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Skipper 1-10 -key

1. Don't pick the apples until they're really ripe. 2. After the court case Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press. 3. Dick ust sat there with a sullen e!pression on his face" refusin# to speak. 4. $t %i#ht sound callous, but I don't care if he's homeless. He's not living with me! &. A #ood telephone 'oice can do %uch to i%pro'e the te%per of irate or unhappy callers. 6. She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood. 7. She had spent another dreary day in the office. 8. (e has established an unblemished reputation for accuracy. ). After a harrowin# bus ride throu#h the %ountains" we arri'ed at the port of (eraklion. 10. (e #ained a reputation as bein# a staunch supporter of civil rights. 11. (e has always been so %eticulous about his appearance. 12. *he report critici+es the la! security at %any prisons. 13. (e shuddered at the si#ht of blood. 1,. $ crouched behind a bush as the soldiers %arched by. 1&. *he %ost #allin# thin# is that the #uy who #ot pro%oted is less -ualified than %e. 1.. *he hotel bar was full of brash" noisy ournalists. 1/. 0ohn was standin# in the doorway in his shabby blue suit. 11. *he artwork is e!cellent and the story is -uite #rippin#. 19. 2undane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her. 20. A few students fid#eted ner'ously in their chairs. 21. (e is an astute politician, thats why all the people seem to like him. 22. She was a bit ratty with me this morning. 23. 3our sister looks 'ery fetchin# in that dress. 2,. he traditional designs have been replaced by much more garish colours. 2&. 0ill nud#ed hi% in the ribs. 1. 4'eryone was pushin# and shoving to see the prince. 2. (a'in# a lar#e fa%ily ob'iously increases the wear and tear on your furniture. 3. She's %uch too prim and proper to drink pints of beer. 4. Distracted" Luce stubbed her toe against a piece of raised planking and tripped. 5. *heir house is always spick and span. 6. She was torn between her love of dancing and her fear of performing in public. 7. She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants. 8. 5arbara tried to keep a straight face, but in the end she !ust couldn't help laughing. 9. *hey used to ha'e so%e bla+in# rows over money. 10. *he party was well and truly over when he arrived.
11. 12. 13. 1,. 1&. 1.. 1/. 11. 1). 20. 21. 22. 1. 2. After a short heated ar#u%ent" the inspector a#reed to pay the costs in cash fro% his local station funds. Sa% was head o'er heels in lo'e with his new bride. (e left a letter for %e to read in the e'ent of his death. (is early posts after ordination ran throu#h his head like the pa#es of a well-thu%bed 5ible. 6hen we asked 7eith who she was" he ust shru##ed his shoulders. Do you pluck your eyebrows to #i'e the% a better shape8 $'% afraid that the odds are hea'ily a#ainst her winnin# (e ordered drinks and then left %e to foot the bill9 6e sent hi% to a pri'ate school to #i'e hi% a head start in life. :i'e years a#o" the co%pany was losin# %oney hand o'er fist. 3ou ha'e to hand it to her. She's really %ade a success of that co%pany. $t was doubtful whether the patient would sur'i'e the operation. After %uch consideration" we ha'e arri'ed at a decision. ;esidents are up in ar%s about plans for a new road alon# the beach. *here are a few s%all thin#s that $ don't like about %y ob" but by and large it's very en!oyable. Sprin# is far and away the best ti%e to 'isit the islands. *he car's on its last le#s. $ don't think you should pass up the opportunity to #o to uni'ersity. $ ust ca%e to see you on the off-chance that <ippa %i#ht be here. 0ust off the top of %y head" $'d say there were about &0.

,. &. .. /. 1.

). 10. 11. 12. 13.

2ost no'els are published with an eye to obtainin# co%%ercial success. (is father bou#ht hi% the bike he had set his heart on. 2istakes could and" in all probability" would occur. $n this ob you need to be able to think on your feet. *he date is shown at the foot of the pa#e.

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