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33 Letters of Qibla Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi Introduction Praise be to Allah for what has transpired and what remains. Last year 2013 a collection of 40 Letters of Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi were published. This year (2014) I have chosen 33 Letters of Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi for the next Urs ceremony that shall take place at Darsgah Sharif on 31st December 2014, In sha Allah. The 33 Letters are compiled from four sources: a) Makatib al- Firdous Volume One 2000, b) Makatib al-Firdous Volume Two 2006, c) Matakib wa Tahirirat, 2006 d) A Personal Letter. Any benefit derived from these letters is due to Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi and any mistakes and shortcomings are from the translator. Muzamil 17th February 2014

1) Frustration A young man wrote to complain about his abject poverty and asked why his situation had not improved.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

8th September 1995

Peace be upon you. I received your letter in which you expressed a great deal of anxiety. Without a doubt, not everyone can deal with hardship. It is the complete faith in Allah that gives a person support and comfort during times of hardship. You have complained that my only reply to your letters has been that Allah shall improve matters and advise you to supplicate to Him. I do not have any better remedy than this because who else but Allah can truly provide for you. It is only by turning to Allah that one can find a solution to ones problems. No one is free from trials and tribulations. Indeed, Allah states, And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return (2:155-156). Therefore, this humble servant reiterates: have complete faith and firmly cling to Allah. In times of despair hope for the best from Him. The time for pain

and comfort is appointed by Allah and after hardship comes ease. Peace be upon you.

2) Request for Prayer A person wrote and requested prayers for his uncle who was paralysed.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

8th September 1995

Peace be upon you. I was saddened to hear about your problems. You wrote a letter earlier and I have not neglected your matter, indeed, I pray for everyone, especially those people who seek prayers but ultimately the result lies in Allahs hands. Allah is nothing but beauty and kindness. Sometimes things which we find unpleasant are in Allahs view better for us. Only He knows the wisdom behind His actions. Make abundant supplications to Him. Allah has given this message via Rasul Allah that When someone calls Me, I hear and answer him. Indeed, Rasul Allah has stated that A persons prayer is accepted unless he asks for a sinful thing or to break

ties of kinship and is not impatient. It was enquired, Oh Messenger of Allah, what is Being impatient? He said, A person says that I have prayed but without success. Hence he despairs and gives up.1 Rasul Allah has also stated, Your Lord is the epitome of modesty, He grants without asking, He feels ashamed that a person who raises his/her hands in prayer should return empty handed. 2 Keep praying and this humble servant shall also supplicate and expect the best from Allah as He is the source of all goodness. Peace be upon you.

3) Financial Woes A lady from the UK wrote about her familys financial woes.

1 2

Narrated by Muslim Narrated by Tirmidhi

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

18th June 1994

Peace be upon you. I received your letter and became aware of your circumstances. The world is a place of deception. Outwardly it appears beautiful but inwardly it is poisonous. A person is seduced by its outward appearance and wastes all his/her energies upon it. When a person becomes fully entangled in it, then despite all of ones efforts it is difficult to move away from it. The only cure for all of your problems is to turn towards Allah. Try this remedy with sincerity. On one hand, the bitterness of your dealings is reduced and on the other hand the person obtains the willpower to face adversity. In addition, Allah provides a solution from the unseen. The condition is that you have firm belief in Allah, do not neglect prayer and offer Salah regularly. As Salah is a direct connection between a person and Allah. Through Salah a person becomes close to Allah. Ayat karima should be read not less than 1250 times daily and read durud sharif 11 times at the start and at the end and keep your problems in mind. This humble servant shall also pray to Allah. Some devotee has exaggerated concerning this humble servant; I am nothing like that and constantly worried about my own salvation. Peace be upon you.

4) Ungrateful A person wrote and complained about his father.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

18th June 1994

Peace be upon you. I have received your letter in which you complained about your kith and kin. This is the way of the world. There is a shortage of loyalty in this world, so do not get upset. There is much wisdom hidden in this. The main point being that, only the relationship with Allah is genuine and of benefit in both worlds. We forget this relationship for small worldly gains. Dont ponder over their disloyalty and instead focus on Allah. This focus shall not only increase your spiritual ranks but also lead to a change of heart on their part. Your independence and integrity shall force them to review their attitude towards you. Indeed, Allah is the Changer of hearts. When a person is connected with Allah then he is free from the needs of others. The time and energy you dedicated to their care, these matters come under dealings and are part of the rights of people. Allah shall grant you reward for this service, therefore do not stain your sincerity and waste your good deeds by expecting the reward from people. This humble servant prays

for you. Your pleas should be directed towards your Lord who is the Protector and Custodian of His creation. Offer five prayers in congregation and read the khatam of Hadrat Pir Shaykh Abd al-Qadir Jilani Rahmatullah Alayhi in the following manner: 100 times durud sharif at the start and at the end and 500 times Hasbunallah wa nimalwakil and after every 100 say nimal mawla wa nimal nasir once. Read with focus and pin your hopes on Allah. Peace be upon you. Note: Keep this letter safe and read it often.

5) Guidelines This is a personal letter. In 1975 at the age of nineteen I asked a Sangi to write a letter to Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi whom I had not met. This was my first letter to Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi in which I sought his blessings and guidance.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply 786-92,

22nd November 1975

Dearest Muhammad Muzamil Sahib, May your Lord Almighty protect you. Written by the permission of his eminence Qibla and Kabah Janab Hadrat Sahib (May Allah increase his shadow). Peace be upon you. We wish well for both parties. Your letter arrived and shed light on your situation. I pray that Allah Almighty grants you the best of both worlds and makes you steadfast upon the Shariah. May Allah grant you knowledge that is supported by action and the company of the righteous people. I hereby give you permission to recite the litanies that you have mentioned in your letter. All of this is remembrance of Allah and it is these things that shall benefit you in the everlasting life. A person gains contentment by remembering Allah. This life is temporary and life in the hereafter is everlasting. He who performs good deeds and avoids sins in this life shall achieve success in the next life. We express our gratitude to Allah Almighty that despite being in a faithless country you have love for the din, passion for Islam, observe Salah and have kept a beard. This is a special grace from Allah. Stay focused on your true Lord and if possible then associate with the pious people; the pious are those people that when you see them they remind you of Allah;

your heart turns cold towards the world and concern for the hereafter increases. Greetings to all your Sangis, I pray for all of them that Allah makes them observe the din. Peace and best regards. All is well here, the lowly servants of Darbar Sharif adjoining Kaladeo, Jhelum.

6) Spiritual Instructions for a Novice In 1941 a young Sangi who was instructed by Hadrat Sahib to go into a spiritual retreat sought his guidance.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

12th August 1941

Dear companion and brother on the spiritual path, May Allah grant you a long life. Peace and blessings be upon you. All is well here (Checheyan Sharif). I pray to Allah for your welfare. I have received your letter and became aware of your situation and have sent a tawidh that you requested, put it into something and hang it around your neck. In addition, after you have recited surah Fatiha 41 times in the morning, blow it upon

the water and drink at sehri or Iftari time. Do not despair and complete the durud sharif that you are instructed to recite. Avoid drinking too much water. Try to establish dhikr and read the khatams with utmost devotion and Allah Almighty shall have mercy upon you. Conversation without purpose is futile and you have been told on numerous occasions to avoid such vain talk but to no avail. Keep your goal in mind and keep yourself busy with the remembrance of Allah Almighty and dont be negligent even for a moment. Every action should be sincere and without any display of piety. Keep yourself connected with your master at all times. Pray for me at the shrine. Everything is fine at your home, Maulvi Muhammad Zaman, both Baba Faqir Muhammad and Miyan Fadal Ilahi sends their regards and Mai Sahiba also sends her greetings. Give my regards to the Hafiz Sahiban and in particular Hafiz Zia al-Din. When you reply, write about him. Write about Mehdi Khan also, has he begun the Qasida Burda Sharif? You must keep death foremost in your thoughts. Anyone who indulges in pleasures of the world shall not enjoy the pleasures of the afterlife. One should love Allah to such an extent that one forgets all else and becomes immersed in the remembrance of Allah as Hadrat Khaqani Rahmatullah Alayhi writes,

After thirty years of research it became apparent to Khaqani, One breath with Allah is better than the kingdom of Solomon. In reality, compared to a king a Dervish is richer, as long as it is the real thing and not something superficial. Ibrahim ibn Adham left his kingdom and became a Dervish; one must reflect on this as there must be a secret behind it. Indeed, the ego and the devil are enemies of the person but they do not have control over the person who is sincere. The devil has promised to stay with the person to his dying breath and Allah Almighty also took an oath on His honour that He would accept the repentance of His servants until death; a person needs to turn to Allah. May Allah grant you and this humble servant the ability to follow the noble practice of the Holy Prophet , grant us iman at the time of death and include us amongst the family of the Naqshbandiyya Mujaddidiyya masters by the honour of the Mujaddid Rahmatullah Alayhi and the leader and master of all creation .Oh Allah accept our prayers. Let me know which chapter of the Holy Quran you have started and how many days it has been since you began reading durud sharif? You are instructed to keep us informed of your inner state. Peace be upon you.

Note: If you can find any books on Sufism from Hafiz Sahib then time permitting you should read them. Maktubat Sharif, Jawair-e Alawiyya and Maqasaid al-Salikin (highly recommended). If you can obtain any of these books then by all means study them. If you can find any other books on the lives of the pious people then study them. If you are able to obtain the book on the lives of the Mujaddidiyya Masters by Muhammad Hasan from Lillah Sharif then do so and observe how the pious people lived their lives and what hardship they faced and what they witnessed. Peace be upon you.

7) Suicidal A person wrote and complained that he had visited numerous shrines to remove his debt but without any success and now felt suicidal and blamed the saints for his despair.


Hadrat Sahibs Reply

14th September 1995

Peace be upon you. I received your letter and became aware of your predicament. You have visited many great masters throughout the country. Your visits to the shrines In sha Allah shall produce results. Everything is bound in time. Do not be upset and show patience and humility. If you have encountered problems due to your own fault then it does not seem fair to open a register of complaints to Allah Almighty. Instead you should express patience and humility to attract His mercy and compassion. Compared to the great saints that you have mentioned this humble servant is nothing. However, keeping your wishes in mind I pray to Allah that He helps you from the unseen, that your anxiety is removed and you are free from the burden of Interest. If possible, pray at midnight and supplicate to Allah during these hours of acceptance with utmost devotion and dedication. Peace be upon you.


8) Missed Prayers and Litanies A person from the UK enquired if he missed his prayers then what could he do about the awrad that he missed?

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

2nd July 1991

Peace be upon you. I received your letter and became aware of your situation. It is an obligation to make up the missed prayers. However, with regards to missed awrads one has the option of reading it with the missed prayers or at some other convenient time, but one must read them. During the awrad keep your needs in mind. Just as you are busy improving the welfare of your children in this life similarly worry about their welfare in the hereafter. Allah Almighty states: Save yourself and your family from the Fire (66:2). During the khatamat remember the saints in whose honour you are reading the khatam so that you can obtain more blessings. Thank you for remembering us, give our regards to all the family.


9) Problems A person from Lahore wrote about his problems.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

2nd July 1991

Peace be upon you. May Allah keep you safe and remove your difficulties. Indeed, He is the one who is in charge of everything. We humble servants of Allah pray for you. May Allah reward you and make matters easy for you for having a good opinion of us. If possible then pray tahajjud and read khatam al-khawajgan once a week, it is very beneficial in times of turmoil. Make yourself and your family observe the daily prayers. Ask a Sangi the method of khatam al-khawajgan or write to us and we shall provide the details. Once again, I remind you not to be heedless.

10) Condolence This letter was addressed to Hadrat Abu al-Hasan Zaid Faruqi Rahmatullah Alayhi (d.1993) of Delhi Khanqah Sharif on


the death of his relative Sahibzada Aga Abd al-Rahman in Quetta.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

29th January 1991

In the name of Allah the most Kind, the most Merciful Dear esteemed Pir Sahib, may Allah grant you a long life, our humblest greetings. I have received a letter from solicitor Rahmat Allah Sahib informing me of the sad demise of Sahibzada Hadrat Aga Abd al-Rahman. Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. (2:156). We are deeply saddened by this news. Undoubtedly the time for death is appointed and it cannot be postponed or moved forward. In order to reach his ultimate destination, a believer has to pass through this path. A human being is comprised of emotions and sadness is a natural outcome. Without a doubt one is affected by these events. In the spiritual path we are the beneficiaries of this noble family and as such every member of this household is a beacon of light for us. With his death another lamp has been extinguished. We pray that Allah grants him a place in His nearness. May Allah choose his descendants to serve the din and guide people. We all share your grief. Although your advanced age restricts your travel however

when the weather improves and if you visit Quetta to express your concordance to his family then please grant us humble people some time in your schedule. We dare not impose this matter upon you but humbly request your presence.

11) Business Problems A person wrote and mentioned he had made losses in his business and sought prayers.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

10th July 1991

Peace be upon you. Thank you for remembering us. May Allah Almighty protect you. Fix a time and read 786 times with durud sharif 11 times in the beginning and at the end. Success and failure are part of life, do not worry. Allah Almighty shall improve matters. Read the daily prayers regularly with congregation. Allahs remembrance is the cure for all hardship. Peace be upon you.


12) An Old Sangi Hadrat Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi was informed that an old Sangi was on his death bed.

Hadrat Sahib Reply 786-92,

Saturday 26th June 1971

Dear Ustad Sahib, may your Lord Almighty keep you safe by the honour of His beloved . Please accept our greetings. I was saddened to hear about your fathers critical condition. He was a dear companion of Qibla Alam Rahmatullah Alayhi and a source of comfort for us as he reminded us of him. Everyone shall taste death (3:185), thus this process continues. Everyone should prepare for death and make provisions for the hereafter. If you want to make his grave near the mosque then consult Hajji Sayd Muhammad.3 If there is appropriate space near your house then make his grave next to brother Din Muhammad Sahib, all of this depends upon you. Give our regards to the family and other Sangis. Peace and best regards.



13) Foot and Mouth Disease Someone wrote seeking protection for Foot and Mouth disease amongst the local animals.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Wednesday 25th Shaban al Muazam,

between Dhur and Asr.

786-92, Dearest, may your Lord Almighty keep you safe by the honour of His beloved . For the animals that are affected by foot and mouth disease, recite sura Taghabun (64) 7 times with durud sharif 11 times in the beginning and at the end, call the adhan and then upon every recital blow upon water. Peace and best regards.

14) Interest Free Loan A person requested a loan.


Hadrat Sahibs Reply 786-92,

30th September 1979

Dearest, peace be upon you. Someone has twice expressed his predicament and needs two thousand rupees. You are well aware of this humble servants financial circumstances. Therefore I am sending the bearer of this letter to you. Borrow the required amount from someone and give it to him in his hour of need and I shall pay you back. Peace and best regards.

15) Runaway Student Hadrat Sahib was informed of a runaway student.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply 786-92 Peace be upon you. If the aforementioned student has run away on numerous occasions then it is better to expel him as it affects other students. Make supplications

and return all his belongings to his father and bid them fare well. Peace and best regards.

16) Deeds for the Hereafter A Sangi wrote two letters with details of his activities.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

Saturday 3rd January 1978

Dear Brother on the spiritual path, May Allah Almighty increase His love and passion in your heart by the honour of His beloved . I have received two letters from you and became aware of your situation. I have been busy and therefore unable to reply to your letter earlier. I am happy to know that you are preoccupied with useful matters. Anyone who prefers matters of the hereafter to the affairs of the world is indeed fortunate. It is narrated in a Hadith that seven people shall be under the shade of Allahs throne on the day when there be will no other shade. One such person is a young man who grew up in Allahs worship. I totally agree with your sentiments. Peace and best wishes.


17) Dont Waste Time A scholar wrote that he carried out the task that was entrusted to him.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I have received your letter. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. I am pleased to know that the learned scholar is well. People are in need of such rare personalities. May Allah grant him greater ability to reform people. Mawlana Sahib, time is passing by and the moment that has passed shall never return. Therefore the mystics state that one should not spend a moment without remembering Allah. Remembrance of Allah shall benefit you in the hereafter. You have a double responsibility, apart from worship and obedience you also guide people. The more responsibilities you have the greater the reward. Keeping these responsibilities in mind, continue your work and seek support from Allah. upon you. Note: You must have attended the urs ceremony at Golra Sharif. If you have a recording of Mufti Abd al-Shakur Sahibs speech or if you can remember any of the key points

Peace be

then send them. What were Sahibzada Naseer al-Din Sahibs impressions of Mufti Sahibs speech?

18) Demise of Hadrat Mai Sahiba Rahmatullah Alayha A lady wrote about a dream that she had about Hadrat Mai Sahiba Rahmatullah Alayha and requested some of her relics.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

28th February 1993

Peace be upon you. I received your letter of condolence. This was Allahs will. We have to accept His every decision gladly and pray that He includes us amongst His grateful servants and save us from trials and tribulations. You knew her therefore act upon her teachings. There is great benefit in following her teachings. Her spirit shall be pleased. You requested a book and other relics, when you come next time we shall discuss this matter. This humble servant prays for you and your children, may Allah Almighty fulfil your pious wishes.


Note: the dream you had is very blessed as Mai Sahiba was connected to Hadrat Abu Bakr through both physical and spiritual lineage. This dream is a product of your devotion to her. Peace be upon you.

19) Beard A thirty year old man wrote that no one was willing to give their daughter to him as he has kept a beard.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

21st August 1993

Peace be upon you. I received your letter and became aware of your problem. Be steadfast as it is a test of your resolve and determination. Perhaps you shall face some further rejections. You should have firm faith the blessed master whose Sunnah caused you so much problems will not let you down. Indeed, the whole creation came into existence due to him. Rasul Allah had prophesised that to follow his Sunnah

in the last days would be made difficult. If possible then fix a time daily and recite durud sharif 11 times in the beginning and at the end and read Ya Wadudu 1000 times with utmost devotion and dedication. Peace be upon you.

20) Evil Person Someone wrote about an evil person who had made life difficult for the local villagers.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter. May Allah Almighty keep you in His protection. His remembrance is the best protection for every evil and the greatest source of contentment. I hope you are reading your award on a regular basis. In particular pray tahajjud and stay focused on Allah. If you missed any of your awrads then make them up later and in the future be careful. If possible then appoint a time and read ayat karima 500 times. Read it with focus an attention and keep your problems in mind, read durud 100 times before and after.

We humble servants only have the remembrance of Allah as our aid against evil and discord. This is what our masters have taught us and this is what we teach the seekers. Allah is the Forgiving, the Merciful, the all Hearing and all Seeing. He does not desert those that remember Him. However, sincerity and focus are pre-conditions. Peace be upon you.

21) Obesity A person wrote about his obese wife.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Take her for a check up with some qualified doctor. This humble servant shall also pray for her and I am sending a tawidh as well. We suggest a mixture called Kamuni from the Hamdard brand, the instructions are written on the bottle. May Allah heal her. Keep your focus on your Lord and with His grace the medicine shall be effective as well. That is all. Peace be upon you.


22) Invitation Hadrat Pir Badshah Sahib from Mohra Sharif invited Hadrat Sahib to attend the 40th ceremony of Pir Aftab Ahmad. Hadrat Sahibs Reply
25th June 1992

His eminence Janab Pir-e Tariqat Hadrat Pir Badshah Sahib, May Allah prolong your life. Peace be upon you. Thank you for the invitation for the 40th. My nephew Muhammad Masum, who attended the funeral, informed me about the demise of Pir Aftab Sahib. The death of a believer is indeed wonderful. As long as he was alive, he was caught between separation and longing and considered the world as a prison. But his very existence was a source of benefit for the world and a protection from calamities. Pir Sahib Rahmatullah Alayhi has moved from separation to union but he has deprived many people of his pre-dawn supplications. The real loss is that the world has lost the prayers and focus of a man of Allah. However, his followers can still benefit from his blessed spirit as long as they follow his teachings. This humble servant was already weak and recently hiccups have made my condition worse. I am unable to meet the Sangis and as for travel it is a

thing of the past. In light of my circumstances I hope you will excuse my failure to attend the gathering. This humble servant shares your feelings, emotions and turmoil on this great loss. Peace be upon you.

23) Complaints A person wrote to complain about his daughter- in- law and his son.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

29th June 1992

Peace be upon you. I received your letter and was astonished by your agitation and anxiety. I did not expect this from such a person who is both learned and a physician. You should have greater willpower. This type of anxiety and restlessness is characteristic of ignorant and weak people. The people who are aware of the Quranic teachings do not let these kinds of incidents overpower them. They remain focused on their spiritual realm. These are temporary setbacks that are bound to take place in an extended family. The elders use their

sense whilst the young are ruled by their emotions thus conflict is inevitable. Bearing this in mind the elders must use wisdom, although this method takes time but produces better results. Whenever you face these types of unsavoury situations then seek help from the Holy Quran. History gives a clear judgement this great book, This noble book is a great source of help and a shield against calamites and leads one to a manifest victory. I hope that you shall not waste your energies on these trivial matters. That time is not far when these people shall learn about their own loss. You should stay above these petty matters, you should act as a veto power. Study the lives of pious people and learn determination and perseverance from them as it will help you. This humble servant prays to Allah Almighty that you remain safe from tribulations. My health is fine. Peace be upon you.


24) A Wakeup Call A lady from the UK wrote about her family problems.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

15th June 1992

Peace be upon you. I received your letter. These small tests are there to awaken one from heedlessness. The people whom are awoken by these incidents and turn to the right path, Allah Almighty guides them and grants them the ability to perform good deeds. By contrast, for those people who do not take heed from these warnings, than Allah Almighty leaves them to their life of sin. Consider these problems as a wakeup call and turn to Allah. Pray regularly and follow the commands of the Shariah. Everyday appoint a time and read Ya Salamu 1000 times with durud sharif 11 times at the start and at the end. Make sure you read it properly and recite the correct amount and also focus on the meaning. When you finish reading then supplicate to Allah Almighty and keep your problems in your thoughts and blow upon the water and give it to the sick person. May Allah grant them a cure by the sake of His blessed name. Peace be upon you.


25) Heaven Within A person wrote about his visit to Hadrat Sahib.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter, it is good that you informed us of your safe arrival. May Allah Almighty grant more passion and devotion. Some saint has stated that, Heaven is within me. Wherever I go it is with me. Prison is my seclusion, death my martyrdom, migration my travel. Who can harm me? What he meant was that he was in continual dhikr. He continued, Whatever situation I am in, my source of comfort is with me. You should also keep this view in mind. Peace be upon you.

26) Sounds of Silence A person wrote an emotional letter seeking a direct link with Rasul Allah and so forth.


Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter, the same unrest and agitation. Alas, you have not understood that in the spiritual path, silence is speech. Speech is not very useful in the spiritual path. Indeed, anyone who claims to be on the path must refrain from talking and instead use his focus. Let alone seek an audience, he (a sincere Sangi) would not even seek out litanies and leave all matters on the behest of his guide. You know hundreds and thousands of people like you request meetings but these people (sincere Sangis) are content on seeing this humble servant during the five daily prayers and on Friday because they do not want to impose their will on their master. When you have stated your feelings in a letter then what need is there for you to spend a few minutes with me. This humble servant considers everyones problems equally and prays for them. Hence you should stop making these foolish requests. The spiritual path has its own procedure, try to understand its spirit. Peace be upon you.


27) Value of Remembrance A person from Bafa Sharif wrote that he safely arrived home.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter and became aware of your welfare. May Allah protect you and your family and grant you more passion and dedication. The greatest gift is remembrance of Allah. What the people of the world consider valuable such as gold and silver is nothing compared to the remembrance of Allah. Hadrat Abd Allah ibn Masud in charity. Similarly Abd Allah ibn Umar said, I prefer to utter Subhan Allah, rather than give gold jewellery said, To utter Allahu Akbar a few times on the journey is more beloved to me than to give a horse for the sake of Jihad. Wise is he who does not let go of this wealth at anytime. There is no guarantee about ones lifespan. Try to pray inside the mosque with congregation and spend most of your time there. Best regards to all the other companions. Peace be upon you.


28) The Light A person from Makkah Sharif wrote that he saw Rasul Allah in a dream. In addition, he had been instructed to read litanies by a young Naqshbandi person and asked whether he should continue reading them.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter and became aware of your situation. The spiritual matters that you have mentioned are indeed blessed, may Allah continue His favours and grace upon you and grant you salvation. The young Naqshbandi person you have mentioned, if you have the time and the willpower then continue his awrads. The gift we have inherited from our masters is continual dhikr upon which they were steadfast all their lives. They have said much about its virtues and encouraged us not to waste a breath. This humble servant also transmits this to the seekers of the path. Indeed due to this dhikr, ones face and limbs become filled with light and thus his whole being becomes light upon light. It is this light that shall accompany a person in life, death, in the grave and in the hereafter. Peace be upon you.


29) Useless Sons A person wrote about some litanies and to complain about his two sons, one who was disrespectful, irreligious and greedy and the second who was stupid.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter thank you for remembering us. You have expressed your opinions about your sons. As regards the litanies do not be superstitious. You have permission to read litanies according to your situation. The spirit of litanies is complete focus, sincerity and dedication. You can appoint the time for litanies yourself. We shall pray for your sons so that they that they may meet your expectations. There is bound to be differences of opinion as both age and temperament play a part. Use wisdom to nurture and guide them so that they understand importance of the din. Inform them that the one who is prisoner is not the one who is inside a jail but he whose heart is locked and a real prisoner is he who is the prisoner of his desires. Dont be deluded by the world. Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz the Caliph of the time once wrote in a letter for our guidance, That person is safe who has piety and fear of Allah in his heart. That he favours the little truth than a

great deal of falsehood and he chooses the eternal instead of the temporary and exchanges good fortune for misfortune. Do not forget that your ancestors are dead. Another generation shall become your successors. Do you not see that every day you send somebody towards Allah, whose life has ended and all his hopes have vanished? You have placed his body in a ditch in which there are no cushions or beds. Indeed, all his means have terminated and he is cut off from all wealth, friends, family and companions and is now busy giving an account of his life. Peace be upon you.

30) Lengthy Titles A person wrote a letter and addressed Hadrat Sahib with many honorific titles.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter. Lengthy titles are unnecessary. You should know that all goodness belongs to Allah. By contrast creation is composed of weakness and vice.

It is Allahs grace and one should be grateful. When this humble servant looks at his actions then he feels embarrassed. If I have any hope of salvation then it is from His endless mercy. Therefore in the future do not address this humble servant with these titles. If possible then be brief in your letter, as time is limited. This humble servant prays for your progress. Peace be upon you.

31) Snakes in the House A person wrote that snakes appear in his house.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter. This is a common occurrence in mud houses, dont worry about it. You have memorised 25 paras that is a great blessing. Recite the Holy Quran in the house and blow on water and then sprinkle it in the house, Allah will protect you from the creatures of the earth. Your father works in Haram Sharif. Ask him to pray for us all. Which place is better than Haram Sharif for acceptance

of prayers? You lack confidence in your speech and that is a result of insecurity. Just build up confidence and your insecurity shall diminish. This humble servant prays that your brother finds a job. Peace be upon you.

32) Lack of Passion for Knowledge A young lady wrote that she could not focus on her studies.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply Peace be upon you. I received your letter. I pray that Allah Almighty grants you passion for knowledge and bestows greater capacity of knowledge. You should also offer your daily prayers and supplicate from Allah. After Fajr read 21 times and blow upon your hands and rub on your chest. After Fajr and Asr read Ya Qawiyyu 11 times and place on your


forehead. May Allah have mercy upon you by the sake His grace. Peace be upon you.

33) Purchase of Land A person wrote that he intended to purchase some land.

Hadrat Sahibs Reply

27th June 1992

Peace be upon you. I received your letter and I became aware of your predicament. This humble servant prays for you that Allah grants you what is better for you. If there are complications, then there is some wisdom in it. You know full well that this world is temporary and many people have parted from us. They also tried their best to remain here but ultimately only Allah is everlasting. The purpose of our creation has been forgotten. Tomorrow when our eyes open than it will be too late and remorse will be useless. One should start making preparations for that difficult day, now. Only good deeds, charity and good conduct shall be of benefit. It is not forbidden to earn livelihood but the main purpose is to always remember

Allah Almighty. Rasul Allah has clearly stated that a person says my wealth, but his real wealth is what he has spent in way of charity or has worn or eaten. Indeed, what he leaves behind is not his. Only Allah knows what his descendants shall do with the wealth. We have sincerely written a few words of consul. Peace be upon you. Note: keep this letter safe and read it from time to time.


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