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Written Paper 1st Semester

I. Use the word given in capitals on the right to form words that fit in the gaps: 1. She is unfailingly cheerful and co-operative. FAIL 2. His written work has earned hi consistently high grades. !"#SIS$ %. $he pilot was given clearance to land at #arita Airport. !L&A' (. It)s disheartening to see what little progress has *een ade. H&A'$ +. $he language difference proved an insur ounta*le *arrier. S,'-",#$ II. Fill in with ON word: 1. All too often she is slow to respond and appears not to *e concentrating. 2. every intention of co pleting the course *ecause I. intent on *eco ing /ualified. %. I. of a ind to tell hi that no thoughts of giving in y notice. (. all *ut finished0 1ust give e a few inutes. +. I don.t think I.ll go out tonight. I. all in. 2. Ireland still have an outside chance of winning. 3. He had to part co pany with his partner due to their strong disagree ent. 4. He was forced to show his true colours when asked how he would vote. 5. It see s odds-on they.ll *e arried *efore the end of the year. 16.I) reluctant to part with any of the kittens7 *ut we need the oney. III. Fill in the gaps with the right form of one of the following words: loot, snarl, grail, emasculated, relegate, bereavement, shear, waver, gauntlet, debunk, tantamount, barring, strewn, uncanny, replete, earmarked, stretch, knack, recess, deem 1. 268 of the *udget has already *een ear arked for a new co puter syste . 2. 9arring a iracle7 this pro1ect is *ound to hit the dust al ost i ediately. %. So e people see to have a knack for aking oney. (. !ongress will return in :anuary fro its holiday recess. +. &very ti e he asked her a /uestion she snarled a *ad-te pered answer. 2. Literature is replete with tales of power. 3. $o leave a dog ho e alone is tanta ount to cruelty. 4. I)d love to win the lottery and take ho e all that loot. 5. $he street was strewn with *roken glass. 16.He has an uncanny a*ility to guess what you)re thinking. 11.!ertain life events7 such as *ereave ent or other loss7 can produce a discouraged state of ind. 12.Fresh fro their success they have thrown down the gauntlet to the rest of the ;roup. 1%.So e en feel e asculated if they work for a wo an. 1(.If people have *een wavering a*out giving the police infor ation7 this could *e the thing to ake the co e forward. 1+.$hey were told to take whatever action they dee ed necessary. 12.$he study de*unks the yth that en are *etter at ath than wo en. 13. #uclear fusion is the grail of energy production. 14."ur tea were relegated to a inor league. 15.<e)re stretched at the o ent7 otherwise we)d go on that cruise. 26.$he tornado sheared off part of the Swensons) roof.

I!. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate particle: 1. 'yan and his fa ily survive and he is sworn in as president *y the Secret Service. 2. $he sun soon *roke through the ist. %. How did you co e *y this painting= It.s a >icasso7 you know. (. He was president in na e only. +. A gas la p gave out a pale yellowish light. !. "ewrite the sentences #sing the words in $old: 1. Seeing the da age to his car7 :erry *eca e furious. $eside :erry was *eside hi self with anger when he saw the da age to his car. 2. He resented the way he she spoke to hi . e%ception He took e?ception to the way she spoke to hi . %. $he co pany tried unsuccessfully to secure a *ank loan. avail $he co pany.s atte pts@efforts were to no avail in securing a *ank loan. (. #o*ody ever takes ti e off in this co pany. #nheard It is unheard of for anyone to take ti e off in this co pany. +. <illia has i proved dra atically with his reading this year. mar&ed <illia .s reading has shown a arked i prove ent this year.

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