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Patchwork or "pieced work" is a form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design The larger design is !s!all" based on repeat patterns b!ilt !p with different colored shapes These shapes are caref!ll" meas!red and c!t# straight$sided# basic geometric shapes making them eas" to piece together %ses Patchwork is most often !sed to make &!ilts# b!t it can also be !sed to make bags# wall$hangings# warm 'ackets# skirts# waistcoats and other items of clothing (ome te)tile artists work with patchwork# often combining it with embroider" and other forms of stitcher" When !sed to make a &!ilt# this larger patchwork or pieced design becomes the "top" of a three$la"ered &!ilt# the middle la"er being the batting# and the bottom la"er the backing To keep the batting from shifting# a patchwork or pieced &!ilt is often &!ilted b" hand or machine !sing a r!nning stitch in order to o!tline the individ!al shapes that make !p the pieced top# or the &!ilting stitches ma" be random or highl" ordered overall patterns that contrast with the patchwork composition

APP*+,%- WORK an appliqu is a smaller ornament or fabric applied to another s!rface for e)ample# an appli&!. is a separate piece of fabric added to the primar" work# generall" for the p!rpose of decoration The term is borrowed from /rench and# it means "applied" or "thing that has been applied Appliqu work Applique comes from the French work appliqu, which means to put on. Appliqu means to place on fabric pieces that are sewn onto a larger piece of foundation

fabric in order to create design atch work !s Applique work "hile patch work is meant to repair or co#er holes, appliqus are meant to add decoration and flair. $t is a quilting %embroider& technique that allows &ou to create perfect blocks on &our fabric. $t is created b& placing small fabric cutouts to create intricate designs. 'he fabric is then stitched on with a sewing machine or b& hand. Applique work is distinct from what is known as patch work. $n patch work, small pieces of cut fabrics are usuall& (oined side b& side to make a large piece of fabric or for repairing a damaged fabric. rocedure of making appliqu) 'he basic material for appliqu is cloth. Flat motifs or patterns are first cut from cloth and speciall& prepared motifs are made separatel&. "ith appliqu, the main step for perfection is cutting the fabric precisel& as per the desired pattern. $f more than one of the same motifs is required then normall&, a stencil is used. 'hese cut motifs are then superimposed on a base cloth in predetermined la&out and sequence. 'he edges of the motifs are turned in and carefull& stitched on the base cloth. 'he special motifs ma& be coloured or white. 'hese motifs could ha#e sequence work or mirror work on them, too. *ost appliqus can be sewn to &our cloth and some can be glued on. "hile sewing, &ou can use a fusing paper to hold the cut motif in place while &ou sew. A +ig +ag, tight stitch should be used to keep the ends from becoming fra&ed during wash. $f appliqu work is to be done b& gluing, ensure special fabric adhesi#es are used to attach the decorati#e pieces to the cloth. ,and #s *achine appliqu) Applique stitch) ,and-made appliqu work is done b& beginning from the left hand side and working towards the worker whereas correct buttonholing is worked awa& from the worker. 'he latter stitch makes a knot, which appliqu stitch a#oids. 'his stitch is necessar& worked #er& closel& o#er the raw edge of the appliqu material, to a#oid fra&ing. $n case of machine stitching, a +ig+ag stitch is used to stitch around all the raw edges of the motif pieces. ,and appliqu is quite time consuming and is a painstaking process howe#er the result is well worth the time and effort put in. *achine appliquing, on the other hand, is faster and gi#es &our design a bolder, professional look. 'his t&pe of stitching can result in a stiffer piece of work, and is generall& used for items for clothing. "hile cutting the fabric, hand appliquing would require cutting the pieces lea#ing an allowance for the seam, whereas for machine appliquing the fabric can be cut right on the traced template lines. "hether it is hand stitched or machine stitched appliqu work, one tip is to use contrasting colours on the thread, fabric and motifs for &our appliqu to ha#e a bolder look.

T0P-( O/ APP*+,%- WORK Applied pieces !s!all" have their edges folded !nder# and are then attached (traight stitch$ t"picall" 1$2mm in from the edge (atin stitch$all aro!nd# overlapping the edge The patch ma" be straight stitched on first to ens!re positional stabilit" and a neat edge 3!tton hole stitch

,!ilting is a sewing method done to 'oin two or more la"ers of material together to make a thicker padded material A &!ilter is the name given to someone who works at &!ilting ,!ilting can be done b" hand# b" sewing machine# or b" a specialist longarm &!ilting s"stem The process of &!ilting !ses a needle and thread to 'oin two or more la"ers of material to make a &!ilt T"pical &!ilting is done with 2 la"ers4 the top fabric or &!ilt top# batting or ins!lating material and backing material The &!ilter5s hand or sewing machine passes the needle and thread thro!gh all la"ers and then brings the needle back !p The process is repeated across the entire area where &!ilting is wanted A rocking# straight or r!nning stitch is commonl" !sed and these stitches can be p!rel" f!nctional or decorative and elaborate ,!ilting is done to create bed spreads# art &!ilt wall hangings# clothing# and a variet" of te)tile prod!cts ,!ilting can make a pro'ect thick# or with dense &!ilting# can raise one area so that another stands o!t ,!ilt stores often sell fabric# thread# patterns and other goods that are !sed for &!ilting The" often have gro!p sewing and &!ilting classes# where one can learn how to sew or &!ilt and work with others to e)change skills ,!ilt stores often have &!ilting machines that can be rented o!t for !se# or c!stomers can drop off their &!ilts and have them professionall" &!ilted

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