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The most important component in the camera Histor!" 2 t!pes o# sensors a$ai%a&%e in the mar'et CCD sensors ( more e)pensi$e( sensors *se+ in $i+eo camera ),-i$es sharper ima-e p%*s &ri-hter co%o*r CMOS sensors ( %ess e)pensi$e as compare+ to CCD sensors

Meas*re the amo*nt o# %i-ht that %an+ on the sensor

Di##erent Si.e Depen+in- on Camera T!pe

Typical sensor size of a 3,4,5 M pixel digital camera 2/3, 1/1.8

Typical sensor size of a M pixel digital !"# camera 22.5mm x 15mm

Tota% /*m&er o# 0i)e%s in the photo 1*estion" Is a 2M &etter than a 3M4

To %ea$e some space 5hen ta'in- photo Len-th &rea+th ratio

$!"#% 3&2

.ertain .ompact cameras and /lymp)s $!"#. -spect #atio 4&3 '(en )sing s)c( camera, need to inform t(e de*eloping center to de*elop $+,+T-" 4#.

6se+ to correct co%o*r cast +*e to +i##erence in co%o*r temperat*re

Type of Light Candle Flame Incandescent Sunrise, Sunset Midday Sun, Flash Bright Sun, Clear Sky Cloudy Sky, Shade Blue Sky Color Temperature in K 1,500 3,000 3,500 5,500 6,000 7,000 ,000

Retain the 7moo+8 in the pict*re 7A*to8 is -oo+ eno*-h in most cases E-" 0reset settin-s
!aylight Flash Sunny Cloudy ,ungsten Florescent 'se on %right sunny day to add (red) to tone o* the skin+ 'se on cloudy day or in shade to reduce %luish cast+ 'se -ith *ilament %ul%s es$ indoors+ 'se to correct slight green cast+ "ormal use # com$ara%le to the lights in stadium &

-)to 0(ite 1alance 1y camera. #es)lting in artificial colo)r.

-)to 0(ite 1alance 1y camera. 2sing 0(ite clo)ds as 0(ite reference. #es)lting in more nat)ral colo)r.

E90OS6RE CO/TROLS (Lesson 2&)

a shutter is a de*ice t(at allo0s lig(t to pass for a determined period of time, for t(e p)rpose of exposing p(otograp(ic film or a lig(t%sensiti*e electronic sensor to lig(t to capt)re a permanent image of a scene.

The openin- o# a 7c*rtain8 that contro%s the D6RATIO/ o# the %i-ht enterinThe time +i##erence &et5een :st an+ 2n+ c*rtain S%o5 sh*tter spee+" Lon- E)pos*re ;ast sh*tter spee+" Short E)pos*re

Sh*tter spee+s are e)presse+ in #ractions o# secon+s< t!pica%%! as (appro)imate) m*%tip%es o# :=2< " :=2s< :=>s< :=2s< :=:?s< :=@As< :=3As< :=:2?s< :=2?As< :=?AAs< :=:AAAs< :=2AAAs< :=>AAAs< :=2AAAs< etc Lon- e)pos*re sh*tterspee+s are e)presse+ in secon+s< e - 2s< >s< 2s< :s

The s%o5er the sh*tter spee+< the %ess sharp is the ima-e Or 5e can sa! the smoother is the ima-e The #aster the sh*tter spee+< the sharper is the ima-e

3(oto ta4en 0it( a slo0 s()tter speed.

3(oto ta4en 0it( a fast s()tter speed.

T(e opening of a diap(ragm in t(e lens t(at control t(e intensity of t(e lig(t entering.

;: > B Ci--est apert*re Since the %ar-est apert*re is *se+< the sh*tter spee+ can &e #ast ;22 B Sma%%est apert*re Since the sma%%est apert*re is *se+< the sh*tter spee+ can &e s%o5 This is to compensate

7Sensiti$it!8 to5ar+s the amo*nt o# %i-ht ISO :AA is the Dnorma%D settin- #or most cameras< a%tho*-h some -o as %o5 as ISO ?A The sensiti$ities can &e increase+ to 2AA< >AA< 2AA< or e$en @<2AA on hi-hEen+ +i-ita% SLRs /orma%%! #or in+oor< *se ISO 2AAE>AA Ca%%room< *se ISO >AAE2AA

When increasin- the sensiti$it!< the o*tp*t o# the sensor is amp%i#ie+< so %ess %i-ht is nee+e+ 6n#ort*nate%! that a%so amp%i#ies the *n+esire+ noise Inci+enta%%!< this creates more -rain! pict*res

+!/ 155

+!/ 855

The e)pos*re is the amo*nt o# %i-ht recei$e+ &! the #i%m or sensor an+ is +etermine+ &! ho5 5i+e !o* open the %ens (aperture) an+ &! ho5 %on- !o* 'eep the #i%m or sensor e)pose+ (shutter speed ). The e##ect an e)pos*re has +epen+s on the sensitivity o# the #i%m or sensor

Cri-htness ;i%m sensiti$it! (ASA or common%! 'no5n as ISO) Sh*tter spee+ an+ apert*re

0B0ro-ramme SB Sh*tter 0riorit! ABApert*re 0riorit! MBMan*a%







Some o# the 0ict*res o&taine+ #rom http"==555 +pre$ie5 com=%earn Wi'ipe+ia

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