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Introduction : Why are we studying this process. What are our expectations? ReadyMade Garments : Definition.

Types of garments: Production Process ua!ity: Pac"aging: #hipping:

Introduction: this is a study of the product ion process os redymade this study we wi!! understand readymade garments$ different type of readymade garments $different type of rawmateria!$and how do these rawmateria! come together to form of readymade garments. we wi!! a!so study %ua!tiy chec" and pac"aging of fina! goods .

we aim to understand the concentration ta"en during the production process. we a!so expect to understand the issues faced during these process.


Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured

read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke

clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers. Ready-to-wear or prt--porter (pronounced: [p.ta p.te]; often abbreviated RTW; "off-the-rack" or "off-the-peg" in casual use is the ter! for factor"-!ade clothing# sold in finished condition# in standardi$ed si$es# as distinct fro! !ade to !easure or bespoke clothing tailored to a particular person%s fra!e. &ff-the-peg is so!eti!es used for ite!s 'hich are not clothing# such as handbags. Read"-to-'ear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. (n the fashion industr"# designers produce read"-to-'ear clothing intended to be 'orn 'ithout significant alteration# because clothing !ade to standard si$es fits !ost

people. The" use standard patterns# factor" e)uip!ent# and faster construction techni)ues to keep costs lo'# co!pared to a custo!-se'n version of the sa!e ite!. *o!e fashion houses and fashion designers produce !ass-produced and industriall" !anufactured read"-to-'ear lines# 'hile others offer gar!ents that# 'hile not uni)ue# are produced in li!ited nu!bers.

Read"-!ade gar!ents are !ass-produced finished te+tile products of the clothing industr". The" are !ade fro! !an" different fabrics and "arns. Their characteristics depend on the fibers used in their !anufacture. Read"-!ade gar!ents are divided into the follo'ing t"pes: &uter clothing: 'ork'ear and unifor!# leisure 'ear# sports'ear (e.g. suits# pants# dresses# ladies% suits# blouses# bla$ers# ,ackets# cardigans# pullovers# coats# sports ,ackets# skirts# shirts (short- or long-sleeved # ties# ,eans# shorts# T-shirts# polo shirts# sports shirts# tracksuits# bathing shorts# bathing suits# bikinis etc. -nderclothing (under'ear : ,erse" goods# lingerie (e.g. underpants# undershirts# briefs# socks# stockings# pant"hose etc. .ost ,erse" under'ear consists of knit'ear !ade fro! cotton or s"nthetic fila!ent 'arpknit goods (/ederon# n"lon . 0nit'ear is divided into full" fashioned and cut goods: 1ull" fashioned ,erse" goods are produced in finished for! and si$e 'ith securel" finished edges; the" are a high-)ualit" product# as the loops cannot run at the edges. 2ut ,erse" goods are cut fro! tubular knit piece goods and se'n together; the" are a lo'er value product# as the loops can run at the edges and the fit of the gar!ent is not as good as in the case of full" fashioned ,erse" goods as the knitted fabric !a" t'ist out of shape.

Raw Materia!s:

Design of pattern c!othing

Raw Materials
The paper pattern# envelope# and instructions are !ade of paper of var"ing grades. The !ost i!portant co!ponent# the tissue paper pattern# is !ade fro! the lightest and thinnest paper co!!erciall" available (it is not !ade at the pattern co!panies . (t is called 3.4 lb (5.6 kg basis paper# !eaning that a rea! of it (477 sheets onl" 'eighs 3.4 lb (5.6 kg .

The design of the !ass-produced paper pattern includes !an" steps. 1urther!ore# the creation of an eas" to use# fashionable# of good fit pattern is the result of collaboration of !an" depart!ents and !an" talents. 8t the outset of the design process of an" gar!ent# the pattern co!pan"%s product develop!ent depart!ent !ust evaluate three ke" ele!ents: the t"pical custo!er profile (lifest"le# skills# taste# etc # the current fashion trends# and last season%s sales figures. These all factor in to !aking a profitable pattern9the goal of the co!pan". :attern co!panies var" in the nu!ber of ne' pattern collections launched each "ear; !an" launch four ne' collections a "ear. The in-house designers are inspired b" observing people and their ph"sical !ove!ents# learning about their needs# and understanding trends in their custo!ers% lifest"le. /esigners attend fashion sho's# read !aga$ines# ne'spapers# and trade ,ournals to keep abreast of fads and fashions. .an" designs are created for a proposed collection. :reli!inar" sketches are discussed b" !arketers# dress designers# dress!akers# etc. *ales histories on previous st"les and patterns are e+a!ined and co!pared. *o!e patterns !a" re!ain in a line for !ore than a season based on sales alone. (f a design goes through the revie' and appears to be a viable candidate for a pattern# it is assigned to a line# 'hich ear!arks it for a particular custo!er profile. The final selections are assigned a st"le nu!ber and returned to the design depart!ent. ;e+t# the illustrators create the first sketches of the creation. These sketches are kno'n as croquis, 'hich is the 1rench 'ord for beginning. The cro)uis contains all critical infor!ation for each pattern and 'ill for! the basis of the 'orksheet to construct the ite!. (n order to !ake the actual pattern# !e!bers of all technical depart!ents (design !erchandising# product standards# pattern-!aking# dress!aking hold a construction

!eeting to decide details of a st"le and deter!ine construction. /ecisions are !ade on the nu!ber of pattern pieces# the st"le nu!ber based on degree of difficult"# suitable fabrics# si$es the patterns 'ill be graded to# and ho' it 'ill be constructed. 8 folder is begun for each design so that crucial infor!ation is contained 'ithin and passed to appropriate depart!ents. The folder 'ith the notes fro! the construction !eeting is given to the pattern!aking depart!ent.

The Manufacturing Process

Preliminary pattern
< 2ulling infor!ation fro! the construction !eetings# the pattern!aker creates the first pattern. The paper pattern is drafted onto !uslin (a plain fabric and drapes up a sa!ple gar!ent. The drape is pinned in place and basted (hand stitched to keep it in place. The drape is thoroughl" revie'ed b" both the pattern!aker and designer. 8d,ust!ents are !ade 'here needed. = When the drape is approved# the pattern draft is turned over to co!puter-aided design (28/>28. . The technician digiti$es the basic pattern pieces. Then all the separate pattern pieces are blocked# 'hich !eans the" are created 'ith all the infor!ation and additions (sea! allo'ances# fold lines# dart lines# etc. needed to !ake the! usable pattern pieces. (t is i!portant to note that each is initiall" !ade up in a standard

s i$e <7. 8fter blocking# the pieces are plotted using a laser plotter. 5 The co!pleted si$e <7 pattern is sent to the dress!aking depart!ent# 'here it is tested using several different fabrics. Techni)ues of the ho!e se'er and do!esticuse se'ing !achine are si!ulated to insure that the design 'ill 'ork using various fabrics and that it is not too co!plicated to construct. 6 8fter passing the ho!e-se'ing test# the pattern is then graded to the various si$es using a co!puter progra!. Thus# the co!plicated task of grading patterns that used to be !anuall" perfor!ed b" the pattern!akers is no' co!puteri$ed. 4 The !easuring depart!ent deter!ines fabric "ardage and notions needed.

2o!puter soft'are helps the technicians create the opti!u! fabric la"out to suggest so fabric can be used efficientl". &nce all infor!ation for step-b"-step instructions is kno'n# the" are 'ritten up for the consu!er in eas"-to-understand language.

Printing the pattern

? 8 co!puter te!plate (or plot is used to plot out the pattern. :attern pieces are laid out in such a 'a" that little tissue 'ill be 'asted in the printing process. The co!puteri$ed plot and the instruction sheets are ph"sicall" sent to the printer. The pattern envelope# ho'ever# is sent to the pattern printer electronicall". 3 The plot is unrolled on a pre-sensiti$ed > alu!inu! plate that varies in si$e according to the si$e of the tissue sheet to be printed. :lates are as s!all as 57 in + @7 in (3?.= c! + ==@ c! or as large as 47 in + @7 in (<=3 c! + ==@ c! . 8 vacuu! fra!e adheres the plot to the alu!inu! plate# lights e+pose the plate# and the plate is etched 'here the lines on the plot are printed. Thus# the plate is essentiall" burned 'ith the i!age of the pattern pieces. A The plate is then printed using off-set lithograph". The i!age is inked# transferred to a felt blanket# and is then transferred fro! the felt blanket to paper. This saves 'ear on the !etal plate. @ :attern tissues are printed in units of <#577 sheets. These units are kept together using cla!ps and are transported together. *o!e units !a" be cut do'n into s!aller tissue pieces 'ith a sharp sa'. 8ll tissue pieces !ust be folded to fit into the envelopes and !a" be either folded b" hand or b" !achine. (nstruction sheets are also printed using off-set lithograph". <7 Bnvelopes# ho'ever# are sent electronicall" fro! the design offices. 8 fil! of the envelope design is created off the co!puter infor!ation and is used to e+pose the alu!inu! plate. The four-color envelope

&nce the pattern is tested and approved# a co!puteri$ed grading progra! creates the various si$e patterns and the desired a!ount of fabric needed is !easured. is then printed 'ith off-set lithograph". &nce printed# the envelopes are folded# glued# and readied to receive the folded tissue patterns. &ne single clothing pattern printing facilit" can print <77#777 co!plete patterns (!eaning all the tissue pieces in a single da"; it produces =5 !illion patterns in one "ear.

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