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SIR $. VISV%SVARA&A I'S!I!(!% )* !%CH')+),& BA',A+)R% - #./ 1#0 R677 "6 " Staff Incharge Subject : R.

Halima : Basics of Computer Application

R%C)R1 *)R$A!S

2IS) 3



+%SS)' 7+A' Semester Subject Code : IV : 1 B! "#

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1 2

!opics planned !o
01.02.14 08.02.14 Registration ('I! 1: BASICS )* +I'(: Introduction to Linux, basic commands, working with fi es, fi e attributes, insta ing !rograms using r!m, working with basic editors sed, awk and "i, using the she , !i!es, a iases, wi dcards, checking !rocesses, ki ing !rocesses 4. /.1" $onda; $orning schedule

31.01.14 03.02.14





basic decision making statements$ if...then.... e se...if% test whi % unti % se, basic regu ar ex!ressions, using gre! command, string search a!! ications using regu ar ex!ressions 1#. /./ 1" - $onda; Afternoon Schedule ('I! /: BASICS )* :$+
'tructured and unstructured data, ()L fundamenta s, ()L documents and ()L fi es, e ements and character tags, attributes, ()L names, *+,-, sections, ()L dec arations, +-+, e ement dec arations, attribute dec arations, names!aces, !rogramming a!! ications of ()L. //. /.1" $onda; $orning schedule /enera features of 0*1I2s )o ecu ar bio og3 data mode , 1io()L, 0euro)L, *hemica )arku! Languages 4*)L5, )icroarra3 )L4),)L5, Ribo)L and '1)L. 1. <.1" $onda; Afternoon schedule /0. /.1" $ahashi=aratiri





('I! ":BASICS )* 1A!ABAS%S Introduction to f at fi es, +1)' and R+1)', 7%R re ationshi!. Introduction to '8L, basic commands, using '8L in )' ,ccess. *reating and modif3ing tab es, 9oining tab es
2I internal Assessment 1 . <.1" to1/ . <.1"5 sim! e :ueries using '8L, inner 9oin, outer 9oins, data sorting, and fi ters. ('I! #: BASICS )* )'!)+),I%S ;"er"iew of onto ogies, gene onto ogies, ;!en bio ogica onto ogies 4;1;5, -,)1I' onto og3, ce c3c e onto og3, /ene( onto og3. 1ui ding onto og3, onto og3 de"e o!ment too s 4!rot<g< 2000, /=1 editor, ;i 7d5.

& 8

10.03.14 1&.03.14

1#.03.14 22.03.14

> 10

24.03.14 31.03.14

2>.03.14 0#.04.14

;nto og3 integration, a!! ications of bio%onto ogies. +ifferent kinds of data formats 4*'? and tabbed formats for genera fi e re!resentation, data c eaning, f at fi e5 <1. <./ 1" Chandramana (gadi

('I! .: $A!+AB
Introduction to ),-L,1, features of ),-L,1 too box, @sage of ),-L,1 towards biostatistica and biochemica a!! ications. )ode ing of biochemica and biotechno ogica s3stems using ),-L,1 scientific com!uting en"ironment. 11 0&.04.14 12.04.14

('I! 0: C>> C)'C%7!S ;"er"iew of c !rogramming conce!ts, Introduction to ;;As conce!ts with res!ect to *BB 47nca!su ation, !o 3mor!hism, Inheritance, ,bstraction, +3namic binding5, data t3!es, ,rra3s.
1". ".1" 1r. Ambed9ar ?a;anthi II Internal Assessment 21#. ".1" to 10. ".1"5 14. ".1" ,ood *rida;




('I! 4: A77+ICA!I)'S
13 21.04.14 26.04.14 1asic conce!ts of * !rogramming. Criting a * !rogram using numerica ana 3sis techni:ue towards so "ing the differentia e:uations, a!! ications of differentia e:uations to biotechno og3 4such as finding the therma death kinetics of microorganisms, ho ding time for steri iDation,




-o deri"e the co umn height needed to achie"e the s!ecified degree of con"ersion in a f uidiDed%bed biofi m reactor,-o find the o!tima di ution rate for maximum ce !roducti"it3, etc. @sage of 0*1I2s *BB too kit to demonstrate certain features of se:uence ana 3sis.

Are!ared 13 'ignature +esignation

$ )rs. R. E,LI), $ $ ,''I'-,0- AR;F7'';R

,!!ro"ed 13 'ignature +esignation

$ +r. E./.0,/70+R, $ $ Arof. G E ; +

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