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Brussels, 19 December 2013

EUROPEA COU CIL 19/20 December 2013

Part I paragraphs 1-22 of the European Council conclusions (already adopted).

I. 1.

COMMO SECURI ! A D DE"E CE POLIC! Defence matters. An effecti e Common !ecurity and Defence Policy helps to enhance the security of European citi"ens and contri#utes to peace and sta#ility in our neigh#ourhood and in the #roader $orld. %ut Europe&s strategic and geopolitical en ironment is e ol ing rapidly. Defence #udgets in Europe are constrained' limiting the a#ility to de elop' deploy and sustain military capa#ilities. (ragmented European defence mar)ets *eopardise the sustaina#ility and competiti eness of Europe&s defence and security industry.


+he E, and its -em#er !tates must e.ercise greater responsi#ilities in response to those challenges if they $ant to contri#ute to maintaining peace and security through C!DP together $ith )ey partners such as the ,nited /ations and /A+0. +he Common !ecurity and Defence Policy (C!DP) $ill continue to de elop in full complementarity $ith /A+0 in the agreed frame$or) of the strategic partnership #et$een the E, and /A+0 and in compliance $ith the decision-ma)ing autonomy and procedures of each. +his re1uires ha ing the necessary means and maintaining a sufficient le el of in estment. +oday' the European Council is ma)ing a strong commitment to the further de elopment of a credi#le and effecti e C!DP' in accordance $ith the 2is#on +reaty and the opportunities it offers. +he European Council calls on the -em#er !tates to deepen defence cooperation #y impro ing the capacity to conduct missions and operations and #y ma)ing full use of synergies in order to impro e the de elopment and a aila#ility of the re1uired ci ilian and military capa#ilities' supported #y a more integrated' sustaina#le' inno ati e and competiti e European Defence +echnological and Industrial %ase (ED+I%). +his $ill also #ring #enefits in terms of gro$th' *o#s and inno ation to the #roader European industrial sector.


In response to the European Council conclusions of Decem#er 2412' important $or) has #een underta)en #y the Commission' the 5igh 6epresentati e' the European Defence Agency and the -em#er !tates. +he Council adopted su#stantial conclusions on 27 /o em#er 2413' $hich the European Council endorses.


0n that #asis the European Council has identified a num#er of priority actions #uilt around three a.es9 increasing the effecti eness' isi#ility and impact of C!DP: enhancing the de elopment of capa#ilities and strengthening Europe&s defence industry.


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In recent years progress has #een made in a num#er of areas relating to C!DP. +he numerous ci ilian and military crisis management missions and operations throughout the $orld are a tangi#le e.pression of the ,nion&s commitment to international peace and security. +hrough C!DP' the ,nion today deploys more than ;444 staff in 12 ci ilian missions and four military operations. +he European ,nion and its -em#er !tates can #ring to the international stage the uni1ue a#ility to com#ine' in a consistent manner' policies and tools ranging from diplomacy' security and defence to finance' trade' de elopment and *ustice. (urther impro ing the efficiency and effecti eness of this E, Comprehensi e Approach' including as it applies to E, crisis management' is a priority. In this conte.t' the European Council $elcomes the presentation of the *oint communication from the Commission and the 5igh 6epresentati e.


+he ,nion remains fully committed to $or)ing in close colla#oration $ith its glo#al' transatlantic and regional partners. !uch colla#oration should #e further de eloped in a spirit of mutual reinforcement and complementarity.


+he European Council emphasises the importance of supporting partner countries and regional organisations' through pro iding training' ad ice' e1uipment and resources $here appropriate' so that they can increasingly pre ent or manage crises #y themsel es. +he European Council in ites the -em#er !tates' the 5igh 6epresentati e and the Commission to ensure the greatest possi#le coherence #et$een the ,nion&s and -em#er !tates& actions to this effect.


+he E, and its -em#er !tates need to #e a#le to plan and deploy the right ci ilian and military assets rapidly and effecti ely. +he European Council emphasises the need to impro e the E, rapid response capa#ilities' including through more fle.i#le and deploya#le E, %attle groups as -em#er !tates so decide. +he financial aspects of E, missions and operations should #e rapidly e.amined' including in the conte.t of the Athena mechanism re ie$' $ith a ie$ to impro ing the system of their financing' #ased on a report from the 5igh 6epresentati e. +he European Council in ites the Commission' the 5igh 6epresentati e and the -em#er !tates to ensure that the procedures and rules for ci ilian missions ena#le the ,nion to #e more fle.i#le and speed up the deployment of E, ci ilian missions.


/e$ security challenges continue to emerge. Europe&s internal and e.ternal security dimensions are increasingly interlin)ed. +o ena#le the E, and its -em#er !tates to respond' in coherence $ith /A+0 efforts' the European Council calls for9

an E, Cy#er Defence Policy (rame$or) in 2418' on the #asis of a proposal #y the 5igh 6epresentati e' in cooperation $ith the Commission and the European Defence Agency:

an E, -aritime !ecurity !trategy #y ?une 2418' on the #asis of a *oint Communication from the Commission and the 5igh 6epresentati e' ta)ing into account the opinions of the -em#er !tates' and the su#se1uent ela#oration of action plans to respond to maritime challenges:

increased synergies #et$een C!DP and (reedom@!ecurity@?ustice actors to tac)le hori"ontal issues such as illegal migration' organised crime and terrorism:

progress in de eloping C!DP support for third states and regions' in order to help them to impro e #order management:

further strengthening cooperation to tac)le energy security challenges.

+he European Council in ites the 5igh 6epresentati e' in close cooperation $ith the Commission' to assess the impact of changes in the glo#al en ironment' and to report to the Council in the course of 2417 on the challenges and opportunities arising for the ,nion' follo$ing consultations $ith the -em#er !tates.


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Cooperation in the area of military capa#ility de elopment is crucial to maintaining )ey capa#ilities' remedying shortfalls and a oiding redundancies. Pooling demand' consolidating re1uirements and realising economies of scale $ill allo$ -em#er !tates to enhance the efficient use of resources and ensure interopera#ility' including $ith )ey partner organisations such as /A+0. Cooperati e approaches $here#y $illing -em#er !tates or groups of -em#er !tates de elop capa#ilities #ased on common standards or decide on common usage' maintenance or training arrangements' $hile en*oying access to such capa#ilities' $ill allo$ participants to #enefit from economies of scale and enhanced military effecti eness.


+he European Council remains committed to deli ering )ey capa#ilities and addressing critical shortfalls through concrete pro*ects #y -em#er !tates' supported #y the European Defence Agency. %earing in mind that the capacities are o$ned and operated #y the -em#er !tates' it $elcomes 9

the de elopment of 6emotely Piloted Aircraft !ystems (6PA!) in the 2424-2427 timeframe9 preparations for a programme of a ne.t-generation European -edium Altitude 2ong Endurance 6PA!: the esta#lishment of an 6PA! user community among the participating -em#er !tates o$ning and operating these 6PA!: close synergies $ith the European Commission on regulation (for an initial 6PA! integration into the European A iation !ystem #y 241<): appropriate funding from 2418 for 6AD acti ities:

the de elopment of Air-to-Air refuelling capacity9 progress to$ards increasing o erall capacity and reducing fragmentation' especially as regards the esta#lishment of a -ulti6ole +an)er +ransport capacity' $ith synergies in the field of certification' 1ualification' in-ser ice support and training:

!atellite Communication9 preparations for the ne.t generation of Bo ernmental !atellite Communication through close cooperation #et$een the -em#er !tates' the Commission and the European !pace Agency: a users& group should #e set up in 2418:

Cy#er9 de eloping a roadmap and concrete pro*ects focused on training and e.ercises' impro ing ci il@military cooperation on the #asis of the E, Cy#ersecurity !trategy as $ell as the protection of assets in E, missions and operations.



Cooperation should #e facilitated #y increased transparency and information sharing in defence planning' allo$ing national planners and decision-ma)ers to consider greater con ergence of capa#ility needs and timelines. +o foster more systematic and long-term cooperation the European Council in ites the 5igh 6epresentati e and the European Defence Agency to put for$ard an appropriate policy frame$or) #y the end of 2418' in full coherence $ith e.isting /A+0 planning processes.


+he European Council $elcomes the e.isting cooperati e models' such as the European Air +ransport Command (EA+C)' and encourages -em#er !tates to e.plore $ays to replicate the EA+C model in other areas.


+he European Council $elcomes the progress achie ed in cooperation through the European Defence Agency Code of Conduct on Pooling and !haring. It encourages the further de elopment of incenti es for and inno ati e approaches to such cooperation' including #y in estigating non mar)et-distorting fiscal measures in accordance $ith e.isting European la$. It in ites the European Defence Agency to e.amine $ays in $hich -em#er !tates can cooperate more effecti ely and efficiently in pooled procurement pro*ects' $ith a ie$ to reporting #ac) to the Council #y the end of 2418.


+a)ing into account the fre1uent recourse to missions $hich are ci ilian in nature' the European Council calls for the enhanced de elopment of ci ilian capa#ilities and stresses the importance of fully implementing the Ci ilian Capa#ility De elopment Plan.


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Europe needs a more integrated' sustaina#le' inno ati e and competiti e defence technological and industrial #ase (ED+I%) to de elop and sustain defence capa#ilities. +his can also enhance its strategic autonomy and its a#ility to act $ith partners. +he ED+I% should #e strengthened to ensure operational effecti eness and security of supply' $hile remaining glo#ally competiti e and stimulating *o#s' inno ation and gro$th across the E,. +hese efforts should #e inclusi e $ith opportunities for defence industry in the E,' #alanced and in full compliance $ith E, la$. +he European Council stresses the need to further de elop the necessary s)ills identified as essential to the future of the European defence industry.


A $ell-functioning defence mar)et #ased on openness' e1ual treatment and opportunities' and transparency for all European suppliers is crucial. +he European Council $elcomes the Commission communication C+o$ards a more competiti e and efficient defence and security sectorC. It notes the intention of the Commission to de elop' in close cooperation $ith the 5igh 6epresentati e and the European Defence Agency' a roadmap for implementation. It stresses the importance of ensuring the full and correct implementation and application of the t$o defence Directi es of 244>' inter alia $ith a ie$ to opening up the mar)et for su#contractors from all o er Europe' ensuring economies of scale and allo$ing a #etter circulation of defence products.

Research dual-use


+o ensure the long-term competiti eness of the European defence industry and secure the modern capa#ilities needed' it is essential to retain defence 6esearch A +echnology (6A+) e.pertise' especially in critical defence technologies. +he European Council in ites the -em#er !tates to increase in estment in cooperati e research programmes' in particular colla#orati e in estments' and to ma.imise synergies #et$een national and E, research. Ci ilian and defence research reinforce each other' including in )ey ena#ling technologies and on energy efficiency technology. +he European Council therefore $elcomes the Commission&s intention to e aluate ho$ the results under 5ori"on 2424 could also #enefit defence and security industrial capa#ilities. It in ites the Commission and the European Defence Agency to $or) closely $ith -em#er !tates to de elop proposals to stimulate further dual use research. A Preparatory Action on C!DP-related research $ill #e set up' $hile see)ing synergies $ith national research programmes $hene er possi#le.

Certification and standardisation


De eloping standards and certification procedures for defence e1uipment reduces costs' harmonises demand and enhances interopera#ility. +he European Defence Agency and the Commission $ill prepare a roadmap for the de elopment of defence industrial standards #y mid-2418' $ithout duplicating e.isting standards' in particular /A+0 standards. +ogether $ith the Commission and -em#er !tates' the European Defence Agency $ill also de elop options for lo$ering the costs of military certification' including #y increasing mutual recognition #et$een E, -em#er !tates. It should report to the Council on #oth issues #y mid 2418.




!-Es are an important element in the defence supply chain' a source of inno ation and )ey ena#lers for competiti eness. +he European Council underlines the importance of cross#order mar)et access for !-Es and stresses that full use should #e made of the possi#ilities that E, la$ offers on su#contracting and general licensing of transfers and in ites the Commission to in estigate the possi#ilities for additional measures to open up supply chains to !-E&s from all -em#er !tates. !upporting regional net$or)s of !-Es and strategic clusters is also critically important. +he European Council $elcomes the Commission proposals to promote greater access of !-Es to defence and security mar)ets and to encourage strong in ol ement of !-Es in future E, funding programmes.

Security of Supply


+he European Council emphasises the importance of !ecurity of !upply arrangements for the de elopment of long-term planning and cooperation' and for the functioning of the internal mar)et for defence. It $elcomes the recent adoption $ithin the European Defence Agency of an enhanced (rame$or) Arrangement on !ecurity of !upply and calls on the Commission to de elop $ith -em#er !tates and in cooperation $ith the 5igh 6epresentati e and the European Defence Agency a roadmap for a comprehensi e E,-$ide !ecurity of !upply regime' $hich ta)es account of the glo#alised nature of critical supply chains.


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+he European Council in ites the Council' the Commission' the 5igh 6epresentati e' the European Defence Agency and the -em#er !tates' $ithin their respecti e spheres of competence' to ta)e determined and erifia#le steps to implement the orientations set out a#o e. +he European Council $ill assess concrete progress on all issues in ?une 2417 and pro ide further guidance' on the #asis of a report from the Council dra$ing on inputs from the Commission' the 5igh 6epresentati e and the European Defence Agency.


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