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One of the most important framework used by marketers to understand a market segment, target the right market and position her products well into a market is defined by the 4Ps of marketing namely Product, Price, Place and PromotionCs of marketing namely Consumer (in place of Product), Cost (Price), Convenience (Place) and Communication (Promotion) have replaced 4Ps and is extensively used by many businesses today. Marketing: Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return Four ps of marketing Four ps mean in production point of view, how firm uses to implement its marketing strategy. There are the following points are mentioned in diagram:

Product: Product as anything that for attention, acquisition, might satisfy a want or computers or cell phones.

4p's of marketing

can be offered to a market use or consumption that need. Such as cars,



For example: The motor car & cell phone are made in different countries (Japan, India, China, England). Price: The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of value that customer exchanges for the benefits of having or using the product or services. for example: The atlas Honda controlling the prices of motorcycles in 2002-5 for capture the market. Promotion:
promotion represents all of the methods of communication that a marketer may use to provide

information to different parties about the product. Promotion comprises elements such as: advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events.

Place : place refers to providing the product at a place which is convenient for consumers to access. Place is synonymous with distribution. Various strategies such as intensive distribution, selective distribution, exclusive distribution and franchising can be used by the marketer to complement the other aspects of the marketing mix.

Four Cs of marketing 4ps is being replaced by the 4cs model consisting of consumer, cost, convenience & communication are discussed as under:

Product part of the four Ps model is replaced by "consumer", shifting the focus to satisfying the consumer needs. Another C replacement for "product" is "capable". By defining offerings as individual capabilities that when combined and focused to a specific industry, creates a custom solution rather than pigeon-holing a customer into a product. Price is replaced by "cost", reflecting the total cost of ownership. Many factors affect cost, including but not limited to the customer's cost to change or implement the new product or service and the customer's cost for not selecting a competitor's product or service. Promotion is replaced by "communication", which represents a broader focus than simply promotions. Communications can include advertising, public relations, personal selling, viral advertising, and any form of communication between the firm and the consumer. Place is replaced by "convenience". With the rise of internet and hybrid models of purchasing, Place is becoming less relevant. Convenience takes into account the ease of buying the product, finding the product, finding information about the product, and several other factors.


Customer solution


Customer cost



Conveince Communication

enables 2 way

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