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Napoleon's army was strong enough to overwhelm nearly any potential enemy. John had become infatuated with the French teacher. Mandy e plained that she'd been feeling out of sorts and had overreacted. "n e pert can tell at a glance whether it's a real diamond or a fa#e. No country has really got to grips with the problem of nuclear waste. &he band are setting out on a 'uropean tour in March. )ritain agreed to support *+ in the event of a war. "lthough Miss -arton did not reciprocate John's feelings. she did nothing to discourage them. /. &he benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages. 10."rguments were put forward for changing some of the rules of the game. 11.+i countries voted for the change. five voted against. and two abstained. 12.1is speech had a potent emotional impact. 13.)eing a seasoned traveller. he was fully prepared for the long delay at the airport. 1!.+he too# another helping of pie when she thought no one was loo#ing. 1$.2ollins is on trial for corruption after admitting he accepted bribes. 1%.&hey3ve let us have this word processor on approval so that we can try one out before we decide. 1(.4 was feeling too run5down to go for my morning 6og. 1,.1is musical techni7ue is second to none. 1/.8epairs would entail the closure of the bridge for si months. 20.&he wine retails at 9%./$ a bottle. 21.1e comes across as a very intelligent. sensitive man. 22.8egular e ercise can relieve depression and an iety. 23.2hris has been gu::ling beer all evening. 2!.4n view of all that has happened. 2on#lin is e pected to resign. 2$.;octors are very concerned about an outbrea# of tuberculosis in an 'ast <ondon +chool. 2%.+herry's phone call really made my day. 2(.&he e aminer was arrested only after he made a pass at a military policeman's wife. 2,.&he team slowly made their way bac# to base. 2/.&he thought of ever returning to prison made his blood run cold. 30.4 #new they wanted me to leave even though they wouldn't say it to my face. 31.&he factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the wor#ers. 32.43ve got a bone to pic# with you = what are all these lies you3ve been spreading about me> 33.+he pulled a long face when she heard about his plans to move. 3!.&he new handle will have to be welded on. 3$.+he hopes to resume wor# after the baby is born. 3%.-atch Fran# 5 he'll cheat if he thin#s he can get away with it. 3(.;an tore the page out. crumpled it. and threw it in the wastepaper bas#et. 3,.4t may already be too late to avert another disaster. 3/.4nvestigators are trying the pinpoint the cause of the fire. !0.&he car in front of me s#idded and 4 slammed the bra#es on to avoid it.

!1.&he car swerved sharply to avoid the dog. !2.+he hit the target with deadly accuracy. !3.+toc#bro#ers should prevent their clients from plunging headlong into trouble. !!.<eo's parents soon found that they were completely unable to control their headstrong son. !$.&he ship had trouble ma#ing headway because of the storms. !%.&he company has been forced to close hundreds of its retail outlets. !(.4n his obituary it said he died of a heart attac#. !,.8unning the business on my own can be a burden at times. !/.&he strain of managing such a huge company became too much for "nita. $0.-e ate in a co:y dining room slightly reminiscent of a s#i lodge. $1.1e flatly denied ever having met the woman. $2.+abine was sorely tempted to throw her drin# in his face. $3."t the eleventh hour the government decided that something had to be done. $!.&yping becomes second nature after a while. $$.-e shouldn't have to settle for second best. $%."s he had a car. he was one up on me when it came to inviting girls out. $(.My dad told me off for swearing. $,.Ford plans to increase its car output ne t year. $/.-ithout state subsidies. the railways couldn't survive. %0.?regnant women should reduce their inta#e of caffeine. %1.@ou3re very 7uic# on the upta#eA 1ow did you guess> %2.;on3t delude yourself. &hey have no reason to offer you a 6ob. %3.4 was so weary. 4 fell asleep as soon as 4 lay down. %!.-e must teach children to be wary of strangers. %$.-hen police tried to push bac# the crowd. a few youths retaliated by throwing stones at them. %%.)illy defied his mother. and smo#ed openly in the house. %(.+he could see that all the other girls were green with envy. %,.2ritics say it's encroaching on the green belt and would devastate local villages. %/.4 was tired of the hustle and rustleBbustle of New @or#. (0.' ercise lessens the ris# of heart disease.

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