Program Outcomes IC

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Program Outcomes The Engineering Program in Biotechnology is expected to result in the following student learning outcomes: a.

Graduates demonstrate strong basics in biosciences, bioengineering and mathematical tools which serve as the foundation elements for the program, to address complex problems in various spheres such as nutrition, healthcare and pharmaceutical, energy, environment and climate change, to name a few. b. Graduates demonstrate experimental skills for complex problems encountered in the aforesaid areas based upon their ability to identify, formulate, study literature, analyze data and report results, thus displaying a strong understanding of the principles of mathematics and physical engineering, in addition to their knowledge of biology c. Graduates demonstrate the capacity to design products or process mechanisms using interdisciplinary technologies e.g. biosensors, metabolic engineering, computational tools etc., which have application in diverse spheres of human activity. d. Graduates become capable of searching or mining information from relevant databases for the design and execution of experiments. e. Graduates demonstrate the ability to use computational and statistical tools for the prediction, modeling and analysis of biological processes & phenomena. f. Graduates exhibit awareness of contemporary issues pertaining to the spheres of health and well-being of desirable living forms inhabiting the environment, thus evolving the means to achieve sustainable development. g. Graduates demonstrate abilities, based on the core expertise, to assess the implications of their professional and ethical responsibilities with reference to careers in bioengineering.

h. Graduates able to leverage their domain expertise with that of various allied areas of engineering such as biomedical engineering, nanobiotechnology, drug design, fermentation technology and function effectively both from the individual perspective as well as part of a larger multi-disciplinary team. i. Graduates able to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms. j. Graduates demonstrate sound knowledge of the elements of engineering management & finance. k. Graduates capable of self-education and clearly understand the value of life-long learning with the focus on developing solutions for technological change.

Bioinstrumentation and Biosensors (10 BT 35) Course objectives:A. On completion of the course students will be able to understanding the general biosensor principle, instrumentation and develop, design, model, simulate, fabricate, and test a biosensor. B. To gain an overall knowledge of medical instruments and portable biosensor applications, requirements, and capabilities to allow improved interaction with physicians, clinicians, and biomedical engineers, and to enable the student to conduct biomedical engineering research. C. The course aims at developing an understanding of Biosensor technology needed critically for the development of small, sensitive, and selective applications and detection systems that can reliably operate in real time and in extreme and diverse physical environments. D. This course will allow students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge of both; commonly used and specialized laboratory instruments. Relationship of these course outcomes with the Program Outcomes
CO PO a b c d e f g h i j k A B C D

Biostatistics and Biomodelling (10 BT 41) Course objectives:A. The course aims to develop competency and expertise in the application of statistical methods applied to biological data obtained in experimental techniques, methodology and the safe laboratory practice. B. Biotech students equipped with statistical tools and techniques can collaborate with scientists in obtaining predictive results and outcome of any experimental study to save time and money. C. The course will refresh the mathematical, computational, statistical and probability background that students which will be using for analyzing the problems related to different branches of biotechnology like bioinformatics, agricultural science, population study. D. The course will introduce students to the display and communication of statistical data in a much efficient manner. E.

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