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Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Analyzing consumer attitude towards different Super Stores

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop




Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury

Professor Department of Business Adminstration

Course: Marketing Management

MKT- 501 Sec- 02 !a""- 2010 PREPARED

Para# Dutta $D % 200&-2-&5-111 Md' Moshiu" A"am $D % 200&-1-&5-1(2 Sa)ed *namu" +asan $D % 200&-2-&5-0(, Ben-ir Ahmmad $D % 200&-2-&5-050 22 2010 22 2010 2

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury Course Instructor, Marketing Management Department of usiness !dministration "ast #est $ni%ersity Dhaka&1212

Dear Sir

+ere is the report on the stud) of Analyzing consu !" a##i#u$! #o%a"$s $i&&!"!n# Su'!" S#o"!s' This report is prepared to fu"fi"" the partia" re/uirement of the Mar0etin# Mana#ement Course of MBA Pro#ram 1MKT5012' !rom a /uestionnaire sur3e) we ha3e tried to determine the stren#ths and wea0nesses of the Super Stores' 4e ha3e done our .est to #i3e our ma5imum output accordin# to our a.i"it)' 4e are ca""in# sorr) for an) mista0e in this report' Than0 )ou for )our 3a"ua."e time and cordia" considerations'


6666666666666666 Para# Dutta $D % 200&-2-&5-111

6666666666666666 Md' Moshiu" A"am $D % 200&-1-&5-1(2

Sa)ed *namu" +asan $D % 200&-2-&5-0(,

666666666666666 Ben-ir Ahmmad $D % 200&-2-&5-050


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop


!or he"pin# to ma0e this pro7ect first we wou"d "i0e to than0s the A"mi#ht) and our parents' 4e wou"d "i0e to specia"") than0 our +onora."e teacher Dr' Md' +uma)un Chowdhur) Course $nstructor Mar0etin# Mana#ement Professor *ast 4est 8ni3ersit) for he"pin# us to ma0e this report' 4e a"so than0 to our friends the) #a3e us man) idea and information' $t is #reat e5perience for us in "i#ht of the course 9Mar0etin# Mana#ement: which has a #reat si#nificance ; a #reat importance as an emer#in# ; f"ourishin# sector in the #"o.a" .usiness arena' 4e stron#") .e"ie3e wor0s "i0e this one wi"" sure") he"p us to de3e"op ; ma0e us .etter adapted as we"" as capa."e to coup with the issues ; practica" e5posures in this fie"d as we"" as to the who"e of different .usiness forms that are #ettin# pace' 4e wou"d "i0e to than0 those persons who he"p us to ma0e this report' <ur specia" than0s to our "a. stuffs of *ast 4est 8ni3ersit)' The) he"ped us 3er) much to co""ect data and ma0e the report' The) #a3e us the chance for ta0in# idea' 4ithout their he"p we cou"d not a."e to prepare this pro7ect'

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Pa#e C)a'#!" *+ In#"o$uc#ion 1'1 <ri#in of the >eport 1'2 Scope of the >eport 1'( <.7ecti3es of the stud) 1', >esearch methodo"o#) 1'5 Samp"in# P"an 1'? >esearch Desi#n 1'@ Methods of Ana")sis 1'= Limitation of the study C)a'#!" ,+ Su'!" S#o"!s+ An O-!"-i!% 2'1 An <3er3iew of Super Store 2'2 An <3er3iew of A#ora 2'( An <3er3iew of Meena Ba-ar = to 10 & & & & 10 10 10 10 11-1= 12 1( 15

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

2', An <3er3iew of Aandan 2'5 An <3er3iew of PBS C)a'#!" .+ E/'!c#ancy 0alu! Mo$!l an$ I#s Co 'lica#ions ('1 *5pectanc) Ca"ue Mode" ('2 Ca"cu"ation of *3a"uation(ei) and Value C)a'#!" 1+ Fin$ings2 R!co Conclusion !n$a#ions an$

1? 1@ 1&-2( 20 20 2,-(0 25 2? 2= 2& (0 (1 (2 (2-(,

,'1 Findings & Recommendation for Agora ,'2 Findings & Recommendation For Meena Bazar ,'( Findings & Recommendation for Nandan ,', Findings & Recommendation for P ! ,'5 "onclusion R!&!"!nc! A''!n$i/ 3u!s#ionnai"!s

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Executive Summary
Super Store .usiness is one of the popu"ar .usinesses in the wor"d' Peop"e are considerin# fre/uent shoppin# throu#h them' So in course of time and with the #rowth rate of popu"ation and a"so appea" for hi#h standard "i3in# Super Store .usiness is #rowin# in a hi#h pace'

The purpose of this report is to determine the consumerDs co#niti3e .eha3ior and attitude towards different Super Stores' These attri.utes used in t this report direct") or indirect") inf"uence the consumers when the) intend to purchase products as we"" as to #et the ser3ice pro3ided .) different super stores' The attri.utes considered here areE Bua"it) Price Product Cariet) Product A3ai"a.i"it) and Focation' <n the .asis of the fi3e attri.utes we ha3e de3e"oped our /uestionnaire and sur3e)ed amon# the students' After #ettin# the e3a"uation from the students we fo""ow the e5pectanc) 3a"ue mode" to measure the consumer percei3ed 3a"ue accordin#")'

!or data ana")sis we ha3e fo""owed one of the cate#ories of *3a"uation of a"ternati3es named Compensator) +euristics 1*5pectanc) Ca"ue Mode"2 method which is a"so 0nown as !$S+B*$A Mode"' Primar) data was co""ected throu#h /uestionnaire sur3e) desi#ned accordin# to the Fi0ert sca"e method for mu"tip"e-choice /uestions' 4e used the random samp"in# method to choose the samp"e' 4e ana")-ed the data respecti3e to different attri.utes and presented the resu"ts and attitudes and fina"") findin#s and ran0ed the companies .ased on the stren#ths and wea0nesses o3era"" recommended strate#ies for them to o3ercome the shortcomin#s the) ha3e'

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Chapter 1 Introduction

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

1.1 Origin of the study

As a student of Mar0etin# Mana#ement of the department of MBA we ha3e done this pro7ect .ased on the *5pectanc) Ca"ue Mode"' B) wor0in# on this pro7ect we e5perienced a c"ear 3iew a.out the attitudes that consumers e3a"uate product and ser3ices .) com.inin# their .rand .e"iefs'
1. Scope of the study

The scope of the stud) is to identif) the e3a"uation of consumers towards the 3arious super stores' This pro7ect he"ps us to ha3e a c"ear 3iew a.out how a consumer percei3es a product' This wi"" he"p us to e3a"uate the consumerDs attitude and "earn to desi#n the Mar0etin# Strate#)'
1.! O"#ectives of the study

The .asic o.7ecti3e of stud) was to focus on the .asic of e5pectanc) 3a"ue' The o.7ecti3es of the pro7ect are as fo""owsE

To ha3e an idea how a consumer e3a"uates the products or

ser3ices .) com.inin# their .rand .e"iefs'

To ha3e an idea a.out the consumer attitude towards a specific .rand' The methods to e3a"uate a consumers .rand .e"iefs a.out super store'
1.$ %esearch methodology

>esearch methodo"o#) inc"udes the source we ha3e used to co""ect the data' The data that we ha3e used for research purposes main") of two t)pesprimar) or raw data and secondar) data or pu."ished source'

P"i a"y $a#a sou"c!s

4e ha3e co""ected the data throu#h a /uestionnaire from our c"ass mates' 4e ha3e chosen them random")

S!con$a"y $a#a sou"c!s

Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

4e ha3e co""ected the secondar) data from the internet artic"es and re"ated .oo0s of mar0etin#'

1.& Sampling plan

Po'ula#ion G *ast west 8ni3ersit) Sa Sa Sa 'l! Uni# 4 Students of MKT-501 'ling #y'!+ Aon Pro.a.i"istic Samp"in# 'l! Siz!5 (0 respondents

1.' %esearch (esign

The research desi#n is descripti3e in nature from the 3iewpoint of function .ecause it is .ased on 3arious aspects of Superstores attri.utes "i0e Product Cariet) Product Bua"it) Price "ocation and a3ai"a.i"it)' !rom the 3iewpoint of nature of data it is .oth a /ua"itati3e and a /uantitati3e research' !rom the 3iewpoint of research p"ace it is .oth a des0 research and fina"") from the 3iewpoint of o.7ecti3e it is an app"ied research'
1.) *ethod for Analysis

$n order to ana")-e and interpret data some too"s of statistica" ana")sis ha3e .een used 'The statistica" too"s to .e fo""owed are G 1' Fi0ert Sca"e 2. !ish.ein mode"
1.+ ,imitation of the study

4e ha3e tried our "e3e" .est to wor0 on *5pectanc) Ca"ue mode" and tried to find out 3ast outcomes on our concerned topic' To comp"ete this wor0 we ha3e tried to #o throu#h in detai"s a.out the *5pectanc) Ca"ue Mode"' <ur honora."e teacher has #i3en us the #uide"ines for comp"etin# the pro7ect' Thou#h our teacher he"ped us to so"3e the pro7ect .ut sti"" we cou"dnDt i#nore some draw.ac0 and "imitations' Those "imitations are as fo""owsE

The time for comp"etin# the pro7ect was not sufficient'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Aot a"" the samp"in# unit had c"ear 3iew a.out the superstore'
$n spite of these we tried our .est to o3ercome other "imitation and to #i3e the .est of us' 4e are than0fu" to our facu"t) and fe""ow mates who a"so he"ped us to finish this pro7ect'

Chapter S-.E% S/O%ES0 A1 O2E%2IE3


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

.1 An Overview of Super Store

The idea of a"" essentia" commodities under one roof is the dri3in# force .ehind the success of supermar0et .usiness in Ban#"adesh which saw around T0'200 corer in3estments in the "ast fi3e )ears' Superstores are set to .oom in the countr) as the current mar0et p"a)ers are p"annin# to open se3era" hundred more out"ets in the ne5t few )ears to cope with the risin# demand from the consumers' The annua" turno3er of the superstores now stands at around T0 15'0 .i""ion 11500 crore2 1BS<A2' +ass"e-free shoppin# en3ironment h)#ienic commodities fresh 3e#eta."es meat and fish at the supermar0ets are wooin# the customers .esides e3er) commodit) is a3ai"a."e in this supermar0et and the supermar0ets offer #ood ser3ices to wor0in# peop"e who rea"") find "itt"e time for shoppin# in the da)time' The rise in supermar0ets accordin# to ana")sts wi"" di3ersif) consumer choices and .oost consumer spendin# needed for economic #rowth whi"e the wet mar0ets wi"" a"so witness an impro3ement in /ua"it) and ser3ices on increased penetration of supermar0ets' But a decade a#o the trade was in the hands of thousands of sma"" retai"ers in the wet mar0ets and #rocer) shops in cities and remained out of the focus of .usiness con#"omerates' accordin# to Ban#"adesh Supermar0et <wners Association


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

$n the "ast ei#ht )ears man) sma"" and .i# supermar0ets made de.ut in the trade to attract midd"e and upper midd"e c"ass consumers a section of who are shiftin# to the chain stores from the wet or 0itchen mar0ets' A rise in the or#ani-ed retai"in# wou"d offer consumers h)#ienic foods at competiti3e prices compared to those of unor#ani-ed retai"ers in the 0itchen mar0ets where commodities are so"d most") in unh)#ienic manner' 4e ha3e chosen four main superstores from the who"e supermar0et industr)' 4e se"ect those who offer a"" 0ind of necessar) products inc"udin# stap"e products food products' <ur pro7ect wi"" co3er 3arious aspects of A#ora Meena Ba-ar Aandan and PBS' Dha0a-.ased A#ora with its four out"ets Meena Ba-ar with ei#ht .ranches PBS with fi3e stores and Aandan with three out"ets are the ma7or p"a)ers in the mar0et'

An Overview of Agora

>ahimafroo- Superstores Ftd' 1>SF2 made a .rea0throu#h in the "ifest)"es .) "aunchin# the first retai" chain in the countr) HA#oraD' Current") there are four A#ora out"ets at Iu"shan Dhanmondi Mo#h.a-ar and Mirpur in Dha0a' 4ith man) more comin# up at important "ocations in Dha0a and other ma7or cities A#ora is endea3orin# to fu"fi"" the e3er)da) shoppin# needs of the ur.anites throu#h fair price ri#ht assortment and .est /ua"it)'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

A#ora main") focuses on food items - ran#in# from a wide 3ariet) of fish meat 3e#eta."es fruits .a0er) dair) and #rocer) - it a"so carries a 3ast arra) of other househo"d #rocer) persona" care and misce""aneous products' At an) point in time there are near") 20 000 different products a3ai"a."e at A#ora'>SF is committed to sustainin# and #rowin# as the most trusted "o3ed and fre/uented retai" chain'

Product Cate#ories:
Be3era#e !ish !ruit Meat Ce#eta."e Confectionar) Ba.) products Basic +ouseho"ds Paper accessories

Agora has four outlets all over Dhaka situated in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Mirpur, and Moghbazar. It has placed its outlets in the prime centers of city #ylhet too. hich seems to be much convenient to customers. Agora has also started their !ourney in "hittagong and

Agora has some $romotional activities hich maintain its appeal to the e%isting and products in

potential consumers. It has regular promotion of services, e%isting & ne

daily ne spaper to keep consumers a are of the available products. Also Agora has


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

some e%clusive seasonal offer, price reduction, sales promotion to attract the consumers as ell. Many e%clusive products like perfume, households and fresh basic hich is priced higher than traditional market. Mainly hich they priced higher because of foods are available in Agora

Agora supplies many unusual unseasonable items the product unavailability in outside.

.! An Overview of *eena 4azar

Meena Ba-ar which started its 7ourne) in 2002 has a"read) e5tended its .usiness to Khu"na' The compan) has ta0en up a three-)ear p"an to open out"ets in Chitta#on# and S)"het and at ei#ht points in Dha0a' JPositi3e customer response is inspirin# more in3estments in the thri3in# sector J said Ka-i Kami" $s"am e5ecuti3e director of Meena Ba-ar

Product Cate#ories:
Be3era#e !ish !ruit Meat


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Ce#eta."e Basic househo"d *5c"usi3e shirt tie shoes Accessories $n house product "i0e sweet )o#urt her.a" product' <ut"etE At this moment Meena .a-aar is operatin# ei#ht .ranches in Dha0a' $n Khu"na the) ha3e opened another .ranch' <fferin#E Meena Ba-ar is sometimes offerin# for their customer on 3arious occasions'
.$ An Overview of 1andan

<ne of them is Aandan Me#a Shop' Aandan Iroup with their first retai" out"et Aandan Me#a Shop .rou#ht the "i0e of Sains.ur)Ds in Ban#"adesh in the Lear 2002' !rom 2002 the) continue runnin# their .usiness successfu"")' The) ha3e a wide product 3erit) and a"so #i3e their customer /ua"it) product and ser3ice'

Product Cate#ories:
Meat !ish !ruit Be3era#e Ce#eta."e


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Basic househo"d Shoe Musica" CD DCD Medicine

The price of the product is inc"udin# CAT' But sometimes the) #i3e 3arious t)pes of discount on the products' The) fo""ow compan) retai" price for otherDs #oods' Sometimes sa"e #oods .e"ow mar0et price

The) ha3e ( out"ets in the Dha0a cit)' Those are Dhanmodi Iu"shan Ka0rai" and 8ttara' The) are #oin# to "aunch their own 3er) soon'

To ho"d the present customer and catch the potentia" .u)er the) offer 3arious t)pes of promotiona" acti3ities' Fi0e in *id 1st .oisha0 festi3a" Pu7a etc' Arran#e 3arious t)pes of festi3a"s wee0ends 5 da) "on# discount etc on their product'
.& An Overview of .5S

The first chain supermar0et in Ban#"adesh is PBS which was esta."ished in 2005 at 8ttara in Dha0a. <n the #rowth of the re"ati3e") new .usiness PBS tries to ensure customersM satisfaction from the .e#innin# and their /ua"it) products a"so attract customers'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Product Cate#ories:
Meat !ish !ruit Be3era#e Ce#eta."e Shoe Dress +and .a# Showpieces To)s for 0ids <ut"etE The) ha3e now fi3e out"ets at 8ttara Shanti Aa#ar Dhanmondi Iu"shan and the other one is in *"ephant >oad <fferin#E The) ma0e offer .) co"orfu" festoons and promotiona" poster hun# in and outside the shop a"on# with #immic0s "i0e raff"e draw in 3arious occasion' Fi0e *id pu7a etc'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Chapter ! Expectancy 2alue *odel and Its Implications


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

!.1 Expectancy62alue *odel

The consumer arri3es at attitude 1Kud#mentN Preference2 toward 3arious .rands throu#h an attri.ute e3a"uation procedure' The consumer de3e"ops a set of .e"iefs a.out where each .rand stands on the attri.ute' The e5pectanc)-3a"ue mode" of attitude formation posits that consumers e3a"uate products and ser3ices .) com.inin# their .rands .e"ief Gthe positi3e and ne#ati3e-accordin# to importance' B) the e5pectanc) mode" we ca"cu"ate the percei3e 3a"ue of each .rand of a customer' The consumer wi"" fa3or the .rand which has the hi#hest percei3ed 3a"ue' A = bi ei
i= 1 n

+ere biO .e"iefs eiO e3a"uation As we ha3e decided to #o for Super Store industr) for our research purpose' So fina"") we ha3e se"ected four "eadin# Super Store which are as fo""ows' Ago"a M!!na 6aza" Nan$an P3S


Calculation of evaluation 7ei8 and value

E-alua#ion o& #)! Su'!" S)o'+

Samp"e Si-e G (0 Persons E-alua#ion P"oc!ss+ !irst") we ha3e co""ected the information from (0 personne" for e3a"uatin# the super shops' Second") data were inputted on the !ish.ein Mode" and then ca"cu"ate the 3a"ue'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Accordin# to the mode" AO P . e 4here AO Attitude . O Be"ie3e e O *3a"uation Ma7o" a##"i8u#!s+ *9 3uali#y ,9 P"ic! .9 0a"i!#y 19 A-aila8ili#y :9 Loca#ion 4e ha3e a""ocated 3a"ue of each response as .e"ow accordin# to 5 points Fi0ert sca"e G
*9 -!"y Goo$ ; : ,9 Goo$ (' N!u#"al 19 6a$ :9 0!"y 6a$ ;, ;* ;1 ;.

6!lo% a"! #)! &in$ings o& #)! analysis using su"-!y $a#a+ The respondent of the sur3e) pro3ided the fo""owin# responses represent ei and the wei#ht #i3en .ased on the 5 point sca"e measurement' Su'!" S)o' Na !s 3uali #y P"ic! A##"i8u#!s 1ei2 0a"i!#y A-aila8ili#y Loca#ion which


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Ago"a M!!na 6aza" Nan$an P3S

,'0@ ,'1@ ('= ('=

,'1@ ('= ,'2 ('&@

('&( ,'2@ , ,'1(

,'2@ ,'0@ , ,'2(

,'0@ ('&@ ('&@ ('=

+ere the 3a"ue of Bua"it) for A#ora O ,'0@ means this is the a3era#e 3a"ue of the (0 respondents #i3en response' $t means peop"e se"ected different "e3e" of Fi0ert sca"e and those 3a"ue i'e' 1 2 ( , 5 whate3er represents their response is recorded for each attri.ute and then di3ided .) (0 to #et the a3era#e 3a"ue of that attri.ute' Based upon mar0et ana")sis and persona" e5perienceN we ha3e set the fo""owin# wei#ht 1.i2 of different attri.utes which is done di3idin# 100 sca"e into se3era" parts' 3uali#y (0 P"ic! 25 W!ig)# <8i= 0a"i!#y A-aila8ili#y 20 15 Loca#ion 10 To#al 100

4e used the 5 points Fi0ert sca"e to measure the consumer feed.ac0 a#ainst different Super Shop productsE -!"y Goo$ 5 Goo$ , N!u#"al ( 6a$ 2 0!"y 6a$ 1

>>T)! ?u!s#ionnai"! o& #)! su"-!y is a##ac)!$ a# !n$ o& #)! "!'o"#9 Then we used the !ish.ein Attitude Mode" to ca"cu"ate the consumerDs attitude a.out each Super Shop mu"tip") the attri.ute e3a"uations with wei#ht of each attri.utes and then ca"cu"ate tota" for each Super ShopE n Ao OP.i'ei iO1


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Calcula#ion+ A##"i8u#!s Su'!" S)o' Na !s 3uali #y Ago"a M!!na 6aza" Nan$an P3S 122'1 125'1 11, 11, P"ic! 10,'2 5 &5 105 &&'25 0a"i! #y @='? =5', =0 =2'? A-aila8ili #y ?,'05 ?1'05 ?0 ?(',5 Loca#i on ,0'@ (&'@ (&'@ (= R!sul# To#al Poin# s ,0&'@ ,0?'2 5 (&='@ (&@'( Posi#io ns 1st 2nd (rd ,th

+ere suppose for A#oraN pre3ious") we #ot the attri.utes 3a"ue 1ei2 ,'0@ for Bua"it)N and we set wei#ht 1.i2 O (0 for Bua"it)N so we mu"tip"ied attri.ute 3a"ue ei and wei#ht 3a"ue 1.i2 and #ot 122'1' $n simi"ar wa)s we ca"cu"ated the 3a"ue for each Super ShopDs different attri.ute' After that .ased upon the tota" point we ha3e #ot the positions of each Super Shop amon# them' !rom the a.o3e ana")sis we found that Ago"a posses the top position in consumers mind whi"e the) consider different Super Shop to purchase whi"e as Meena Ba-ar Aandan and PBS posses 2nd (rd and ,th position respecti3e")'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

Chapter $ 9indings: %ecommendations and Conclusion


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

$.1 9indings ; %ecommendation 9or Agora0

4hen it comes a.out the price factor A#ora is 3er) competiti3e amon# the super shops' Product a3ai"a.i"it) feature is another 0e) attri.ute for attractin# consumer specia"") the "o)a" users' +ere a#ora is ahead than other super shops which means when a user #o to their shop the) find their desired product a3ai"a."e in desired si-e and mode"s'

Accordin# to the ana")sis A#ora o.tained second hi#hest point a.out maintainin# their /ua"it)' This means the) need to wor0 out more in this sector' $n product 3ariet) A#oraDs situation is rea"") .ad' Accordin# to the ana")sis a#oraDs product 3ariet) is "owest' So the) need to concentrate in this factor more'



Accordin# to the ana")sis we can ta0e A#ora as the Mar0et "eader of the tota" super shop industr)' As it is ahead than other super shops to retain the mar0et share A#ora must wor0 out in some attri.utes which are Bua"it) price factor product 3ariet)'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

E/'an$ing #o#al

a"@!#+ A#ora #enera"") tar#eted 8pper midd"e

c"ass and >ich c"ass peop"e' But there is a hu#e potentia" mar0et which is not focus proper")' Thus the concept of superstore is not a"wa)s con3enient to other income peop"e' So if a#ora can reduce their costin# 0eepin# the price and the /ua"it) same a hu#e potentia" untouched customer ma) start to 3isit them rather than "oca" mar0et'


a"@!# s)a"!+ To retain their e5istin# mar0et the) can

use some in store acti3ities so that customers fee" more con3enient more ease at their shops' Ii3in# the 3a"ued customers a "itt"e more e5tra ser3ice ma) retain their e5istin# customer "o)a" to them' Bonus point is a"read) insta""ed in the stores of A#ora for .u)in# products' A"on# with that informin# consumers o3er phone or emai" a.out their new offers and new arri3a"s of products ma) attract consumers to fee" c"ose to them' Flan@ing D!&!ns! can .e a strate#) for A#ora to ho"d the mar0et share' B) enrichin# the product 3ariet) in reasona."e pricin# 0eepin# the product a3ai"a."e and

maintainin# the /ua"it) of the products ma) he"p A#ora satisf) e5istin# consumers and attractin# new consumer towards them' Protectin# the wea0 point is the ma7or tar#et in this defense s)stem' So stren#thenin# their wea0 points the) ma) ma0e their defense s)stem stron#er'


9indings ; %ecommendation 9or *eena 4azar

Accordin# to the ana")sis Meena Ba-ar ho"ds the hi#hest position in maintainin# the /ua"it) of the commodit) the) se""' $tDs .een o.ser3ed that Meena Ba-ar offers wide 3ariet) of products' Some products are a3ai"a."e on") in Meena Ba-ar which is not a3ai"a."e e"sewhere'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

The a3ai"a.i"it) of products in Meena Ba-ar is a"so #ood' <n") Meena .a-aar has in-house products "i0e cosmetics s0in care products' Customer find it Meena .a-aar at con3enient p"ace which resu"ted in "ar#e of customer 3isit per da) in Meena .a-aar' Their .ranches are situated in the prime "ocation of the cit)'

Price of Meena .a-aar is comparati3e") hi#her than other "eadin# superstores resu"ted from the sur3e) !n$a#ion+ Meena Ba-ar shou"d define strate#ic o.7ecti3es and opponents and shou"d ta0e actions accordin#")' The) ma) choose some attac0in# strate#) "i0e Flan@ a##ac@ for that the) need to find out the wea0ness of their competitor and thus the) can concentrate on the wea0 points of their opponents and de3e"op their strate#) accordin#")' The) e3en ma) choose Enci"cl! !n# A##ac@ so that the) can offer e3er)thin# their opponent offers and in some cases if the) can offer more than their opponents their strate#) ma) face of success' $f the) choose 8y'ass a##ac@ the) ma) chan#e the ran#e of their product cate#or) and product .rands with e5c"usi3e price offers' !or this the) ma) open their .ranch in different "ocation where consumers are sti"" untouched .ut potentia" in terms of .usiness' Some other strate#ies ma) .e chosen "i0e E o P"ic! $iscoun#s+ B) promotin# specia" price offer .a-aar ma) attract and attain their e5istin# consumers' Meena


o P"!s#ig! goo$s s#"a#!gy+ As Meena .a-ar has set up their .ranch in the posh "oca"it) of the cit) the) can ta0e presti#e #oods strate#) 3er) easi")' B) pro3idin# presti#e #oods the) ma) set up a new consumer se#ment that is e5c"usi3e") "o)a" to them'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

o P"o$uc# '"oli&!"a#ion+ products in 3arious si-e co"ors and from different .rands ma) he"p them to #row their .usiness' The) ma) enrich the ran#e of their products .) a"" a3ai"a."e .rands and products' o I '"o-!$ s!"-ic!s s#"a#!gy+ The) can offer specia" ser3ice to their customers such as home de"i3er) unit or e3en in store testin# ser3ice ma) attract their consumers' o In#!nsi-! a$-!"#ising s#"a#!gy+ the) ma) ta0e intensi3e ad3ertisin# strate#) to #row new consumers' Both ATF ; BTF promotion ma) he"p them to #row their .usiness'

$.! 9indings ; %ecommendation for 1andan

!rom the sur3e) we find that Aandan offers a competiti3e price' !or which a of customers #o to Aandan rather than other super shops'

Aandan is "ac0 .ehind offerin# /ua"it) products in wide ran#e of 3ariet)' *3en the a3ai"a.i"it) of products is Aandan is not competiti3e than other "eadin# supershop' Aandan on") ha3e two .ranches in Iu"shan and Dhanmondi' That is another pro."em for them to catch up potentia" ; new consumers' R!co !n$a#ions+ Aandan shou"d stron#") concentrate to o3ercome their wea0 points so that the) can start compete e/ua"") with their opponents first' B) o3ercomin# those draw.ac0s the) wi"" .e a."e to set a stron# ima#e in their consumerDs mind'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

!or settin# their strate#) the) can choose an) of the fo""owin# strate#)E
o Coun#!"&!i#!"+ As .ein# a mar0et fo""ower2 Aandan can easi") ta0e the strate#) of counterfeiter' The) can fo""ow the product "ine of the mar0et "eaders "i0e A#ora or cha""en#er "i0e Meena Ba-ar'

o In#!nsi-! a$-!"#ising s#"a#!gy+ the) ma) ta0e intensi3e ad3ertisin# strate#) to #row new consumers' Both ATF ; BTF promotion ma) he"p them to #row their .usiness'

$.$ 9indings ; %ecommendation for .5S

Fin$ings+ As our ana")sis depends on our findin#s from the conducted sur3e) we disco3er that thou#h in some attri.utes PBS is "ac0in# .ehind compare to other superstores the) a"so offer some competence in some attri.utes too comparin# with other superstore' S#"!ng#)+ $n price product 3ariet) and product a3ai"a.i"it) attri.utes the) rea"") shows a competent attitude towards their competitors' Bein# the first super shop of Ban#"adesh PBS tr) to satisf) their "imited consumers .) ser3in# them with the products within the reach of the consumers' W!a@n!ss+ Thou#h PBS is competetin# in the mar0et for a "on# time the) cou"d not create stron# situation a#ainst their competitors'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop


The) cou"d not e3en .e a."e to ma0e a stron# position in their consumerDs mind'

!n$a#ions+ As their consumer "ine is sma"" in comparison to other super shops PBS can tr) to retain this consumer "o)a" to them first' !or that the) can impro3e their customer ser3ice in their store' The) can ta0e the strate#) to ma0e their customer .e"ie3e that in their sma"" acti3ities the) are ser3in# the .est'

The) can offer customi-ed products to their consumers' Price ran#e is suita."e for midd"e income customers' But the) can concentrate to tar#et the "ow income peop"e #roup so that the) ma) attract an untouched communit)'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

$.& Conclusion0

Thou#h supermar0et cu"ture is an emer#in# phenomenon in Ban#"adesh perspecti3e .ut it has #ained su.stantia" profit in few )ears' The peop"e of Ban#"adesh a"so we"come the superstore concept .ecause of the con3enient") aspects of shoppin#' The industr) is #ettin# .i##er and competition is .ein# tou#her' Aow a da)s Superstores are tr)in# to .e accessi."e for a"" 0ind of peop"e which wou"d .e ama-in# for us' Superstore is a .usiness as we"" as a uni/ue ser3ice to connect consumers with .etter products and prices and create a mar0et for "oca" manufacturers' A rise in supermar0ets wou"d #i3e consumers more choices and a""ow them to choose independent")' <r#ani-ed retai" shops mi#ht "ead to an impro3ement in /ua"it) and ser3ices in the wet mar0ets' $t wi"" increase consumption and he"p .oost econom)' Supermar0et a"so wor0s as an a##re#ator of "oca" and imported products which seems to ha3e si#nificant impact on .u)ers' Peop"e can e5perience man) products compare the /ua"ities of products and a"so can #ain 0now"ed#e on #"o.a" products' $t can .e undou.ted") conc"uded that supermar0et concept is pro3en 3er) usefu" and effecti3e for us' $n this who"e assi#nment we tr) our .est to un3ei" the insi#hts of different superstores' 4e tr) to en"i#hten a comparison amon# them within our "imited scope' 4e are #ratefu" to our respected instructor to #i3e us the opportunit) to e5p"ore the ideas and dimensions of Superstores'


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop


1. Mar#eting Management $$th %dition& Phili' (ottler & (a)in Lane (eller /ewspaper !rtic0es Internet


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop


4e are the students of MBA department in *ast 4est 8ni3ersit) de3e"op a /uestionnaire on consumer .eha3ior towards different Su'!" S)o' for the purpose of Mar0etin# Mana#ement 1MKT-5012 course' !or this reason we need )our e3a"uation' 4e are re/uestin# to fi"" this /uestionnaire' 4e are ensurin# )ou that it wi"" .e remain confidentia" and it wi"" not .e disc"osed to an)one'


!n# Scal!+
, Iood ( Aeutra" 2 Bad 1 Cer) Bad

Cer) Iood

Pl!as! <A= you" -alu!$ o'#ion un$!" #)! &ollo%ing s#a#!


12 Does A#ora maintain the standard procedure to contro" the /ua"it) of the productQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

22 Do )ou thin0 the price of the products in A#ora is reasona."e and competiti3eQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

(2 4hatDs )our opinion a.out the product 3ariet) in A#oraQ


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

A2 Cer) Iood Bad

B2 Iood

C2 Aeutra"

D2 Bad

*2 Cer)

,2 +ow wou"d )ou e3a"uate the a3ai"a.i"it) of products in A#oraQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

52 +ow con3enient is A#oraDs "ocation to )ouQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

?2 Does Meena Ba-ar maintain the standard procedure to contro" the /ua"it) of the productQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

@2 Do )ou thin0 the price of the products in Meena Ba-ar is reasona."e and competiti3eQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

=2 4hatDs )our opinion a.out the product 3ariet) in Meena Ba-arQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

&2 +ow wou"d )ou e3a"uate the a3ai"a.i"it) of products in Meena Ba-arQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

102 +ow con3enient is Meena Ba-arDs "ocation to )ouQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

112 Does Aandan maintain the standard procedure to contro" the /ua"it) of the productQ


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

A2 Cer) Iood Bad

B2 Iood

C2 Aeutra"

D2 Bad

*2 Cer)

122 Do )ou thin0 the price of the products in Aandan is reasona."e and competiti3eQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

1(2 4hatDs )our opinion a.out the product 3ariet) in AandanQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

1,2 +ow wou"d )ou e3a"uate the a3ai"a.i"it) of products in AandanQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

152 +ow con3enient is AandanDs "ocation to )ouQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

1?2 Does PBS maintain the standard procedure to contro" the /ua"it) of the productQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

1@2 Do )ou thin0 the price of the products in PBS is reasona."e and competiti3eQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

1=2 4hatDs )our opinion a.out the product 3ariet) in PBSQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

1&2 +ow wou"d )ou e3a"uate the a3ai"a.i"it) of products in PBSQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)


Consumers Attitude towards the Superstore Shop

202 +ow con3enient is PBSDs "ocation to )ouQ A2 Cer) Iood Bad B2 Iood C2 Aeutra" D2 Bad *2 Cer)

T)an@ you &o" you" @in$ coo'!"a#ion'


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