Wellesley College Office of Residential Life Important Date Information For 2011-2012

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FALL SEMESTER Monday, August 22, 2011 at 8:00 AM Saturday, August 2 , 2011 at !"00 AM Tuesday, August 0, 2011 Monday # Tuesday, O$to%er 10-11, 2011 (ednesday-Friday, )o*e+%er 2 -2,, 2011 Friday, !e$e+%er 1., 2011 Saturday, D&+&,-&r 1 , 2011 at ."00 PM SPRING SEMESTER" Monday, 1anuary 2, 2012 at 12:00 2M /at&s, Fr&&,a' a'd M+A(&& O%&' ()r W*'t&rs&ss*)' 1 )'$y t2)s& stud&'ts a%%r)3&d t) $*3& )' +a,%us ,ay r&tur' )' t2*s dat& (intersession "lasses &egin R&s #a$$s O%&' ()r A$$ Stud&'ts First !ay of "lass Spring &rea' Final /0a+s /nd R&s #a$$s C$)s& ()r t2& C$ass&s )( 12, 14, a'd 15 R&s #a$$s C$)s& ()r t2& C$ass )( 2011 Halls Open for First-Year Students #a$$s O%&' ()r R&tur'*'g Stud&'ts First !ay of "lass Fall &rea' T-an'sgi*ing &rea' Final /0a+s /nd A$$ R&s #a$$s C$)s& ()r W*'t&r /r&a0

Tuesday, 1anuary , 2012 Sunday, 1anuary 22, 2012 at 3:00 AM (ednesday, 1anuary 2,, 2012 Monday-Friday, Mar$- 13-2 , 2012 Tuesday, May 1,, 2012 T-ursday, May 14, 2012 at ,:00 2M Saturday, May 2., 2012 at 12:00 2M

NEW ST6DENTS" All ne5 students 6in$luding First-Year Students, transfer students and e0$-ange students7 5ill arri*e on $a+pus Monday, August 22, 20118 9esiden$e Halls 5ill open at 8:00 a+8 Any ne5 student tra*eling to t-e &oston area prior to t-is date and ti+e +ust +a'e -er o5n arrange+ents off-$a+pus for a$$o++odations8 All ne5 students +ay o%tain 'eys in t-eir assigned 9esiden$e Hall on August 228 RET6RNING ST6DENTS" All :pper$lass5o+en +ay return to $a+pus %eginning Saturday, August 24, 2011 at 3:00 a+8 Any :pper$lass5o+en tra*eling to t-e &oston area prior to t-is date and ti+e +ust +a'e -er o5n arrange+ents for a$$o++odations8 All returning students +ay o%tain 'eys fro+ 3:00 a+ to 8:00 p+ at t-e "a+pus "enter;s <nfor+ation !es'8 RESIDENCE #ALL STORAGE" <nfor+ation regarding t-e opening and $leaning of storage roo+s 5ill %e posted in ea$- 9esiden$e Hall8 "O==/>/ F:9)<T:9/ MAY )OT &/ 9/MO?/! F9OM ST:!/)T 9OOMS A)! 2=A"/! <) STO9A>/ A9/AS8 Students 5-o re+o*e furniture fro+ t-eir roo+s 5ill %e fined8 )OT/: A$$ording to t-e !ire$tor of /n*iron+ental Healt- and Safety, no ite+s +ay %e deposited in 9esiden$e Hall $orridors8 Students +ust %ring e+pty %o0es and ot-er ite+s to properly +ar'ed lo$ations %efore storage roo+s are e+ptied and $leaned8 All ite+s in t-e -all5ays 5ill %e dis$arded8 ROOM FREE7E AND ROOM C#ANGES IN T#E FALL" &eginning on August 1, 2011, roo+ free@e 5ill ta'e effe$t8 9oo+ $-anges are not per+itted during t-is ti+e, eit-er 5it-in or %et5een 9esiden$e Halls8 9oo+ free@e ends on Monday, Septe+%er 12, 2011 for students in t-e $lasses of 2012, 201 , and 201A8 9oo+ free@e ends for First Year Students on Monday, Septe+%er 13, 20118 After t-e roo+ free@e ends, students +ay $-ange roo+s 5it- t-e appro*al of t-e Housing Offi$e8 FOOD SER8ICE" T-e first +eal of t-e se+ester %oard plan for ne5 students 5ill %e lun$- on Monday, August 22, 20118 T-e first +eal on t-e se+ester %oard plan for returning students 5ill %e %run$- on Saturday, August 24, 20118 PERSONAL PROPERTY INS6RANCE" (ellesley "ollege does not assu+e responsi%ility for personal ite+s %elonging to students8 (e urge parents to refer to t-eir personal -o+eo5ner;s insuran$e poli$y for possi%le $o*erage8 /OO9STORE" T-e &oo'store is lo$ated in t-e (ang "a+pus "enter and is open Monday- Friday, 3:00 AM B ,:00 2M and Saturday and Sunday, 12:00 2M B A:00 2M8 OFF-CAMP6S STORAGE" 9eturning students 5ill re$ei*e infor+ation fro+ t-eir storage $o+pany regarding deli*ery dates8 END OF SEMESTER I" ALL STUDENTS MUST VACATE THE RESIDENCE HALLS BY 5:00 PM ON Saturday, DECEMBER 17, 011 8 T-e fine for failure to *a$ate %y ,:00 2M is C,0 per -our8 /at&s, Fr&&,a' a'd M+A(&& #a$$s :*$$ )%&' ()r W*'t&rs&ss*)' )' Su'day, ;a'uary 1, 2012 at12"00 <'))' 78 Only students t-at -a*e %een appro*ed for (intersession -ousing 5ill %e allo5ed to return on 1an8 18 Students returning for (intersession +ust report to "a+pus 2oli$e to -a*e t-eir One"ards rea$ti*ated8 R&s*d&'+& #a$$s :*$$ )%&' ()r a$$ stud&'ts )' Su'day, ;a'uary 22, 2012 at !"00 a,= 9e+inder: Students 5-o are graduating or going on lea*e for Spring Se+ester +ust *a$ate t-eir roo+s %y ,:00 2M !e$e+%er 14, 2011D su$- students +ay not re+ain on $a+pus for (intersession8 Only students returning fro+ lea*e +ay return to $a+pus during (intersession8 )e5ly a$$epted transfer or e0$-ange students +ay not arri*e for (intersession8

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