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Technology Innovation Agency Media Release

e-Mobilising the nation

Technology Innovation Agency launches ambitious electric transportation programme Johannesburg [Insert Date] For immediate release The Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), which is tasked by government with romoting technological innovation to stimulate economic growth and social develo ment, has announced the launch o! a !ar"reaching new initiative, the e"#obility $rogramme% The rogramme&s aim is to identi!y and su ort the develo ment o! new technologies in order to create a commercially viable in!rastructure !or the use o! electric vehicles !or both rivate and business ur oses% In collaboration with the 'elson #andela (niversity o! Technology in $ort )li*abeth and other key stakeholders such as car manu!acturers, munici alities and )skom, TIA aims to !acilitate the develo ment o! the resources and skills necessary to create a nationwide electrical vehicle su ort network, which will include convenient recharging oints%

+,ising global energy demand, limited oil resources, and stricter environmental and climate rotection regulations mean that we need to re"think our trans ortation needs com letely in order to achieve greater sustainability and energy e!!iciency,- says [Insert 'ame], the TIA&s [Insert Designation]% +)lectric vehicles, which can be owered largely by electricity generated !rom renewable sources o! energy, meet these re.uirements e/tremely well%0outh A!rica, which is known !or its world"leading innovation such disci lines as medicine, banking and business, is ho ing to set the ace in this critical conversion to new trans ort solutions, es ecially in urban areas%

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+3ities around the world account !or two"thirds o! global energy demand and 456 o! greenhouse gas emissions,- says [Insert 'ame], +so nowhere is the need to develo new technologies and in!rastructure more im ortant than in the area o! trans ortation%7ith this in mind, a dedicated ro8ect o! the e"#obility $rogramme will !ocus e/clusively on the viability and wides read introduction o! electric vehicles% This is in kee ing with an international trend towards making the changeover% In !act, global investment bank 90:3 estimates that a ro/imately 1; million electric vehicles will be in use worldwide by 2525% <! these, ;%4 million will be 1556 electric, while =%2 million with be hybrids, which combine and internal combustion engine with electric ca abilities% +A!rica has one o! the highest rates o! urbanisation in the world,- says [Insert 'ame], so we need to ensure that we stay ahead o! the curve i! our trans ortation systems are to be e!!icient, economically viable and sustainable%In 0outh A!rica, >16 o! the o ulation is already concentrated in the country&s si/ large metros, and accounts !or a ro/imately ??6 o! @D$% #aking sure they can move around .uickly, easily and cost"e!!ectively is there!ore not 8ust a challenge !rom a social and develo ment management ers ective, but !rom an economic ers ective too% 7hile the 8ourney is 8ust beginning, the stakes are high% $art o! the challenge will be to ensure that a conversion to electric trans ortation will not be ham ered by electricity shortages and also that the electricity used will be generated !rom sustainable sources% +There&s no doubt that the challenge is as big as it is im ortant,- says [Insert 'ame], +but we atethe TIA know that 0outh A!ricans are u to the challenge%Aor !urther on the Technology Innovation Agency, lease visit www%tia%org%*a% Media Contact: 0hirley $haramela $, $owerhouse shirleyB r owerhouse%co%*a

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