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City & County of San Francisco Controller’s Office

RFQ#CON2006-6 City Services Auditor Consulting Services

Pre-Response Questions and Answers

Q1. Section 5.1 of the RFQ states that "on an as-needed basis through December
31, 2008 and at the City's sole and absolute discretion, pre-qualified Respondents
may be invited to interviews with the Evaluation Team." What is the purpose of
these interviews?

Per the last paragraph of Section 5.2, “On an as-needed basis through December 31,
2008 and at the City’s sole and absolute discretion, pre-qualified Respondents may be
invited to interviews with the Evaluation Team. Interviews will consist of standard
questions asked of selected Respondents, and specific questions regarding individual

The purpose of the interviews would be to meet selected pre-qualified Respondents and
to obtain further information as one basis for possible contract negotiations.

Q2. How many firms do you anticipate pre-qualifying? How will firms be selected
from among the pool of pre-qualified firms?

The City will pre-qualify Respondents per the requirements and processes described in
the RFQ. There is no anticipated minimum or maximum. Pre-qualified Respondents
would be selected from the pool for further discussions, interviews, and/or negotiations
based on the City’s interest in staff and firm qualifications and experience, as well as on
the successful, measurable results and outcomes, demonstrated on previous projects.

Q3. In the past, have all the pre-qualified firms received projects?

No. The outcome of this process is a pre-qualified consultant pool to be utilized on an

as-needed basis. There is no guarantee of a minimal amount of work or compensation
for any of the Respondents selected for pre-qualification.

Q4. Approximately what size budget does the City have for these auditor
consulting services?

For the next two years, the City Services Auditor Division of the Controller’s Office has
approximately $3 million available for all of its professional services, which include
services solicited under this RFQ, as well as other services engaged in the current fiscal
year under past, current, and future RFQs. Additional funds may become available in
the future. The pre-qualified pool resulting from this RFQ process may be utilized by
other City departments, which have their own budgets for professional services.

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City & County of San Francisco Controller’s Office

RFQ#CON2006-6 City Services Auditor Consulting Services

Pre-Response Questions and Answers

Q5. If a firm has conducted prior business with the City and completed all of the
administrative requirements in Attachment III and has a vendor number, will an
acknowledgement of those facts in the Executive Summary #5-6 be sufficient and
the forms need not be submitted?

Per the instructions in Attachment III:


Even if your firm has done business with the City before, it is best to check on the status
of your completion of the City’s requirements with the Contact listed below to ensure
your firm is not precluded from contract award based on outstanding administrative
requirement issues. Complete #5-6 in the Executive Summary portion of your response

Q6. I am writing with regard to the Information Technology part of this RFQ. My
firm audits IT invoices to ensure that they are properly billed and secures refunds
and ongoing savings for clients when we identify errors. Would this RFQ include
these services?

Yes, it is possible that the City may have interest in the type of service described.

Q7. Is the place of performance to on-site or can the work be performed off-site?

The place of performance will depend on the nature of the services the City has selected
and would be determined on a case-by-case basis with pre-qualified Respondents
selected for contract negotiations. In most contracts, it is expected that the selected
consultant will perform work off-site, with site visits, meetings, and other interactions with
the City, as deemed necessary, on-site.

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