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Negotiation Lab

International Training Course: Yerevan | Armenia | March 13-20, 2014 |

Application Form

Please submit this form to: Before February 7, 2014

[Applications will be evaluated as they come. Applying early will increase your chances!] Contacts
Countr &ull 'ame +ate o$ (irth Citi,enshi" -en%er &ull a%%ress *-mail 0hone num#er &ace#oo6 "ro$ile lin6 7i$ a""lica#le8 !e"u#lic o$ Mol%ova (uc)taru *lena 12th o$ the March Mol%ovan &emale (oris -lavan, 11 ellen.#ucataru/ 132334523103 htt"s:99:::.$ace#oo6.com9elena. #ucataru.44

2013 ; <chool o$ 0hotogra"h =&otoma>?@ 2010-2013 ; *nglish <chool ; 325 hours o$ learning an% training *nglish language@ 2004-2012 ; Aigh <chool = Ale>an%ru Ioan Cu,a?@

In the "resent I?m :or6ing as a a%ministrator in a #eaut salon. <o, m e>"erience is #ase% on costumer service, communication s6ills 7ver#al8, "ro#lem solving s6ills, lea%ershi". 'ot so much time ago, it :as a#out 3 months ago I :or6e% as a sales re"resentative in a com"an :hich :here #ase% on cosmetics. There I also gaine% a lot o$ s6ills li6e: a#ilit to :or6 in a team, inter"ersonal s6ills, "ositive attitu%e.

Cther activities an% interests 7inclu%ing other trainings ou have ta6en in the "ast8
I "artici"ate% recentl also in a training organi,e% # AI*<*C. It :as a "leasure $or me to #e a "art o$ eDui". I receive% a lot o$ ne: an% e$$ective in$ormation in a several areas li6e: 0u#lic <"ea6ing, Time Management, Carrer Management, etc.

Bhat are our e>"ectations $rom this trainingE +o ou nee% negotiation s6ills in our %ail li$eE Bhat %o ou :ant to get an% learnE
Through m li$e e>"erience I un%erstoo% that the "eo"le allo: the in$ormation much #etter in a "ractical :a . Cnce to %o than t:ice to rea%. I ho"e that this training :ill give me the chance to "ractice the in$ormation that I :ill nee% to receive. +e$initel , I have to %eal a lot o$ situations that nee% negotiation s6ills %a -to-%a : in a mar6et, a "u#lic #us, outsi%e, in the $amil an% o$ course at :or6. I :oul% li6e to learn more a#out negotiation strategies, "ositive an% negative a$$ect in negotiation.

*nglish Fanguage reDuirement: This training :ill #e #ase% on materials an% cases %evelo"e% # Aarvar% Gniversit 0rogram on 'egotiation. You :oul% nee% to rea% case stu%ies an% role simulation instructions an% negotiate :ith each other in *nglish. Thus, goo% language s6ills are necessar $or e$$ective "artici"ation. +o ou thin6 ou have the necessar level o$ *nglish to com$orta#l "artici"ate in the training. Yes, m o"inion is that m level o$ *nglish :ill allo: me to un%erstan%, to "artici"ate e$$ective an% com$orta#l at this training. 'o HH..

Comments: Bhich travel arrangement o"tion %o ou "re$erE Ichec6 in$o "ac6 $or in$o an% terms o$ reim#ursementJ
C"tion 1 :We !rivatissima "ducational Fund# will buy your airline tic$et a%ter you have sent us &'( o% the tic$et cost. K C"tion 2: )ou buy your airline tic$ets and get *'( reimbursed a%ter the end o% the training course via ban$ trans%er.

An s"ecial nee%s 7regar%ing $oo%, accommo%ation, trans"ort..etc8E

Yes, one more nee%: a "ositive an% $amiliar atmos"here

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