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Sermon Notes Preacher: ___________________________ Text: _______________________________ INSIGHTS: A. __________________________________ 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3.


The 8oun'ation o& !n a;erin6 8aith B( Charles Stanle( Read | He9re s 13:1)>

B. __________________________________ 1. ______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ C. __________________________________ 1. ______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ Conclusion: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________

When lifes storms arise, what is your typical response? Some people find themselves easily blown off course. Others become fragmented in their thinking, as doubt and fear plague their minds. They begin to wonder whether the ord actually cares for them. !ut Scripture tells us une"uivocally that #e does. Todays passage provides the foundation for security during difficult times. $n verse %, we are assured that &esus never changes. #is being, works, and words remain the same forever. To understand the importance of this constancy, imagine a friend who has seemed loyal but without warning gossips or betrays you in some other way. Such unreliable devotion and violation of trust cause painful wounds. 'll people will at some time, in some way disappoint us. The ord is the only one who loves us perfectly and consistently. So take heart( )od never changes. *egardless of what were facing today, our heavenly +ather is still the One whose hand poured blessings upon us in happy times. 'nd #e is the One who strengthens, guides, and upholds us during difficult days. ,ach passage in the !ible reveals another facet of #is flawless character, and we can know that were loved with the same devotion that -hrist displayed by dying for us at -alvary. Think about lifes peaks and valleys. When situations bring happiness, how do you picture )od? 's difficulties arise, does your view change? Thankfully, in the ebb and flow of circumstances, we can hold fast to &esus as our anchor. -ling to our unchanging, eternal, loving ord at all times.

elcome A!G!ST "#$ 2"11

FEBRUARY 9, 2014

The %&&icial Sun'a( Bulletin o& Christ)Centere' Ba*tist Church$ Inc. 2"12 ,'ition "3 -ol.

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Tithes 5 %&&erin6 7777 P 2$12"."" T%TA4 GI-ING P 2$12"."" :0o(&ul 6i;in6 is the <e( to a9un'ant recei;in6.=

+,-. +%C. /%NT,0A+ CAN1I1% Pul*it Pastor PAST%+ +%1,+IC. N%4 +esi'ent Pastor

The ?is'om o& +i6ht +elationshi*s B( Charles Stanle( Read | He9re s 1":23)22

The subject of positive relationships is near to my heart because God has provided me with such good friends. These are the people who challenge me to do more for the Lord. My friends love me, but they certainly arent content to let me stay as I am If they spot a sin in my life or see something I could do better, they say so. !aul gave relationships a high priority too. The apostle surrounded himself with people who could help him achieve two things" fulfillment of his God#given mission and conformity to $hristli%eness. &hile !aul was pouring himself into the lives of others, he was being built up and strengthened by his fellow believers. That, in brief, is the Lords plan for every one of 'is children. &hat about you( )o you have certain relationships that motivate you to pursue God more fervently( It does matter whom we allow to influence our lives. The *ather e+uips your brothers and sisters to invest in you,to encourage you, to pray for you, and to prod you toward a more complete 1,4,T, faith,so B%B %+ that you are prepared to devote yourself to serving others. TAG4IN, CAN Good relationships with people who build each G% H,+, other up can help believers fulfill Gods plan for their lives. The finest relationships are between people who want to see each other succeed in faith and therefore -spur one another on toward love and good deeds. /He9. 1":22, 0I12. In other words, our best friends are those who love us as we are but never cease to challenge us to be better for the Lord.

P!+P%S, STAT,/,NT To glorify God . . . B( ma6ni&(in6 Him throu6h ?%+SHIPC B( 9rin6in6 *eo*le to 0esus Christ throu6h our % ?ITN,SSC B( incor*oratin6 them to the local church throu6h /,/B,+SHIPC B( maturin6 them throu6h 'isci*leshi* to 'o /INIST+D 5 /ISSI%NS.

S!N1AD ?%+SHIP C,4,B+ATI%N ?orshi* 4ea'er: Luisito Vallespin Bac<)u* Sin6ers: Ptr. Rock Candido; Jubert Bayato; Neil Baya a ! Leoncia "l#are$ %r6anist: %r. C&an Geconcillo Guitarist: Carl Patrick "l'uisalas Basist: "G Gargar 1rummers: Renard Reic( )edillo ! Pearl *ayrenn Bayato Soun' Technician: "sis "bdul %agallano C%/, B,8%+, HIS P+,S,NC, Prelu'e Ba(ato Call To ?orshi* ?orshi* Team %*enin6 Pra(er /A., HIS P+AIS, G4%+I%!S Son6s o& Cele9ration P+AD,+ %8 THAN.SGI-INGHC%N8,SSI%N Son6s o& A'oration H,A+ HIS ?%+1 Scri*ture +ea'in6 /rs. Araceli ,. Can'i'o S*ecial Son6 +T(e %issionPtr. +oc< /. Can'i'o Intro to the S*ea<er /rs. 4(n S. Ato( /,SSAG, Banico Ptr. Hermie ?orshi* Team +GR"C,,n6r. Pearl

-ISI%N /ISSI%N To /a<e 1isci*les Chan6e')*eo*le Buil'in6 Go'Es .in6'om F,;er( Belie;er A 1isci*leG

?e are 6rate&ul to

YP DEPT. & Mr. Alan Jakosalem

&or the 9eauti&ul &lo ers e ha;e on our 2>th Church Anni;ersar(. /a( (ou ill not tire in 'oin6 6oo' &or the 4or'I

?orshi* the 4or' an' ser;e Him onl(. :Go an' ma<e 'isci*les . . .= @ /att. 2>: 1A)2"


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