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Marketing Plan OLAY Group -7

Olay is a $2 Bnglobal brand Olay was born in the lab of a chemist Mr Graham Wulffin the early Brand was !"#$s% named Oil of Olay but later P&G acquired renamed brand as Olay

Indian skincare market ~ Rs 2,100 cr moisturiser market ~ Rs Skincare 1,600 cr Skincare Market ~ Premium 450 cr Skincare market has been steadil !ro"in! at 16 #er cent as o$ last ear %nti&%!ein! Market ~ 60 cr

'e" trends

are )er much conscious about their

looks* %nti&a!ein! solutions are but !ainin! !round nascent


!ro"in! se!ment in the market ,a##ro-* . / o$ the o)erall skin skincare cate!or , it has doubled in the last three rs0*
1e)elo#ment (orkin!

o$ the skincare India 2ro"in! consumer a"areness* cate!or in "omen has to $ollo" bus schedule so it is tou!h $or them a to maintain their skin, the tend to $or!ot to use lotions and da 3 ni!hts creams*

o$ India is tro#ical and the use o$ creams or lotion based #roduct is uncom$ortable*

So the idea has been !enerated to launch an anti&a!in! soa#

Market Strate!
People conscious of the effects of age High disposa le famil! income and "orking "oman Gender -#emales Social status $High middle class and a o%e


Middle aged "omen of more than &' !ears age of higher middle class( People residing in metros and tier-)*+ cities

Product is positioned in the minds of people ! the slogan that reflects !outh Be Young Again

S(56&%nal sis
-ele%ant customer or user demographics ./hat is the WeaknessLimited t!pical user profile0 /here are the users located and ho" SnvestmentsNo do !ou reach them01
StrengthsOnly Anti-aging soapLatest Soap manufacturing technologyDistribut ion SSstemSrice Ssuitable Opportunity#e $istri%ution &hannels'roductde(elop ment ill open ne opportunities varietS in product(product length! depth" idth!


)hreatsNew Sntrants*eadilya(aila%l e su%stitutesBrand +mage of e,isting companies ('onds"High custom duties

-elpful)o achie(ing the o%.ecti(e/,ternal origin

+ nAnti Aging 3atural and Her al t creams2 #ace eProducts packs r n a l &anni%ali1ation0 o ri g i n4oto5 Surgical ,reatment Specialt! 6linics Options

+ndirect &ompetition0

4om#etition %nal sis -armful

Su%stitution (

)o achie(ing the o%.ecti(e

6ompetition from e5isting -ange of Ola!7s products

Product $eatures
-emo%es lackheads #ights Aging 6ontains patented 8itaniacin formulation( -emo%es /rinkles from skin(6leanses the skin and makes it right(
Additional enefit $makes the skin fair 9deal for all skin t!pes Heals skin

,ightens the skin pores Softens the skin

Product #ricin! 3 1istribution'ricing Strategy

$istri%ution Strategy
Market Penetration Pricing $Lo" 9ntroductor! Pricing of -s(:;<-per soap of )'= gram Ma5imum satisfaction ! gi%ing afforda le price ,he onl! high >ualit! anti aging soap in the market( 6ompeting "ith anti aging creams ?sage of creams and lotions fall drasticall! in summers(

Single le%el@ 6ompan! -etailer 6onsumer Selecti(eAistri ution( 6hemists2 4eaut! consultants and Spa outlets( /ell kno"n departmental stores and retail outlets( Special trade discounts for retailers placing %olume orders(

Marketin! 3 +inancial ob7ecti)es

,he main o Becti%es are@(Primar! market o Becti%e

is to achie%e more than )=2==2=== pc of sale((,o capture )=-)'C of the market share initiall!((,o create interest among customers((#ocus on >ualit! 2irst Year O%.ecti(es0 -

O Becti%e is to uild a"areness among customers a out Hea%! e5panses ill %e made on ad(ertising to attract the soap Aiming for a )=-)'C share of the market in the first !ear( customers( Aim to reduce cost ! at least 'C(Second year o%.ecti(e0 Hea%! ad%ertisement to keep attracting ne" Dualit! impro%ements to earn customers loyalty customers 9ntroduce ne" %ariet! in anti-aging soap( ,o achie%e a )7-+=C of market share and to reduce cost ! )=C(


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