Review and Answer-Delivery Performance Review (DPR)

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Exhibit 006

Review and Answer- Delivery Performance review (DPR)

Step 1 After logging in, you will be presented with the above event screen. This screen displays a welco e essage and a few tabs that contain sub enus. To review and answer a !"# clic$ the tab %!elivery "erfor ance& a sub enu will pop up then clic$ on the tab 'iew !"#.

Exhibit 006

Step () The above event screen will appear. *ou can leave the fields as %all& and then clic$ on box labeled continue. This will bring up all !"#+s issued for all your part nu bers. %,#& -o plete the following five fields. 1. (. 0. 1. 3. /acility) -lic$ on down arrow, select the anufacturing site fro the drop down list. Ship to) clic$ on down arrow and select the location product was shipped to. "art nu ber) -lic$ on down arrow and select a part nu ber. Actions re2uired after) Enter date Actions re2uired before) Enter date

,nce you have co pleted your entries clic$ on box labeled continue.

Exhibit 006

Step 0) The above event screen will now appear. There are two fields for you to review. This is the event screen you will be re2uired to review on a daily basis to find out if you, as a supplier have been issued any new !"#+s and the status of the ones that are already in the syste 4open or closed5. /or the status of your open !"# is indicated in the area called state. The legend gives you an interpretation of the s2uares in the state colu n. ,nce you have co pleted reviewing the status of your open and closed !"# you now can clic$ on the pencil in the details colu n to obtain the details of the !"# issued and this action will now give you the opportunity to answer the !"#.

Exhibit 006

"art 6nfor ation) !oes not re2uire any entries for review only -lic$ on tab labeled detail infor ation

Exhibit 006

The following fields have already been co pleted and available for your review. !"# 6! 475 #e2uired !ate 6ssue !ate 475 ", 8u ber #e2uired 9uantity 8u ber fro !"# supplier log The date the supplier is to have their !"# co pleted and resub itted The date the !"# was actually issued "urchase order that corresponds to nonconfor ing delivery Total nu ber of parts re2uired or should have been shipped

,nce all the re2uired fields are co pleted, and then clic$ on tab labeled #easons

Exhibit 006

#easons The above event screen will appear. ,nce you have co pleted reviewing this field, clic$ on the tab labeled notes.

Exhibit 006

8otes This screen was available to the person who is issuing the !"# to enter infor ation that would be of benefit to describe the concern in greater detail and or give the supplier additional direction in how the concern should be handled. After you have co pleted reviewing the proble %Supplier 6nfor ation& description clic$ on the tab labeled

Exhibit 006

Supplier infor ation The above screen will appear. There are five fields to be reviewed -ontact 8a e #esponse re2uired The person who is the contact at the supplier !ouble clic$ on the s2uare of the !"# that you would li$e to respond to. 46f you do not chec$ ar$ this s2uare the section below will not get co pleted.5, The date the supplier is re2uired to sub it a co pleted !"# Telephone nu ber for the contact at the supplier. The date the supplier was notified

#esponse due "hone -ontact

After you have co pleted your review clic$ on the button labeled action infor ation

Exhibit 006

Action Information The above screen will appear. 6f the following field is not co pleted in ti e as stated in your supplier infor ation it will be reflective in your supplier rating with a deduction. The following field needs to be co pleted by the supplier. Corrective Action) 6s a detailed record of all phases of the proble corrective action 4s5 will resolve the proble solving process that confir s the selected

Corrective Date: !ate corrective action was i ple ented or will be i ple ented. 8,TE) There is a field labeled Attach file. :y clic$ing on the browse button you will be able to attach any of your co pany+s files that you feel are pertinent to this !"#. ,nce you have selected the files you want to download to ;S# clic$ on the button labeled attach file or if you have ade an error clic$ on delete file. ,nce the above field has been co pleted you will clic$ on the button update and the syste and rate it for response ti ing. will save it to the syste

The issuing plant will now review your response and notify you on the !"# status 4acceptable or re<ected5

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