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young adult news Associate Pastor | 865-522-9804
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Dear Friends, “Neither death, nor life, neither angels nor

In a Bible study this week, a question came up that all of
demons , neither the present nor the future, nor any
you have thought about and wrestled with. It came up as powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything
we were talking about The Shack. I want to address it else in all creation, will be able to
directly and try to help you think Biblically and
theologically about this answer. separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:38-39
Does God will evil and suffering in the world and in
our lives?
Please keep in your PRAYERS . . .
It’s safe to say that no Christian believes that God wills evil.
God neither desires harm for humanity nor for creation, yet ▪ TOMMY SCHMID’S FAMILY who are grieving the
we know we live in a fallen, broken world. death of his father, Robert.
▪ JUSTIN AND KATIE MARTIN who celebrate their
In one of my favorite theological books to recommend
Presbyterian Questions Presbyterian Answers Donald first child, MADELEINE MARY.
McKim addresses it this way. “God is good (Ps. 73:1), and ▪ RACHEL ADDICKS AND HER FAMILY as they care
all that God creates is good (Gen. 1). Evil is what opposes for her father who is ill.
God and goes against God’s purposes. We speak of “natural
evil” as those things occurring in nature which bring ▪ LAURA HUFFMAN AND HER FAMILY as they
devastation, tragedy, or loss of life. We speak of an “evil grieve the recent death of her paternal
empire” or an “evil person” to say we perceive that groups grandmother.
of people or individuals can stand in opposition to God an ▪ TONY MCBATH AND HIS FAMILY as they grieve
what God wants for the world and human life. Most clearly,
we know what God’s purposes are when we look at Jesus the death of Tony’s son, Chris.
Christ, who is the image of the invisible God. Jesus sought ▪ RYAN CAZANA’S FAMILY with the death of an
to overcome evil by doing good (Acts 10:38).” extended family member (college student) who
was killed instantly in a car accident.
And so, evil may occur when people choose to do things
that are contrary to God’s ways. In other words, they abuse
the freedom and intentions for themselves and for others.
Even as people choose to do evil, God can use it for good. YOUNG COUPLES’ CLASS
We see this repeatedly as a theme in the Bible. The evil Book of Ruth
thoughts and selfish desires of humanity, which include
being murderous and negligent towards those who God has We will discuss this moving story about Ruth,
asked us to care for still cannot prevent God’s purpose for a young widow whose journey to God and
us or for creation. her care for her mother-in-law inspires and
challenges us to celebrate how God cares
The best way for us to have confidence that God has for us. We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room 320.
conquered evil is seen through our redemption. Trust in Led by Richard Smith
the power of the cross which reveals God’s triumph over
death and evil through the resurrection of Jesus, our
The work of God, accomplished by Christ, is the foundation Loving Through Your Gifts
of Christianity and the reason for daily celebration. Though How we use our particular gifts and talents
you may see evil and wrong all around you, believe in the to love others?
Good News that God is in control and that God’s purposes
will ultimately be carried out! How do you see your life experiences,
your 'story' or testimony as a gift?
Seeking God with faith,
How has your 'story' impacted or developed
your gifts and your expression of love?

We meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room 319 (Spitzer Bldg.).

Led by Carl and Gail Williams

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