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Peace Day

Keshari Piyush

As we all have gathered here for celebrating the day very important in international
calendar and a day which we call as ‘International Peace Day.’
Questions that we ask ourselves is that
1 What dose peace mean to me?
2 Is world really peaceful these days?

Answering first question I can say that peace to me is “complete sense of happiness
not only at individual level but for common people spread world wide.” Here comes a
point that I talk of individual interest before common interest, but this is so because if
individual needs are met and an individual is at peace then society as a whole is at

Now answering the second question that I asked, that weather world is really at peace
then answer is a simple two letter word ‘NO’.
As the answer is no we can ask ourselves few other questions i.e.
1 What is the cause of world not being peaceful?
2 What is the solution for making world peaceful?

There are several causes for world not being peaceful as we need lot of bacteria to turn
milk into curd, but one can say largest bacteria is terrorism.
Terrorism is nothing but an act of shame on part of coward who mercilessly kill
innocent people.

Terrorism is not something that grows overnight or is born from single egg. There are
various reasons responsible for terrorism which ultimately results in distortion of peace.
These causes include:
1. Illiteracy,
2. Backwardness,
3. Dominating Nature of Powerful Nations,
4. Social Customs, and
5. Politics Based on Religion, Cast, Creed, Sex and Color.

Illiteracy: This is one of the prime cause leading to non peaceful conditions. Places
where terrorism and its concern activities are born are basically area of low literacy.
Nations alleged to be terrorist nations, basically few African nations, and few Islamic
countries, have very low level of literacy. A survey shows that there are less then half
universities in 55 Islamic nations then in Japan itself. One must see the population and
size of these two sects.
Backwardness: We must not only consider their population and size, we must note
that, as said by General Parvez Mushraf in Islamic conference in 2005, 55 Islamic
nations and other African nations combined together includes 75 % of the worlds
natural resources but are usually at the fore front of UN’s list of poor countries. Main
reason for this is exploitation of local people by the powerful sects of society. Here
powerful sect has round about 20% people and remaining are exploited. One fells that
there people who are Lions are governed by people who are Sheep.

Dominating Nature of Powerful Nations: Another important reason that I fell is

responsible for non peaceful earth today is ultra dominating nature of powerful
countries. Terrorism started as a revolt against exploiting nations which was moulded
further in the wrong direction. What became common was over imposing powerful
nations. These powerful nations made rules the way they liked, and also broke them at
their will. They did not treat each nation with equality. This lead to an unpeaceful and
inhuman revolt that we call terrorism.

Social customs: Social customs were made in accordance with the time. We are in the
habit of following anything in the name of customs and rituals, even if it has turned
obsolete in present scenario. In the name of social customs people are ready to destroy
each other. One can also see the misinterpretation of social customs, by certain group
of people for their personal benefits. In most of the underdeveloped nations women are
exploited and are not educated for the sake of customs, leading to almost half of their
population with no knowledge at all. And it is quite evident that men don’t take care of
the child much thus leaving child in the hands of their mother who herself dose not
knows anything thus will impart nothing good to their children. Taking advantage of
this non- social elements make use of their empty brains to implant in them harsh and
wrong things about society.

Politics Based on Religion, Cast, Creed. Sex and Color: Politics which is based on
religion, cast, creed, sex and color is of no use. Moreover it is one of the prime cause of
disrupting world’s peace. When people get into tangles of this kind of dividing politics
they create felling of bitterness among people and which more often or not results in

Looking at the problems is nothing but a window shopping. Real matter is finding
solution to this great problem.

Most promising solution that I see is what Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru told, Disarmament
this means all nations should disarm themselves with nuclear and atomic bombs.
Because nuclear threat is biggest threat to worlds peace.
Creating Awareness is also a good way of bringing about peace in the society. If
people see the benefits of living peacefully they themselves will surely go for peaceful
method of solutions to their problems.
Another and final way I see out is a One Time War Policy by this I mean all countries
combining together for a single goal of eradicating terrorism, fighting a war once and
for ever. Thus cleaning terrorism from its grass root level. This should be used as last
resort as it in itself has non peaceful method involved in it, but as said by Sri Krishna in
Bhagvat Geeta “ To establish peace in the world, we must bring about an end of people
who don’t want it.”

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