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Climate Change: Miami Application Manual

doc: 11/1/2011 rev: 11/5/2012 software version: 2.0

Table of Contents
Hardware Overview.....................................................................................................................3 Software Overview......................................................................................................................4 User Interface Application: S ste! Ad!inistrator Settin"s #iles................................................5 User Interface Application: User Settin"s #iles...........................................................................$ Server / %ispla Application: S ste! Ad!inistrator Settin"s #iles.............................................& Server / %ispla Application: User Settin"s #iles........................................................................' (a"ic )lanet *ontroller Application: S ste! Ad!inistrator Settin"s #iles...............................10 (a"ic )lanet *ontroller Application: User Settin"s #iles..........................................................11 *reatin" %ispla O+,ects and -ditin" t.e /a o0t St le ...........................................................12 -nterin" *ontent %ata...............................................................................................................13

Hardware Overview
*li!ate *.an"e (ia!i consist of t.e followin" co!p0ters: 132 3o0c.S!art 4ios4 co!p0ters 112 5etwor4 server and 326 displa controller co!p0ter 112 (a"ic )lanet displa controller co!p0ter And t.e followin" displa s: 142 326 .i".7definition !onitors 112 (a"ic )lanet sp.erical displa

Software Overview
*li!ate *.an"e (ia!i consist of t.e followin" c0sto! software applications: 132 Identical 0ser interface 14ios42 applications wit. different networ4 settin"s 112 Server / displa application 112 Stor 3eller controller application And t.e followin" 3rd part software: 112 8lo+al I!a"ination Stor 3eller application 3.e 0ser interface application allows t.e visitors to directl interact wit. t.e e9.i+it t.ro0". t.e 4ios4s. 3.e 0ser interface application consists of fo0r screens: 1. 0i1: attract screen 2. 0i2: !en0 screen 3. 0i3: "lo+e control screen 4. 0i4: local content screen 3.e server / displa application passes infor!ation to t.e appropriate co!p0ter +ased on 0ser and s ste! !essa"es and also places t.e correct !edia on t.e 326 displa screens. 3.e 8lo+al I!a"ination Stor 3eller application controls t.e (a"ic )lanet sp.erical displa . It is a t.ird part application wit. it:s own 0ser !an0al. 3.e Stor 3eller controller application is a +rowser7+ased application interfaces t.e 8lo+al I!a"ination Stor 3eller application wit. t.e rest of t.e e9.i+it software. 3.e c0sto! software is driven + an e9ternal ;(/ file data+ase s ste!. 3.e data+ase creates and st les t.e application:s displa o+,ects incl0din" t.e la o0t and content 1i!a"es and te9t2 of t.e displa . Usin" an e9ternal data+ase for t.ese p0rposes allows one to edit t.e presentation of t.e application wit.o0t re7pro"ra!!in" or re7 co!pilin" it. 3.e data+ase also controls 4e settin"s s0c. as t.e networ4 ip address and port n0!+er. 3.e ;(/ data+ase or 6settin"s6 are divided into two cate"ories: s ste! and 0ser. S ste! settin"s are t.ose settin"s are t.e !ore sensitive of t.e two cate"ories. 3.e are f0nda!ental to t.e f0nctionalit of t.e applications. If t.e are incorrectl set t.en t.e application !a not wor4 correctl or !a not wor4 at all. 3.0s< t.e re=0ire a +etter tec.nical 0nderstand and are reco!!ended to +e set + t.e co!p0ter s ste! ad!inistrator. -9a!ples of t.ese settin"s incl0de displa o+,ect creation< displa o+,ect la o0t< networ4< and ti!er intervals. User settin"s are less li4el to disr0pt t.e overall f0nctionalit of t.e applications. 3.e sole p0rpose of t.ese settin"s are to pop0late t.e t.e application wit. content 1te9t and i!a"es2. 3.e settin"s files are located in t.e settin" folder of t.e application.

User Interface: S stem Administrator Settings !iles

""Changes to the user interface settings must be made on all of the #ios# computers Application$%ml file contains t.e Open -9.i+its settin"s. )lease refer to t.e Open -9.i+its !an0al for !ore infor!ation on t.ese settin"s. &lobal$%ml

This file contains the global settings for the user interface application.
'lement edit(ode Attribute on (escription assists in screen navi"ation + e9tendin" t.e 0ser inp0t controls (escription t0rns edit !ode on 1tr0e or false2 (efault )alue false

'lement networ4 Attribute 0serna!e ip port position

(escription networ4 settin"s for eac. 4ios4 (escription identifies t.e co!p0ter to server networ4 address networ4 port n0!+er p. sical location of t.e 4ios4 on t.e e9.i+it floor 1left< center< or ri".t2 (efault )alue Kiosk1 8087 left

'lement ti!ers Attribute caption instr0ction !en0 "lo+e content content* cle

(escription ti!er settin"s for eac. 4ios4 (escription caption interval in seconds instr0ction interval in seconds !en0 ti!eo0t len"t. in seconds "lo+e control ti!eo0t in seconds interval< in seconds< in w.ic. t.e local content starts c clin"< resets w.en 0ser screen interval< in seconds< in w.ic. t.e local content c cles (efault )alue 8 4 10 15 20 1

'lement instr0ction)0lse Attribute

(escription 0i1 instr0ction p0lse / "low effect settin"s (escription (efault )alue

on interval

t0rns p0lse on 1tr0e or false2 p0lse interval in seconds

true 4

'lement co0ntdown>lin4 Attribute on interval t.res.old

(escription 0i3 and 0i4 co0ntdown ti!er +lin4 effect (escription t0rns +lin4in" on 1tr0e or false2 +lin4in" interval in !illiseconds ti!e at w.ic. interval starts +lin4in" in !in0tes:seconds (efault )alue true 250 0

'lement "lo+e?otation Attribute speed incre!ent

(escription 0i3 "lo+e rotation settin"s (escription t0rns p0lse on 1tr0e or false2 p0lse interval in seconds (efault )alue 60 -0.875

Ui*$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e attract screen. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. Ui+$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e !en0 screen. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. Ui,$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e "lo+e control screen. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. Ui-$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e local content screen. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation.$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e 0i3 "lo+e control +ar. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation.

User Interface: User Settings !iles

UserUi*$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e attract screen. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. UserUi+$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e !en0 screen. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. UserUi,$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e "lo+e control screen. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. UserUi-$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e local content screen. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation.$%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e 0i3 "lo+e control +ar. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation.

Server / (ispla : S stem Administrator Settings !iles

&lobal$%ml file contains t.e "lo+al settin"s for t.e server/displa application. 'lement networ4 Attribute ip port (escription networ4 settin"s for t.e server (escription networ4 address networ4 port n0!+er (efault )alue 8087

'lement displa Attribute !od0le1(onitor !od0le2(onitor content1(onitor content2(onitor

(escription appropriates t.e !od0le to a p. sical displa !onitor 10752 (escription sets t.e en"lis. !od0le displa to a p. sical !onitor sets t.e alt !od0le displa to a p. sical !onitor sets t.e left local content displa to a p. sical !onitor sets t.e ri".t local content displa to a p. sical !onitor (efault )alue 0 0 0 0

'lement attract(ode Attribute !od0le

(escription attract !ode settin"s (escription (efault )alue sets t.e attract content: 0 val0e of 0 @ c0sto! attract 1planet i!a"es2 val0e of 1712 @ sets t.e !od0le n0!+er as t.e attract val0e of 6c cle6 @ c cles t.ro0". t.e !od0les 1incre!ents t.e !od0le n0!+er w.en ret0rnin" to t.e attract screen2 rando!l c cles t.ro0". t.e c0rrent attract !od0le:s local content true

content?ando!* cle content* cle3i!e

interval< in seconds< in w.ic. t.e attract local content is c cled 1

)ertical(ispla $%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e !od0le 1vertical2 326 displa screens. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. Hori0ontal(ispla $%ml file creates t.e displa o+,ects and presentation data for t.e local content 1.oriAontal2 326 displa screens. See t.e 6%ispla O+,ect *reation and )resentation %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation.

Server / (ispla : User Settings !iles

)ertical(ispla $%ml file contains t.e content data 1te9t and i!a"es2 for t.e !od0le 1vertical2 326 displa screens. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation. Hori0ontal(ispla $%ml file contains t.e content data 1te9t and i!a"es2 for t.e local content 1.oriAontal2 326 displa screens. See t.e 6-nterin" *ontent %ata6 section of !an0al for !ore infor!ation.

Magic 1lanet Controller: S stem Administrator Settings !iles

&lobal$%ml file contains t.e "lo+al settin"s for t.e !a"ic planet controller application. 'lement networ4 Attribute 0serna!e ip port ver+ose (escription networ4 settin"s for eac. 4ios4 (escription identifies t.e co!p0ter to server networ4 address networ4 port n0!+er prints networ4 !essa"es to t.e +rowser window 1tr0e or false2 (efault )alue MagicPlanet 8087 false

'lement attract(ode Attribute rotation?ate

(escription attract !ode settin"s (escription sets t.e rate of t.e (a"ic )lanet rotation d0rin" attract !ode (efault )alue 2

Magic 1lanet Controller: User Settings !iles

User$%ml file contains t.e 0ser settin"s for t.e (a"ic )lanet *ontroller application. It contains an ;(/ +loc4 corresponds to eac. of t.e application:s !od0les s0c. as Earth's li!ate "#ste! or $u!an %!&acts. It also contains an additional ;(/ +loc4 for !o'ule(efault< w.ic. allows o0 define a c0sto! defa0lt !od0le. >elow is a ta+le descri+es t.e settin" for eac. !od0le. 3.e defa0lt val0es are specific to eac. !od0le. 'lement !od0le Attribute c.apter pa"e defa0lt#ra!e?ate !in#ra!e?ate !a9#ra!e?ate (escription networ4 settin"s for eac. 4ios4 (escription identifies t.e co!p0ter to server networ4 address speed at w.ic. t.e ani!ation pla s w.en t.e !od0le loads !ini!0! speed t.e ani!ation can pla as ad,0sted + t.e 0ser !a9i!0! speed t.e ani!ation can pla as ad,0sted + t.e 0ser (efault )alue

Creating (ispla Ob2ects and 'diting the 3a out St le

All of t.e displa o+,ects 1wit. a few e9ceptions2 are created and st led t.ro0". t.e ;(/ file data+ase s ste!. 3.ese files are located t.e s ste! settin"s folder. 3.e followin" displa o+,ects are availa+le for t.e 0ser interface application: (ispla Ob2ect I!a"e-le!ent I!a"e-le!entArra 3e9t/a o0t S.ape-le!ent (escription creates and st les a sin"le i!a"e creates and st les a set of i!a"es creates and st les a sin"le or set of te9t fields creates and st les a sin"le vector s.ape

3.e server/displa application add t.e followin" displa o+,ects to t.e afore!entioned list: (ispla Ob2ect (edia*o!ponent (escription creates and st les a set of !edia files 1i!a"es and videos2

'ntering Content (ata

3.e content of all of t.e displa o+,ects 1e9ception t.ose are created d na!icall 2 are pop0lated t.ro0". t.e ;(/ file data+ase s ste!. 3.ese displa o+,ects are accessed t.ro0". t.e followin" ele!ent ta"s: (ispla Ob2ect i!a"e te9t !edia (escription pop0lates I!a"e-le!ent and I!a"e-le!entArra displa o+,ects pop0lates 3e9t/a o0t displa o+,ects pop0lates (edia*o!ponent displa o+,ects

I!a"e ele!ent displa o+,ects accept attri+0te val0es w.ic. are i!a"e pat.s relative to t.e application file. 3.ose i!a"e ta"s w.ic. reference I!a"e-le!ent displa o+,ects accept a sin"le attri+0te. 3.ose i!a"e ta"s w.ic. reference I!a"e-le!entArra displa o+,ects accept a set of attri+0te na!es for e9a!ple: 6src16< 6src26< 6src36. 3e9t ele!ents displa o+,ects accept .t!l st le !ar40p for e9a!ple: BpCD-art....t.e onl .o!e B+r /C En+spF weGve ever 4nown.HB/pC Bp fontSiAe@)52) te9tIndent@)580) lineHei".t@)65)C*arl Sa"anB/pC (edia ele!ents are si!ilar to t.ose i!a"e ta"s w.ic. reference I!a"e-le!entArra in t.e accept a set of i!a"e pat.s +0t t.e also accept video file pat.s.

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