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author: Philipa Kuranchie aka Serpahel

I am dedicating this book to JESUS Christ, the Alpha and Omega

This is the life of a girl named Seraphel! With all the sadness, happiness, and reality! Bio-Graphy Born in Canschicaga in Lapondisiahl. Brother is Bank aka gyeman Bad!. "illain is #stracan and #l$ileth. Best friends are %hilipa and &reckles. %arents %rince 'ayn(ord and Leticia 'ayforth. 'og is Lamporita. Lang!ages spoken, 'e!tsch, &rench, Spanish, )taliano, Bahasa )ndonesia, Simlish, German, *e+re(, Greek. Sister is ,oyce &. Teacher is Spencer ,. *astings. ttends school at %am%hil )nternational. &riends in %aris are #sther, %amela, Sister is -hemaa aka -hem. %rincipal is .rs. Chelsea . /.0 as 1ncle in the 1S . ngela and Solace. Little

Chapter -ne2 Completing *igh School Completing *igh School (as one of the hardest tasks for me. Getting to deal (ith lge+ra ))) in 3th lge+ra ". *ard. .y grade (as hard. B!t ) learnt it later. B!t no( a+o!t to complete4 ) g!ess ) (ill learn teacher (hom ) hate teaches me math. ) can5t +elie6e it. She is so mean. ) mean, really really mean. .eanest e6er. What the hell4 Class test4 ) didn5t st!dy. ) mean ne6er st!died. ) spent all my time in dance class last night as p!nnishment. ) also ha6e a se6en ho!r detention this (eek starting today. Too m!ch of the hecktic day! ) also ha6e to go to school choir! -h! &orgot to p!t that on my list! Got to go!

7What an interesting day!8 Seraphel said as she entered .iss *astings class. She dropped her +ag in her e9am locker and took o!t her tools. %hilipa (hispered to Seraphel as they +oth took their seats. 7-!r grad!ation is here! %!t yo!r +est in!8. 7&reckles is late again!8 Seraphel (hispered +ack, 7(e m!st stall .iss hastings so the e9am (ill come on after &reckles (o!ld ha6e come!8 5Great )dea8 said %hilipa no( on

her seat! Both the girls got the same idea. This (as the idea, 7.y "oice is kinda like %rincipal Chelsea5s8So ) (ill !se my cell phone to call .iss *astings and stall her8 Seraphel contin!ed. Seraphel took her phone +ack from the locker and hid it in her +oyfriend :eans. She (ent to the +athroom. Called .iss hastings and said in a deep and commanding 6oice and said, *ello .iss *astings. ) (o!ld like yo! to set yo!r ;!estions to something cheap. 0ids do forget the easy st!ff if they keep on learning the harder things. .iss *astings agreed +!t also added. B!t this (ill delay me for <= min!tes. Then she hanged !p. nd called &reckles.

&reckles arri6ed earlier +efore .iss *astings and they all got the chance to prepare more. L!ckily on their path, Seraphel had changed identity on her pink i%hone +efore calling and good old .rs. Chelsea (as replaced that day (ith yo!ng s(eet %rincipal "annessa. %he(! That (as a strong operation! B!t there are

other things to settle. Seraphel finnally grad!ated. nd her sa6ings to %aris (as eno!gh!

then to her 1ncle in *olly(ood, 1S

>et still, singing infront of %residents! That (as (ay h!ge! B!t, people in the choir en6ied her since she (as chosen to sing. #stracan and #l$ileth en6ied her a lot. She sang +ea!tif!lly! She had to go to Ch!rch on S!nday and ask G-' for forgi6eness of sins. t last, she felt a hea6y +!rden off her! B!t there (as something scary! Being on a plane for the first time! She needed to pray on that.

Chapter ?2 Being -n

%lane &or The &irst Time

-h .y! ) can5t +elie6e it! )t is already Th!rsday morning! Time to get o!t of +ed. )t is 3.@@ am! Aeally (arm. ) (ill ha6e to lea6e the ho!se +y <?2B= and +e at the airtport +y <2?@. )t is <= min!tes (alk from here, 3 for car. Aeally ama$ing. -ops! Time to take a sho(er! Seraphel stepped into the +athroom aro!nd 32@C and finished +y 32@D. That (as ;!ick! She dried o!t as a <= year old (o!ld do, and looked at her second +ed. She had laid o!t her ne(est clothes for the tripE a pair of G!cci +oots (hich had some heels, +l!e :eans (ith G!cci (ritten and the +ack Fit (as o+6io!s it (as made +y the G!cci CompanyG,a G!cci +elt, a slee6ed shirt made +y G!cci, and finally, a G!cci hand+ag! G!cci all the (ay. Tra6elling +ag (as G!cci too. 7Wo(!8 She said to herself.8Gonna ha6e a great trip8 she contin!ed. Then her i%hone +eeped se6eral times. )t (as a call from %hilipa and &reckles. They li6ed in the same ho!se. +o!t ?B +locks a(ay from Seraphel5s mansion.

5*ey!8 Seraphel said as she ans(ered to her i%hone.8What5s !p48 We are really going to miss yo!! ) can5t +elie6e that yo! are act!ally going to %aris

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