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101 Most Romantic/Passionate/Sweet Things To Do For Your Girlfriend/Bo friend!

101 ste"s to ha#ing a good relationshi"$ 1% &atch the sunset together% '% Ta(e showers together% )% Bac( ru*s/massages% +% ,isten to classical music and cuddle in the dar( or w/ *lac(light% -% French .iss% /% 0old her w/ hands inside the *ac( of her shirt% 1% &his"er to each other% 2% 3oo( for each other% 4% S(inn di"% 10% Ma(e out in the rain% 11% Dress each other% 1'% 5ndress each other% 1)% .iss e#er "art of their *od % 1+% 0old hands% 1-% Slee" together% !6ctuall slee" with each other7 not se8$ 1/% 9ne word: Fore"la 11% Sit and tal( in ;ust underwear% 12% Bu gifts for each other% 14% Roses%

'0% Find out their fa#orite cologne/"erfume and wear it e#er time ou<re together% '1% &ear his clothes% ''% Find a nice secluded "lace to lie and watch the stars% ')% =ncense/candles/oils/*lac(ligh ts and music ma(e for great cuddling/se8% '+% .iss at e#er chance ou get% '-% Don<t wear underwear and let them find out% '/% .in( is *ad> Blindfolds are good% '1% ,ightl (iss their collar*one and their ;aw*one ;ust *elow the ear7 then whis"er = lo#e ou% '2% Bu**le *aths% '4% Go for a long wal( down the *each at midnight% )0% Ma(e lo#e% )1% &rite "oetr for each other% )'% .iss/smell her hair% ))% 0ugs are the uni#ersal medicine% )+% Sa = lo#e ou7 onl when ou mean it and ma(e sure the (now ou mean it%

)-% Gi#e random gifts of flowers/cand /"oetr etc% )/% Tell her that she<s the onl girl ou e#er want% Don<t lie% )1% S"end e#er second "ossi*le together% )2% Tell her that she doesn<t ha#e to do an thing she doesn<t want to% 6nd mean it% )4% ,oo( into each other<s e es% +0% ?er lightl "ush u" her chin7 loo( into her e es7 tell her ou lo#e her7 and (iss her lightl % +1% Tal( to each other using onl *od language and our e es% +'% &hen in "u*lic7 onl flirt w/ each other% +)% &al( *ehind her and "ut our hands in her front "oc(ets% ++% Put lo#e notes in their "oc(ets when the aren<t loo(ing% +-% 3lothes are no fun% +/% Bu her a ring% +1% .ee" one of her *ras somewhere where ou see it e#er da % +2% Sing to each other% +4% Read to each other%

-0% PD6 @ Pu*lic Dis"la of 6ffection% -1% Ta(e ad#antage of an time alone together% -'% Tell her a*out how ou answered e#er Auestion in math with her name -)% Draw% !=f ou can$ -+% ,et her sit on our la"% --% Go hi(ing and cam" out together in the woods or on a mountain% -/% ,i"s were made for (issing% So were e es7 and fingers7 and chee(s7 and collar*ones7 and hands7 and ears% -1% .iss her stomach% -2% 6lwa s hold her around her hi"s/sides% -4% Gu s li(e halfBshirts% /0% Ta(e her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal% /1% S"aghetti !C#er see ,ad and the Tram"D$ /'% 0old her hand7 stare into her e es7 (iss her hand and then "ut it o#er our heart% /)% 5nless ou can feel their hear *eating7 ou aren<t close enough% /+% Dance together%

/-% Sit in front of a roaring fire and ma(e out/ma(e lo#e% //% = lo#e the wa a girl loo(s right after she<s fallen aslee" with her head in m la"% /1% 3arr her to *ed% /2% &ater*eds are fun% /4% You figure it out% 10% Do cute things li(e write = lo#e ou in a note so that the ha#e to loo( in a mirror to read it% 11% Brea( e#er one of our "arent<s relationshi" rules for them% 1'% Ma(e e8cuses to call them e#er - minutes 1)% C#en if ou are reall *us doing something7 go out of our wa to call and sa = lo#e ou% 1+% 3all from our #acation s"ot to tell them ou were thin(ing a*out them% 1-% Remem*er our dreams and tell her a*out them% 1/% Ride our *i(e 2 miles ;ust to see them for a few hours% 11% Ride home and call them% 12% Tell each other our most sacred secrets/fears%

14% Somehow incor"orate them into an (ind of religion or worshi" ou ha#e% 20% Be Prince 3harming to her "arents% !Brownie Points$ 21% 6ct out mutual fantasies together% !Eot necessaril se8ual$ 2'% Brush her hair out of her face for her% 2)% Sta u" all night to thin( of 101 wa s to *e sweet to them% 2+% 0ang out with his/her friends% !more *rownie "oints$ 2-% Go to church/"ra /worshi" together% 2/% Ta(e her to see a romantic mo#ie and remem*er the "arts she li(ed% 21% 3uddle together under a full moon on a clear night% 22% ,earn from each other and don<t ma(e the same mista(e twice% 24% C#er one deser#es a second chance% 40% Descri*e the ;o ou feel ;ust to *e with him/her% 41% Ma(e sacrifices for each other%

4'% Reall lo#e each other7 or don<t sta together% 4)% &rite a fictional stor a*out how ou met/fell in lo#e7 etc% and gi#e it to them% 4+% ,et there ne#er *e a second during an gi#en da that ou aren<t thin(ing a*out them7 and ma(e sure the (now it% 4-% ,o#e ourself *efore ou lo#e an one else% 4/% Bu her a charm *racelet/nec(lace w/her name on it% 41% Dedicate songs to them on the radio% 42% Fall aslee" on the "hone with each other% 44% Slee" na(ed together% 100% Stand u" for them when someone tal(s trash% 101% Ee#er forget the (iss goodnight% 6nd alwa s remem*er to sa 7 FSweet dreams%F

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