no lon%er had to print tickets or ticket books, staff ticket booths, or provide staff to collect tickets or monitor attractions for people sneakin% on witho t tickets.

:ater Disney introd ced or entry options s ch as m lti'day passes, Ann al Passes which allow nlimited entry to Park for an ann al fee and 3o rn California residents5 disco nts.

(0.2 1ccidents2 in3uries and deat"s

3ince park5s openin% in J ly !#$$, re have been n mero s accidents, in1 ries, and deaths at park. As of December *++;, !6 % ests and ! Cast -ember have died inside park, while over !++ % ests have been in1 red.

(0.3 Closures

Disneyland Park has had three nsched led clos res since it opened in !#$$

In !#;6 d e to President .ennedy5s assassination. In !#"+ d e to a demonstration by Nippies in A % st. stated reason for attack was beca se =ank of America '' a sponsor of Disneyland '' was alle%edly financin% Aietnam War, which Nippies opposed. park had attempted to r n as s al b t demonstrators accosted % ests and raised 3o th Aietnam fla% at /om 3awyer5s Island, forcin% Disneyland to close in afternoon, offerin% ref nds and free passes to % ests.

7ollowin% terrorist attacks of 3eptember !!, *++!, both of resort5s parks did not open for day.

Additionally, Disneyland has had n mero s planned clos res incl dedD



In early years, park was often sched led to be closed on -ondays and / esdays d rin% off'season. /his was in con1 nction with nearby .nott5s =erry 7arm, which closed on Wednesdays and /h rsdays to keep costs down for both parks, while offerin% 9ran%e Co nty visitors a place to %o " days a week.

9n -ay ,, *++$ for $+th Anniversary Celebration media event. D e to vario s special events, park has closed n s ally early to accommodate m, s ch as, special press events, to r %ro ps, AIP %ro ps, private parties, etc. It is common for a corporation to rent entire park for evenin%. corporation5s % ests wo ld be iss ed special passes, which were %ood for admission to all rides and attractions. In late afternoon, park employees wo ld anno nce that park was closin%, n clear park of everyone witho t special corporate passes.



=ri%ht, Randy >!#&"@. DisneylandD Inside 3tory. 0arry F Abrams. 7rance, Aan Arsdale >!##!@. Window on -ain 3treet. 3tab r. 4ordon, =r ce and David - mford >!##$@. DisneylandD Fickel /o r. Camphor /ree P blishers. D nlop, =eth >!##;@. = ildin% a DreamD Art of Disney Architect re. 0arry F. Abrams Inc.. -arlin%, ed., .aral Ann >!##"@. Desi%nin% Disney5s me ParksD Architect re of Reass rance. 7lammarion.

.oeni%, David >!##,@. -o se /alesD A =ehind''2ars :ook at Disneyland. =onavent re Press. .oeni%, David >!###@. -ore -o se /alesD A Closer Peek =acksta%e at Disneyland. =onavent re Press.

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