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RSC: Lane 2

Sat 25/1/1014


Session Aims Front Crawl Intro to use of pace clock Not done this with them before so I suggest a little explanations to tell whoever leads off to go when red hand g ets to top (red top) or quarter past etc, then tell each subsequent swimmer to go when the red hand is 5sec further on. Notes: best swimmer is Max. He can / should lead off (if he attends). May need to get him to do more of each if hes finishing each set long before the others. Kit requirements Fins. 2 or 3 blue 5 1/2s; 2 blue 7s; 1 grey 7 8 in prep. May find you need others. Warm up Fins on. Easy swim f/c to shallow end (bit quieter and they can see the pace clock from that end)

With fins

f/c 8 x 20 full stroke, Fins make this easy 5s rest after every 2 lengths

focus on

high elbow recovery and shoulder rotation. Trickle the fingers forward, i.e. light drag along surface with elbow up high Still head, eyes looking about 1m forward from directly to pool floor, face in water apart from when breathing. NB Re: head position Id err on too low (i.e. looking straight to pool floor) as this helps hips and legs stay higher esp for boys. Shoulder rotation. Hands enter 11:00 (RHS) and 13:00 (LHS) (on imaginary clock face)

b/c 4 x 20 full stroke (fins still on) 5s rest after every 2 lengths

focus on

Main Set F/c 4 x 20 switch kick, They know this drill but for clarity - lie on LHS leading with left arm, right arm on right thigh, head looking down and pressed against left arm. 6 10 kicks, then switch to lying on RHS. There should be one arm pull as the role over from Left to Right. Aim is to build core. Focus on body position on their sides. Head position looking down and kept close to leading arm. NB weak core results in pupils unable to maintain straight body position, arm position and in turn results in inability to swim straight! Quite normal for most of these.

5 - 10 sec rest after each length for this

Fins off. (need them again later in session) f/c 4 x 20 full stroke Focus on breathing. Alternate sides trickle breathing out when face in the water ready to breath at appropriate time. Bubble., bubble., breath to aid timing of out breath. Focus on catch (arms should make shape as if draped over a barrel theyve heard this many times!) Pull to waist ish.. then Push with palm until at point by thigh to recover arm Smiley face idea.. palm of hand with smiley face drawn on it. That smiley face should be visible to someone at water level or just under at the end of the pool theyre swimming away from.

f/c 4 x 20 full stroke pull push

5s rest after 2 lengths

If time. f/c 2 x 20 kick, no board, arms in streamline at front Focus on

Keeping head and torso in the water. Breath to side using an arm pull to help with forward movement but only 3 or 4 per length

Minor Set (if theres time) Fins on. 4 x 20 dolphin action no arms

Warm down Some suggestions but you may have a better idea. Practice streamline push from wall in shallow end OR Tumbles on the spot (start/finish in streamline pointing at the ceiling, look at knees during turn helps get the head tucked OR Lengths for remaining time as Dolphin action torso and legs with fins OR ask Karl to include Lane 2 in his relays if hes doing this.

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