Justin Koeln

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Microgravity Experiments for the ISS

Justin Koeln, Undergraduate Researcher

Jan Sojka, Faculty Mentor
Get Away Special Microgravity Research Team
Department of Physics, College of Science
lAnul SASLMl lun8CL
Space AdvenLures' Sclenuc LxperlmenLauon Module for
Lhe lSS
lerroulds wlLh AgglomeraLed nanoparucles as
lollow-up nucleaLe 8olllng Cn-orblL LxperlmenL
SASLMl was deslgned wlLh Lhe goal of provldlng a slmple, modular lnLerface for
sLudenL bullL sclenuc experlmenLs Lo be conducLed on Lhe lSS. SASLMl would
prevenL Lhe compllcauons LhaL come wlLh Lrylng Lo lnLerface wlLh Lhe lSS by
provldlng power and daLa acqulsluon (uAC).
SASLMl allows for a common lnLerface Lo ease Lhe lnLegrauon of unlverslLy
research pro[ecLs preformed ln mlcrogravlLy aboard Lhe lSS. Slnce SASLMl
wlll sLay aboard Lhe lSS and provlde power and daLa acqulsluon for a varleLy
of experlmenLs Lhe welghL and Lherefore launch cosL of Lhese experlmenLs
can be greaLly reduced. 8esearch Leams slmply need Lo deslgn Lhelr
experlmenLs Lo meeL Lhe lnLerfaclng speclcauons. SASLMl wlll lncrease Lhe
accesslblllLy of space research for unlverslues worldwlde.
nucleaLe bolllng courLesy of
lerrould on a magneL courLesy of
C. Maxwell
lAnul wlll experlmenLally quanufy Lhe elecLrlcal
reslsLance of ferrous nanoparucles suspended ln
a carrler uld as Lhe parucles agglomeraLe ln a
magneuc eld over ume.
ower: 30 Whr aL 12v from rechargeable LlLhlum-lon bauerles
uAC: daLa recorded Lo a removable Su card
vlsual: 1080p resoluuon vldeo camera wlLh removable bauerles and Su card
ulmenslons: 13 cm x 13 cm x 13 cm
Mass: < 2 kg
asL LxperlmenL
ueslgned and bullL by Lhe CAS
Leam ln 1999
llew on Space Shuule Lndeavor
(S1S-108) ln 2001
8olled waLer wlLh a brald of
nlchrome wlres and a slngle
sLralghL wlre
roduced small lndlvldual bubbles
LhaL grow on and Lhen deparLed
from Lhe wlre
1here where several aspecLs of Lhe prevlous experlmenL LhaL can be
lmproved ln order Lo obLaln more lnformauon on Lhe bolllng process.
lun8CL alms Lo furLher sLudy Lhe nucleaLe bolllng
process ln Lhe absence of gravlLy. vlsual and Lhermal
daLa obLalned from Lhls experlmenL wlll be analyzed Lo
beuer undersLand Lhe forces LhaL lnuence bubble
formauon and propagauon from varlous heaung
surfaces. lrom Lhls research safe and emclenL heaL
Lransfer sysLems uullzlng Lhe bolllng of waLer can be
developed for mlcrogravlLy envlronmenLs.
Wlde spread lndusLrlal
appllcauons lncludlng:
resonance lmaglng
dlglLal daLa sLorage
lnk carLrldges
1he gure Lo Lhe rlghL shows
how Lhe magneuc properues of
ferroulds can be used for
Lhermal managemenL.
1he ob[ecuve of Lhls experlmenL ls Lo
creaLe a chaln of agglomeraLed
nanoparucles uslng a magneuc eld. A
ohmmeLer wlll measure Lhe reslsLance of
Lhls chaln as Lhe number denslLy of
parucles ln Lhe magneuc eld lncreases.
1he resulLs form Lhls experlmenL can be
used Lo opumlze Lhe characLerlsuc of
ferroulds for elecLrlcal devlses.
CAS 1eam
!erey C. 8oulware
hllllp Anderson
ur. !an So[ka
ur. !.8. uennlson
uavld ?oel
Cll Moore
Space AdvenLures
Amerlcan Aerospace Advlsors
1he CeL Away Speclal (CAS) Leam ls a mlcrogravlLy research Leam know for leadlng uLah SLaLe unlverslLy Lo lmpresslve dlsuncuon of ylng more experlmenLs ln space Lhan
any oLher unlverslLy ln Lhe world. 1he followlng experlmenLs were deslgned by Lhe CAS Leam aer recelvlng Lhe opporLunlLy Lo develop and experlmenL Lo be preformed
by a Space lllghL aruclpanL aboard Lhe lnLernauonal Space SLauon (lSS).
Wall boundary eecLs on bubble mouon
unknown LemperaLures close Lo heaung elemenL
lxllauon aL vapor uld lnLerface
unknown movemenL ln Lhlrd dlmenslon
8ubble lnLerference and coalescence
Larger uld chamber
More LhermlsLors closer Lo heaung elemenL
Plgher resoluuon camera
Muluple camera or mlrrors
Less power Lo wlre Lo produce fewer bubbles
1hese lmprovemenLs should provlde more accuraLe daLa on bubble posluon and dlameLer
whlle formlng on Lhe heaung elemenLs and movlng Lhrough Lhe subsaLuraLed uld. Schemauc of lun8CL and lAnul
Mass: < 1.3 kg
ulmenslons: 10 cm x 8.3 cm x 13 cm
Mlsslon 1lmellne
CurrenLly we are ln Lhe prellmlnary deslgn phase
and are worklng Lo bulld proLoLypes of several
dlerenL experlmenLs. We wlll dellver Lhe
compleLed experlmenLs Lo Space AdvenLures by
Lhe end of Lhls summer and hope Lo launch
someume nexL Sprlng.
SASLMl model wlLh experlmenLal payload
8olllng aer 10 mlnuLes
of power Lo bralded wlre
8olllng aer 33 mlnuLes
of power Lo bralded wlre
lluld chamber
Chamber Schemauc

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