12.cambridge Proficiency 2-Key

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TEST I. 1. We sold the house for a tidy sum and moved south. 2.

People came from far and wide to see the concert. 3. His stories of forei n adventure captured!cau ht my ima ination. ". Some people let their children run riot. #. I felt positively humiliated $y what the director said a$out me. %. Pensions will $e increased in line with inflation. &. In 'eepin with traditions( he as'ed her father)s permission to marry her. *. There was no way +uy Sterne could $e remotely interested in her( and as for the other way around ... She shivered. ,. -ost sna'es swallow their prey whole. 1.. He will play the lead role in Hamlet. 11. He was named as the prime suspect in the murder investi ation. 12. /nly if he is in top form will +eor e $eat -i'e in the final. 13. The election result was a fore one conclusion. 1". He had surpassed all our e0pectations. 1#. The dominant mem$er of a herd of deer is always the stron est. 1%. 1ll the arran ements should $e completed prior to your departure. 1&. The three still have to sort out the thorny 2uestion of who will run the centre and where it will $e. 1*. The 'ids had to fend for themselves while their parents were away. 1,. We stand to ma'e a healthy profit if the firm can maintain its current rowth rate. 2.. Pollution poses a threat to fish. 21. Hopes of an early end to the stri'e are $e innin to fade. 22. The fear of violent crime has now risen out of all proportion to the actual ris'. 23. +iven the hi h staff3patient ratio at the hospital( your medical costs were 2uite reasona$le. 2". They do random chec's to 'eep wor'ers on their toes. 2#. Her sin in ma'es my s'in crawl. 2%. Harold came within a hair)s $readth of $ein selected for the national team. 2&. They had a smash hit with their first sin le. 2*. -atthew4s life is in rave dan er. 2,. 5ou want to marry him6 Have you ta'en leave of your senses6 3.. 7i8aprio $ecame all the ra e after starrin in the film 4Titanic4. 31. The $ill was sent to me in error. 32. I had no money( my hus$and was sic'( and I couldn4t et a 9o$. I was at the end of my tether.

33. /ur first performance is on Tuesday( so we)re havin the dress rehearsal the day $efore. 3". Investi ators hope to shed li ht on what started the fire. 3#. Inspectors ave the factory a clean $ill of health. 3%. Soarin inflation has dealt a serious $low to the economic sta$ility of several South 1merican countries. 3&. Humans are on the hi hest run of the evolutionary ladder. 3*. The :enyan set a $listerin pace in the #... metres. 3,. ;an 4s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece. ".. It pays to stay on her ood side. "1. The writin is on the wall for old manufacturin industries. "2. 8ritici<in people4s wor' often does more harm than ood. "3. =se a fresh piece of paper for each 2uestion. "". 8onvinced that the eneral pu$lic had an unsatisfied thirst for 'nowled e( he too' an active part in several educational activities. "#. There4s no tellin what she4ll try ne0t. "%. In the process( 8lementsen has $ecome a tal'in point in the de$ate over ender discrimination. "&. When youn people e0periment with dru s( they4re dicin with death. "*. The num$er of people who attended fell short of e0pectations. ",. The film pays homa e to -artin Scorsese4s 4-ean Streets4. #.. The world3famous ma ician)s act lent a touch of class to the show. #1. The $lame lies s2uarely on the shoulders of the police. #2. In the distance we could see a small $oat ridin the crests of the waves. #3. +reta +ar$o in her heyday was very popular and successful. #". The festival reaches its clima0 with the traditional $oat3$urnin ceremony. ##. 1t the out$rea' of war( he was enlisted in the army. #%. I decided to enrol for 41rt for >e inners4. #&. ?o tried to steer clear of political issues. #*. People who choose to live in a ta0 haven li'e -onaco are often called ta0 e0iles. #,. The entrepreneur was strainin at the leash to et a foothold in the new $usiness. %.. @ot ettin your daily 2uota of vitamins may $e harmful to your health. %1. 1t first no one was interested in the 9o$ $ut now applications are comin in thic' and fast. %2. She doesn)t have to wor' $ecause she was $orn with a silver spoon in her mouth. %3. Throu hout his career Smith was e0tremely reticent a$out his personal affairs and shunned pu$licity. %". The auditorium was $urstin !$ul in at the seams durin the overnor4s tal'. %#. The antis say it4s an atomic eyesore ... a dan erous heirloom to leave future enerations.

%%. It)s 9ust a 'eepsa'e to remem$er us $y. %&. He paused at the directory e0hi$ited near a des' where a $rown3uniformed uard sat( en rossed in a newspaper. %*. /ur volunteers include people from all wal's of life. %,. Aooms have recently had a lic' of paint( $ut nothin too drastic( ma'in this an un$eata$le central ;ondon $ar ain. &.. The police are wa in war on dru pushers in the city. &1. Sheila would have no truc' with those collea ues she $elieved to $e ineffective. &2. >lac' people continue to $ear the $runt of most racial violence. &3. Even when he4s lyin throu h his teeth( he never comes off as unsympathetic. &". She hated the thou ht of anyone inflictin pain on an animal. &#. The prosecution tried to cast dou$t on her character as a witness. &%. She4s on the ni ht shift this wee'. &&. We sold our piano $ecause it was 9ust atherin dust. &*. We4re 9ust $e innin to reap the $enefits of all our hard wor'. &,. >allesteros hunched his shoulders( put his palms up in the air( and raised his dar'( thic' eye$rows. *.. It4s difficult to put a price ta on such a pro9ect II. 1. She was losin her rip on reality. 2. Is there a via$le alternative to the present system6 3. The payments will $e deducted from your salary. ". Peter was lost at sea when his ship san'. #. She reported that since she had left hospital her parents had $een more sympathetic towards!to her. %. She was dressed in a two3piece suit. &. He em$ar'ed on a new career as a teacher. *. +enetic en ineerin is still in its infancy. ,. We finally opted for the wood finish. 1.. Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal. 11. ?ournalists were told( in no uncertain terms( that they were not welcome. 12. 8harlie4s $een $anned from drivin for a year. 13. This vast la'e is home to several species of fish. 1". Bamine followed in the wa'e of the drou ht. 1#. 7urin the /lympic +ames( accommodation will $e at a premium. 1%. We will have 8hristmas decorations on a par with anythin on show at the -etro8entre. 1&. I saw rown men reduced to tears that day. 1*. If he4s had a $ad day( Paul vents his an er on the family.

1,. 1s she holds the $oo' at arm)s len th( she pro$a$ly has a pro$lem with her eyesi ht. 2.. Its success will depend to a lar e e0tent on local attitudes. 21. There is widespread a reement on the need for prison reform. 22. -elissa 2uic'ly $ecame adept at predictin his moods. 23. ;ocal councillors accused the terrorists of showin a complete disre ard for human life. 2". It4s surprisin how little resistance there4s $een to the new $ud et plan. 2#. Soft3drin' commercials are aimed mainly at teena ers.

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