ESwitching Basic Switching

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ESwitching Basic Switching/Wireless PT PracticeSBA

A few things to keep in mind while completing this activity: 1 % ' !o not "se the #rowser Back #"tton or close or reload any E$am windows d"ring the e$am !o not close Packet Tracer when yo" are done &t will close a"tomatically (lick the S"#mit Assessment #"tton to s"#mit yo"r work

&n this practice Packet Tracer Skills E$am) yo" will: config"re *+A,s "sing *TP config"re inter-*+A, ro"ting modify STP config"re port sec"rity add a wireless +A,

Addressing Table
Device Interface /a0/0 10 .o"ter1 /a0/0 %0 /a0/0 4' /a0/0 21 W.S SW5!S1 SW5A(% &nternet Wireless *+A, 4' *+A, 4' Address 11% 12 10 1 11% 12 %0 1 11% 12 4' 1 11% 12 21 1 11% 12 21 10 11% 12 100 1 11% 12 4' 11 11% 12 4' 1% Subnet Mask %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 Default Gateway n/a n/a n/a n/a 11% 12 21 1 n/a 11% 12 4' 1 11% 12 4' 1

SW5A(' P(1 P(% P(' P(4

*+A, 4' ,&( ,&( ,&( ,&(

11% 12 4' 1' 11% 12 10 10 11% 12 %0 10 11% 12 10 11 !6(P assigned

%33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0 %33 %33 %33 0

11% 12 4' 1 11% 12 10 1 11% 12 %0 1 11% 12 10 1 11% 12 100 1

Note: The password for "ser E7E( mode is cisco The password for privileged E7E( mode is class

Step : !onnect t"e Devices#

8se the appropriate ca#le type to make the following connections: SW5A(% /astEthernet 0/1 to P(1 SW5A(% /astEthernet 0/11 to P(% SW5A(% /astEthernet 0/19 to SW5A(' /astEthernet 0/19 SW5A(% /astEthernet 0/%0 to SW5A(' /astEthernet 0/%0 SW5A(' /astEthernet 0/1: to W.S

Step $: !onfigure t"e Device Basics#

a (onfig"re the following on SW5A(% # The switch name is S%&A!$ The privileged E7E( mode "ses the following encrypted password: class Ena#le Telnet and console line login "sing the following password: cisco (onfig"re the #anner message-of-the-day as Aut"ori'ed access only(

To config"re the switches for remote management access) create and ena#le interface *+A, 4' on all three switches

Step ): !onfigure Trunking#

Note: Packet Tracer now s"pports the "se of the range arg"ment for theinterface command /or interfaces /astEthernet 0/19 thro"gh /astEthernet 0/%4 on all three switches: (onfig"re static tr"nking Assign *+A, 4' as the native *+A,

Step *: !onfigure +T, and +-ANs#

a Step 1: (onfig"re SW5!S1 as *TP server and the following *TP parameters: # c d SW5!S1 is the *TP server *TP domain name: !!NA *TP password: cisco

(reate and name the following *+A,s on SW5!S1 *+A, 10: St"dent *+A, %0: /ac"lty *+A, 4': ;anagement *+A, 21: Wireless

Step %: (onfig"re SW5A(% and SW5A(' as *TP clients to participate in the ((,A *TP domain Step': *erify that *TP is operational

Step .: !onfigure Interfaces for +-AN Access

*+A, port assignments on each switch are as follows: Device SW5A(%) SW5A(' SW5A(%) SW5A(' SW5A(' a ,orts /a0/1 < 0/10 /a0/11 < 0/11 /a0/1: Assign/ent 10 %0 21

Step 1: (onfig"re access ports on access layer switches (onfig"re the appropriate interfaces on SW5A(% and SW5A(' for static access Assign *+A,s according to the port assignments ta#le

Step %: *erify tr"nking and *+A, assignments

Step 0: !onfigure Spanning Tree#

a ;odify STP root #ridge elections # 8sing a priority of *120) set SW5!S1 as the root #ridge forall +-ANs 8sing a priority of 3 2$) set SW5A(% as the #ack"p root #ridge for all +-ANs

*erify the spanning tree election

Step 4: !onfigure Inter5+-AN 6outing#

8se the information in the Addressing Ta#le to config"re .o"ter1 for inter-*+A, ro"ting *erify inter-*+A, ro"ting

Step 3: !onfigure ,ort Security#

Note: Best practice re="ires port sec"rity on all access ports 6owever) for this practice e$ercise yo" will only config"re one port with sec"rity a (onfig"re SW5A(' with port sec"rity on /astEthernet 0/% # ,o more than % ;A( addresses are allowed on the /astEthernet 0/% port for SW5A(' >nce learned) ;A( addresses sho"ld #e a"tomatically added to the r"nning config"ration &f this policy is violated) the port sho"ld #e a"tomatically disa#led

*erify that port sec"rity is implemented

Step 2: !onfigure t"e %ireless -AN#

.efer to the Addressing Ta#le to config"re the wireless +A, a (onfig"re W.S # 8se static addressing on the &nternet interface Set the ro"ter &P and s"#net mask (onfig"re the ro"ter to allow wireless hosts to "se !6(P The first host address is the 10th host address in the Wireless +A, s"#net The ma$im"m n"m#er of hosts is %3

(onfig"re wireless sec"rity Set the SS&! to %6S&-AN Ena#le WEP sec"rity and "se $)*.AB!D7 as key1

c d

Ena#le remote management with the password cisco $) (onfig"re P(4 to access the wireless network that is provided #y W.S P(4 "ses !6(P to o#tain addressing information Note: &t will not #e possi#le for devices to ping P(4 since P(4 is #ehind the W.S ,AT firewall

Step 1: +erify !onnectivity#

Altho"gh these are not scored) the following connectivity tests sho"ld #e s"ccessf"l SW5!S1 can ping .o"ter1 SW5A(% can ping .o"ter1 SW5A(' can ping .o"ter1 P(1 can ping P(% P(% can ping P(' P(4 can ping P(1

Version 1.0 Created in Packet Tracer 5.2.1 and Marvel 1.0.1 All contents are Copyright 1992 2009 Cisco !yste"s# $nc. All rights reserved. This doc%"ent is Cisco P%&lic $n'or"ation.

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