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Planning Sheet for Single Lessons Lesson Number: 1 Materials %e&uired'Safet# (s ects: 1) *all of #arn +) Large file cards

Learning /utcomes'$oal Focus Cluster 3 Focus

!n&uir#' 4esign S ecific S1ills'(ttitudes 5 SL/S !nitiating6 %esearching6 Planning !m lementing 5 $athering !nfo 78389C Wor1 coo erati-el# 783894 (ssume -arious roles 7838:( Ma1e obser-ations (nal#,ing6!nter reting6 Concluding %e orting 5 %eflecting

Title: Human Food Web Major Conce t: Food Webs

Cluster: !nteractions Within "cos#stems $rade: 7 !ntegration Possibilities:

"L( 1)+)+ Summari,e ersonal -ie. oints and understandings

Teacher %eminders
Teacher discusses the terms roducers6 rimar#6 secondar#6 and tertiar# consumers .ith the students)

Learner0s Tas1s
The students brainstorm for as man# e>am les as the# can thin1 of for each term) "ach e>am le is .ritten on a file card and ut u for dis la#) "ach student ta1es one of the file cards from the front of the room) The students stand in a circle and the ball of #arn is gi-en to a student re resenting a lant) This student holds the end of #arn and then hands it to someone .ho .ould eat the lant) That student .ra s #arn around hand and asses it on to something that .ould eat him' her) This continues until all ossible connections ha-e been made) Students then shift around until the li-ing .eb is taut)

Planning 2uestions to Consider

1BHo. long .ill each hase last@ 813 minutes for initial discussion and brainstorming6 +3 min) for li-ing food .eb6 13 minutes for journal .riting) +BHo. .ill ! organi,e grou s@ 8Whole class acti-it# CBWhat &uestions might ! as1 to e>tend learning or further student understandings@ 8What ha ens .hen a lant or animal0s role in a food .eb changes or disa ears com letel#@ 8What are some e>am les of things humans can or ha-e done that ha-e negati-el# affected a com onent of the food .eb@ 9BWhat must ! loo1 for to monitor student learning@ 8!nitiall# chec1 that students understand meaning of terms .hen brainstorming) 8Monitor indi-idual student understanding of the food .eb .hile the# are assing the #arn to another organism) 8Chec1 that students understand ho. one organism .ithin a food .eb can affect .hat is ha ening .ithin the .eb as a .hole)

Teacher discusses the conce t of food .ebs .ith the students)

Conce tual ;nderstandings

Thematic SL/s 781831 <ocabular# 78183= (nal#,e food .ebs 781813 (nal#,e the im lications of the loss of roducers and consumers 781811 "> lain the otential for bioaccumulation .ithin an ecos#stem) ?no.ledge'Conce t Summar# Food .ebs !nterde endanc# of organisms .ithin .eb

Point out to the students that sometimes a lant or animal0s role in the .eb .ill change or disa ear com letel#) Ha-e the students redict .hat effect this .ould ha-e on the .eb) Ha-e the students imagine that gallons of .eed 1iller are dum ed into a local .etland) Ha-e them ic1 one art of their li-ing .eb that .ould be initiall# affected) Ha-e this student tug on the #arn) "-er# student .ho feels the tug should also ull on the string6 etc) When all ossible tugs ha-e been felt6 ha-e them sit do.n)

Students redict the effect this .ould ha-e on the food .eb)


What .ill #ou assess@ 8;nderstanding of the interde endenc# of all com onents .ithin a food .eb) Ho. .ill #ou assess it@ 8Aournal entr# Will it be diagnostic6 formati-e or summati-e@ Will it be formal or informal@

Students are gi-en the scenario that a stream is bloc1ed b# a ile of garbage and dries u ) Ha-e them com lete a journal entr# outlining .hich roducer or consumer .ould be directl# affected b# the stream dr#ing u and ho. this .ould affect other organisms .ithin this area)

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