Attachments in Workflow Notifications

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Attachments in workflow notifications

In 11.5.10 (Prior to R12), Requisition approval has attachment links. But, PO pproval !oes not have attachment links in approver"s noti#ication. ($%cept the re#erence attachments&e%plaine! 'elo(). Oracle has )iven this option in R12. I# the client version is 11i or prior an! i# the client is askin) #or the attachment links in PO approval then (e nee! to customi*e the (ork#lo(. +et us make it as )eneric rather than mo!ule speci#ic. sho(n 'elo(simple (ork#lo( (ith t(o t,pes o# attachments is

.here are t(o t,pes o# attachments in a noti#ication. One is attachment link an! the other is re#erence attachments (rea!in)/enco!in)&).

0reatin) ttachment +inks$ver, !ocument (hich is attache! in #orms (ill 'e save! in #n!1lo's ta'le an! (ith the unique i! (!ocument i!) in #n!1attache!1!ocuments an! #n!1!ocuments +ook at the 'elo( screenshot to attach an, !ocument #rom #orms.

Query to get the attached document: SELECT fl.file_name, fl.file_data FROM fnd_lobs fl, fnd_attached_documents fad, fnd_documents_tl fdl WHERE fad.pk1_value = TO_CHAR (:l_document_id) AND fad.pk2_value = TO_CHAR (l_revision_number) AND fdl.document_id = fad.document_id AND fdl.media_id = fl.file_id AND fad.entity_name = :l_entity_name;

In a'ove quer,, l_document_id is the primar, ke, o# the mo!ule attachment. i.e i# ,ou are attachin) in PO hea!er level then !ocument i! (ill 'e PO12$ 3$R1I3 value an! i# the user is attachin) !ocuments in line level then !ocument i! (ill 'e PO1+I4$1I3 value. l_entity_name .here are various entit, names #or each mo!ule in hea!er an! line level. $%R$512$ 3$R6 P 1PRO7$0.6 R$51+I4$6 P$R1 B6$40$1 ..$43 40$6 PO12$ 3$R6 OI$12$ 3$R1 .. 028$4.6 PO12$ 3 OI$1+I4$1 .. 028$4.6 PO1+I4$6 P 10O4.RO+1I.$86 l_revision_number Revision num'er is the attachment revision num'er, )enerall, starts (ith 90". ttachment link looks like 'elo(

6teps to )et the attachment link in noti#ication #rom #n!1lo's1. 0reate a attri'ute in (ork#lo( (ith the t,pe as 93ocument"

:here ;alue o# the attri'ute har!co!e to9<43-entit,=OI$1+I4$1 .. 028$4.6>pk1name=R$POR.1+I4$1I3>pk1value=55?1?1" @:e can set it in co!e #or !,namic pick. .he s,nta% shoul! 'e same as a'ove to )et value #rom #n!1lo's, #n!1attache!1!ocuments an! #n!1!ocuments usin) the a'ove mentione! quer,. One more e%ample o# s,nta% #or PO line attachments<43-entit,=PO1+I4$6>pk1name=PO1+I4$1I3>pk1value=AAAAA (po1line1i! value)


0reate a messa)e attri'ute in messa)e in (hich ,ou (ant to sen! the attachment

8essa)e attri'ute internal name shoul! 'e 9B .. 028$4.6". 4o nee! to check the attach content check 'o%. Cive !e#ault t,pe as 9Item attri'ute" an! select the !ocument t,pe item attri'ute (hich (as Dust create! in step 1.


.his is it. Fou can run the (ork#lo( to check the attachment links. 4o limitation #or the num'er o# attachments. 4o restriction #or the t,pe o# the !ocument, ,ou can attach an, #ile. <iles shoul! present in the ta'les #or each !ocument i!.

********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* Other t,pe o# attachment is (hich (e can (rite/rea!/enco!e the !ocuments an! #ive it as an attachment. 6ame process as a'ove to create attri'utes, 'ut the s,nta% (ill !i##er an! shoul! check the 9attach content" check 'o% in messa)e attri'utes. 9B .. 02$8$4.6" is not require!. 6eparate pl/sql co!e ((ith stan!ar! parameters) is there to e%ecute the lo)ic. 6teps to create clo'/'lo' attachment1) 0reate an attri'ute o# t,pe 93ocument" 3ra) an! !rop OR 0op, the !ocument an! paste it in 8essa)e attri'utes. 0heck the 9 ttach 0ontent" 0heck 'o%. ttri'ute value is har!co!e! in the 'elo( screenshot. Fou can set it in ,our custom co!e.

2) .here are E various t,pes o# s,nta%es availa'le to create an attachment. 1. 2. E. P+65+ P+65+0+OB P+65+B+OB

6,nta%- P+65+0+OB-GPacka)e.Proce!ureH/Gunique1ke,H

$%- P+65+0+OB-%%1attach1packa)e.%%1noti#1attach1proce!ure/2EI5?2 P+65+ is #or simple plain te%ts, ta'les&not #or lar)e o'Dects. I# (e set the a'ove value to an, !ocument t,pe o# attri'ute, (henever the user tries to access the attri'ute the packa)e.proce!ure (ill call automaticall,. J.his is stan!ar! #unctionalit, )iven ', Oracle K callin) !,namic 65+ ', !oin) su'strin) #rom colon (-) to slash (/)L. .here are some stan!ar! parameters to 'e use! (henever (e use the proce!ure in 'et(een - an! /. .hose parameters are (document_id display_type document document_type IN IN IN IN VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2, OUT NOCOPY BLOB, OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

:here !ocument i! (oul! 'e unique i! like po1hea!er1i!,po1requisition1hea!er1i!, proDect1i! &etc& 3ispla,1t,pes (oul! 'e $%- !ispla,1t,pe -= Mte%t/htmlMN OOOR 9te%t/plain"N 3ocument coul! 'e 0+OB/B+OB .he !atat,pe o# the #ile1!ata column in #n!1lo's is B+OB. 6o i# ,ou are usin) P+65+0+OB then convert/enco!e the !ocument usin) :<18 I+1P.I+.enco!e'lo' packa)e.

3ocument t,pe (oul! 'e mime t,pe. .his coul! 'e p!#/e%cel/html/ms(or!&..etc& 6,nta% #or p!#!ocument1t,pe -=Mapplication/p!#Nname=MQQG#ile1nameHN

E) <or custom (ork#lo(s )enerall, (e set the !ocument attri'ute a#ter creatin) the process i.e 'e#ore startin) the process. +aunch Process = 0reate Process R 6tart Process (In (#1en)ine PI)

P6$P3O 0O3$-- This is the pseudo code. Modify this according to your requirement CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xx_attach_package AS PROCEDURE xx_notif_attach_procedure ( document_id IN VARCHAR2, display_type IN VARCHAR2, document IN OUT BLOB,

document_type ) IS



l_docid PLS_INTEGER; l_temp_blob BLOB; --l_file_path VARCHAR2(100) := '/u02/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/soncus/12.0.0/bin'; l_file_name VARCHAR2 (100); -- := 'Son_attachment_doc.doc'; l_file_on_os BFILE; l_dest_offset NUMBER := 1; l_src_offset NUMBER := 1; l_file_content_type VARCHAR2 (256); BEGIN l_docid := TO_NUMBER (document_id); /*Here we are reading from a file*/ DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_temp_blob, CACHE => FALSE); SELECT INTO FROM WHERE file_name, file_content_type, file_data l_file_name, l_file_content_type, l_temp_blob fnd_lobs file_id = 234562; -- Can get it dynamically using document id

--EXECUTE IMMEDIATE('CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY SON_ATTACHMENTS AS '''|| l_file_path||''''); --l_file_on_os:=bfilename('',l_file_name); --dbms_lob.fileopen(l_file_on_os,dbms_lob.file_readonly); -- DBMS_LOB.LOADBLOBFROMFILE (dest_lob => l_temp_blob, src_bfile=>l_file_on_os, amount=>dbms_lob.getlength(l_file_on_os) ,dest_offset=>l_dest_offset --in out parameter ,src_offset =>l_src_offset);


--dbms_lob.fileclose(l_file_on_os); DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (document, CACHE => FALSE); DBMS_LOB.COPY (document, l_temp_blob, DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_temp_blob)); /*We have to determine document_type which is nothing but the mime type document_type := 'image/jpg; name=filename.jpg'; Depending on the extension of the document the MIME type is determined. For simplicity we are hard coding here*/ document_type := 'application/pdf;name=' || l_file_name; --commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN wf_core.CONTEXT ('XX_ATTACH_PACKAGE',

'XX_NOTIF_ATTACH_PROCEDURE', document_id, display_type ); RAISE; END xx_notif_attach_procedure; /****************************************************************/ PROCEDURE son_attachment_wf IS l_itemtype VARCHAR2 (30) := 'SONCUSAT'; l_itemkey VARCHAR2 (300); -- l_file_name VARCHAR2(100) := '24Mar2010.xls'; l_document_id NUMBER := 234562; -- You can get document id from the standard workflows (ex: po_header_id, expense_report_header_id...) while customizing standard workflows BEGIN l_itemkey := 'SONCUSAT' || TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'dd/mm/yyhh:mm:ss'); wf_engine.createprocess (l_itemtype, l_itemkey, 'SON_CUS_ATTACH_PROCESS' ); wf_engine.setitemattrdocument (itemtype => l_itemtype, itemkey => l_itemkey, aname => 'SON_ATTACHMENT_ATTRIBUTE', documentid => 'PLSQLBLOB:xx_attach_package.xx_notif_attach_procedure/' || l_document_id

); wf_engine.startprocess (l_itemtype, l_itemkey); END; /****************************************************************/ END xx_attach_package; /

J@ P+/65+ 0+OB !ocument that ,ou inclu!e as an attachment to a noti#ication can contain a P3< or R.< !ocument or, i# ,our !ata'ase version is OracleSi 3ata'ase or hi)her, other 'inar, !ata that is enco!e! to 'ase?I. Fou shoul! #irst store the !ocument in the !ata'ase as a 'inar, lar)e o'Dect (B+OB) an! then convert the !ocument into a 0+OB as part o# the P+/65+ proce!ure that )enerates the 0+OB. Fou can use the P.+1R :.0ast1.o1; R02 R2 #unction to convert the !ata #rom the B+OB into ; R02 R2 !ata that ,ou (rite to a 0+OB. I# ,our !ata'ase version is OracleSi 3ata'ase or hi)her, ,ou can optionall, use the :<18 I+1P.I+.$nco!eB+OB proce!ure to enco!e the 'inar, !ata to 'ase?I. Note: Fou can call :<14O.I<I0 .IO4.:rite.o0lo'() to help 'uil! a 0+OB ', appen!in) a strin) o# character !ata to it.L

Fou can (rite usin) 2.8+ ta)s to create ta'les/column hea!er/!ata in noti#ication usin) P+65+-Gpacka)e.proce!ureH/G!ocument1i!H

0ompare! to the a'ove attachment process, attachment links are simple to create. :henever the user (ants to )ive the !ata ((hatever he/she has entere!) as an attachment ((hich is not ,et save! in #n!1lo's/#n!1!ocuments) then (e can use the a'ove s,nta% to (rite the !ata/creatin) the !ocument/sen! as an attachment.

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