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When is your 'irth"ay? Favourite mean? Why? How often? How many times? Lon est !ourney on ?

What "i" you "o "urin the !ourney? Whi#h "o you $refer% trave&&in 'yor? What "i" you "o on your &ast 'irth"ay? (o you thin) it*s "an erous trave&in ? why? What wi&& you "o on your ne3t 'irth"ay? Te&& me a'out your 'est $resent you*ve re#eive" Have you ever re#eive" a 'a" $resent? What wi&& you "o when you*re o&"er? hat "o you thin) it*&& ha$$en when you finish s#hoo&? Whi#h is the most im$ortant o##asion for you4 your 'irth"ay + .hristmas + Easter? Why? When is your 'irth"ay? What "i" you "o? What ha$$ene" "urin the #e&e'ration? Wi&& you #e&e'rate it a ain? (i" you et $resent? 0est $resent you have ever ha"? Worst $resent how have ever ha"? When is your mother*s 'irth"ay? What wi&& you "o for her 'irth"ay ne3t year? What wi&& you "o for her 'irth"ay? Are you oin to 'uy her a $resent? What wi&& you 'uy her? (o you thin) that in your mother*s 'irth"ay she*&& et &ots of $resents? (o you $refer when your mother+father "rives? How "o you o to s#hoo&? Have you ot a 'i#y#&e? How many have you ha"? (o you thin) you*&& 'uy a #ar when you*re an a"u&t? Whi#h #ar "o you thin) you*&& 'uy? Whi#h #ar your $arents have? How &on have they ha" it? Whi#h "o you $refer , ri"in a 'i)e or wa&)in + oin 'y 'us or 'y train? Why? -s it safe to ri"e a 'i)e in your town? Why? + Why not? -n the future wi&& more $eo$&e "rive to wor) or ta)e the 'us? Why "o you thin) so? How "i" you #ome to s#hoo& to"ay? MEANS OF TRANSPORT SPE.-AL O..AS-ONS /0irth"ay% we""in % #ommunion% 1112 -s your 'irth"ay very im$ortant for you? Te&& me a'out some of the 'est 'irth"ays you*ve ever ha"1 How o&" are you? When wi&& you 'e?


What #an you see on this $i#ture? (o you &i)e musi#? (o you $&ay any instruments? Whi#h one? Where have you &earnt to $&ay it? When "i" you start $&ayin it? Have you ot &essons after s#hoo&? What )in" of festiva&s "o you #e&e'rate? Whi#h one is your favourite? When is it? What musi# "o you $refer in a $arty? Why? Have you ever $&ay in a 'an"? Wi&& you 'e#ome a $o$ star? What ty$e of musi# "o you $refer to re&a3? Have you ot an m$6 $&ayer? Have you 'ou ht some .(s? How many? How &on have you ha" your m$6? (oes the musi# ref&e#t your fee&in s? Whi#h "o you $refer , #&assi#a& musi# or $o$ musi#? Why? Have you ever $&aye" the $iano + uitar + "rums? When "i" you start $&ayin the $iano + uitar + "rums? How often "o you 'uy .(s + "own&oa" son s from your #om$uter + swa$ musi# with your frien"s? Where is it ha$$enin ? Have you ever 'een to1? When was it? Where was it? (o you remem'er it?

What is the most im$ortant festiva& in your town? What "o $eo$&e "o at the festiva&? Have you ever seen the festiva&? What "o $eo$&e wear at the festiva&? Why "o you &i)e the festiva&?


FEST-7ALS /.arniva&% Ha&&oween% .hristmas1112

Have you ever 'een to the festiva& in Rio + 7eni#e + Sevi&&e% et#1?

Whi#h of these festiva&s wou&" you &i)e to see? Why? What "o $eo$&e "o at Easter + at .hristmas + on Nationa& (ay? Have you ever "an#e" + sun + $&aye" the "rums + #arrie" a f&a on the "ay of your festiva&?


What ty$e of entertainment "o you $refer? -n your town% whi#h $ossi'i&ities of entertainment are there for #hi&"ren of your a e? Whi#h "o you $refer , #&assi#a& musi# or $o$ musi#? Have you ever 'een a mem'er of a #hess #&u' + the S#outs + a 'oo) #&u' + a $o$ rou$? Have you ever 'een to a foot'a&& mat#h + "an#e #om$etition + $o$ #on#ert + te&evision stu"io+#inema? What*s the 'est fi&m that you*ve seen? Have you seen any movies re#ent&y? (i" you en!oy it? What was it a'out? Some $eo$&e $refer to rea" the 'oo)% some others $refer the 'oo)what "o you $refer? Why? Whi#h fi&m "o you thin) you*&& wat#h ne3t? Whi#h of these wou&" you &i)e to o to? Why? What #an you see in the $i#ture? (o you &i)e? When was the &ast time you? What "i" you "o? (i" you &i)e it? Why? When was the &ast time you were in? Have you ever 'een to a festiva& of foo" + "an#in + sin in ? What is your favourite 'an" + sin er + T7 show? How &on have you &i)e" it + him + her? When was the &ast time you went to a "is#o + 'ou ht a 'oo) + Have you ever visite" a museum + fa&&en off your 'i)e + fai&e" an e3am? (i" anythin unusua& ha$$en to you this year? (o you thin) somethin oo" wi&& ha$$en ne3t year? What? What "i" you "o &ast Sun"ay? What wi&& you "o ne3t Sun"ay? Whi#h "o you $refer , wa&)in in the $ar) or oin to a museum? + havin $i88a with your frien"s or havin "inner with your fami&y? + $&ayin #hess or $&ayin #ar"s? ENTERTE-NMENT





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