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STORY: AMISOM Police Food Donation TRT: 02:08 SOURCE: AU/UN IST RESTRICTIONS: This media asset is free

for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use. It is not to be sold on and is restricted for other purposes. All enquiries to CREDIT REQUIRED: AU/UNIST AN!UA!E: En"li#$/ So%ali DATE INE: 2&T' FE(UARY 20)&/MO!ADIS'U/ SOMA IA S'OT IST: 1. Med shot, AMISOM Police officer off loading the food 2. Wide shot, AMISOM Police officer off loading the food 3. Wide shot, Siliga Amerikanka camp, Mogadishu . Wide shot, AMISOM police officers preparing the food for distri!ution ". Med shot, AMISOM police officers preparing the food for distri!ution 6. SOUNDBITE (English), Stella Sedame Public Inf !mati n Office!, "#ISO#. $%e hea!d that the!e blind &e &le he!e 'ith the!e families, and 'e (n ' the c nditi ns in S malia, that e)en able &e &le a!e n t able t find * bs easil+. S 'e 'e!e m )ed t c me t them s that 'e c uld assist them., #. Wide shot, $ood items to !e distri!uted %. Med shot, $ood items to !e distri!uted &. 'lose(up shot, $ood items to !e distri!uted 1). 'lose(up, $ood items to !e distri!uted --. %ide sh t, "#ISO# & lice ffice!s hand )e! the f c mmunit+ -.. #ed sh t, "#ISO# & lice ffice!s hand )e! the f c mmunit+ -/. 0l se1u&, "#ISO# & lice ffice!s hand )e! the f c mmunit+ d t the S mali d t the S mali d t the S mali

-2. #ed sh t, SOUNDBITE (S mali), Bashi! # hamed 3imale.

$This is a cam& f ! blind &e &le. E)e!+ famil+ he!e has a membe! 'h is blind. " fathe!, m the! ! child. One has t be blind t * in this cam&., 1". Wide shot, AMISOM police officers hand o*er the food to the Somali communit+ 1,. Med shot, AMISOM police officers hand o*er the food to the Somali communit+ 1#. Med shot, AMISOM police officers hand o*er the food to the Somali communit+ 1%. Med shot, AMISOM police officers hand o*er the food to the Somali communit+ 1&. Clo#e*+,- AMISOM police officers hand o*er the food to the Somali communit+ 2). Wide shot, Siliga Amerikanka camp, Mogadishu 21. Med shot, Siliga Amerikanka camp, Mogadishu STORY: #embe!s f the "#ISO# P lice c ntingent ' !(ing in S malia ha)e d nated f d items t membe!s f the blind c mmunit+ li)ing in Siliga "me!i(an(a, # gadishu, as &a!t f a gestu!e t su&& !t th se 'ith disabilit+. The "#ISO# & lice f !ce is mandated t ' !( 'ith the S mali P lice 4 !ce (SP4) t ment !, t!ain and ad)ice 'ith the aim f !ef !ming the S mali P lice that is n ' tas(ed 'ith &! )iding secu!it+ f ! a!eas a! und # gadishu and the! &a!ts f the c unt!+ that ha)e been libe!ated f! m the al Shabaab militant g! u&. The decisi n t lend a hel&ing hand t the blind f # gadishu came ab ut th! ugh thei! inte!acti n 'ith c mmunit+ as the+ &at! l the cit+ im&! )ing secu!it+. Indi)idual membe!s f the "#ISO# & lice unit &ut m ne+ t gethe! t bu+ )a!i us items including !ice, mai5e, c ' &eas, suga!, salt and c (ing il.

SOUNDBITE (English), Stella Sedame Public Inf !mati n Office!, "#ISO#. $%e hea!d that the!e blind &e &le he!e 'ith the!e families, and 'e (n ' the c nditi ns in S malia, that e)en able &e &le a!e n t able t find * bs easil+. S 'e 'e!e m )ed t c me t them s that 'e c uld assist them., 6ecei)ing the items n behalf f the )isuall+ im&ai!ed 'as the head f the Blind c mmunit+, Bashi! # hamed 3imale 'h than(ed the & licemen and ' men f ! thei! gifts.

SOUNDBITE (S mali), Bashi! # hamed 3imale. $This is a cam& f ! blind &e &le. E)e!+ famil+ he!e has a membe! 'h is blind. " fathe!, m the! ! child. One has t be blind t * in this cam&.,

The f cus f the "#ISO# & lice unit is t build the ca&acit+ f the S mali P lice 4 !ce and &! )ide secu!it+ f ! the &e &le f S malia. The unit has indi)idual & lice ffice!s (IPO7s) f! m 8hana, 9en+a, Nige!ia, Sie!!a :e ne and Uganda. The+ als ha)e t' s&eciali5ed units (n 'n as 4 !med P lice Units. The units a!e &la+ing a c!ucial ! le in b!idging this ga& t im&! )e secu!it+ th! ugh Public O!de! #anagement, ;IP esc !ts and &! )iding &! tecti n t the! "U Indi)idual P lice Office!s (IPO7s) 'h a!e t!aining and ment !ing thei! S mali P lice c unte!&a!ts in m de!n da+ & licing. END.

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