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1. You have been hired by a medium-sized company to implement hostname resolution and HTTP proxy services on a Linux server.

Which of the follo in! should you install" a. BIND b. SQUID c. #P#$H% d. &H$P e. '#()# *. Which of the follo in! file systems support +ournalin! features" ,$hoose *.a. ext* b. ext3 c. ReiserFS d. Linux ' ap e. v.#T
3. What is the preferred file system for the partition for the virtual memory? a. ext2 b. ext3 c. ReiserFS d. Linux Swap e. vF ! ". Where are user submitted #R$% &obs stored? a. !he 'var'spool'cron'username file. b. !he 'etc'crontab file. c. !he 'etc'cron.d directory. d. !he 'etc'cron.hourly( 'etc'cron.daily( 'etc'cron.wee)ly( and 'etc'cron.monthly directories *. +ou have a file called prolific.tar.,-. +ou would li)e to extract this pac)a,e. .eepin, in mind that you would li)e to see an output of all the extracted files( what command would you use? a. tar /xvf prolific.tar.,b. tar /xv-f prolific.tar.,c. tar /cvf prolific.tar.,d. tar //un-ip //list prolific.tar.,0. +ou want to 1uic)ly display the location of the man pa,es currently bein, searched when usin, the man command. What should you type in the command shell? a. locate man b. man locate

c. manpath d. find man e. whereis man 2. Which of the followin, commands shows the number of processes( the memory and swap file usa,e( the current uptime( and the number of currently lo,,ed on users? a. ps /ax b. top c. w d. uname /r e. ps /sp 3. What is the minimum re1uired amount of memory on a video card to support a resolution of 344x044 with 50/bit color depth? a. 567 b. 267 c. "67 d. 367 e. 5067 8. Which of the followin, files stores the encrypted passwords of users when Shadow 9asswords are used? a. 'etc'passwd b. 'etc'ads c. 'etc'auth d. 'etc'sam e. 'etc'shadow 54. What command would display the full path to the current directory? a. cd b. cd . c. locate d. pwd e. whereis 55. Which of the followin, are true re,ardin, the )ernel release 2.5.24? :#hoose 3.; a. !he ma&or version is 2.

b. !he minor version is 24. c. !he minor version is 5.24. d. !he patch number is 24. e. !he patch number is 5.24. f. !he )ernel is in development. ,. !he )ernel is stable 52. +ou want to delete a user named <oe from a Linux computer and at the same time wipe out her home directory. Which of the followin, commands should you use? a. usermod /d &oe b. useradd /= /d 'home'&oe &oe c. userdel /u &oe d. usermod /dh &oe e. userdel /r &oe 53. Which of the followin, will exit the >? editor and save the file? a. @1 b. A1 c. Aw d. @w e. Ax 5". What command would a user use to move from their home directory to the root directory? a. cd b. cd' c. cd ' d. cd' root e. cd. f. cd Broot ,. cdB 5*. Which of the followin, commands shows the )ernel version number? a. uname /r b. uname /v c. )name /v

d. uinfo e. )info /a 50. Which of the followin, commands can be used to convert =ebian software pac)a,es to R96 pac)a,es? a. alien //to/rpm solitair.deb b. deb /rpm solitair.deb c. rpm /rebuild solitair.rpm solitair.deb d. rebuild /deb solitair.rpm e. convert /rpm solitair.deb 52. Which of the followin, file permissions attributes indicates read and write permissions for ,roup public and owner( but no execute permissions? a. 044 b. 0"4 c. 00" d. 000 e. 200 f. 222 53. +ou &ust added a second ?=C hard drive to your Linux system and confi,ured 2 partitions. +ou want to format the first partition with the Cxt3 file system. Which of the followin, commands should you use? a. m)fs 'dev'hdb b. m)fs /t ext3 'dev'hdb5 c. fdis) 'dev'hdb d. format /p5 'dev'hdb e. format /fs ext3 'dev'hd2a 58. What is the default location for the a. 'etc'httpd'apache.conf b. 'etc'httpd'httpd.conf c. 'usr'local'httpd'apache.conf d. 'etc'httpd'conf'httpd.conf e. 'usr'local'httpd'httpd.conf 24. Which of the followin, protocols allow you to encrypt a remote adminstration session to your Linux box? a. !elnet b. SSD c. R96 d. SSL e. S%69 f. F!9 pache web server confi,uration file?

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