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Back Pack Health Worker Team

Medic Specialized Training, Mae Sot


Executive summary Back Pack Health Worker Team (BPHWT) was found in 1989. According to the political situation in Burma, many of the different ethic rebelled groups have to fight with the Burmese government to get self-independence. The first person who found BPHWT was Dr. cythia Maung and included her colleague with other ethnic minorities group from Burma. Many of the health workers had to travel to the conflict zone because of lack of health access to rural areas and black zone. During that time, they faced a lot of problem; such as lack of health workers, not enough medical supplies, security, and transportation. Back Pack had to take responsibilities to carry out whereas the villages that did not reach to health care and fighting field. But, they also focus on human right abuse by the military dictatorship. There were a number of ceasefire agreements concluded with ethic armed groups during the 1990. However, there was no effort to by the military government to address the underlying political issue. The military did more activities to attack the villages and have continued to fight a defensive war against the ethnic armed groups since 1949. So, we need more health workers to act more in the conflict zone and several areas in rural. We will trained more 35 medic specialized training to qualify their skills in order to carry out their duty as to improve the community and share more knowledge to their people.

Organization background Back Pack Health Worker Team was found by Dr. Cythia Maung and other ethnic groups; such as Mon, Shan, Kachin, Kayan, Chin and Karen in 1989. At the time, they set up 35 clinics in every state in Burma. The program provided three main programs are Medical Care Program (MCP), Community Health Education and Prevention Program (CHEPP) and Mental Child health Care Program (MCP). Back Pack has tried to struggle included human right abused violation in Burma. Many of the ceasefire agreement groups recognize a military to stalemate and hope to resolve the political situation through the dialogued. However, the Burma military may not perceive the situation in the same manner and may try to continue to use forced to try to bring about in military solution to the ethic issue. The number of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) was increased by the operation of the Burmese military. The current number of the Back Pack Health Worker Teams clinic in Burma is 95 and over 10,000 health workers. Back Pack cured several kinds of diseases; such as malaria, common cold, URTI, Diarrhea, TB, deliver the baby, mine injury, gun shoot, dengue and include the school health. Also, many people are lack of clean water and proper sanitation. Because, there is no real union government health care scheme and patients must pay for medicines, food, blankets and bribes to medical personal. Back Pack has main office in Mae Sot, Tak, Thai Burma Border. It is easy to contact with the other organizations that working with us. Back Pack has leading committee who will manage the office and plan how to improve health workers skills and community through health care and human right abused in Burma.

Back Pack Health Worker Team |Medic Specialized Training, Proposal, 2014

Community Background Karen armed revolution was began since 1948. According to the Burmese regime broke their rules and had done several things badly such as extra judicial killing, forced relocation, forced labor and destroyed villagers property. Therefore, we have to protest our people to get self -independent. Especially people who stay in the rural areas, they didnt get access to primary health care and education. So, we have to figure out as our people to get sufficient of health care, safe security and right of property. Most of the villagers are farmer. They dont know how to prevent the disease such as, malaria, diarrhea, and communicable disease. So, we will train more health workers in order to go through every rural village that does not get access to health care and education.

Problems statement People who stayed in the Karen state they did not get enough health workers, medical supplies and lack of security due to civil war happened with the Burmese military and Karen Nation Union. Especially in the rural areas that is the most difficult to reach medical treatment and health workers. As a result, most of the people have to work in their business as to provide food for their families. So, we do not have enough workers to travel to the rural areas. According to the political situation in Burma, many people fled to their neighboring county in Thailand. Because of the military dictatorship attacked the villages and destroyed the villager houses and property. The acted of the Burmese military activities are stay going until now. For the consequence of the lack of health worker, many people die for several kind of disease such as malaria, diarrhea, water bone disease, pneumonia and landmines injures. Some of the villagers have to work to provide food for their families so they could not refer their children to the clinic. Because, some village they have to travel over three days to the clinic. So, it is difficult for the health worker to figure out to look after patients one village to another village. However, if we have a lot of health worker we can place our worker to village to village. On the other hand, the community people may not suffer and die from disease any more in the village. Then, the parents do not need to afford to buy medicine and transportation whenever their families get sick. To solve the problem of train more health worker, the community organizers and the in charge of health workers have decided to choose 35 people to attend the medic specialized training at Mae Sot. Those people have to attend four months training. After that they have to go back to share their knowledge and take responsibilities to the community. To train more the health worker, people will get enough of health care and medical supplies in their own village. Even though they stay far away from the clinic, but they do not worry about that. Every rural areas and some part in the township have to be reach of health care survives. So, the villagers get enough of medical supplies, health workers and understand more about prevention of disease such as malaria, dengue, water bone disease and diarrhea by the an awareness of health care campaign from health workers.
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Goal: Our goal is to qualify health workers skills through higher standard of treatment to community. Objectives: To trained medic specialized to represent for Karen community. To get higher level of the medical treatment in order to treat the patients To trained their community and the next generation. Level of Expected result result To improve health workers Impact skill of medical treatment and to share to the community. Outcome Indicators Number of the current health workers. Number of new health workers. Number of people who attend the medic training. Number of people who got knowledge from medical treatment concept. Assumption People will get more medical supplies.


The community people will get more health workers. They can share their knowledge to the community and train more people in the future. Trained 35 medics Number of trainees. specialized. Number of doctors. Two doctors form IRC.

Community people will get more clinic and workers. Community will not worry about medical treatment. Community people will participate the training. Community people will get more trainers.


Prepare training/ budget/ materials for training/ place/ time/ transportation/

Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation process will be done by the Back Pack Health Worker Team (BPHWT) staffs and coordinator after the training is finished. Also, during the training we will observe the training to check the training is appropriate to the trainees. If we need more information we will discuss with the trainers and officials. After four months all the trainees have to go back in their community to carry out in their own land. For that time back pack staff and coordinator will go to observe in their field. We have a follow up training once two months for them to come to attend the trainer of training (TOT) and reporting their challenges at in the field. We would like to know what kind of disease do they faced the most problem and our training project is successful for the training. After that we will report our project to the donor. Sustainability This project is sustainable to the community and self-sufficiency. As a result of the medic specialized training is to qualify the workers skills as to share more to the community. Also they can use in their
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whole life. We could see most of the health workers they didnt attend the medic training and lack of facilities so it was difficult to treat the serious case. However, those people have to be officers of the health workers in Karen state and to be the most effectively in the community. They might be able to treat the serious case and solve the problem by themselves. Activities Choose place and time Contact the other organization Meeting with the community leaders and back pack officers Collect the materials Write proposal Giving training Budget Monitoring and Evaluation

Work plan Activities Write proposal Responsibilities Kler Si Facilities Back pack team Back pack team Back pack team Back pack team Back pack team Equipment Camera, computer Phone, internet camera Materials Pen, note book Pen, note book Pen, note book Computer, pen Pen, note book Services Kler Si Back team Pack team Back team Back team pack pack pack pack

Contact to other Kler Si organizations Collect the Back pack team materials Budget Back pack team Meeting with Back pack team the community leaders and officers Choose place Kler Si Monitoring and BP coordinator Evaluation Giving training Doctor from IRC

Camera, phone

Kler Si BP coordinator BP coordinator

Pen , note Back pack book team Camera, Pen, note Pack pack computer book Computer and Note book, Back pack camera pen team

Grant chart Timing Months Activities Writing proposal Contact to the organization w-1 other April w-2 w-3 w-4 w-1 May- June w-2 w-3 w-4 w-1 July w-2 w-3

Back Pack Health Worker Team |Medic Specialized Training, Proposal, 2014

Collect the materials Choose place and time Budget Monitoring and Evaluation Meet with the community leaders and officers Giving training Budget No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total

Description Rent house Trainers stipend Trainees stipend Water Electricity Rice Daily food Training materials Copy of the Burmese Border Guideline

Unit 2,500 3,000*2 trainers 1,000*35 trainees 1,000 2,000 600*55bags 1,000per day 800 350

Quality 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 bags 124 days 4mths 35 books

Amount 10,000 24,000 140,000 4,000 8,000 132,000 124,000 3,200 12,250 457,450 Thai Bath

Conclusion Back Pack Health Worker Team (BPHWT) was established in 1989 by Dr. Cythia Maung and her colleagues form different states in Burma. Due to the political situation in Burma was so bad so most of the rural areas some part in township didnt get enough health care. Many people died, suffering from diseases and mining. The Burmese military was attacked more in the villages, forced relocation and forced people to repair their roads without paying anything. Back Pack was targeted to the black zone and the rural areas that did not approve to health care. Many health workers faced the problems; such as lack of security, medical supplies, transportation, weather and civil war happened between Burmese government and ethic armed groups. So, we need to train more health worker and to set up more clinics in Karen state.

Back Pack Health Worker Team |Medic Specialized Training, Proposal, 2014

Back Pack Health Worker Team |Medic Specialized Training, Proposal, 2014

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